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101. Our Faith The Religious Quest as a Preparation for christianity. Repentance and Confession Introduction. The Sacramental Life of the orthodox Church. The Sacraments. http://www.goarch.org/access/orthodoxy/ | |
102. Christianity - Orthodox - Suite101.com Collection of articles and rated links. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/orthodox_christianity | |
103. Touchstone: A Journal Of Mere Christianity Conservative in doctrine and eclectic in content, with editors and readers from Protestant, Roman Catholic, and orthodox traditions. Provides a place where Christians of various backgrounds can speak with one another on the basis of shared belief in the fundamental doctrines of the faith. http://www.touchstonemag.com/ | |
104. General Information: Introduction the eighth century was written with the purpose of drawing nonChristians to christianity. It is an exceptionally pleasant catechism of the orthodox Church and http://www.orthodoxinfo.com/general/index.aspx | |
105. Orthodox Christians In North America 1000 Years Ago Andrew Phillips explains how christianity was accepted by the Vikings and came with Leif Ericsson to the New World. http://www.roca.org/oa/151/151g.htm | |
106. Orthodox Institute Berkeley, CA. Part of the Graduate Theological Union of Berkeley, associated with the University of California at Berkeley. More than 10,000 volumes of literature, patristic studies, liturgics, history, architecture, and music, as well as its collection of artifacts and icons. Lectureships, colloquia, campus outreach program, publications, and ecumenical activities. http://www.christianity.com/orthodoxinstitute | |
107. St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary Approximately 35,000 volumes and 200 current periodicals concentrating on orthodox Eastern christianity, with emphasis on the fields of Church History, Patristics and Hagiography. Also 12,000 monograph and periodicals with strong representation of East European and pre1917 Russian theological works and devotional literature. http://www.stots.edu/library.htm | |
108. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Of America This awardwinning site features information on the Greek orthodox Archdiocese, news and events, Archbishop Demetrios, the orthodox Christian faith, messageboards, audio, video, and much more! History of the orthodox Church - christianity has always been unusually sensitive to the past CrossRoad orthodox Youth Take the Challenge orthodox juniors and seniors in high http://www.goarch.org/ | |
109. Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church In Poltava, Ukraine History, reality, needs. christianity and national consciousness in Ukraine. http://www.church.poltava.ua/ | |
110. Pedal Prayers Cycling Ministry - Index Page Testimony and travels of a former orthodox Jew who found his Messiah and bicycles around the USA sharing christianity. http://www.geocities.com/pprayers/ | |
111. Orthodox Christian Morality Today -- Commentary On Moral Issues. Andrew Damick christianity and the arts. 515-04. The orthodox Church in Korea orthodox Christian Mission Center Church opens in Korea. 5-8-04. http://www.orthodoxytoday.org/ | |
112. Joshua Villines' Personal Page Homilies, papers, lecture notes, and annoted weblinks dealing with Protestant christianity from a Neoorthodox perspective. Also contains Villines genealogy information maintained by The Rev. C. Joshua Villines. http://www.villines.com | |
113. Voice Of Orthodox Catholic Christianity Welcomes You Site for the American orthodox Church includes information and links on the jurisdiction. http://www.apostle1.com | |
114. Orthodox Christian Contact Wales, Introduction to the Holy orthodox Church. orthodox Christian teaching and spirituality. Parish events in Wales, U.K. Pilgrimages. Celtic christianity. http://www.orthodoxchurch.co.uk | |
115. St. Mark Foundation For Coptic History Studies Top/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/christianity/Denominations/orthodox/Church_Jurisdictions/NonChalcedonian/Coptic http://www.coptic-history.org/ | |
116. Coptologia Home Page Top/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/christianity/Denominations/orthodox/Church_Jurisdictions/NonChalcedonian/Coptic http://pages.ca.inter.net/~hishak/copt.htm | |
117. Archdiocese Of The Eastern USA Top/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/christianity/Denominations/orthodox/Church_Jurisdictions/NonChalcedonian/Syrian http://www.syrianorthodoxchurch.org/ | |
118. R. Grant Jones' Home Page Contains essays on conversion to christianity and to the orthodox Church, a copy of the liturgy of St. Gregory the Great, and The Christian Year , a book of poetry by Fr. John Keble (a nineteenth century Anglican priest). http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pines/7224/Rick/index.html | |
119. BBC - Religion & Ethics - The Orthodox Church christianity Subdivisions The orthodox Church. Living. Related Links. BBCi, First Russian orthodox Church in Manchester. Latest christianity news. http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/christianity/subdivisions/orthodox/index | |
120. Russian Orthodox Church (Brussels Representation) - Eglise Orthodoxe Russe (Repr Includes news, background information, christianity in Europe, Church and society, interorthodox and ecumenical relations. English/French http://orthodoxeurope.org/ | |
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