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61. Norse Creation The norse Creation included the story of the War between Aesir and Vanir, and the description of Asgard and Midgard. Fact and Figures The norse Way. Creation. http://www.timelessmyths.com/norse/beginning.html | |
62. Welcome To The Customer Site Features information about the norse gods and Asatru. http://prime-fe1.lvcablemodem.com/paladin/asatru/index.html | |
63. Norroen Dyrd (Ñåâåðíàÿ Ñëàâà) The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://norse.narod.ru/ | |
64. Irminsul Ættir - Seiðr Sei°r (pronounced saydh or say-th with the r being silent) is the shamanistic magical practice of the norse and Germanic people. Mailing list and articles. http://www.irminsul.org/se/se.html | |
65. Hos-McGrane > Ancient History Projects > Viking Project Menu The norse Storm. by Tom C. Heather R. and Nadine O. Table of Contents. http://www.internet-at-work.com/hos_mcgrane/viking/eg_viking_menu1.html | |
66. · The OLD NORSE LANGUAGE · Information about the languages of medieval Scandinavia phonology, grammar, vocabulary list including proper names, texts, and links. http://hem2.passagen.se/peter9/gram/index.html | |
67. Medieval Scandinavia Tom Bj¸rnstad is anxious to soften the brutal image of the Vikings, seen through the eyes of their foes. Covers norse history, stave churches, Scandinavia royalty and aspects of the history of Norway. http://www.medsca.org/ | |
68. Ása: Norse Mythology Source Texts Includes links to other norse poems and source materials sites. Unlinked titles are forthcoming! May 20th, 2000. Ása means of the Æsir (the norse Gods). http://www.angelfire.com/on/Wodensharrow/texts.html | |
69. Mythology By Edith Hamilton Book Notes Edith Hamilton's 1942 easy to read compendium of Greek mythology, including sections on Roman and norse mythology. http://www.bookrags.com/notes/myt/ | |
70. Society For Early English And Norse Electronic Texts | Home Series B. Series B serves for publication of reference materials pertinent to the study of medieval English and norse manuscripts and texts. http://www.iath.virginia.edu/seenet/ | |
71. Viking Trail Online The official website for the Viking Trail region of Newfoundland and Labrador, with visitor information for the 1,000 yearold norse settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows. http://www.vikingtrail.org/ | |
72. Luther Athletics > Football Home Official site of the norse with news items, scores, statistics, player roster and a schedule of games. http://sports.luther.edu/football/index.html | |
73. Welcome To FUTHARK Study of the Runic Elder Futhark and norse mythology. http://www.futhark.com | |
74. Valkyrie , Norse Mythology JOHN GRUSE The Valkyrie Oil on Canvas. From the norse Mythology The Aesir family of Gods were the chief gods of norse Mythology Odin, king of the gods. http://home4.inet.tele.dk/svava/valkyrie.htm | |
75. Luther Athletics > Men's Track & Field Home norse men's official site. News, coaching staff, roster, schedule, results, season bests, school records, history, and recruiting questionnaire. http://sports.luther.edu/track-field-m/index.html | |
76. Viking/Norse Religion Introduction to the preChristian religious beliefs of the Scandinavian people. http://www.feri.com/dawn/religion.html |
77. Which Norse Mythology Character Are You? - Quizilla Which norse Mythology character are you? How do you feel about war? I m constantly ready for it. War is such a foolish thing. I m the mastermind behind war. http://quizilla.com/users/Iben/quizzes/Which Norse Mythology character are you?/ |
78. Norse Myths norse Mythology. The norse people lived from about AD 200 to 500 in northern Europe and Scandinavia. From this period on, the norse are known as Vikings. http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/mythology/norse_culture.html | |
79. Irminsul Aettir - Althing Annual gathering that features a living history norse encampment with games, crafts, workshops, and rituals. Includes information, registration, schedule of events, directions, and summary of previous gatherings. http://www.irminsul.org/althing.html |
80. Family Tree Of Norse Gods And Goddesses Click on the names in blue to learn more about the norse myths with a cosmological meaning. The Myths of the World Last modified http://www.windows.ucar.edu/tour/link=/mythology/viking_family_tree.html | |
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