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1. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Old Catholics Visit New Advent for the Summa Theologica, Church Fathers, Catholic Encyclopedia and more. most friendly government officials that the fiction of the Catholicism of the old catholics was no longer tenable of themselves as Catholics by the old catholics is all the stranger http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11235b.htm | |
2. Religious Movements Homepage: The Old Catholics This Old Roman Catholics Page is your gateway to accessing comprehensive webbased, as well as print, resources about the Old Roman Catholics. http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/Oldcath.html | |
3. Old Catholics. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 Short historical essay. http://www.bartleby.com/65/ol/OldCatho.html | |
4. Old Catholics Several articles on the Old Catholic Church. A source of information for deeper understanding of religious subjects. old catholics. General Information. old catholics include several small local http://mb-soft.com/believe/txc/oldcatho.htm | |
5. Old Catholics A WARNING ON THE old catholics FALSE BISHOPS, FALSE CHURCHES. by Rev. Anthony Cekada, SSPX. Originally published in The Roman Catholic magazine, 1980. PLEASE NOTE While this material was written by http://home.earthlink.net/~grossklas/oldcatholics.htm | |
6. Old Catholics Seek Identity At The Margins These are stories from past, or back, issues of the National Catholic Reporter, the NCR. old catholics have lurked at the edge of Christian life for more than a century http://www.natcath.com/NCR_Online/archives/042399/042399f.htm | |
7. Old Catholic Church Of The United States Old Catholic Church of the United States. Welcomes You . Our Welcome To You · A Historical Overview of old catholics. · Our Statement of Faith. http://www.oldcatholic.com/ | |
8. [English Pages] Old Catholics In Germany The Old Catholic movement was sparked by German professors, and the German Old Catholic Church was one of the earliest members of the Union of Utrecht. If you can read German, lots of information here, but they do also offer several pages in English. http://www.alt-katholisch.de/all-eng.htm | |
9. Old Catholic Holy Orders & Validity For this reason the ordinations performed by the bishops of the old catholics are consider valid. A Practical Commentary on the Code of Canon Law, revised and http://www.oldcatholic.com/validity.html | |
10. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Celibacy Of The Clergy Nevertheless, when the old catholics abolished compulsory celibacy for the priesthood, Dr. Döllinger, as we are told by the intimate friend of his, an Anglican http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03481a.htm | |
11. OLD CATHOLIC CHURCH OF CANADA - ::,ON old catholics The Canadian old catholics choose to follow the episcopal line stated above as representing, to them, the true successors of the Carfora Church. http://netministries.org/see/churches/ch05841 | |
12. St. Bede's Scriptorium: Theology Page Small collection of links, extensive annotations. AngloCatholic. May also interest Western-Rite Orthodox or old catholics. On a 14.4 modem, takes about one minute to load. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/5129/theology.html | |
13. Old Catholic Church - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Old Catholic Church. The »Catholic Diocese of the old catholics in Germany« (Katholisches Bistum der AltKatholiken in Deutschland) is an. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Catholic_Church | |
14. Pope Pius IX 23 March 1875 Church In Switzerland On the Church in Switzerland. Condemns the old catholics and antiCatholic marriage laws. Encyclical promulgated 23 March, 1875. http://www.ewtn.com/library/ENCYC/P9GRAVES.HTM | |
15. [Homepage] Old Catholics In Germany The Catholic Diocese of the old catholics in Germany http://www.alt-katholiken.de/index-e.html | |
16. [Homepage] Old Catholics In Germany Deutsche Version Home Catholic Diocese of the old catholics in Germany. Home Informationen Gemeinden Bistum Utrechter http://www.alt-katholisch.de/index-e.html | |
17. OLD CATHOLICS old catholics. old catholics (Ger. Altha~holiken) , the designation assumed by those members of the Roman Catholic on the episcopal model. The Old Catholic movement, at the outset at http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/O/OL/OLD_CATHOLICS.htm | |
18. Independent Old Catholic Church Of America Home Page We hope that you take the time to explore our pages and learn more about old catholics and Independent Catholics. We also ask that http://independentoldcatholicchurch.com/ | |
19. Old Catholic Church Active in Pennsylvania, Louisiana, and Texas. Strives for unity among old catholics and with the Anglican Communion. Web site offers a bibliography and email discussion group. http://old_catholic.tripod.com/ | |
20. OC History Who We, As old catholics, Are. The old catholics are a body of Christians committed to the Person of Jesus Christ and His teaching. http://independentoldcatholicchurch.com/oc_history.htm | |
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