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121. CanonicalTomes: Religious Society Of Friends Good overview of the actions and thoughts of members of the religious society of friends in the United States. Gives information http://www.canonicaltomes.org/topic.cgi?topic_id=404 |
122. A Quaker Understanding Of Jesus Christ, Part 1, By Arthur O. Roberts - QuakerInf An exploration of how the religious society of friends (Quakers) views Jesus Christ, by Arthur O. Roberts, Professorat-large, George Fox University, Newberg, Oregon, USA. http://www.quakerinfo.com/quak_jc1.shtml | |
123. Richmond Declaration Of Faith Of 1887 - QuakerInfo.com The Richmond Declaration of Faith of 1887 is the classic statement of faith of the Orthodox branch of the religious society of friends (Quakers). http://www.quakerinfo.com/rdf.shtml | |
124. Religious Society Of Friends religious society of friends. We are restraint. Signed for Britain Yearly Meeting of the religious society of friends, September 2002. Beryl http://www.ctbi.org.uk/intaff/iraq/friends01.htm | |
125. Barclay's Apology The premier classical doctrinal book of the religious society of friends (Quakers). http://www.qhpress.org/texts/barclay/apology/ | |
126. Britain Yearly Meeting Of The Religious Society Of Friends Britain Yearly Meeting of the religious society of friends. Signed for Britain Yearly Meeting of the religious society of friends, March 2003. http://www.ctbi.org.uk/intaff/iraq/friends03.htm | |
127. Charleston Meeting Home Page Meeting time, location and contact information. http://CharlestonMeeting.dyn.dhs.org | |
128. Hamilton Monthly Meeting Of The Religious Society Of Friends (Quakers) - A SIMPLE RELIGION FOR A COMPLEX WORLD? The religious society of friends Quakers. A common theme on the religion pages of most newspapers http://www.hwcn.org/link/hmm/simplrel.htm | |
129. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Quakers' Home Page Quakers in the World. World Wide Quaker Links; Friends General Conference the liberal, unprogrammed tradition of the religious society of friends; http://www.hwcn.org/link/hmm/ | |
130. Friends In Christ Home Page A Christian community, founded by members of the religious society of friends, serving Montgomery, Prince George's and Howard Counties in Maryland, USA. http://www.friendsinchrist.net/ | |
131. Friends, Religious Society Of. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 Calling themselves Children of Light, Friends in the Truth, and Friends, they eventually agreed upon the name religious society of friends. 2. http://www.bartleby.com/65/fr/Friends.html | |
132. Jim McKeever Web site of the Nashville Monthly Meeting of the religious society of friends. Located in Nashville, TN. http://www.nctc.com/~mckee | |
133. Religious Society Of Friends Burlington s first European settlers were members of the religious society of friends, or Quakers. religious society of friends. http://08016.com/quakers.html | |
134. Richmond Friends Meeting Schedule, directions, newsletters and other information about Richmond (Virginia) Friends Meeting of Baltimore Yearly Meeting of the religious society of friends. http://www.richmondfriends.org/ | |
135. Annapolis Friends Meeting These pages provide information for people who want to learn about the religious society of friends (Quakers) or visit a Friends meeting, for people who are http://annapolis.quaker.org/ | |
136. Green Country Friends Meeting (Home) A meeting of the religious society of friends (Quakers) serving the Tulsa, OK area, affiliated with the South Central Yearly Meeting, part of the Friends General Conference (FGC). Time and place of meeting, and welcome statement. http://www.scym.org/greencountry/ | |
137. Guardian Unlimited | Special Reports | Quakers (the Religious Society Of Friends Quakers (the religious society of friends) Wednesday October 30, 2002 Background and beliefs Quakerism was founded by George Fox during the 17thcentury http://www.guardian.co.uk/religion/Story/0,2763,714701,00.html | |
138. Welcome To Penn Valley Meeting Information about the Kansas City, MO, unprogrammed Meeting of the religious society of friends (Quakers). http://www.quakernet.org/MonthlyMeetings/PennValley/default.html | |
139. History Of The Free Quakers HISTORY. OF THE religious society of friends. CALLED BY SOME. THE FREE QUAKERS,. IN THE. CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. Charles Wetherill. TABLE OF CONTENTS. http://www.qhpress.org/quakerpages/qwhp/freequakertoc.htm | |
140. Raleigh Friends Meeting, Quakers, North Carolina Map, directions, coming events, and background on Raleigh (North Carolina) Monthly Meeting of the religious society of friends (Quakers). http://www.RTPnet.org/friends/ | |
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