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81. CatholicCourier.com - Top Stories pumpkin? Sister Rita Habecker said as she took a 9month-old boy into issues statement on marriage (Publication Date 04-03-2004) Says catholics are called to http://www.catholiccourier.com/ | |
82. Old Catholic Church/Facione Josip Strossmayer (18151905) speech at Vatican I). Many of these catholics formed independent communities that came to be known as old Catholic because they http://www.whiterobedmonks.org/oldcath.html | |
83. Contemporary Catholics Hence, The White Robed Monks of St. Benedict are neither Roman Catholic nor old Catholic, Liberal Catholic nor Eastern Catholic. The WRBs are just Catholic. http://www.whiterobedmonks.org/ctmpcat.html | |
84. Old-Catholics In Germany Catholic diocese of the oldcatholics in Germany. old-catholics ? What are they? The catholic diocese of the old-catholics has existed in Germany since 1873. http://www.wibue.de/akhalle/AK_ENGL.HTM | |
85. Old Catholic Church Of America Chancery Office. 409 N. Lexington Parkway. DeForest, Wisconsin 53532 ( 608) 8465608 The old Catholic Church of America in expression of its global mission to The Fourteen Thesis of the old http://www.oldcatholic.org/ | |
86. Catholicism - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia faiths which regard themselves as Catholic without full communion with the Pope are the Ancient Catholic Church, old Catholic Church, Liberal Catholic Church http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholicism | |
87. Catholic - Encyclopedia Article About Catholic. Free Access, No Registration Nee These include the Ancient Catholic Church The Ancient Catholic Church of the Netherlands is closely related to the old Catholic Church, and the Liberal http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Catholic | |
88. Old Catholic old Catholic. One of various breakaway groups from Roman Catholicism, including those in the Netherlands (such as the Church of Utrecht, which separated from http://www.tiscali.co.uk/reference/encyclopaedia/hutchinson/m0011404.html | |
89. NCCA: The Independent/Old Catholic Movement - A Primer America. The Independent/old Catholic Movement A Primer. The old Catholic Church enjoyed considerable growth in Germany and Austria. Then http://members.aol.com/NatCathCh/primer.html | |
90. Old Catholic Church -- Encyclopædia Britannica continued. old Catholic church Encyclopædia Britannica Article. To cite this page MLA style old Catholic Church. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=58388&tocid=5367&query=christian catholi |
91. Malabarese Catholic Church -- Encyclopædia Britannica from old Catholic church The steady process of centralization in the see of Rome and in the person of the pope, which has marked the later history of the http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=51473 |
92. Groups Using The Term "Catholic" Not In Union With Rome Mariavite old Catholic Church, Province Of North America. Mexican National Catholic Church. old Catholic Church In America (Brothers). http://jmahoney.com/groups.htm | |
93. Western Liturgical Family Church. THE old CATHOLIC MOVEMENT. The Western The old Catholic Church at first retained most traditional doctrine. However, in 1874 http://jmahoney.com/western.htm | |
94. A Gay Archbishop Responds To The Vatican ... An Advocate.com Exclusive John the Beloved, an old Catholic religious order, responses to the Vaticans recent statement against recognition of samesex relationships. http://www.advocate.com/html/stories/895_6/895_6_simpson.asp | |
95. History Of The Liberal Catholic Church for this act of insubordination he returned to Holland and consecrated several Bishops, thereby establishing what is called the old Catholic Church of Holland. http://members.tripod.com/~SRLCC/lcchist.htm | |
96. Old St. Joseph's Church - Philadelphia's Jesuit Parish OSJ Mission Statement old St. Joseph s, the first Catholic parish in Philadelphia, seeks to live out the gospel message of Jesus Christ. http://www.oldstjoseph.org/ | |
97. Church Of St. Francis, The Liberal Catholic Church The Liberal Catholic Church is a direct descendant of the old Catholic Church. This latter movement has its roots in the ancient http://www.liberalcatholic.com/_wsn/page4.html | |
98. Religion history. Independent Catholic Church of America is an independent apostolic descendant of the old Catholic Church of Utrecht. Newman http://www.pibburns.com/religion.htm | |
99. RECONCILING OLD LOVERS:JOHN PAUL ON SCIENCE AND FAITH nuptial analogy is apt, then truly we can say that John Paul s work is an attempt to reconcile old lovers. John Paul firmly proclaims the Catholic insight that http://www.catholic.net/RCC/Periodicals/Dossier/0708-96/article4.html | |
100. Madison Area Interfaith Network: Related Web Sites old catholic orthodox presbyterian quaker mennonite. old catholic. The Church of the Holy Spirit old Catholic Church in America. http://danenet.wicip.org/mainlink/links.html | |
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