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21. St. Gregory The Great Roman Catholic Church Danbury. JavaScriptdependent site. Contact information, mission statement, parish directory, monthly calendar. http://www.danbury.org/stgreg/ | |
22. St. Margaret's Catholic Church Dorchester facility information, including staff directory, services schedule, weekly liturgy, and bulletin. http://www.stmargaretdorchester.org/ | |
23. The Old Roman Catholic Church In North America The Old roman catholic Church in North America a present day successor of thehistoric Catholic Church and its undivided Apostolic faith. What IS Catholic? http://www.orccna.org/ | |
24. Saint Agatha's Roman Catholic Church Mass in English and Spanish. Staff, hours, mass schedule, contact information. http://www.the-finest.com/stagatha/home.htm |
25. -- Beliefnet.com , Other Beliefs The pope is the head of the roman catholic Church. He andthe magisterium (the teaching authority of the Church) clarify doctrine. http://www.beliefnet.com/story/80/story_8030_1.html | |
26. St Ninian's RC Church Hamilton Hamilton, South Lanarkshire. Contact information, maps, schedule, parish history. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/9397/index.html | |
27. Our Lady Of Grace Parkton - Home Page Parkton. Mass schedule, contact information. http://www.olgrace.com/ | |
28. Intro Screen... A gentle invitation to return, for those who have become distanced from the Catholic Church. http://cmonback.com/ | |
29. PRCUA.org - Polish Roman Catholic Union Of America Online Polish roman catholic Union of America. Copyright © 2004 Polish roman catholicUnion of America · All Rights Reserved Terms of Use Privacy Statement. http://www.prcua.org/ | |
30. TRADITIO Traditional Roman Catholic Internet Site Traditional roman catholic Internet Site First Web Site on the Internet for Traditionalroman catholics Since September 29, 1994 Feast of the Dedication of St. http://www.traditio.com/ | |
31. New Page 1 Ottawa. Staffed by the Missionary Oblates. Information in English and Polish. Uses frames. http://www.cyberus.ca/~polishchurch/main.htm | |
32. The Roman Catholic Church In Ukraine (the Latin Rite) \, \/, roman catholic Church in Ukraine 3.2, UK, RU, PL. The Conference of theroman catholic Bishops of Ukraine. Dioceses of the roman catholic Church in Ukraine. http://www.rkc.lviv.ua/ | |
33. Roman Catholic Church roman catholic Church, Education The roman catholic Church is part ofthe Christian Church ruled by the Bishop of Rome (the Pope). In http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/REcatholic.htm | |
34. Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Parish Served by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Contact information, staff, Mass schedule, regular events, and parish history. http://world.std.com/~omi/ | |
35. Roman Catholic Church - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia roman catholic Church. (Redirected from roman catholic). The Roman Structureand organization of the roman catholic Church. The Roman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Catholic | |
36. Mary Immaculate Traditional Roman Catholic Chapel - Society Of The Immaculata Plainview, New York. Location and schedule. Staffed by the Society of the Immaculata, a men's religious community dedicated to the Tridentine Mass and to upholding the doctrine extra ecclesiam nulla salus. http://www.netministries.org/see/churches/ch07965?frame=N |
37. Roman Catholic Church - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia roman catholic Church. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Roman Structureand organization of the roman catholic Church. The Roman http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_Catholic_Church | |
38. Addiscombe Catholic Church - Our Lady Of The Annunciation Contact details, times of services, map of parish boundaries, historical timeline, diary and forthcoming events. http://www.addiscombecatholicchurch.com/ | |
39. St Bernadette's Information about the school and its policies, plus a list of staff. http://www.stbernadette.walsall.sch.uk/ | |
40. Mary: A Model Of Faith And Faithfulness Seeks to describe an understanding and honoring of the Virgin between roman catholic veneration and Protestant ignoring or belittling of the Mother of God. http://www.ourredeemerlcms.org/mary.htm | |
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