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         Qadianism:     more detail
  1. Qadianism: A Critical Study by S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, 1974
  2. Qadianism: A critical study by Abdulḥasan ʻAli Nadvī, 1986
  3. Ahmadiyyat or Qadianism! by Naeem Osman Memon, 1989
  4. Qadianism: Return to dark age by Mohammad Iqbal, 1989
  5. Dimensions of Qadianism
  6. Qadianism : a critical study ; translated from Urdu by Zafar Ishaq Ansari by S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, 1967-01-01

61. In Reply To Mirza - 2 (Mirza Ghulam - A False Prophet)
assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah. qadianism IN REPLY TO MIRZA TAHIR. 2 - MirzaGhulam Ahmad - a False Prophet. Qadianis Disobey their Sire Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.
assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah QADIANISM - IN REPLY TO MIRZA TAHIR 2 - Mirza Ghulam Ahmad - a False Prophet Qadianis Disobey their Sire Mirza Ghulam Ahmad In his book 'Anjam e Atham', Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani had expressed his determination that he would never address the Ulema in future. He was adamant. Note his vehement style: "We have today finalised the preachings which were obligatory on us.. and it is our resolve that we shall not address the Ulema after these clarifications.. and that is the end of discourses from our side". When Mirza Qadiani had conclusively proclaimed in 1897 his refusal to reopen any discourse with the Ulema in future, does his promise which according to your belief was: "And he does not speak from inclination of his self; This is but revelation sent down". stand abrogated or is it that Mirza's progeny does not care a fig for all those promises, deeds and words which Mirza put forth?

62. In Reply To Mirza - 3 (Mirza Tahir's Elusive Brother, Father And Grandfather))
assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah. qadianism IN REPLY TO MIRZATAHIR. 3 - Mirza Tahir s Elusive Brother, Father and Grandfather.
assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaah QADIANISM - IN REPLY TO MIRZA TAHIR 3 - Mirza Tahir's Elusive Brother, Father and Grandfather Mirza Mahmud's Sexy Involvements Beget Allah's Wrath Mirza Tahir Sahib! You have called upon the Ulema of the Ummat for a Mubahala. Do you know, your father, Mirza Mahmud was continually challenged for fifty years but he did not dare face the challenge. AFFAIR WITH SAKINA, SISTER OF ABDUL KAREEM
Maulana Abdul Kareem accused Mirza Mahmud of illicit sexuality and challenged him several times to meet him at a Mubahala and prove his morals; so much so that he started publishing a newspaper, by the very name of 'Mubahala.' Instead of taking up the gauntlet, Mirza Mahmud tyrannised over Maulana Abdul Kareem and made him a target of his oppression. Not only was his house burnt but a murderous attempt was also made on his life. He was at last forced to leave Qadian. His sister, Sakina, whom Mirza Mahmud lynched down on the practicing board of his sexy lust may be a living witness even today. AFFAIR WITH A BOY, SON OF ABDUR RAHMAN

63. - /Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Opposing_Views/Islam
A Christian response to Ahmadiyya claims. » Ahmadiyyat (qadianism , Mirzaiyyat Indeptharticles keep you informed about Ahmadiyya (Lahorism, qadianism).

64. Al-Islami.Com - Islamic Directory And Search For Muslim And Islam Related Websit
Number of Visits 88 , URL http// Whatis qadianism? Number of Visits 76 , URL http//

65. 1 - Number One - Haq Chaar Yaar - In History
I am inclined to think that my statement on qadianismno more than a mere expositionof a religious doctrine on modern lineshas embarrassed both the
document.write(now) In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Haq Char Yaar Religious Audio Cassettes On Real player
Please visit our Audio Cassettes section daily to listen the New Bayans 1st Khalifa Special Book Historical Documents 3rd Khalifa Audio Cassettes About Shiaism By: Sheikh A. R. Al-Huzaifi Sheikh Mohammad Makki M. Haq Nawaz Jhungavi M. Abdul Ghafoor Nadeem ... Sultan Hydri Audio Cassettes Miscellaneous Topics M.Tariq Jameel Mufti Mohammad Rasheed M. Ihtessam-ul-H. Thaanvi Qari Mohammad Haneef ... Umra And Hajj Would You Want To Support The Website Please Sent Information H ome S. Huzaifi ... Contact Us
Books Exposing Qidyanee's or Ahmadi's
Dr. Sir Mohammad Iqbal Islam And Ahmadi'sm WITH A REPLY TO QUESTIONS RAISED BY PANDIT JAWAHAR ALL NEHRU Bismilla hirrahma nirraheem In The Name Of ALLAH , The most beneficent, The Most Merciful

66. 1 - Number One - Haq Chaar Yaar - In History
This time they have a protagonist in qadianism and a ready mule to ride on. ObjectiveNo. 3 To Deceive the World that qadianism has Glorified Islam.
document.write(now) In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful Haq Char Yaar Religious Audio Cassettes On Real player
Please visit our Audio Cassettes section daily to listen the New Bayans 1st Khalifa Special Book Historical Documents 3rd Khalifa Audio Cassettes About Shiaism By: Sheikh A. R. Al-Huzaifi Sheikh Mohammad Makki M. Haq Nawaz Jhungavi M. Abdul Ghafoor Nadeem ... Sultan Hydri Audio Cassettes Miscellaneous Topics M.Tariq Jameel Mufti Mohammad Rasheed M. Ihtessam-ul-H. Thaanvi Qari Mohammad Haneef ... Umra And Hajj Would You Want To Support The Website Please Sent Information H ome S. Huzaifi ... Contact Us
Books Exposing Qidyanee's or Ahmadi's
Maulana Muhammad Yusuf Ludihanvi
Dr. Abdus Salam And The Nobel Prize

67. IslamicFinder Finding Islamic Places And Prayer Times
The Heretic Sect qadianism English Qadianis Exposed and Condemned, by MuftiMuhammad Shafi, The Problem Of Qadiyanism, by Mawdudi, Declaration of the

68. A Study Of The Ahmadiyya Movement
selfglorification. (Nadwi, qadianism A Critical Study, p.29). Although withhim. (Nadwi, qadianism A Critical Study, p. 35). It
Muslim Movements and Schisms
C. A STUDY OF THE AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian During the latter part of the last century the Muslims of the Punjab area in north-west India began to take notice of a Muslim writer from the village of Qadian named Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. This man wrote a number of treatises attacking Christianity and Hinduism and in 1880 began an extensive work entitled Barahin-i-Ahmadiyah which defended Islam from the onslaughts of Christian missionaries and the Arya Samaj, a militant Hindu organisation. At first this work, published in four volumes, was favourably received by the Muslims and it appeared that a mujaddid , a worthy defender of Islam, had risen. These sentiments, however, soon gave way to almost universal opposition as the Mirza began to make one extravagant claim after another for himself. He arrogated to himself the title of "promised Messiah", that is, one raised in the Spirit of Jesus whom the Muslims believed would return to earth but whom the Mirza said was buried at Srinagar, a town in the Punjab. He also claimed to be the Mahdi as well as a prophet of Allah and even a re-incarnation of Krishna, one of the leading Hindu idols!
    With the declaration that he was masih maw'ud (the Promised Messiah)

69. Al-Farouq Newsletter Vol 1, No 5
May Allah grant us all sound intellect to fully understand and appreciatethe gift of life. THE TRUTH ABOUT qadianism AND AHMADIS Part 4.

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Focus on Fiqah
... Al-Farouq Vol. 1, No. 5 PE Darul-Uloom
PO Box 4280
South Africa Rabiul Aakhir 1423 Volume 1, No. 5 June 2003 LIFE A SACRED TRUST The gift of life has never ever been fully appreciated by most human beings, nor has it ever been abused the way it is today. There are three major areas concerning life that need to be addressed. We must firstly understand with conviction and belief that the life we possess is a Sacred Amaanat or Trust from Allah. Life is a gift from Almighty Allah, Divinely entrusted into the care of man. Secondly, there are rules and regulations ordained by Allah for the protection and fulfillment of this Divine Trust. Thirdly, the time will most certainly come, sooner if not later, when we, the repositories of this wonderful trust, would have to deliver it back to the Original Owner. As for the first point , The Holy Quran has enunciated this reality quite clearly. Almighty Allah states: Say (O Muhammad): Certainly my salah, my sacrifice, my life and my death belong to Allah The Lord of the worlds. (Surah, A’raaf, aayat 162).

70. Beware Of Pretenders
qadianism (Ahmadiyyat) was a stepchild of the British Empire and, since its rejectionby the Muslims of Pakistan and the World, has relocated its headquarters
Beware of Pretenders
All Praise is due to Allah(SWT), the Lord of the universe, Who commissioned Prophet Muhammad (SAW) as a great reformer for the wellbeing of the worlds. The believers, who are knowledgeable of the authentic teachings of Islam and conduct their lives accordingly, will be successful both in this world and in the hereafter. In Islam, Allah (SWT) has completed and perfected His religion, established a lasting Guidance, and fulfilled His promise to mankind. Thus, Muhammad (SAW) is the last Prophet to be elected - there will be no new Prophet or Messenger after him and no new revelation after the Holy Quran. According to well established Islamic principles, anyone who claims to be a new Prophet after Muhammad (SAW) should be rejected as an impostor. This is due to the fact that Prophet Muhammad(SAW) has emphatically stated to be the last Prophet and has forewarned the believers about the appearance of impostor Prophets. Shortly after the death of Prophet Muhammad(SAW), Abu Bakr (RA), in agreement with the other learned companions (RU), declared war against

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72. Parvez-Video|High Source Of Religious Arcticles
I am inclined to think that my statement on qadianism no more than a mere expositionof a religious doctrine on modern lines - has embarrassed both the Iqbal on

73. Horizonti
2 faqe 85. S. Abul Hasan Nadwi qadianism A CRITICAL STUDY Lahore - Pakistan1991. qadianism - A CRITICAL STUDY . ABC- Islamic Encyclopedia for children.
horizonti KADIJANIZMI DHE SEKTI AHMEDIJË nga: Hajrudin MUJA Th emelues i lëvizjes së Kadianizmit është Mirza Gulham Ahmedi, i lindur më 20 Shkurt 1935 në Kadian (Panxhab) të Indisë, rreth 70 mila në pjesën lindore të qytetit Lahore të Pakistanit. Thuhet se kishte prejardhjen nga Samarkandi. Stërgjyshërit e tij janë shpërngulur në Indi. Kadian, ku edhe kanë përfituar autoritet të lartë. Mirëpo nga disa trazira, familja e tyre ka humbur pasurinë. Por prapë e kthejnë atë sepse babai i tij në bashkpunim me Anglezët shumë herë ishte i shpërblyer. Ai qëndronte në radhët e anglezëve në luftë kundër përpjekjeve për tu çliruar. Thuhet se më 1858 babai i Kadianit e ndihmoi Anglinë me 50 ushtarë dhe 50 kuaj, në luftë kundër vëllezërve të vet indian. Në atë kohë ishte zakon që fëmijët e të pasurve të shkollohen në shtëpi, prandaj Mirza Gulham Ahmadi studjoj në shtëpi, në garamatikë, logjikë dhe filozofi; nën drejtimin e mësuesve Mualvi Fazl Ilahi, Maulvi Fazl Ahmed dhe Mauvi Gul Ali Shah. Mësoi Kur'anin, gjuhën arabe dhe Persiane si dhe diçka nga shkenca e Medicinës, prej të atit i cili ishte mjek me përvojë.

74. MG's Online Store........a Few Minutes And A Credit Card
48 pp. (PB). qadianism, or Ahmadism as its followers call it, was a rebellionagainst Islam a sort of fith column to destroy Islam from within.
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Deendar Anjuman A hidden face of qadianism; Newspaper reports aboutDeendar Anjuman; Religious Terrorism!Who are the Real Culprits?
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76. 700 Prophet Links
htm The False Prophecies of a False Prophet Mirza Ghulam Qadiani s False PredictionsMirza Ghulam Qadiani, the founder of qadianism (Ahmadiyyat), wrote in his
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Home Page-Site Guide Complete A-Z Subject Guide 1000 Freeware Links ... Endtime, Inc. publishes Endtime, a magazine dealing with world events from a biblical perspective. Editor, author, and pastor, Rev. Irvin Baxter, Jr., has also written two exciting books entitled, A Message for the President, and —Mideast Treaty (Greatest Prophetic Fulfillment in 2,000 Years)

77. From Darkness Into Light
My Departure from qadianism Albanian brother leaves Ahmadiyya Belgium BrotherRinol. I, like many others, have fallen in the dejjalian trap of qadianism.
From Darkness into Light Thereby does Allah guide those who seek His pleasure on the paths of peace, and leads them out of every kind of darkness into light by His Will and guides them to the right path. (Glorious Quran 5:16) Read the stories of people who renounced Ahmadiyyat and embraced Islam. Table of Contents Ahmad Nawaz Khan Miklos Molnar Prof. Munawwer Ahmad Malik Brother Rinol Maulana Lal Hussein Akhter Usman Barry Hafiz Bashir Ahmad Masri Mohammed Rafiq Bajwa Nasir Ahmad Mughal and Family Rehmat Khan of Italy and family of 13 Muzafar Ahmad, Poet Shaikh Raheel Ahmad Mirza Muhammad Husayn Major General Fazal Ahmad Dr. Ismail A. B. Balogun Abubakr Ben Ishmael Salahuddin Ahtesham-ul-Haq Abdul Bari Ahmad Nawaz Khan I am extremely grateful to Allah Ta'ala since, after being the victim of Ahmadiyyat for thirty years, He guided my family and me back to Islam. It happened one day, as I was reading some of the Islamic poetry of Allamah Iqbal. It affected my heart and caused me to reflect upon my situation and the reality of this deen. Soon after, Allah Ta'ala granted me an opportunity to research the subject in more detail; It did not take me long to discover the Truth and unveil the emptiness of the Ahmadi drama. I am thankful to Allah Ta'ala in every way. I have, alhamdolellah, been blessed with seven sons and three daughters. My three daughters are in the Army Medical Core; three of my sons are physicians in Pakistan Army; two are in the foreign affairs services; one is in P.I.A. and one is in U.N.O. By the grace of Allah Ta'ala, all my children are good practicing Muslims, very much devoted to Islam and true followers of Prophet

78. Islam & Other Ideologies
200, $7.75, qadianismA Critical Study, Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, H, 178,$3.75, qadianism-A Critique, Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, S, 16, $0.60, Secret
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79. Albalagh Islamic Bookstore (History & Biography)
business days. More Detail Price $12.00 Stock Number 0487, qadianismA Critical Study. qadianism A Critical Study. (Maulana Syed

80. Qadianism
A review of secondary literature in English on recent persecutions under the control of Israel. (39) AntiBahá í polemical writers such as Noori,have no doubt about the shadowy origins of the Bahá í Faith and qadianism.
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Offers articles about Qadianism, ranging from pure information to more biased texts. The author considers Qadianism to be one of the most dangerous of the Islamic cults. Terms of Service Alabama Alaska Arizona ... Wyoming

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