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21. Anglicans And Old Catholics Anglicans and old catholics. ( Full Communion ). THE old catholics. who are they? They are a federation of several independent http://www.worldaccess.nl/~karelmg/anglok.htm | |
22. ISOCC - The Old Catholic Churches Of The International Synod Who Are ISOCC old catholics? The old catholics are a body of Christians committed to the Person of Jesus Christ and His teaching. http://home.comcast.net/~oldcatholic/ | |
23. Old Catholics The United American Catholic Church. Today, old catholicism is a traditional force, with historical theology that includes such ideals as sacraments and http://home.comcast.net/~gentle.sc/OldCaths.htm | |
24. The Old Catholic Church Of The United States - The History Of Old Catholicism Comprehensive information, FAQ, and numerous links to related resources. old catholics A Historical Sketch. Who We Are. What old catholics Believe. http://www.angelfire.com/il/oldcatholic/ochistory.html | |
25. Vocare! Calling Married & Single Men To The Old Catholic Priesthood old catholics share a common foundational history with Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox Churches, and are a valid, sacramental catholic community of http://www.angelfire.com/il2/vocations/ | |
26. Old Catholic Church Old Catholic Church. The ?Catholic Diocese of the old catholics in Germany? (Katholisches Bistum der AltKatholiken in Deutschland) is an. http://www.fact-index.com/o/ol/old_catholic_church.html | |
27. The Old Catholic Church In Switzerland there has been a depreciation in both the number of adherents as well as their proportion to the resident population of the 37,000 old catholics surveyed in http://switzerland.isyours.com/e/guide/religion/christianism/oldcatholic.html | |
28. Dictionary.com/old Catholics Get the Top 10 Most Popular Sites for old catholics . 1 entry found for old catholics. old catholics. Old \Old\, a. Compar. See Bachelor, 1. old catholics. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=old catholics |
29. OLD CATHOLICS old catholics (Ger. Altha~holiken) , the designation assumed by those to accept the decrees of the Va. old catholics. old catholics (Ger. http://17.1911encyclopedia.org/O/OL/OLD_CATHOLICS.htm | |
30. Old Catholics Don't Accept Papal Infallibility July 18, 1870 The Pope s Infallibility Declared, old catholics Split. They withdrew from the Roman Church, and called themselves old catholics. http://www.gospelcom.net/chi/DAILYF/2002/07/daily-07-18-2002.shtml | |
31. Welcome On The English Language Pages Of This Web Site! As a part of the Catholic Diocese of the old catholics in Germany we arrange our ecclesiastical life within the rules set down by our Reformed Catholic Church http://www.reformkatholiken.de/1e.html | |
32. Patron Saints Index: Old Catholics old catholics. Christian denomination organized in Munich with the Church of England. There are approximately 250,000 old catholics. http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/define32.htm | |
33. Old Catholic Web Sites old catholics ONLINE. This page is by no means an exhaustive compilation. It will continue to grow and we welcome notice of sites we have not seen. http://www.neiu.edu/~history/web.htm | |
34. Old Catholic Church - The Church Today old catholics in this country have a rich heritage, but ours is not a preservationist movement, keeping old ways only as a museum piece or source of nostalgia http://www.oldcatholic.org/churchtoday.htm | |
35. Old Catholic Church - Statement Of Union Articles of Belief were originally issued by the Old Catholic Church of England in a pamphlet entitled The Articles of Belief of the old catholics of Great http://www.oldcatholic.org/union.htm | |
36. AllRefer Encyclopedia - Old Catholics (Roman Catholic And Orthodox Churches: Bra AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete information on old catholics, Roman Catholic And Orthodox Churches Branches, Schisms, And http://reference.allrefer.com/encyclopedia/O/OldCatho.html | |
37. Old Catholics encyclopediaEncyclopedia old catholics. old catholics, Christian Related content from HighBeam Research on old catholics. old catholics seek http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/society/A0836523.html | |
38. Old Catholics They are called old catholics because they sought to adhere to the beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church of the postApostolic era. http://www.independentcatholics.org/history.htm | |
39. Old Catholics The ICCI Newsletter The Independent Catholic. Back to Top. Copyright © 20032004, Independent Catholic Churches International. All rights reserved. http://www.independentcatholics.org/about.htm | |
40. Old Catholic Church Definition Meaning Information Explanation Old Catholic Church. The »Catholic Diocese of the old catholics in Germany« (Katholisches Bistum der AltKatholiken in Deutschland) is an. http://www.free-definition.com/Old-Catholic-Church.html | |
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