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161. WebRing: Hub Web Ring of sites of individuals and groups connected to the religious society of friends (Quakers). http://www.webring.com/hub?ring=quakers |
162. Society, Religion And Spirituality, Christianity, Denominations, Religious Socie Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Denominations, religious society of friends Web Directory. religious society of friends. http://www.klevze.si/browse/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Denom | |
163. The Friend - Independent Quaker Journalism Since 1843 Information about and selected articles from The Friend, an independent weekly publication about the religious society of friends (Quakers). http://www.thefriend.org/ | |
164. Calgary Activist: Religious Society Of Friends religious society of friends Quakers. Website,. Locations. Old Y for Community Organizations 223 12 Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2R 0G9 Map Details. http://calgary.activist.ca/view.php?id=0-1169 |
165. Quaker Heritage Press A publishing house focused on the heritage of the religious society of friends (Quakers). Many of its print publications are also available online at this site. http://www.qhpress.org/ | |
166. Finding Friends (Quaker) Meetings And Churches Using The Internet - QuakerInfo.c Guide to finding local congregations (meetings and churches) of the religious society of friends (Quakers) using the Internet. http://www.quakerinfo.com/quakfind.shtml | |
167. Pendle Hill Home Page A Quaker center for study and contemplation in Wallingford, Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia.It was founded in 1930, to be of service to the religious society of friends,likeminded persons, and the world. http://www.pendlehill.org/ | |
168. Meeting Directory Handicapped accessible. Special concerns religious education, environment, social justice issues Pacific friends Outreach society. 17210 Avenue 296 Visalia, CA 93292 Tel 559594 http://westernquaker.net/directory.htm | |
169. New England Yearly Meeting Of Friends the real unit in the society of friends has always been the Meeting. friends traditionally allow great freedom in describing their own religious life and http://www.neym.org/ | |
170. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Society Of Friends (Quakers) Quakers, an AngloAmerican religious sect. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06304b.htm | |
171. Religious Society Of Friends Definition Meaning Information Explanation dir_id AND dv.dir_version=0 AND dv.dir_status_id = 0 AND dv.site_id = 1 AND odr.odr_version = 0 AND odr.odr_filename= religioussociety-of-friends.html AND ov http://www.free-definition.com/Religious-Society-of-Friends.html | |
172. Historic Burlington City, New Jersey Assorted History. Board of Island Managers. Council of Proprietors. The Friendly Institution. The Mantas Tribe. Old Burlington Laws. Purchase from the Lenape. The Quakers. Welcome to historic Burlington City, NJ. Burlington County. Historical society. City of Burlington. Historical society Cooper House. friends' Schoolhouse. Grant House http://www.08016.com/?quakers.html&3 |
173. Summit Friends Meeting :: Quakers: Religious Witnesses For Peace Since 1660 Summit friends Meeting Quakers religious Witnesses for Peace since 1660, May 23, 2004 0455 AM. Search. Site Login. Username. Password. Remember me. http://www.friends.summit.nj.us/ | |
174. The Library, Friends House, London Quakers respect the creative power of God in every human being and in the world around us. We work through quiet processes for http://www.quaker.org.uk/library/ | |
175. Locations And Contacts For Worship Groups Meetings for Worship WAIHEKE 10.00am second Sunday of the month, friends House, 70 Palm Beach Rd. Contact Julia Ph (09)372-7637. http://quaker.org.nz/howtofindus/locationsopen.htm | |
176. [First Step Internet ] First Step Internet, HOME ABOUT FSR SEARCH TERMS POLICIES SUPPORT NETWORK STATUS. Having problems finding what you need? http://www.fsr.com/contact/ | |
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