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1. Jewish Reconstructionist Federation - Welcome Reconstructionism. Is reconstructionist judaism For You? The Reconstructionist Movement About Congregational Affiliation Discussion Forums Audio resources. http://www.jrf.org/ | |
2. Is Reconstructionist Judaism For You? Is reconstructionist judaism For You? We recommend Exploring Judaism A Reconstructionist Approach by Rabbis Rebecca T. Alpert and Jacob J. Staub. http://www.jrf.org/recon/rjis.html | |
3. Judaism Reading List: Reconstructionist Judaism (Pt. VI) Single Page Judaism Reading List reconstructionist judaism (Pt. VI). reconstructionist judaism is the small fourth movement of American Judaism. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/judaism/reading-lists/reconstructionist/preamble.html | |
4. Soc Culture Jewish Reconstructionist Judaism Reading List: Index beliefs, and history of the reconstructionist judaism Movement. reconstructionist judaism is the small "fourth movement http://www.shamash.org/lists/scj-faq/HTML/rl/jrc-index.html | |
5. Jewish Book Mall - Books On Reconstructionist Jews And Judaism Books on reconstructionist judaism. Below are books on reconstructionist judaism and, not surprisingly in http://www.jewishbookmall.com/reconstructionist_judaism.htm | |
6. Judaism Reading List: Reconstructionist Judaism (Pt. VI) culture.jewish.moderated Subject Judaism Reading List reconstructionist judaism (Pt. VI) Date Additional Reading on Judaism Part VI reconstructionist judaism Last Change $Date http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/judaism/reading-lists/reconst | |
7. Reconstructionist Rabbinical College The center for reconstructionist judaism, training prospective students for rabbinical ordination. http://rrc.edu/ | |
8. Congregation Beit Tikvah, A Reconstructionist Jewish Community In Baltimore Adhering to reconstructionist judaism. Statements of faith, schedule of services, community outreach, family programs, adult education, directions and contact information. http://www.beittikvah.org/ | |
9. Judaism Reading List: Reconstructionist Judaism (Pt. VI) MultiPage. Judaism Reading List reconstructionist judaism (Pt. VI). reconstructionist judaism is the small fourth movement of American Judaism. http://www.faqs.org/faqs/judaism/reading-lists/reconstructionist/ | |
10. Reconstructionist Judaism reconstructionist judaism. The Reconstructionist Press is the major source of books on the reconstructionist judaism, including http://www.shamayim.org/Reconstructionist Judaism.html | |
11. Introduction To Judaism - Reconstructionist Judaism Search. Judaism Introduction to Judaism Branches of Judaism reconstructionist judaism. http://judaism.about.com/library/3_intro/level1/bl_denom_recon.htm | |
12. Reconstructionist Judaism Search. Judaism, reconstructionist judaism. Reconstructionists believe that Judaism is an evolving religious civilization. The movement http://judaism.about.com/od/reconstructionistjudaism/ | |
13. University Synagogue, Irvine, CA The mission of University Synagogue is to be a center of reconstructionist judaism for adults and children. Embodying a sense of community, it kindles spirituality and foster intellectual challenge while broadening the boundaries of modern Jewish life http://universitysynagogue.org/ | |
14. Soc Culture Jewish Reconstructionist Judaism Reading List: Reconstructionist Lit Reconstructionist Liturgy. JRF91 Teutsch, David A. (ed). Kol Haneshamah Shirim Uvrahot Songs and Blessings . The Reconstructionist Press, 1991. http://www.shamash.org/lists/scj-faq/HTML/rl/jrc-liturgy.html | |
15. NVRC: Books Books About reconstructionist judaism. Judaism As a Civilization Toward a Reconstruction of AmericanJewish Life by Mordechai M. Kaplan. Return to Top of Page. http://www.nvrc.net/booklist.htm | |
16. Reconstructionist Judaism reconstructionist judaism. reconstructionist judaism is a denomination of Judaism characterized by The belief that an individual s http://www.fact-index.com/r/re/reconstructionist_judaism.html | |
17. Role Of Women In Judaism CJLS teshuvah by Rabbi Gerald C. Skolnik, 1993. The role of women in Reform and reconstructionist judaism. (To be written.). External links. http://www.fact-index.com/r/ro/role_of_women_in_judaism.html | |
18. Reconstructionist Judaism Table Of Contents reconstructionist judaism. The First American Bat Mitzvah; Rabbi Mordecai M. Kaplan; The Thirteen Wants; Who is a Reconstructionist Jew? http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/Judaism/recon.html | |
19. Who Is A Reconstructionist Jew? the environmental future. Personal as well as social ethics are an integral feature of reconstructionist judaism. We affirm the http://www.us-israel.org/jsource/Judaism/reconstruction.html | |
20. Encyclopedia: Reconstructionist Judaism Updated Dec 02, 2003. Encyclopedia reconstructionist judaism. The role of women in reconstructionist judaism is the same as that held by Reform Judaism. http://www.nationmaster.com/encyclopedia/Reconstructionist-Judaism | |
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