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1. European Origin century of its birth, including the schwarzenau brethren who would rebaptize themselves in the Eder Hochmann and founder of the schwarzenau brethren also called NeuTaüferin (new http://www.cob-net.org/europe.htm | |
2. Brethren Groups The Internet KIT Newsletter (Keep In Touch) Plough Publishing chwarzenau Brethren~ 1708 Names schwarzenau brethren, Neue Täufer, German Baptist Brethren http://www.cob-net.org/docs/groups.htm | |
3. Origins Of The Church Of The Brethren And Other Brethren (Groups Origins of the Church of the Brethren and Other Brethren Groups. by Lois C. Byrem, Strasburg, Pennsylvania. Groups which stem from the schwarzenau brethren, 1708. Many religious groups have the term http://www.berksgenes.org/brethren.htm | |
4. BHLA - Guide To The Brethren In Europe Guide to the Brethren in Europe. THE BRETHREN IN EUROPE. The Brethren movement began in 1708 in Wittgenstein, Germany, in the village of Schwarzenau. After 1711 the schwarzenau brethren established here a daughter congregation Surhuisterveen. A refuge for the schwarzenau brethren between 1720 and 1729 http://www.brethren.org/genbd/bhla/BrethrenInEurope.html | |
5. Lafayette Church Of The Brethren - About The Brethren back to top. Anabaptism ..having started in the 16th century, profoundlyinfluenced the early schwarzenau brethren. They accepted http://www.lafayettecob.org/brethren.html | |
6. Schwarzenau Brethren schwarzenau brethren. History. The schwarzenau brethren was founded in 1708 by AlexanderMack (16791735) of Schwarzenau, Germany, and seven of his followers. http://www.fact-index.com/s/sc/schwarzenau_brethren.html | |
7. Brethren bodies. schwarzenau brethren Groups. The schwarzenau brethren groupsoriginated in 1708 in Schwarzenau, Germany, in the Palatinate. http://www.fact-index.com/b/br/brethren.html | |
8. Schwarzenau Brethren - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The schwarzenau brethren was founded in 1708 by Alexander Mack (16791735) of Schwarzenau, Germany, and The beliefs of the schwarzenau brethren include one self-existing supreme http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwarzenau_Brethren | |
9. Schwarzenau Brethren - Encyclopedia Article About Schwarzenau Brethren. Free Acc encyclopedia article about schwarzenau brethren. schwarzenau brethren in Freeonline English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. schwarzenau brethren. http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Schwarzenau Brethren | |
10. Conservative Grace Brethren Churches, International - Encyclopedia Article About schwarzenau brethren Groups. The schwarzenau brethren groups originatedin 1708 in Schwarzenau, Germany, in the Palatinate. Early http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Conservative Grace Brethren Churches, | |
11. Brethren - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia 1 Beliefs. 2 schwarzenau brethren Groups. 3 Other Brethren Groups. 4 External schwarzenau brethren Groups. The schwarzenau brethren groups originated in 1708 in Schwarzenau, Germany, in http://en2.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brethren | |
12. Schwarzenau Brethren schwarzenau brethren. History. The schwarzenau brethren was founded in 1708 by AlexanderMack (16791735) of Schwarzenau, Germany, and seven of his followers. http://www.sciencedaily.com/encyclopedia/schwarzenau_brethren | |
13. Folders Of Brethren Information 16th century, profoundly influenced the early schwarzenau brethren. They accepted it's basic the effects of grace. schwarzenau brethren founder Alexander Mack was heavily influenced http://www.peninsulagrace.org/gracebrethren/cob | |
14. Church Of The Brethren Timeline A chronological timeline of events in the history of the Church of the Brethren. or congregation of believers, the schwarzenau brethren (NeuTäufer) on principles of 1708. schwarzenau brethren organized when eight believers under the leadership of Alexander http://www.peninsulagrace.org/gracebrethren/cob/timeline.htm | |
15. Adherents.com viewed circa Sept. 1998), directory of churches Grace Brethren historical branch of schwarzenau brethren. Grace Brethren, Arizona, http://www.adherents.com/Na/Na_292.html | |
16. Encyclopedia: Church Of The Brethren descending from Mack's schwarzenau brethren church. The German Baptist Brethren suffered major division trace their beginnings to the schwarzenau brethren are The Brethren Church http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Church-of-the-Brethren | |
17. Adherents.com viewed circa Sept. 1998), directory of churches Grace Brethren historical branch of schwarzenau brethren. Grace Brethren, world, http://www.adherents.com/Na/Na_293.html | |
18. Brethren :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius schwarzenau brethren Groups. The following Brethren bodies are not relatedhistorically to the Schwarzenau groups descended from Alexander Mack. http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/b/br/brethren.html | |
19. Brethren ruzných tel. schwarzenau brethren skupiny. schwarzenau brethren skupinyvznikly v 1708 v Schwarzenau, Nemecko, v Palatinate. Brzy http://wikipedia.infostar.cz/b/br/brethren.html | |
20. Brethren World Assembly - Background multivolume reference work recording the history, beliefs, and practices of thosereligious bodies originating in Germany with the schwarzenau brethren of 1708 http://www.brethren.org/genbd/bhla/BWA/Background.html | |
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