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         Qadianism:     more detail
  1. Qadianism: A Critical Study by S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, 1974
  2. Qadianism: A critical study by Abdulḥasan ʻAli Nadvī, 1986
  3. Ahmadiyyat or Qadianism! by Naeem Osman Memon, 1989
  4. Qadianism: Return to dark age by Mohammad Iqbal, 1989
  5. Dimensions of Qadianism
  6. Qadianism : a critical study ; translated from Urdu by Zafar Ishaq Ansari by S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, 1967-01-01

21. Statement Of Maulana Syed Abu'l Ala Maududi On Qadiani Expulsion
Statement of Maulana Syed Abu l Ala Maududi The Problem of qadianism.Muslims scholars representing various Muslim organizations
Statement of Maulana Syed Abu'l Ala Maududi
The Problem of Qadianism
Muslims scholars representing various Muslim organizations and parties from all parts of East and West Pakistan held a conference in Karachi to discuss government suggestions and recommendations for the new constitution presented to parliament. The meeting ended with many suggestions and reforms one of which was "... we demand that the government should consider all those who believe in Mirza Ghulam Ahmad as a religious leader a minority equal to many non-Muslim minorities in the country and give them one seat in Punjab's parliament". Other suggestions were so reasonable and clear that enemies were unable to attack them, and when some invective writers did, their influence was null among the educated. A great number of educated Pakistanis were not convinced that the suggestion which demanded the separation of Qadiyanis was reasonable and necessary. But here, I am going to explain quite clearly why all Muslim scholars agreed to stand by this suggestion. Qadiyanis only, and for the first time in the history of Muslims, interpreted the Quranic phrase "The Last of the Apostles" (*Malfuzal Ahmadiya by M.Manzur Ilahi pp.290*) to mean that Mohammad is the Apostle's stamp which certifies and signs other Apostle's Messages. What we have said can be proven by the texts quoted here from Qadiyanis books and essays. Here are three quotations.

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23. Qadianism - A Critical Study
qadianism A Critical Study. CONTENTS. Preface. PART I. The Historical Backgroundof the Rise of qadianism. Chapter I. Muslim India in the Nineteenth Century.
Qadianism - A Critical Study CONTENTS Preface PART I The Historical Background of the Rise of Qadianism Chapter I Muslim India in the Nineteenth Century Chapter II Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani Chapter III The Qadiani St. Paul PART II On the Road to Prophethood Chapter I Mirza as Champion of Islam Chapter II The Mirza becomes Messiah Chapter III From Messiah to Prophet PART III Some Aspects of Life and Character Chapter I Mirza's Life after the spread of his Message Chapter II Seedling of the British Chapter III Prophet as Mud-Slinger Chapter IV An Unfulfilled Prophecy PART IV The Qadiani Movement - A Critical Analysis Chapter I Independent Religion and a Parallel Community Chapter II Revolt against Muhammad's Prophethood Chapter III The Lahori Branch Chapter IV Contribution of Qadianism to the Muslim World Bibliography P R E F A C E In the name of Allah, the Benevolent, the Merciful Towards the end of December 1957, and in the beginning of January 1958, an International Islamic Colloquium was held in Lahore under the auspices of the Punjab University in which a large- number of distinguished and noted scholars of the Muslim world and Western countries took part. Quite a few outstanding ulama representing Middle Eastern countries were there. Despite having received an invitation to participate the writer was unable to reach Lahore until after the colloquium had ended. The points that had been raised during the colloquium continued to be debated by many people.

24. My Departure From Qadianism
My Departure from qadianism Albanian brother leaves Ahmadiyya Belgium by Rinol-. I, like many others, have fallen in the dejjalian trap of qadianism.
Anti-Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam
June 2001
My Departure from Qadianism
Albanian brother leaves Ahmadiyya Belgium
- by Rinol -
    My name is Rinol, I am an ethnic Albanian from Macedonia. Currently I am a student in Belgium. I, like many others, have fallen in the dejjalian trap of Qadianism. Qadianism is known to a very small number of people; especially those Muslims who live in Eastern Europe are much more vulnerable to the Qadiany creed. It is known to everyone under what hegemonic conditions the Muslims have lived in the communist law of non-religious tolerance. By this I am trying to say that I was not very prepared to resist the Qadiany creed.
    In 2000, I heard by a Qadiany who told me about his “sect which in not really a sect”. This Qadiany student told me that in the Qadiany mission house, they have some books in Albanian. This attracted me, since I had not read any Albanian books for a long time. This was a twisted promise, because the primary reason for it was to talk to the Qadiany doctors specialized in brainwashing young eastern European Muslims. I think I should clarify for the sake of not being misunderstood that the Qadianies have not been successful at all in propagating their cult among Eastern European Muslims who live in Western Europe. Most of those who have joined the Qadiany fold, have fled it. My presence in this group lasted about 5 months.
    I am not going to go into detail in describing the way I fell in the trap, but I am going to talk about the way I got out of the trap. Eventually I started realizing that I was in some sort of a trap. The more I was learning about the new “reforms”, and the more I was learning about Qadianism and Qadianis in general, the more it was becoming evident that something is wrong.

25. Koleksi Diskusi Isnet (Oktober 1995): Qadianism Or Ahmadism,..BEWARE OF IT!!!
qadianism or Ahmadism,..BEWARE OF IT!!! MR WASIAN (, 11 Oct 1995 180711 GMT0BST qadianism OR AHAMDISM.
Qadianism or Ahmadism,..BEWARE OF IT!!!
Wed, 11 Oct 1995 18:07:11 GMT0BST
Assalamu'alaikum w.w
Ramai-ramai soal ahmadiyah, insya Alah saya kutipkan sebuah
deklarasi dari Liga Muslim Dunia (sayang tidak dicantumkan
secara utuh/penuh termasuk tanggal deklarasi ini).
Deklarasi dibawah ini saya kutip dari appendix B buku kecil tulisan
SUHAIB HASAN, yang diterjemahkan oleh Dr. Maqsud Husain Khan
yang berjudul : "THE TRUTH ABOUT AHMADIYAT" yang diterbitkan
oleh Al-Qur'an Society, 101 Belmont Rd. Tottenham,
London N17 6AT. (tebal 17 halaman).
Untuk yang memahami bagaimana ajaran Ahmadiyah itu, membaca buku ini sangat dianjurkan, daripada hanya mendengar dari mulut ke mulut. Semoga ada manfaatnya, dan silakan disebarluaskan untuk kepentingan da'wah Islam. Mudah-mudahan Islam tetap Ya'luu walaa yu'laa 'alaih....tidak akan ternodai oleh aliran2 yang sesat dan menyesatkan, amin !

26. Koleksi Diskusi Isnet (Februari 1996): An Article About Ahmadiyya Movement (fwd)
qadianism or the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam is REALLY AN Islamizedform of Pauline Christianity with its own form of Trinity.
An article about Ahmadiyya Movement (fwd)
Wed, 21 Feb 1996 12:51:57 -0600 (CST)
Assalamualaikum wr. wb...
Berikut ini Insya Allah saya forwardkan salah satu artikel tentang Qadiani
atau Ahmadiyah yang saya dapatkan dari Internet; Mudah-mudahan dapat menambah
wawasan kita. Semoga Allah menunjukkan kita jalan yang lurus, jalan yang
diridhai-Nya, dalam mengarungi hidup ini dengan menggunakan Islam sebagai
satu-satunya cara hidup yang menyeluruh, sempurna, dan universal.
Qadianism or the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam is REALLY AN 'Islamized
form of Pauline Christianity with its own form of Trinity. Its
founder claimed that he was Jesus counterpart and the Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi of the latter days as well, had been sent from the heaven to break the cross and slaughter the pig. Why would

27. Hazrat Pir Meher Ali Shah’s Fight Against Qadianism
Hazrat Pir Meher Ali Shah’s fight against qadianism. Even many Qadianisrepented and discarded qadianism after reading the book.
Hazrat Pir Meher Ali Shah’s fight against Qadianism The background to Hazrat’s entry into the struggle against Qadianism is that during his visit to the Hijaz for Hajj in 1890 AD (1307 A.H.), the chaste atmosphere of the Holy Land had touched him so deeply that he had thought of permanently settling down there. However, Haji Imdad-ullah Muhajir of Makkah had advised him to return home in the following words: “In the near future, a dangerous and evil movement is likely to raise its head in India, and you are destined to play a key role in combating it. Even if you do nothing actively against this movement, your mere presence in the country would help shield the country’s ulama against its pernicious effects”. The truth of these words was proved barely a year later, i.e., in 1891, when Mirza of Qadian announced his (initial) claim to be the Promised Massiah (Jesus Christ) - an announcement that was to culminate about ten years later in his claim to be a full-fledged prophet of God in his own right. Two spiritual visions experienced by Hazrat around this time also deserve a mention in this context. According to one of these, quoted in Malfuzat-e-Mihriya, the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) had appeared to Hazrat (R.A) in a dream and had commanded him to effectively refute Mirza of Qadian, who was “tearing to pieces his (i.e., the Prophet’s) ahadith through distortion and misinterpretation”.

28. Books Of Hazrat Syedna Pir Meher Ali Shah (R.A)
2. Shamsul Hidayah. As mentioned earlier, this book was written by Hazrat(RA) as a part of his fight against qadianism or Ahmadiya movement.
BOOKS OF HAZRAT SYEDNA PIR MEHER ALI SHAH SAHIB (R.A) Tahqiq-ul-Haq Fi Kalima-tul-Haq This first book of Hazrat Tahqiq-ul-Haq Fi Kalima-tul-Haq (The truth about Kalima-tul-Haq) was written in 1897 AD in Persian language. It gained wide approbation in the Islamic world because of its high scholarly and analytical content, and the erudite discussion on important religious and spiritual issues contained in it. In 1962, a second edition of the book, containing Urdu translation along with Persian text, was published. Finally, a third hard-bound edition was published, with further amplifications and printing improvements, in December 1991. The central themes of this book is Wahdat-ul-wajood (Ultimate Oneness of Being), and the Kalimah-e-Tawhid (Translation: There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger). This book of Hazrat Syedna Pir Meher Ali Shah (R.A) provides a masterly exposition of the concept of "Wahdat-ul-Wajood" and helped clear many of the prevailing misinterpretations of the concept. Reason for writing the book Taking serious note of this, some contemporary ulama denounced Maulana Abdul Rahman's views as amounting to heresy, although very few of them were able to effectively counter the many learned and weighty arguments that the Maulana had advanced in support of his view-point. The result was that the issue threatened to disrupt the unity of the entire Muslim ummah.

29. Islam, Qadianism And Shiaism
Islamic Books and eBooks. ISLAM, qadianism AND SHIAISM. qadianism Verses pertainingto Jihaad have been abrogated by the Wahy revealed to Ghulam Ahmad.
Index UK Bookstore US Bookstore The Qur'an Hadiths; Hadeeths ... Contact us
ISLAM, QADIANISM AND SHIAISM The existence of numerous sects - each one claiming to be rightly guided - is a predetermined fact which the Noble Qur'an makes reference to. Allah Ta'ala declares, 'And if your Lord had so willed, He could have made mankind a single unified group, but they will continue to dispute and differ' (Hud 118). Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, ' Verily this nation (of Muslims) will be divided into seventy three sects. All of them would be in the fire except one. ' When asked which one, he replied, ' The one that adheres to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of my companions .' (Abu Dawood). This brief article, details some of the fundamental differences between Muslims, Qadianis and the Shiites. It is hoped that the reference below will highlight some of the deviant beliefs of both the Shiites and the Qadianis. STATUS OF THE QUR'AN
The Qur'an in its present form is authentic, complete and protected from any distortions upto the day of Qiyaamat.

30. The Baatil Sect
different countries. Rapid promotions were given to those who convertedto qadianism or were Qadiani sympathisers. This resulted
Index UK Bookstore US Bookstore The Qur'an Hadiths; Hadeeths ... Contact us
by Dr Rashid (UAE) Ahmadiyya Movement is following in the footsteps of Christian Missionaries and is engaged in actively misguiding ignorant unsuspecting Muslims into their fold by pretending to be Sunni Muslims and Champions of Islam. Their tactics include setting up centres, clinics, schools, publishing weekly/monthly literature in upto 120 languages, publishing distorted translations of Holy Quran in various languages. They have 24 hour TV broadcasts by the name of MTA via Global Beam, costing around U$75000 per day. In addition they have daily Radio broadcasts in several languages from various bands. Question is who is paying for such enormous propaganda campaign? Qadianis/Ahmadis would have us believe that it is their donations, but one would be very naive to believe that. However this issue can be easily understood when one looks at this movement in historical perspective. Mirza Ghulam launched himself as a Rejuvenator of Islam and a servant of Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). Soon some followers gathered around him, consisting some of the Government employees who wanted to please the Raj. However some of these followers sincerely believed in Mirza's claims of being a servant of Islam. He formed Ahmadiyya Movement in 1890. Soon Mirza claimed to be Messiah, Imam Mahdi and a prophet in his own right. Servant became the Master! In this capacity he abrogated Jihad.

31. IBS: Qadianism: A Critical Study
qadianism A Critical Study. Quantity in Basket none Code 11.6 Price $3.00Shipping Weight 0.00 pounds. Quantity S. Abul Hasan Nadvi -pp.139.

32. Pseudo-Islamic Cults - Ahmadiyya, Mirza Ghulam Qadiani, Qadianism, Ahmadis, Qadi
PseudoIslamic Cults. In My Ummah, there shall be born Thirty GrandLiars (Dajjals), each of whom will claim to be a prophet, But
Pseudo-Islamic Cults "In My Ummah, there shall be born Thirty Grand Liars (Dajjals), each of whom will claim to be a prophet, But I am the Last Prophet; there is No Prophet after Me." (Abu Dawood Vol. 2 p. 228; Tirmidhi Vol. 2 p.45) Ismailis - followers of the Aga Khan
A Letter from a former Ismaili
As-Salaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu May I for the sake of Allah (swt), His Deen and the Muslim Ummaah, request you to please consider the following facts very carefully and decide on your responsibility before Allah (swt) in this matter. I am a revert to Islam. I was an Ismaili before - a follower of the Aga Khan. And I perceive an important Da'wah responsibility which the majority of Muslims are for some reason or other are ignoring. I am not getting you into petty sectarian issues, but a very important matter - please judge for yourself: 1. The Ismailis (followers of the Aga Khan) all professedly believe that the Qur'an was time bound and was not meant to be a Universal message for all times. They believe that their spiritual leader, Karim Aga Khan, is the "walking - talking Qur'an" and his "religious pronouncements", whatever they may be, are the "guidance" for the present times. The fundamental article of faith that there will not be any NEW revelations or "wahy" after the Qur'an, is being completely violated by the Ismailis. 2. The Aga Khan has officially Declared himself, before his followers, as the "Mazhar of Allah on earth". The word "mazhar" means "copy" or "manifest". Consequently, these Ismailis who call themselves Muslims do "sujood" before him. So even the primary axiomatic principle of Tawheed is being fundamentally and formally violated by them.

33. Islamic Books And Media Review || Qadianism - A Critical Study
qadianism A critical study This is a well-written book that discusses the Qadianimovement founded in the late 19th century by Mirza Ghulam Ahmed in Qadian
Islamic Books and Media Review
    review home home
      Qadianism - A critical study
      This is a well-written book that discusses the Qadiani movement founded in the late 19th century by Mirza Ghulam Ahmed in Qadian, India.
      I've read few books which have been translated as well as this one has, even though the first print of the book came out close to 50 years ago.
      This would be a valuable book in any du'aat's collection especially for those who may have a Qadiani community in their city.
      I give this book 4 stars.
      Reviewed by Kashif

34. Islâm, Qadianism, Shi'ism
ISLÂM , qadianism, SHI ISM. Introduction The existence Qadianis. ReferenceChart. . ISLÂM, qadianism, SHI ISM. STATUS OF THE QUR’ÂN. The
ISLÂM , QADIANISM, SHI'ISM Introduction: The existence of numerous sects, all claiming to be rightly guided Muslims is a predetermined fact referred to in the Holy Qur'ân. "And if your Lord had so willed, He could have made mankind a single unified group, but they will continue to dispute and differ......." (Surah 11 - V. 118) Nabi said:- "Verily this nation (of Muslims) will be divided into seventy three sects. All of them will be in the fire except one." When asked which one, he replied "The one that adheres to my sunnah and the sunnah of my companions." (Abû Dawûd) This brief treatise, details some of the fundamental differences, between Muslims, Qadianis and the Shi'ites. It is hoped that the reference chart will highlight some of deviant beliefs of both the Shi'ites and the Qadianis. Reference Chart ISLÂM QADIANISM SHI'ISM Verses pertaining to Jihad have been abrogated by the wahi revealed to Ghulam Ahmed. He has in addition to the Qur'ân, received wahie, which is as important as the Qur'ân. FINALITY OF PROPHETHOOD Nabi Muhammed (sallAllâhu alayhi wa sallam) was the final Nabi, through whom Islam gained completion and through whom prophethood was sealed and wahie ended

35. Qadianism
qadianism! A Mark on Islam. By Muhammad Umair Bhatti. qadianism is agroup of NonMuslims, which tends to show themselves as Muslims.
The Pure Islam The Right Place to Learn Islam
Qadianism! A Mark on Islam Qadianism! A Mark on Islam
By: Muhammad Umair Bhatti Qadianism is a group of Non-Muslims, which tends to show themselves as Muslims. They are spreading in the world; therefore, we have shed light on the reality about them in this article, in order to preserve the image of Islam.
Allah has sent around thousands of prophets such as Adam ( peace be upon him ), Ibraaheem ( peace be upon him) Moosa peace be upon him ‘Eesa peace be upon him ) and Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). They all were true prophets and sent by Allah to guide people to the right path and the people, who followed them on the respective ages, will be rewarded by Allah on the Day of judgment.
The Holy Qur'aan Says: “Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets and Allah has full knowledge of all things.”
Brief History of Qadianism:
The Name of founder of Qadianism was Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadiani. He was born in 1948 in the city of Qadiaan. The name of his fathers was Ghulam Murtaza and that of mother was Charagh. He was Muslim before he claimed to be a Prophet. The life of Mirza Ghulam Ahmed contains three eras:

36. AskEarth - Browse Topic
Search topics. All Religion Spirituality qadianism, Ask your question. qadianism.Religion Spirituality qadianism. Brainiac Amok (B+), 8 months ago.

37. Qadianism - A Critical Study Guide
qadianism A Critical Study Guide, qadianism - A Critical Study. qadianism- A Critical Study. Link ID, 12168. Title, qadianism - A Critical Study.

38. Muslims Internet Directory: Truth About Ahmadiyya (Qadianism)
Truth about Ahmadiyya (qadianism), Hits317. Link Option. , Visit Truthabout Ahmadiyya (qadianism) Now.

39. - Muslims Internet Directory & Search Engine: Recommend Truth About
SUGGEST Truth about Ahmadiyya (qadianism) TO A FRIEND Site Name Truthabout Ahmadiyya (qadianism). Site URL http//

40. Some Reflections On The Ahmadiya/Qadiani Movement
Ahmadiyya / Qadiani Movement. Excerpts from the book qadianism A CriticalStudy, by Syed Abdul Hasan Ali Nadvi © 1967 Published by Sh.
Some Reflections on the Ahmadiyya / Qadiani Movement
Excerpts from the book: Qadianism: A Critical Study,
Published by Sh. Muhammad Ashraf Publishers, 7-Aibak Rd., Lahore, Pakistan
To give our readers an insight into the objective which prompted the eminent author to write this book, we are pleased to reproduce this excerpt which is from the Preface and which gives the gist of the book. We have also reproduced a few conclusions from the latter part of the book. T owards the end of December 1957, and in the beginning of January 1958, an International Islamic Colloquium was held in Lahore under the auspices of the Punjab University in which a large number of distinguished and noted scholars of the Muslim world and Western countries took part. Quite a few outstanding Ulama of the Middle East were there to represent the countries to which they belonged. This writer could not reach Lahore in time despite having received an invitation to participate. He did reach Lahore, but after the Colloquium had terminated and found that the points raised during the Colloquium continued to be debated by the people. What was being particularly appreciated was the forceful advocacy of Islam, and the heart-warming expression of their religious loyalty by the representatives of Syria and Egypt. The scholars who had come from Egypt, Syria and Iraq to participate in the conference showed considerable keenness to collect correct information about the fundamental beliefs and doctrines of Qadianism, the well-known religious movement of India and Pakistan. This curiosity on their part was justified and natural. For, it is in this part of the world that Qadianism was born and grew up. Hence, from here alone authentic material and information could be procured. The Pakistani and Indian friends of these guests felt the existence of a serious gap: the absence of any book on the subject in present-day Arabic which could be presented to them. It was owing to this feeling that when the writer reached Lahore he was ordered by his spiritual teacher and guide, Hazrat Maulana Abdul Qadir Raipuri, to write a book on this subject in Arabic.

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