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121. Science And Religion Articles and extracts of books relating to a wide variety of topics within science and religion, including physics, the brain, belief in God, and religious experience. http://scienceandreligion.com/ | |
122. SCIENCE AND RELIGION UK based charity promoting discussion between scientific understanding and religious thought. Includes details of conferences, twice annual publication, and an annual report. http://www.srforum.org/ | |
123. Impact Of Technology On Society Progressive sideeffects of military, political, legal, religious, agricultural, economic and industrial processes attempting to appropriate a technology that may be far too sophisticated and powerful. http://mt.sopris.net/mpc/ | |
124. Aslan's Kin: Interfaith Fantasy And Science Fiction Passages from authors discussing the connection between religion, fantasy, and science fiction. Includes links to sites on Christian, Humanist, Jewish, Pagan, and other religious speculative fiction. http://www.greenbelt.com/news/aslan | |
125. Index Built on the thesis that the purpose of evolution is the development of human beings and for this to occur a God is necessary. http://www.scientific-religious.com/ | |
126. Archives Of COG-SCI-REL-L@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Archived cognitive science of religion email discussion list, focusing particularly on anthropological and cognitive developmental psychology research investigating the formation and transmission of religious ideas. http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/COG-SCI-REL-L.html | |
127. The Science Connection Offers science instruction kits and books for both public and religious schools. http://www.thescienceconnection.net | |
128. Online Bibliography Theology And Peace Subject indexed titles from the fields of theology, philosophy, political science, religious studies, international law, sociology, and peace research. In English and German. http://bibliography.ithpeace.de | |
129. Church--State Academic Papers; The Establishment Clause, Religious Liberty Political science papers dealing with the relationship of church and state, and religious liberty. http://members.aol.com/larrypahl/poli-sci.htm | |
130. The Biotic Message A review of a book by Walter ReMine. The Biotic Message is a science book on the creationevolution controversy. It quotes frequently, if not exhaustively, and only from the author's opponents - the evolutionists. The book focuses on the biological issues, containing no theology or religious discussion. http://www1.minn.net/~science/ | |
131. AND MAN CREATED GOD And MAN CREATED GOD, a book by George Carl Mynchenberg, presents the Agnostic view point using science, history and logic while denying all religious belief and faith in revelations from a Creator or God. http://www.daytonalawyer.com/georgemynchenberg.htm | |
132. Home Page Provides a forum for discussions on religious and secular topics among persons sincerely interested in learning about and practicing Christian science. Also provides free online courses. http://www.lii.net/tcscb/ | |
133. Carl Sagan's Religion Of Science Essay by Scott Detwiler on the religious implications of Sagan's scientific world view as expressed in his writings. http://www.angelfire.com/oh3/scottspage/sagan.html |
134. The Christian Science Monitor | Csmonitor.com Article about his wide appeal. http://search.csmonitor.com/durable/1999/03/23/p19s1.htm | |
135. Scientology, Social Science And The Definition Of Religion An expertise by James A. Beckford, Ph.D.University of Warwick, England, outlining the religious traditions of Scientology and its parallels to the Hindu and Buddhist religions. http://www.neuereligion.de/ENG/Beckford/index.htm | |
136. UK Atheist Science E-zine A serious attempt to combat the growing tide of religious fundamentalism, and a resource for evolutionists and adherents of science. http://www.ukatheist.com/ |
137. Religious Fundamentalism Response to a fundamentalist trying to convert me to Islam and save me from eternal damnation. Addresses questions of many religiously oriented people concerning religious truth, and science versus religion. http://rwendell.blogspot.com/ | |
138. Gullibility Isn't In The Dictionary Weblog focusing on religious fanatics, superstition, and science claims in the news. http://edifyingspectacle.org/gullibility/blog/ | |
139. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Hymnody And Hymnology Hymnody means exactly hymn song , but as the hymnsinger as well as the hymn-poet are included under (hymnodos), so we also include under hymnody the hymnal verse or religious lyric. Hymnology is the science of hymnody or the historico-philogical investigation and aesthetic estimation of hymns and hymn writers. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07596a.htm | |
140. WELCOME A religious order founded by Father Paul Blighton, based on the science of Man. Includes information about the order's history and literature, with recordings of sermons, photographs and book list. http://www.holyorderofmans.org/ | |
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