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         Satanism:     more books (107)
  1. When the Devil Dares Your Kids: Protecting Your Children from Satanism, Witchcraft, and the Occult by Robert Passantino, 1991-07
  2. Raising the Devil: Satanism, New Religions, and the Media by Bill Ellis, 2000-10-05
  3. The devil's dominion: The complete story of hell and satanism in the modern world by Anthony Masters, 1978
  4. Satanism (At Issue Series) by Allen Gaborro, 2006-11-20
  5. The Psychology of Adolescent Satanism: A Guide for Parents, Counselors, Clergy, and Teachers by Anthony Moriarty, 1992-10-30
  6. Witchcraft, Satanism And The Vehmgerichte by Lewis Spence, 2010-09-10
  7. Spiritism, the Modern Satanism by Thomas Frances Coakley, 2009-12-25
  8. Satanism by Bob Passantino, Gretchen Passantino, et all 1995-05-11
  9. The Second Coming: Satanism in America by Arthur Lyons, 1970-06
  10. Satanism: Is It Real? by Father Jeffrey Steffon, 1992-06
  11. Satanism (How to Respond to World Religions) by Bruce G. Frederickson, 1995-01-01
  12. Behind the Mask of Adolescent Satanism by Joyce Mercer, 1991-09-25
  13. Edge of Evil: The Rise of Satanism in North America by Jerry Johnston, 1991-03
  14. Nazism And Satanism by Lewis Spence, 2010-05-23

41. History Of Halloween : Myths, Monsters And Devils
Debunks several fundamentalist's arguments equating Halloween with satanism.

42. Heathens Against Hate
A statement of Heathen solidarity against racism, sexism, homophobia, satanism, Nazism and violent ideologies. Features campaign information, banner, and links to members.
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Deutsch Home
"Loddfafnir, listen to my counsel:
You will fare well if you follow it,
It will help you much if you heed it.
If aware that another is wicked, say so:
Make no truce or treaty with foes."
, St. 127
First, there are avowed Nazis and radical white supremacists who yet call themselves or their groups "Heathen", and who abuse our holy symbols and our Gods' names to promote hatred, violence, and totalitarian political agendas. The truth is, however, that there is nothing less Heathen than blind obedience to a demagogic leader; nothing less Pagan than the promotion of mental slavery over freedom. These groups try to use the fact that Heathenism is the ancestral ethnic religion of Europe to promote ideologies of race hatred. In this they ape the Nazis who tried to use the ancient symbols of pagan Germany for the same reasons. The truth is that although Heathenism is a modern revival of ancient folk ways, in which honouring the ancestors is important, it certainly does not promote hatred of any other ethnic group or religion.

43. Satanism And Left Hand Path
satanism and Left Hand Path. Why have I included a page on satanism and LHP religions when I am not a follower of these paths? Because
explore tserisa dragons spirituality art et cetera contact
Satanism and Left Hand Path Why have I included a page on Satanism and LHP religions when I am not a follower of these paths? Because I believe they are a bit misunderstood and prejudice and ignorance are terrible things. I hate prejudice against pagans, Christians, Jews, Hindus, all religions including Satanists. And it is one of the most misunderstood religions out there. This page doesn't include any information about Satanic Ritual Abuse, which should probably be called Cult Ritual Abuse or Religious Ritual Abuse, because the people that carry out such acts are rarely related to true religious Satanists; just like so many abusers are from clergy and claim to be Christian or other similar religions. They may carry the books, but they don't uphold the principles. There are, in general, two kinds of Satanists. The kinds who worship (or think they're worshipping) the Devil of Christian lore (usually, but not always, teenagers); and the religious Satanists, who generally don't believe in Satan or the devil in any literal form but view it as a symbol and metaphor. An excellent page is Misconceptions About Satanism . It states that Satanism has nothing to do with Christianity or the Christian Devil, and that Satan is actually an abstract concept, or ideal. Maintained by this person is an extensive

44. Satanism Today
Traditional satanism satanism that your priest was telling you about. This denomination is closest to the most common perception of satanism.
Traditional Satanism
Satanism that your priest was telling you about
This denomination is closest to the most common perception of Satanism.
By definition, person who believes that Satan exists as an entity with his own mind and will, and worships him - that person is Traditional Satanist.
Formulation "entity with his own mind and will" simply means belief that Satan., although it can not completely and precisely be defined where and how he exists - you believe that he exists, that he is not just a symbol, but a being with his own mind, will and power, who can influence the events and beings on this world.
Just as a remainder - Modern Satanism (Church of Satan) does not believe that Satan really exists.
This alone explains everything.
Rituals in Traditional Satanism celebrate and invoke Satan and his demons.
Traditional Satanists believe that after their life, their spirit will join Satan's legions.
Traditional Satanism is very close, and usually goes hand-in-hand with demonolatry, of which we will say more a bit later.
It is relatively rare denomination as compared to Church of Satan, for example. Common belief is that this is so because of big amount of publicity, not to say notoriety that LaVey brought to Church of Satan, so everyone who were interested in Satanism simply "rushed" to Church of Satan.

45. Satanism In Cyberspace
A comprehensive look at different Satanic groups and their relation to various ethic and moral systems.
Satan in Cyberspace
A Study of Satanism on the Internet in the 1990's
by Roald E. Kristiansen, Ph.D.
Prepared for the Lomonosov Conference in Archangelsk, Russia, November 1995 An earlier version of this article has been published in: Religion, Church, and Education in the Barents Region , ed. by Roald E. Kristiansen and Nikolay M. Terebikhin. Arkhangelsk, Russia: Pomor University Publishing House, 1997. The book contains articles by Norwegian and Russian scholars on themes dealing with theology, philosophy and history. If you want a copy, please let me know by e-mail If anyone had thought that Satanism was a medieval superstition that humanity left behind in the dark ages of the past, they had better think again. Satanism is very much alive and it no longer belong to the dark ages, but can be found on the international technological highways of computer networks that span the entire globe where it can be accessed by anyone with a regular home computer and a modem. In this article, I shall take a closer look at the phenomenon of Satanism as it can be encountered in the so-called "Cyberspace," i.e., in electronic text files stored on computers in various parts of the world that are accessible through the Internet by means of programs such as Mosaic Gopher Telnet , etc. As the Internet is growing and changing extremely rapidly, such a study can soon become outdated.

46. Hollywood, Satanism, Scientology And Suicide
Hollywood, satanism, Scientology and Suicide. It is interesting to note that the OTO is commonly considered the mother cult of satanism to western society.
Hollywood, Satanism, Scientology and Suicide
"The Fable"
Index 2. Sometime In The Future ... 3. Secrecy 4. Why Now? 5. The Recent Scientology Raids and This Story 6. Part One: SCIENTOLOGY RECRUITS HOLLYWOOD 7. The Origins of Scientology's Hollywood Fascination 8. Why Scientology Pursues Celebrities 9. How Celebrities Are Recruited Into Scientology 10. The Battle Plan 11. Targeting Celebrity Vulnerability 12. What Do The Celebrities Get From Scientology 13. What's Expected From Celebrities In Scientology 14. Front Groups And Charity Events 15. Scammed By Scientology Front Groups 16. How Scientology Keeps Control Over Its Hollywood Members 17. Controlling Celebrities Relationships 18. Today's Confessions Will Be Used Tomorrow 19. A Former Scientology Celebrity Speaks Out 20. From Other Celebrities Who Are Out 21. About Scientology's Top Celebrities 22. Scientology's Most (In)Famous Celebrity: Charles Manson 23. Celebrity Responsibility 24. The Hollywood "Religion's" Backfire Potential

47. New World Order - The Occult Conspiracy
Views on Nazis, satanism, the CIA, the Vatican, AIDS, and the New World Order.
The "Secret Archives" of History revealed! Nazis, Satanism, the CIA, the Vatican, AIDS, and why you are next! A carefully researched and well written site...

48. Satanism
Välkommen till min sida om satanism, jag är inte satanist själv utan är endast intresserad av ämnet. Hemsidan bygger på material
Välkommen till min sida om Satanism, jag är inte satanist själv utan är endast intresserad av ämnet.
Hemsidan bygger på material från mitt Gymnasie specialarbete som också hade titeln SATANISM.
Jag har försökt göra den här sida så objektiv som möjligt men det är svårt när det gäller ett så kontroverciellt ämne.
Hoppas att du hittar något av intresse.
/Daniel Dahlgren P.S. skicka gärna en kommentar om hemsidan. Klicka på brevlådan. har varit här sedan

49. Society Of The Onyx Star @
A forum for religious debate, lifestyle, magick, vampyrism, satanism.
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50. Satanism.
satanism TRO Enligt den kristna tron är Satan en ängel som kritiserat Guds åsikter inför Honom, och därefter blivit utslängd ur himlen, och har sedan
Enligt den kristna tron är Satan en ängel som kritiserat Guds åsikter inför Honom, och därefter blivit utslängd ur himlen, och har sedan dess stått för all ondska och andra hemskheter i världen. Detta påvisas i Bibeln, då Jesus under sin levnadstid bekämpar Satan - Ondskan - och försöker med alla möjliga medel vända människorna ifrån honom, och till Gud. Vid den strikt kristna medeltiden började man teckna Satan som en Panliknande varelse med horn, bockben, svans och treudd. Författare under den här tiden anklagade alla sekter som dyrkade någon annan gud än Gud för satanister. Ungefär här började man även koka ihop råa historier om den groteska satanismen, där man mördade barn i ritualer, sålde sin själ till Djävulen, krossade krucifix och anordnade svarta mässor. Den här sortens satanism har aldrig funnits, förutom i ovetande människors fantasi. Så. Vad är satanismen då? Enligt satanisterna själva är satanismen en religion som helt tar avstånd från den kristna tron, och därmed också från Satan som ondskan själv. Satanisternas Satan fungerar inte överlag som en "normal" gud, utan representerar den köttsliga och den världsliga synpunkten på livet. Satan är inte en varelse, utan en naturkraft. Satan regerar över ett fritt folk, och uppmuntrar dem att se de goda sakerna i livet. Satanisterna tror varken på himlen eller helvetets existens. Satanisterna skulle aldrig mörda rituella offer såsom djur och småbarn, det är inte tillåtet att ta blod från offer; Det är meningslöst, och dessa nämnda offer är alldeles för oskyldiga.

51. -|-|-|-|-
Includes satanism, Charles Manson, ATWA, heavy metal, philosophy, poetry, and quotations.
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52. Satanism Archive
What is satanism? According to Jantsang; Hard Facts On Matriarchy vs Patriarchy, by Phil Marsh. Literary satanism, Independants, more. The
What is Satanism?
According to the common definition, it is the worship of the fallen angel Satan by performing acts of evil. The truth of the matter is, that though there are diverse concepts of Satanism, few who call themselves such would consider the above statement to be remotely accurate. Satanic perspectives range from those which are totally atheistic, to those which revere Satan as a god. How Satanism can exist yet not be a pursuit of "evil"- is resolved when one considers that most Satanists do not believe in evil at all, and virtually all disagree with the various JudeoChristian understandings of Satan. Those who do believe in an entity called Satan, tend to believe that the behavior and intent of the being is both noble and misinterpreted. Satanists remain at odds with a society so suffused with JudeoChristian ideals, that their perspectives are rarely listened to with an open mind. Here is my understanding of the "Satanic Scene" The best known figure in modern Satanism is Anton LaVey, whose Church of Satan is agnostic with regards to Satan himself, and promotes a perspective of religio-philosophic materialism. Those who look towards LaVey for inspiration, feel that Satanism is the pursuit of the passionate and intelligent qualities of life.

53. Bright Lights Film Journal | Queer Horror
Short review Features all manner of strangenesses from quasinecrophilia to satanism to a man skinned alive in gruesome silhouette.
Monsters and drag queens
BY GARY MORRIS After decades of being devalued by lousy prints on video and television, Universal's classic '30s horror films have been resurrected, refurbished, and unleashed on the big screen as part of a traveling repertory show opening at San Francisco's Castro Theater . The first thing sensitive audiences will notice about the series, after the obligatory bow to the superb quality of the new 35mm prints, is the all-pervasive, barely disguised, downright queerness of classics like Dracula, Frankenstein, The Bride of Frankenstein, The Invisible Man, The Old Dark House, The Black Cat, and Dracula's Daughter. It's no news that lesbians have long claimed Lambert Hillyer's Dracula's Daughter for their own. After all, Gloria Holden in the title role almost singlehandedly redefined the '20s movie vamp as an impressive Euro-butch dyke bloodsucker. But other key works, particularly those directed by certified homo James Whale , have robust, inescapable gay content. Think of The Bride of Frankenstein 's literally screaming queens Colin Clive and Ernest Thesiger, with fag hag Elsa Lanchester thrown in for good measure.

54. Satanism - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
satanism. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. satanism is a religion Rebellious satanism. Rebellious Satanists frequently adopt
From Wikipedia , the free encyclopedia.
Satanism is a religion involving either the worship of Satan , or some other supreme evil being, or the directing of one's life based on inspirations gained from study of the archetype of Satan. The earliest recorded instance of the word is in "A confutation of a booke (by Bp. Jewel) intituled An apologie of the Church of England", by Thomas Harding (
ll, ii, 42 b, "Meaning the time when Luther first brinced to Germanie the poisoned cuppe of his heresies, blasphemies, and Satanismes."
The above quote is using the word to describe Martin Luther 's teachings, although Luther himself would have denied either worshipping Satan or being inspired by the study of Satan. There are various kinds of Satanists in modern society:
  • Rebellious Satanists, typically rebelling against Christianity or modern society, with a traditionally Christian view of Satanism. Philosophical Satanists, also known as Modern Satanists, who do not worship any Satan or demon or devil, but instead who find inspiration in the study of various "dark" gods and spirits and myths, or the archetype of Satan. Autotheism or Suitheism (self-deification) is upheld by many Modern Satanists.

55. Death And Hell
Infek bin Laden's Magickal Site containing his Gematria of Nothing, art, his own brand of satanism, and the Corpus Nouveau.

56. Unitarian Universalism
Expresses the view that Unitarian Universalism is church without a creed that espouses Buddhism, Paganism, and satanism as readily as Christianity.

The Roman Road to Salvation

All Words Any Word APOLOGETICS A Course in Miracles Bahai Buddhism Hinduism ... Mormonism BIBLE PROPHECY A Beginning of Global Governance - #1 in a series Prophetic Signs that we are in the End Times The Earth Charter's Spiritual Agenda - #2 in a Series The New Age Influence at the United Nations - #3 in a Series ... The Millennial Kingdom CHRISTIANITY UNDER ATTACK Christians Ordered to Renounce Their Faith in Laos Attacks by Militant Hindus Increasing (India) Sharia Law to be Implemented Despite Turmoil (Nigeria) Short Term Improvement; Long Term Risk (Indonesia) ... Contact Us But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them. They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over weak-willed women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to acknowledge the truth. II Timothy 3:1-7

57. Against The Religion Of Atheism
Documents presenting Biblical arguments against Atheism, and equating Atheism with satanism.

58. Taoism
The truth about satanism, witchcraft and many other false beliefs that satan has lost souls involved in.
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WWW Exposing Satanism
Taoism All in one and one in all?
In the Chinese language the word tao means "way," indicating a way of thought or life. There have been several such ways in China's long history, including Confucianism and Buddhism. In about the 6th century BC, under the influence of ideas credited to a man named Lao-tzu, Taoism became "the way" . Like Confucianism, it has influenced every aspect of Chinese culture. Taoism began as a complex system of philosophical thought that could be indulged in by only a few individuals. In later centuries it emerged, perhaps under the influence of Buddhism, as a communal religion. It later evolved as a popular folk religion. 600 BC: Birth of Taoism Until the arrival of Buddhism in China, Taoism was the chief religious and philosophical system of the population. Confucianism, the other major Chinese tradition, is more a philosophical system than a religion. The origins of Taoism are lost in obscurity. The basis for it is usually ascribed to a mysterious master teacher, Lao-tzu, who is supposed to have written the basic text, also known as the 'Lao-Tzu' or 'Tao-te Ching'. The word tao means "the way," as in the work's English title, 'Classic of the Way and Its Power'. Most scholars today believe this work was not written by one person.

59. Övernaturligt
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60. Satan Satanism Welcome!
Satanist. satanism is a dynamic force of social change in a society that resists change. Political correctness has no place in satanism. Resist
John Dewey Allee, founder - Lillee C. Allee , public relations
You have the choice of accepting or rejecting what I have to say. If you find it difficult or impossible to accept, I would advise you dismiss my concepts entirely, if you wish! Why do I say this? My objective adheres to a set of Satanic principles outlined by Aleister Crowley;
”The essence of every missionary message has always been to assimilate the taught to the teacher, and it has always been accompanied by bribes and threats. My message is exactly opposed to any of this. I say to each man and woman, you are unique and sovereign, the center of a universe. However right I may be in thinking as I do, you may be equally right in thinking otherwise. You can only accomplish your object in life by complete disregard of the opinions of other people. “
What am I saying here? As a Satanist, your opinion is the one that matters. You should believe in things that are in the scope of your experience - things you consciously acknowledge as true. This has always been my first and foremost declaration with regards to what it means to be a Satanist. Satanism is a dynamic force of social change in a society that resists change. What we are, what we have been and what we shall always be are a group of bold, activist freethinkers who will confront the vital issues of spirituality and everyday life.

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