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41. Biography Of Ernest Holmes - Founder Of Religious Science Ernest Holmes. (1887 1960). Founder of the religious science Movement. In 1953, the Institute became the Church of religious science. http://website.lineone.net/~ernestholmes/ |
42. Santa Rosa Church Of Religious Science Promotes Science of Mind and the principles of every religion. Includes information on classes, groups, counseling, special services. http://www.sonic.net/~srcrs/ | |
43. @LA Religion In Southern California: Los Angeles County, Orange County, Riversid Mysticism. Native American. Paganism. religious science. Religious Studies. Scientology. Index, religious science/Science of Mind. Churches/Congregations. Directories. http://www.at-la.com/@la-god/ | |
44. Religious Movements Homepage: United Church Of Religious Science United Church of religious science. Influences. religious science draws heavily on Ernest Holmes earlier influences, namely the New Thought tradition. http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/ucrs.html | |
45. LookSmart - Directory - Religious Science Faiths Beliefs QR religious science. religious science Learn about this spiritual philosophy founded by Dr. Ernest Holmes. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317837/us317918/us969562/us1142638/us | |
46. New Thought Center For Spiritual Awakening, Teaching Love And Empowerment, New T Affiliated with the religious science New Thought Network. Includes worship schedule, resources, views, programs and services, and pastor profile. http://www.newthoughtcsa.org/ | |
47. LookSmart - Directory - Religious Science Thought religious science. religious science Find places of worship around the country and world for followers of this belief. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317837/us317918/us576440/us10200847/u | |
48. DuPage Church Of Religious Science - Awakening Mankind To Its Spiritual Magnific WHAT S NEW Listening to Your Inner Guidance A Follow Your Heart Workshop Read more Spring Retreat at Lake Geneva Read http://www.dupagechurch.org/ | |
49. Links Directory: Religious Science religious science. 12 links (12 regular and 0 reciprocal) in this category. Sort links by newest http://www.technoetic.com/noosphere/Philosophies/Religious_Science.html | |
50. Church Of Religious Science Explores Identity Crisis Church of religious science explores identity crisis. They get a little standoffish, said Graff, board president of the Claremont Church of religious science. http://www.rickross.com/reference/general/general448.html | |
51. Religious Science Congregations eligious Science. Columbia Church of religious science Founded in 1983. Rev. Nancy Stepp, Minister, 410750-8559. 6175 Sunny Spring http://www.inetstrat.com/ccm/relsci.htm | |
52. A Rebirth Of Religious Science Its time to be aware that we are not the limited, fearful, sinful individuals that orthodox religion would have us to believe we are. Science now agrees with http://www.crosscircle.com/article_book_cover.htm | |
53. United Church Of Religious Science 1997 JOURNEY OF AWAKENING Sponsored by United Church of religious science Asilomar Conference Center * Pacific Grove, California. WEEK http://www.conferencerecording.com/conflists/ucr97.htm | |
54. United Church Of Religious Science 1998 WE GROW IN JOY United Church of religious science Annual Summer Conference Asilomar, CA August 2 15, 1998. WEEK ONE. CONFERENCE CODE SOM98. General Sessions. http://www.conferencerecording.com/newevents/ucr98.htm | |
55. Center I Welcome To A Church For Today S World /i /center Br A Church for Today s World, religious science San Diego Church Family A member Church of religious science International since December 12, 1949. http://www.angelfire.com/ca5/catalen/RSSD/RSSDp1.html | |
56. Temecula Valley Church Of Religious Science Offers service location and schedule, common New Thought definitions, and declaration of principles. http://www.tvcrs.org | |
57. Fillmore Church Of Religious Science Home Page Fillmore Church of religious science located in Fillmore, California, Ventura County. Back to the Top. Link to religious science International. http://www.finitesite.com/fillcrs/ | |
58. The New Thought Church Of Religious Science -- Frequently Asked Questions FAQs about Weddings at our church. What does religious science teach? In its practice and teaching, religious science endeavors to include the whole life. http://www.newthoughtcrs.org/faq.html | |
59. Church Of Light Charlotte, North Carolina church offers minister biography, events and classes, treatment, weddings, and religion vocabulary. http://www.thechurchoflight.com |
60. New Thought Church Of Religious Science New Thought Church of religious science, Sunday Service 11AM, Healing Consciousness Classes Annual Gathering News and photos Unexpected Income Program, http://www.newthoughtcrs.org/ |
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