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         Norse:     more books (100)
  1. NORSE GODS AND GIANTS (HC/1st/DJ) by Ingri D'Aulaire, Edgar D'Aulaire, 1967
  2. Usborne Illustrated Guide to Norse Myths and Legends by Cheryl Evan, Anne Millard, 1987-04
  3. D'Aulaire's Norse Gods & Giants by Ingri d'Aulaire, 1986-08-19
  4. Exploring The Northern Tradition: A Guide To The Gods, Lore, Rites And Celebrations From The Norse, German And Anglo-saxon Traditions (Exploring Series) by Galina Krasskova, 2005-05
  5. A New Introduction to Old Norse: I Grammar: 1 by Michael Barnes, 2008-01-01
  6. Essential Asatru: Walking the Path of Norse Paganism by Diana L. Paxson, 2006-12-01
  7. Hammer of Thor - Norse Mythology and Legends - Special Edition by H.A. Guerber, 2010-05-04
  8. Old Norse-Icelandic Literature: A Critical Guide (MART: The Medieval Academy Reprints for Teaching)
  9. Norse Mythology: Great Stories from the Eddas by Hamilton Wright Mabie, 2002-04-10
  10. Medieval Garments Reconstructed: Norse Clothing Patterns by Lilli Fransen, Anna Norgard, et all 2010-10-31
  11. The Vinland Sagas: The Norse Discovery of America (Penguin Classics) by Anonymous, 1965-05-30
  12. Memoirs of a Bastard Angel: A Fifty-Year Literary and Erotic Odyssey by Harold Norse, 2002-04-30
  13. Mythology: Norse Gods (Mythology Of...) by Arthur Cotterell, 2006-10-25
  14. Favorite Norse Myths (Dover Value Editions) by Abbie Farwell Brown, E. Boyd Smith, 2006-08-31

21. Encyclopedia Of Norse Mythology
Myths of Northern Europe (Davidson), Myths of the norsemen (Guerber), Myths of the norsemen (Green), Nordic Gods and Heroes (Colum), norse Mythology (Cotterell
This page is finally finished. If you see any glaring mistakes or omissions please contact me.
The sources used in constructing this page include, but are not limited to, An Introduction to Viking Mythology (Grant), Bullfinch's Mythology (Martin), The Children of Odin (Colum), The Downfall of the Gods (Sorenson), Gods and Myths of Northern Europe (Davidson), Myths of the Norsemen (Guerber), Myths of the Norsemen (Green), Nordic Gods and Heroes (Colum), Norse Mythology (Cotterell), Norse Mythology A to Z (Daly), The Norse Myths (Crossley-Holland), The Poetic Edda (Hollander), The Prose Edda (Faulkes), The Prose Edda (Young), Scandanavian Mythology (Davidson), The Usborne Book of Greek and Norse Legends (Blundell).
Personalities Associated with Norse Mythology
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- One of the three sea divinities, the other two being Njord and Mimir . He is said to belong to an older dynasty of gods, for he is not ranked among the , the Vanir , the giants, dwarfs, or elves, but is considered omnipotent within his realm.
- One of two races of gods in Norse mythology, the other being the

22. Norse Mythology Page
norse and Associated Sites. This is a genealogy of the norse pantheon I compiled from various sources. The images below are clickable image maps.
Norse and Associated Sites
This is a genealogy of the Norse pantheon I compiled from various sources.
The images below are clickable image maps.
  • Norse Mythology
    My Encyclopedia of Norse Mythology
  • Norse Legends
    A collection of some of the stories of Norse mythology
  • Norse Mythology
    A page containing some information on the Norse gods and goddesses
  • Eddas
    A link to the Eddas
  • Encyclopedia Mythica:Norse Mythology
    An encyclopedia of Norse mythology
  • A page with all kinds of Asatru links
  • My Rune page A small page with some rune and Asatru links.
  • Click here to return to my homepage.
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    23. Norse
    Scottish (Hecatine, Caledonii, Pictish) norse. Asatru. Dianic norse Mythology. The norse Mythology Web Page
    Gypsy Luna Tigress Pathways Witchcraft Basics Stregheria Gardnerian Kitchen Witch ... Astrology Family Parenting Kids/Teens Dance Wellness Healing Herbs Aura Holistic Alternative Shrines Meditation Dreams Faery Dragons Mermaids Unicorn Places to Gather Wise Wayz Calendar Publications E - Text ... Links Coming Soon... Golden Dawn/Thelma/Chaos Magick Esoteric Events/Festivals Hellenic/Greek/Roman People Germanic Channeling Environment Travel Paranormal Renaissance/Medieval Voodoo History Search Now: Norse A tradition rooted in the beliefs of the people of Northern Europe. Ancient Nordic Spirituality Barbarian's Norse Religion Page Call us Heathens Cosmogonic Myths and Theoretical Science ...
    ©2002 - 2003


    24. Main Menu
    A whois-who of classical, norse, Gaelic and Egyptian mythology.
    This web page is dedicated to the wonderful stories and legends found in the ancient mythologies. Being mainly Celtic with a dash of Greek, I have always been facinated with the myths of those two races. Recently I have researched Norse mythology and found that there is an equally exciting supply of legend there.Finally, inspired by an upcoming trip to Egypt I started to look at their myths, which although highly confusing, have a wealth of interesting deities and beliefs My only problem in constructing this web site has been in deciding what to put in and what to leave out. I have basically compromised by including a glossary of the main characters in Norse, Gaelic, Egyptian and Classical Mythology and including a few of my own favorite stories. I hope, that like me, you may be inspired to read more about the myths of these great cultures.
    Mail me!
    or sign the guest book

    25. Dictionary Of The Gods
    Brief dictionary of norse mythology, from Viking lore to Odin and Yggdrasill.
    A Dictionary of the Norse Gods
    by Rob Elliott
    Aegir: (or Hler) He is the god of the sea, and dwells on the island of Lessoe (or Hlesey). He is usually depicted as an old man with a long white beard. He is said to trigger storms and tempests and, on occasion, even calm the weather. Aegir is also suspected of greed, often sinking vessels and bringing them down with him to the depths of the ocean.
    Aesir: This is the collective name given to the warrior gods who live in Asgard.
    Alfheim: Of the nine worlds, this is the world of the Light Elves.
    Asgard: Of the nine worlds, this is the world of the Aesir, or the warrior gods. In Asgard the gods built their halls, one of which is Valhalla.
    Audhumla: The cow created in the hoar-frost of Ginnungagap. When Audhumla became hungry, she began licking the salt from the sheets of ice. After continuous licking, the cow uncovered from the ice the body of Buri, whose grandsons are the gods Odin, Vili, and Ve.
    Beserker Rage:
    At certain times, Odin was said to give to his warriors the gift of beserker rage, which enabled the warrior, although weaponless and naked, to perform great feats of strength and valor.
    Bifrost: This is the name given to the rainbow (or flaming) bridge, which spans the gap between Midgard and Asgard.

    26. ASATRU (Norse Heathenism)
    ASATRU. (norse Heathenism). Its followers have maintained it as closely as possible to the original religion of the norse people.
    (Norse Heathenism)
    Click Here to Visit our Sponsors.
    Asatru is frequently regarded as one of the Neopagan family of religions. That family includes Wicca Celtic Druidism , and re-creations of Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and other ancient Pagan religions. However, many Asatruers prefer the term " Heathen " to " Neopagan " and look upon their tradition as " not just a branch on the Neopagan tree " but as a separate tree. Unlike Wicca, which has gradually evolved into many different traditions, the reconstruction of Asatru has been based on the surviving historical record. Its followers have maintained it as closely as possible to the original religion of the Norse people. Some sources state that Asatru or Ásatrú is of Norse origin, derived from the Danish word Asetro . It was " first seen in 1885 in an article in the periodical "Fjallkonan". The next recorded instance was in "Heiðinn siður á Íslandi" by Ólafur Briem (Reykjavík, 1945) ." The title means "

    27. The Norse
    Iceland, The norse who emigrated were remarkably plastic in terms of adopting other cultures and languages. The raiding parties that
    after the conversion of Iceland to Christianity. There are a number of narrative poems, called eddas , which tell tales of Norse gods: Hymiskvitha , and many others. These narratives would be collected in a larger prose work, the Edda written by Snorri Sturluson (1178-1241) and called the Snorra Edda in Icelandic.
    skaldic poetry. The pantheon of gods was far from settled; the society of gods was primarily clan-based and wracked by internal violence and feuding.
    or "Assembly." Here the separate clans would primarily deal with conflicts among members of the clan and exact reparations in order to prevent blood-feuds. In spite of this, however, the picture that Icelandic history gives us is one of fairly regular, low-level warfare between individuals and clans.
    Leifr Eriksson discovered a territory he called Vinland
    , are the greatest works of European literature until the Renaissance. Some sagas tell large-scale histories of the settlement of Iceland or Greenland, but the great genius of the saga-tellers was their focus on individuals and on the relentlessly human aspect of Norse life. In sagas such as Laxdaelasaga Njal's Saga , the larger history of Iceland fades into the dramas of individual passions, heroism, and revenge, a world of human passions and gestures. These sagas are perhaps our best glimpse of the Norse world view. Unlike the European world view, it was relentlessly focussed on the human side of historical events, how history and violence are germinated in the human mind and in human emotions. The world of the sagas is an unpredictable and arbitrary world where social order is only maintained on the thinnest of threads. Europe would not see their equal again until William Shakespeare sat down and put pen to paper.

    28. Key Holders, Calendars, Door Crowns, Paper Towel Holders, Wall Plaques And Welco
    Interchangeable welcome signs for all seasons including calendars, clocks, wall plaques, key holders and paper towel holders. Most items can be personalized.
    Key Holders - Calendars - Door Toppers - Welcome Signs - Wall Plaques - Paper Towel Holders - Peg Racks - Napkin Holders Welcome to Norse Craft!
    • At Norse Craft you will find a large selection of hand painted interchangeable welcome signs to celebrate almost all holidays as well as the four seasons of the year. The holiday welcome signs are shown on the page of the season in which they occur along with the seasonal welcome signs appropriate to that time of year. Each plaque is painted on both sides and sealed against the weather for outside usage. We also offer many useful and decorative household items such as wood calendar holders 2004 calendars wooden key holders paper towel holders ... napkin holders , and peg racks . There are many designs shown and I can usually accommodate special requests as well. This is possible because almost every piece we ship is individually cut, assembled and hand painted to order. I've also included several examples of our folk art door crowns and wall plaques . These door toppers and wall signs can often be personalized with names or sayings so be sure to me if you need something special.

    29. The Nordic Mythology
    The nordic mythology Old norse Mythology. The Old norse Mythology is rather facinating. The ones aqquinted with the world of
    The nordic mythology...
    Old Norse Mythology.
    The Old Norse Mythology is rather facinating. The ones aqquinted with the world of Tolkien can to some extent recognize themselves when dealing with this mythology. According to the old tales a man with the name of Gylfe, king of Svithiod, once entered the home of the gods and there he was told how the world begun. He met with three beings which had the names: Hög (High), Tredje (Third) and jämnhög (Even Height or something like that ;-). They told him how the world had been created and how everything was done. In the beginning there was the abyss (Ginnungagapet), North of this there was Nifelheim, the world of cold where Cold and Darkness rules. Frosty mists rose from the cold well of Hvergelmer. In the south there was the hot Muspelheim, a place where the being Surte ruled with a flaming sword. The mists from Hvergelmer formed the frozen stream of Elivågor which flowed in to the Ginnungagap and filled it with ice. But at the same time flares from Muspelheim fell into the abyss and the falling drops which became the result of the mix of flares and ice formed two giant beings: A cow with the name 'Audhumbla' and a giant named 'Ymer'. Ymer got his food from the cow by means of four mouths which he used to milk the cows four nipples. Audhumbla in turn lived on the white frost ont the rocks. Her warm breath created a man called Bure wich by some mysterious way managed to get hold of a wife (it is not described how) and they where the first of the Asa dynasty of which Oden, Vile and Ve would be the greatest.

    30. Shetland Norse Preserving Company Limited
    Specialises in the supply of quality fresh, canned and frozen seafood products. Company information, contact and product details.
    Shetland Norse Preserving Company Limited was formed in 1969 by Norwegian businessman Henry Krantz who had come to know the Shetland Isles and made many lasting friendships here as a member of the Norwegian Resistance movement during World War II. Shetland was, and still is, an ideal location for seafood processing. The obvious advantages that Shetland has to offer is its proximity to some of the best fishing grounds in the North Atlantic, clean, unpolluted waters and good transport links to the rest of Europe. Today the company is run by Henry's son Pal. Concentrating mainly on shellfish we have a growing reputation for quality crab and scallop products. With a (now) thriving inshore fishery in Shetland, shellfish are landed daily and processed the following day, ensuring a fast turnaround that guarantees quality and freshness. As the only crab processor in Shetland we operate the only cannery making Shetland Norse unique in the Shetland fish processing sector. At our company's modern EU approved premises in Mid Yell around 400 tonnes of crab and 200 tonnes of scallops are processed per year for markets throughout Europe.

    31. Old Norse Mythology
    General information about Sweden A bit of Swedish (and scandinavic) history
    General information about Sweden...
    A bit of Swedish (and scandinavic) history...

    32. Home
    Offers business software for the bus and capital equipment maintenance industries. Some products run on the Raining Data D3 database. Located in Guilford, Connecticut, USA.
    CHARTER MANAGER2 -charter sales and
    operations. CEMP1 (Maintenance and Inventory Control) Integrated Financial Systems Line Run Reservation Systems Airport Shuttle Reservations Fuel Tax Reporting School Bus Routing Management and Technical Professional Services
    Welcome to the Norse Systems, Inc. web site.
    Here's the information you need about products and services that will grow your business and let you take complete control of every aspect of your bus business or maintenance activity. Now you can review or download product information and liter-
    ature from this site. You will find information on licensing software
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    Whether you are a small family operation, or a large company with hundreds of sites and thousands of employees... it's all here at your

    33. Barbarian's Norse Religion Page
    What is norse Religion? Asatru is also very much concerned with maintaining family and community; two major concerns of the Germanic/norse peoples.
    What is Norse Religion? Norse Religion, or Heathenry, is the modern-day practice of the ancient tribal belief systems of the Northern European peoples; the Teutons (continental Germanic tribes) and the Norse (Scandinavian and Gothic tribes). Although their deities were pretty much the same, they were pronounced differently among the various tribes. Thus you have Odin among the Norse, and Wotan or Wodan among the Teutons; Thor or Thonar among the Norse, and Donar or Donner among the Teutons. A branch of Asatru refers to itself as "Folkish Asatru". This particular denomination of Asatru claims to be the one "true" Asatru, descended from the ancient Northern European religion. Members of Folkish Asatru claim that bloodline is the strongest determinant of whether or not a person may practice the Norse Heathen faith. Although they claim not to be racist (actually, not to be supremacist), their fundamental practices are based upon race. Folkish Asatru tend to be intolerant of other heathen practices and of people of non-Nordic/Germanic descent practicing Asatru. Yet another branch of heathenry calls itself "Odinism." It is very close to Asatru, but with more emphasis on magical working rather than religious practices. I find that more solitary practitioners are drawn to this form rather than to Asatru, even though the two are so close in their practices as to be nigh-well undistinguishable. Again, I find the main difference to be upon the emphasis of magickal working rather than ceremonial religious ritual. Unfortunately, many people who profess to be Odinists use the term for their own political agendas of racism and White Supremacy. This is not what this form of worship is about; Racism is a political agenda, not a religious one. Don't let anyone try to tell you differently.

    34. Nor'Sea Yachts Builders Of The Nor'sea27, 37 And Montgomery 15 And 17
    Small to medium sized salty cruisers by the legendary Lyle C. Hess. Extensive information about design criteria for seaworthy sailing vessels.
    Welcome to Nor'Sea Yachts
    Builders of the Nor'Sea 27, and Nor'Sea 37
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    The Nor'Sea 27, Lyle C. Hess design, is a true blue water pocket cruiser sailing sloop. The Nor'Sea 27 with its 8ft beam 3'-10" fixed keel is trailerable (we like to use the word "transportable" because it requires a good size truck. The trailer and boat together are over 10,000 pounds). The new Nor'Sea 37 is the large sister to the Nor'Sea 27. A seaworthy boat capable of long distance ocean sailing with comfort and more room. you are visitor number This page is best viewed when using one of the latest browsers Mail to the Webmaster. This Web page was created by SelphCotte Web Design Sail, Sailboat, Boat builders, Nor'Sea, Nor'Sea 27, Nor'Sea 37, Nor'Sea, NorSea 27, NorSea, North Sea, Northsea, North Sea Yachts, Montgomery, Montgomery 17, Montgomery 15, Yacht, Yachts, Yacht construction, sailboat contrustruction, boat constructuction, Lyle Hess, Lyle C. Hess, Hess, Sailboat Manufacture, cruiser, mini cruiser, pocket cruiser, trailerable yacht, trailerable sailboat, Ocean sailing Yacht, Blue water cruiser, Lady Elizabeths, Renegade, Balboa 8.2, Chuck Malseed, Cruising World, Yachts Buoyancy, Keel, hand laminated, hull, quality, jointery, ballast, diesel, engine, rudder, rigging, lapstrake hull

    35. The Gods And Goddesses Of The Norse Religion
    Meet the Gods and Goddesses of the norse Pantheon. Pisces Both Njord and Nerthus; God and Goddess of the Oceans and Rivers. Return to the norse Religion Page.
    Meet the Gods and Goddesses
    of the Norse Pantheon
    Thor, or Donnar, also known as the Thunderer, was considered to be a son of Odin by some, but among many tribes Thor actually supplanted Odin as the favorite god. He is considered to be the protector of all Midgard, and he wields the mighty hammer Mjollnir. Thor is strength personified. His battle chariot is drawn by two goats, and his hammer Mjollnir causes the lightning that flashes across the sky. Of all the deities, Thor is the most "barbarian" of the lot; rugged, powerful, and lives by his own rules, although he is faithful to the rest of the Aesir. The day Thursday (Thorsdaeg) is sacred to him.
    Freyr (Fro Ingwe) is Freya's twin brother. He is the horned God of fertility, and has some similarities to the Celtic Cernunnos or Herne, although he is NOT the same being. He is known as King of the Alfs (elves). Both the Swedish and the English are said to be descendents of his. The Boar is his sacred symbol, which is both associated with war and with fertility. His golden boar, "Gullenbursti", is supposed to represent the daybreak. He is also considered to be the God of Success, and is wedded to Gerda, the Jotun, for whom he had to yield up his mighty sword. At Ragnarok, he is said to fight with the horn of an elk (much more suited to his nature rather than a sword.)
    Tyr (or Tiw, Ziw) is the ancient god of War and the Lawgiver of the gods. He sacrifices his hand so that the evil Fenris wolf may be bound. At one time he was the leader of the Norse Pantheon, but was supplanted by Odin much later. There is nothing to indicate how this occurred; one assumes that he simply "stepped back" and let Odin assume the position of leadership. Tyr is excellent in all manners of Justice, fair play, and Right Action.

    36. Mustard_Raginmund
    All natural mustards made in the Canadian northwest.

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    38. Norse Mythology In The Wheel Of Time
    norse and Germanic Mythology in The Wheel of Time. But, there are no references at least in norse mythology to the threads forming a pattern.
    Norse and Germanic Mythology in The Wheel of Time
    (Last changed November 1997 - section on Lanfear)
    1. Introduction
    1.1 Spoilers
    1.2 Sources

    1.3 Names and roles of some gods
    5.3 Bibliography and sources on the Internet
    1. Introduction
    The main troubles in finding parallels and inspiration from the Norse and Germanic mythology in The Wheel of Time (TWoT) is that the sources of Germanic mythology are very fragmented and in most cases preserved during the Christian era as literary stories or historified myths; and that Robert Jordan (RJ) deliberately went into bowdlerising them by writing a story that can be seen as the origin of the myths - and not only the Germanic ones. The parallels can theoretically be divided in story/plot parallels and character parallels. There are also details that more or less correspond to each other. I have tried to be rather strict when trying to say that a specific instance in TWoT has its "origin" in Germanic myths. This is especially true of the common indoeuropean material present in the Germanic mythology, like the Tree of Life. On the other hand, I have tried to be complete and list all evidence. You will have to judge for yourself, I only provide the "evidence". Most connections are classified by strength, but some are noted as possible - more of the story must be unfolded before any answer can be found. They go from certain, strong, moderate to weak. Please note that I haven't found any "free-standing" plot parallels, apart from minor cases related to the character parallels. I am pretty sure such exists, but they are 1) much harder to find; 2) much easier to bowdlerise and change (eg

    39. Runes, Alphabet Of Mystery Has Moved
    Source of Rune information and norse reference books. Categories including meanings, pronunciation, layouts, and section on making your own runes.

    40. Norse Mythology
    artArts and Entertainment—Mythology norse Mythology. Aesir Chief gods of Asgard. Related content from HighBeam Research on norse Mythology.
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      Norse Mythology
      • Aesir: Chief gods of Asgard. Andvari: Dwarf; robbed of gold and magic ring by Loki. Angerbotha (Angrbotha): Giantess; mother by Loki of Fenrir, Hel, and Midgard serpent. Asgard (Asgarth): Abode of gods. Ask (Aske, Askr): First man; created by Odin, Hoenir, and Lothur. Asynjur: Goddesses of Asgard. Atli: Second husband of Gudrun; invited Gunnar and Hogni to his court, where they were slain; slain by Gudrun. Audhumia (Audhumbla): Cow that nourished Ymir; created Buri by licking ice cliff. Balder (Baldr, Baldur): God of light, spring, peace, joy; son of Odin; slain by Hoth at instigation of Loki. Bifrost: Rainbow bridge connecting Midgard and Asgard. Bragi (Brage): God of poetry; husband of Ithunn. Branstock: Great oak in hall of Volsungs; into it, Odin thrust Gram, which only Sigmund could draw forth.

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