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1. Exposing Satanism And Witchcraft - Main Page What is wrong with satanism and Witchcraft. We try to give the facts and clear the rumors. 29 2004. Welcome to Exposing satanism and Witchcraft. http://www.exposingsatanism.org/ | |
2. Satanism , Philosophy and Justification of satanism. Personal essay collection by Vexen......A large number of essays and information on modern satanism by a Satanist satanism. http://www.dpjs.co.uk/ | |
3. Satanism 101 Welcome to satanism 101, a comprehensive site covering the aspects of satanism. http://www.satanism101.com/ | |
4. Satanism satanism, Satan, Satanic, Satanists, Satan worshipers, Satanic ritual abuse, Satanic sacrifices, Satanic crimes Man held in Church Fires/ satanism. Matamoros slaying still fuels parents' antidrug effort Accused Indiana church arsonist dabbled in satanism. Ousted juror No reason to halt cult http://www.rickross.com/groups/satanism.html | |
5. Satanism: The World Of The Occult A look at the attractions into satanism and the occult from a Christian perspective. this article was written in 1994, a "new face" of satanism has emerged, consisting of pagans and atheists who http://www.probe.org/docs/satanism.html | |
6. Witchcraft, Vampirism, And Satanism Vital information on Vampirism, satanism, Paganis, and Harry Potter. http://www.withoneaccord.org/store/WitchVampireSatan.html | |
7. Witchcraft And Satanism: Are They One And The Same? Asserts that Pan, worhsipped by Wiccans, is the universal for Satan and http://www.forerunner.com/champion/X0044_Witchcraft_and_Satan.html | |
8. Alt.satanism Basic information about satanism and the Church of Satan, including explanations of sins and symbolism and information about becoming a member. http://www.luckymojo.com/faqs/faq.astncos.9907 |
9. Two Active Forms Of Satanism satanism Two active forms of satanism. Click Here to Visit our Sponsors. Our use of the terms satanism and Satanic . We define http://www.religioustolerance.org/satanis3.htm | |
10. Contemporary Satanism & Satanic Philosophy - Ascendancy Lightbringer An extensive collection of essays on satanism and Satanic thought. All the major Traditions are discussed, as well as Setian and Luciferian. Includes a message board. http://jashan.net/sites/ascendancy/ | |
11. Criticism And Arguments Against Satanism Attacks on satanism in a series of essays. http://www.dpjs.co.uk/criticism | |
12. SATANISM An encyclopediastyle entry on the subject from ReligiousTolerance.org. Explains the differences between various types of satanism, as well as the origins. http://www.religioustolerance.org/satanism.htm | |
13. Exposing Satanism And Witchcraft - Site Index Welcome to Exposing satanism and Witchcraft. We hope your visit is a pleasant one. Your browser does not support Java scripts. You http://www.exposingsatanism.org/siteindex.htm | |
14. Atlanta Christian Apologetics Project A Basic Introduction. Robert M. Bowman, Jr. I. satanism. A.Roots of satanism. II.satanism and Crime. A.Satanic Beliefs and Criminal Behavior. http://www.atlantaapologist.org/SATANISM.html | |
15. Http satanism and Ritual Abuse Archive. By Diana Napolis aka Karen Jones © 2000. http//www.newsmakingnews.com. The following cases describe http://www.newsmakingnews.com/karencuriojonesarchive.htm | |
16. Church Of Satan: The Official Web Site This site is about the Church of Satan, satanism, and Anton Szandor LaVey http://www.churchofsatan.com/ |
17. Satanism Specialarbete av Daniel Dahlgren. http://home.swipnet.se/~w-67496/satanism/index.htm | |
18. Satanism Today satanism Today Overview of satanism and Demonolatry at the end of the century. When someone today feels drawn towards satanism, or http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/2026/sattoday.html | |
19. Satanism - An Authorative Essay And Brief History : Satanic Community Article Introduction to Modern satanism. By Rick Rinker. Founder, Satanic Community. Priest, First Satanic Church. A Brief Definition of satanism A Brief Definition of satanism. When most people think http://www.the600club.net/ | |
20. Satanism A description of modern LaVey satanism (Church of Satan), including introductions and briefs to all the major aspects of Satanic philosophy including imagery http://www.dpjs.co.uk/modern.html | |
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