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         Mormon:     more books (96)
  2. The Mormon Mirage: A Former Mormon Tells Why She Left the Church by Latayne C. Scott, 1979-07-01
  3. Mormon Polygamy: A History by Richard S. Van Wagoner, 1992-03-01
  4. The Mormon Tabernacle Enquirer
  5. Great Stories from Mormon History by Dean Hughes, Tom Hughes, 1994-06
  6. Answering Mormons' Questions by Bill McKeever, 1991-03-01
  7. Don't You Marry the Mormon Boys by Janet Kay Jensen, 2007-11-01
  8. Joseph Smith: The First Mormon by Donna Hill, 1999-03-15
  9. Women and Authority: Re-Emerging Mormon Feminism
  10. The Legal Cases in the Book of Mormon by John W. Welch, 2008-01
  11. Mormon Beliefs and Doctrines Made Easier by David J. Ridges, 2007-11
  12. Forgotten Kingdom: The Mormon Theocracy in the American West, 1847-1896 by David Bigler, 1998-07-01

121. Problems With The Book Of Mormon
Problems with the Book of mormon. In these latter days, there are few people who haven’t been visited at least once by mormon missionaries.
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BESTSELLER Mass Appeal by Jimmy Akin
Problems with the Book of Mormon
In these "latter days," there are few people who haven’t been visited at least once by Mormon missionaries. At some point in your doorstep dialogue, these earnest young men will ask you to accept a copy of the Book of Mormon , read it, and pray about it, asking the Lord to "send the Holy Ghost to witness that it is true." Then, very solemnly, they’ll "testify" to you that they know the Book of Mormon is true, that it’s God’s inspired word, and that it contains the "fullness of the everlasting gospel."
They’ll assure you that if you read their text in a spirit of prayerful inquiry, you, too, will receive the testimony of the Holy Ghost. That testimony supposedly will convince you beyond doubt that the Book of Mormon is exactly what they claim it to be.

122. Joseph Smith, Jun.
Online versions of the inspired writings/translations of Joseph Smith, Jr. Includes the Book of mormon, Book of Commandments/Doctrine and Covenants, Lectures on Faith, Pearl of Great Price, Inspired Version of the Bible, and other works.
You need a frames browser for this site.

123. Mormon Stumpers
mormon Stumpers. From the time Joseph Smith began his work in 1820, the mormon church has gloried in the fact that it is a persecuted people.
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BESTSELLER Meeting Mary by Kenneth Howell
Mormon Stumpers
In your discussions with Mormons, they will most often wish to direct the topics presented into those areas where they feel most informed and comfortable. Whether they are the young missionaries at your door or friends or colleagues, they have all been taught several lines of approach and have been drilled in making their points.
We suggest that you take charge of such conversations. Besides acquainting yourself with the basics of Mormon teaching (in addition, of course, to the fundamentals of the Catholic faith), consider presenting the Mormon apologist with a few "stumpers."
"We don’t bash your church, why bash ours?"
Somehow, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have been persuaded by their leaders that they have always been on the receiving end of uncharitable comments and unjust accusations. From the time Joseph Smith began his work in 1820, the Mormon church has gloried in the "fact" that it is a persecuted people. For them, this is a sure sign that it is the Lord’s true church; all opposition comes ultimately from Satan. So, if you do offer a question or a criticism, be prepared for this reaction.
Many Mormons, including their hierarchy, look upon any criticism—regardless of how honest and sincere—as perverseness inspired by the Evil One. But these same individuals ignore their own past (and present) attacks on Christian churches. You might like to point out a few of these to those Mormons who say their church "never attacks other churches."

MENU THE mormon FAMILY OF DENOMINATIONS. Click Here to Visit our Sponsors. Overview mormon faith groups believe in Restorationism the concept that

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Mormon faith groups believe in Restorationism : the concept that: The true Christian church died out early in the 2 nd Century CE , when religious leaders abandoned many of the teachings of Jesus Christ, Paul and the other apostles. It was restored by Joseph Smith in the early 19 th century, when he founded the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Smith's original denomination fragmented into many faith groups, mainly because of: Conflicts during the 1840s, triggered by the assassination of Joseph Smith, and Additional conflicts during the 1890s over polygyny. The Mormon wing of Christianity now consists of almost a hundred denominations: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (a.k.a. The Church of Jesus Christ, and the LDS) is by far the largest Mormon denomination. The more liberal Community of Christ (formerly called the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ) is second in size. Although religious historians and the public generally refer to them as " Mormons ," they do not use the term themselves, because of its association with polygyny, and because they believe the name was not part of the original church.

125. The Book Of Mormon And DNA Studies
THE mormon CHURCH. THE BOOK OF mormon AND DNA STUDIES. Click Here to Visit our Sponsors. Click to learn more Negative reaction by mormon professors
Click Here to Visit our Sponsors.
The LA Times reports that: " The sacred writings of many faiths make claims that might not stand up to scientific tests. But most faiths avoid conflict with scholarship either because their claims relate to events too far in the past to be tested or because they have reinterpreted their scriptural claims as metaphors, rather than assertions of literal fact.
For devout Mormons, however, neither of those defenses is available. The Book of Mormon, made public by Joseph Smith in 1830, is a cornerstone of church doctrine and is taken literally by the faithful. It teaches, among other things, that many American Indians are descendants of ancient Israelites who came to this continent 600 years before Christ a time period within the reach of modern archeology and genetics.
" Not every statement in a holy book can be verified or disproved scientifically. For example, there is no archeological evidence that would prove the existence of most personalities described in the Bible prior to the time of King Solomon. Similarly, most of the events cannot be corroborated with hard evidence outside the Bible. However, one teaching of the Book of Mormon is different. It teaches that three groups of ancient Hebrews came from Israel to the Americas the first in 2247 BCE . Their descendants separated into two nations, the Nephites and the Lamanites. Subsequently, all but the Lamanites died off. The Book of Mormon states that the Lamanites are the principal ancestors of modern-day Native Americans. DNA, facial structure, and blood type studies seem to conflict with this belief. They demonstrate that the today's Natives descended from ancient people in Siberia. If the Natives were descendents of Lamanites, then one would expect to find Middle Eastern genetic markers in the DNA, facial structures and blood factors of American Natives.

126. Origins Of Mormonism
The Major Religions. 14. Facsimile 2, 28. Free Catalogue. Origins of mormonism The mormon Book of Abraham. By Frank Zindler. top ABOUT THE BOOK OF mormon.



ORIGINS OF MORMONISM Contents Origins of Mormonism Facsimile 3 The Black Skinned People The Change In 1966 ... Free Catalogue
Origins of Mormonism
The Mormon Book of Abraham
By Frank Zindler
(The following article was originally was originally published in the American Atheist Magagzine, vol.27, no.1 [January 1985])
If you happen to have been born with white skin and if you have not lived all your life as a Latter-day Druid nuncio trapped in China since the 1922 reorganization of the Kuomintang, without a doubt you have been visited by pairs of bright-faced, clean-scrubbed, conservatively attired Mormon missionaries, or "elders", as the eighteen-to twenty-year old boys prefer to be called.
If you happen to have been born with black skin, however, you may never have the opportunity to talk with any elders unless, of course, you might have had the misfortune to fall on top of a couple by stumbling onto a pit-trap set for them by the Baptist or other fire-breathing Protestant groups that are out to "get the cults." If this has happened to you, and if you managed to avoid impaling yourself on the pointed sticks at the bottom of the pit, and if at least one of the missionaries avoided the sticks as well, you will have been told that Mormon church the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the one of the most thriving enterprises in America today. That it is a thriving financial enterprise, you might not have been told by the youthful elder. But you will have been told that this marvelous tax shelter was founded in 1830 by a fellow named Joseph Smith, Correction, Joseph Smith

127. PlanetPapers - Social And Political Reactions To Mormon Polygamy
Article about the persecution of mormon polygamists.
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    ... Religion
    Social and Political Reactions to Mormon Polygamy
    Written by: Unregistered "We are a peculiar people," Elder Bruce R. McConkie once said (McConkie 25). The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is one of a few "odd" Christian religions. Many of its practices have created much persecution and political reaction, polygamy being one of these. It created much social and political persecution of the Mormons. Most of this persecution had come from anti-polygamist Christians. This is ironic because the anti-polygamists believed in the Bible, but not polygamy, one of its teachings. Many of God’s righteous followers in the Old Testament practiced polygamy. Abraham married Hagar, Sarai’s handmaiden (Genesis 16:1-3). Jacob was married to Leah, Rachel, Billah, and Zilpha all at the same time. In the Doctrine and Covenants, a book of modern revelation used as scripture by the LDS church, it states that "in nothing did they [the Old Testament prophets] sin save in those things they received not of me [God]"(132:38). Quickly one sees that God gave those women to the prophets of old because they were righteous.

    128. Mormon Crickets
    mormon Cricket Control Mike Pace USU Extension Agent, Millard County The mormon cricket has reached legendary status in the State of Utah.
    Mormon Cricket Control
    Mike Pace
    USU Extension Agent, Millard County
    Economic Damage
    Life Cycle and Characteristics

    Control Methods, Cropland
    The Mormon cricket has reached legendary status in the State of Utah. This devastating insect plagued the early pioneers. Today, 150 years later, the Mormon cricket still economically devastates some parts of Utah. Economic Damage The Mormon cricket is not a true cricket. The insect resembles more a lifestyle of a grasshopper. Mormon crickets are of economic importance in the fact that they destroy plants on rangeland, cropland, and vegetable gardens. Male and female Mormon crickets are large insects and can reach lengths of two and one-half inches during the adult stage. The female Mormon cricket is distinguished by the long ovipositor that also looks like a type of "stinger" located at the end of the abdomen. The male lacks this ovipositor. The Mormon cricket can be economically devastating. It has been calculated that a Mormon cricket at a density of one per square yard can consume 38 pounds of dry weight rangeland forage per acre. In Utah, the Mormon cricket destroys sagebrush, alfalfa, small grains, seeds, grasses, and vegetable crops. Life Cycle and Characteristics Control Methods The most effective way to reduce Mormon cricket populations is to use carbaryl bait.

    129. Mormon Classics - E-Text Index Page
    Welcome to the mormon CLASSICS LIBRARY Rare and Historic Texts Selected or Prepared by Dale R. Broadhurst mormon CLASSICS ETEXTS I. Authors, Editors, etc.
    S IDNEY R IGDON D OT C OM: Opening New Horizons in Mormon History
    Welcome to the
    Rare and Historic Texts Selected or Prepared by Dale R. Broadhurst
    Go Directly to First Entry in the Texts Catalog

    of e-texts currently available via
    This On-Line Library
    [A to F]
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    Other On-Line Mormon Texts Collections
    Our Sister Sites: Featuring Many On-Line Historic Texts and Excerpts
    Cowdery's Bookshelf Old Newspapers Smith's History Vault Old Spalding Library ... Special Collections For many historic Mormonism texts on check out: The Mormonism Web Ministries On-line Library See also the historic texts on Mormonism at BYU: 19th Century Mormon Publications old URL - [e-texts removed 2003] And the old e-texts on the Mormons: Early Mormon Journals - [e-texts removed 2002] Some BYU texts on the Mormons moved to: BoA Project: Journals, Diaries, etc. of Early Mormons More BYU texts on the Mormons (w/ Library of Congress): Trails to Utah, Diaries and Letters, 1846-1869 An RLDS Text Library and an anti-Mormon site: The Center Place Library Mormon Studies Classics Many texts on Mormonism in concordance format: The Late Bill Williams' Concordances [files removed 2002] "Making of America" old books and journal articles: Making of America texts (Mich.)

    130. Topica Email List Directory
    A private, unmoderated discussion for members, friends and investigators.
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    Design Fashion ... Relationships Featured Favorites Choose from newsletters that educate, entertain, and give you a professional edge and from special offers by select Topica advertising partners. When you choose the content or offers below, you're requesting that we share your information with that partner. IBM developerWorks: Technology Edition
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    131. Sacred Texts: Mormons
    Buy books about mormonism. mormonism. The Bible. The Book of mormon. Pearl of Great Price. Doctrine and Covenants. The Articles of Faith

    Age of Reason



    Native American



    ... Buy books about Mormonism Mormonism The Bible The Book of Mormon Pearl of Great Price Doctrine and Covenants ... The Articles of Faith of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 2,601 bytes
    Historical Accounts
    Tenderfoot Days by George Robert Bird [1918] The Story of Mormonism By James E. Talmage [1918] Under the Prophet in Utah By Frank J. Cannon and Harvey J. O'Higgins [1911] The Book of Abraham, Its Authenticity Established... by Elder Geo. Reynolds [1879] The Angel of the Prairies, A Dream of the Future by Parley Parker Pratt [1880] About The Angel of the Prairies This is some commentary by Mormon scholars about the preceeding document. Sponsored Links Books are selected by and are not necessarily endorsed by this site

    132. David's Gay Mormon Page
    Links and information for gay mormons.
    Gay Mormon Page
    Introduction and Warning
    While I don't consider this page especially anti-Mormon, it isn't exactly faith promoting either. You will not be the first person to send me an email telling me that there is no such thing as a gay Mormon. I do reserve the right to publish any of the more amusing ones though.
    Where can a Gay Mormon find more information?

    133. Jesu Kristi Kirke Af Sidste Dages Hellige - Mormonernes Officielle Website
    Indhold, Nyheder fra Danmark. Maleri af det kommende tempel. Templet i København er færdigt Marts 2004 af Ellen E. Bjerrum I perioden fra 29. april til 15.
    Indhold Nyheder fra Danmark Profeten Gordon B. Hinckley indviede Templet i København søndag den 23. maj. Her ses han ved Hjørnestens-højtideligheden ved Templets Nordøstlige hjørne. (Foto: Hasse Ferrold) Templet i København er blevet indviet
    Nu er det igen blevet hverdag for de Sidste Dages Hellige i tempeldistriktet for Templet i København.
    Det har været en meget travl periode med de mange forskellige opgaver, der var forbundet med afholdelsen af såvel Åbent Hus arrangementet, den store fest i FORUM samt indvielsen og igangsættelsen af Templets arbejde.
    Ikke mindre end 25.512 personer kom og fik en rundvisning i Herrens Hus mellem den 26. april og 15. marts. Omkring 7000 personer overværede festivalen den 23. maj og dagen efter var der ca. 1700 til stede i selve Templet til indvielsen – mens omkring 7000 andre havde mulighed for at opleve den pr. satellit. mere Billeder af interiøret i Templet
    Billeder fra det nye København Danmark Tempel... mere Det Celestiale Værelse Nyheder fra hele verden Den syvende Internationale kunstkonkurrence, 2006
    Kirkens Museum for Kirkehistorie og –kunst, som ligger i Salt Lake City inviterer hvert tredje år Sidste Dages Hellige kunstnere over hele verden til at skabe nye kunstværker, som kan være med til at glæde alle Kirkens medlemmer. Oplysninger om deltagelse i den næste konkurrence, hvis tema er: Vor Arv af Tro” findes her

    134. Black Mormon And The Priesthood FAQ
    Black mormons discuss if the Church is racist.
    var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
    Are Mormons racist? Why couldn't black men hold the Priesthood in the Mormon Church before 1978? These and other like questions are answered by Black Mormons. Just click below. The article is about 15 pages long. You can read it online, or print it out and read it. If you don't have a printer, just write down this URL address and take it with you to any public or college or university library in your area and ask a librarian to "access it" and print it our for you. The URL address is: Public libraries usually do not charge for this service.

    135. Nevada Division Of State Parks - Mormon Station State Historic Park
    mormon State State Historic Park Genoa, NV 89411 (775) 7822590. mormon Station is the site of Nevada s first permanent nonnative settlement.
    Mormon State State Historic Park
    Genoa, NV 89411
    ormon Station is the site of Nevada's first permanent nonnative settlement. A replica of the original trading post built in 1851 houses a small museum with relics of pioneer days. Picnic and group facilities are available. The museum is open from 9:00 am-4:30 pm, 7 days a week. Mormon Station is located in the small town of Genoa, 12 miles south of Carson City via U.S. 395 and State Route 206. The park is open May through October.
    Various talks, presentations and events take place at the park throughout the year. Click here for schedule of park programs for the summer.
    See Map

    Museum and Stockade
    Open daily from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm (mid-May through mid-October)
    • Exhibits tell the colorful history of Mormon Station and the nearby area. Group tours are available for a fee of $2 per person; reservation are recommended. The museum and stockade are free to the public for self guided tours
    Donations support programs and are greatly appreciated! Picnic Picnic tables and grills are provided under large shade trees. Picnickers may also spread their blankets out on the lawn.

    136. Mormonism - Christian Or Cult?
    The mormon church (LDS) is organized so that one prophet leads the church. Back to Text. The Other mormon Church (RLDS) (Community of Christ).
    Christian or Cult?#
    Mormonism, known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (with headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah a state that is now 70% Mormon), was officially founded in 1830 by Joseph Smith Jr. (1805-1844). Smith claimed to have had a personal visit from God the Father at the age of 15, who introduced him to Christ. Jesus then supposedly told him not to join any church because they were all wrong and all the Christian church's doctrines "were an abomination" ( Joseph Smith History 19, Pearl of Great Price ). After Smith's murder in 1844, Brigham Young took the cult to Utah, where there is now a major University named after him, and the number of Mormons exceed one million. The Mormon Church currently claims about 11 million baptized members worldwide (5.2 million U.S., ranking it 5th among the largest 25 U.S. denominations), up from about 2.5 million in 1970. 1970. Over the last decade, nearly 300,000 individuals over the age of eight have joined the Mormon Church every year. Membership is expected to grow to over 23 million over the next two decades. It is growing fastest in Latin America and Asia. Official publications include

    137. Mormon SF Bibliography
    Works published by or about LDS authors, including novels, short stories, poetry, theses/dissertations, articles, and interviews.
    Bibliography of
    Mormon Speculative Fiction
    Novels Short Stories Poetry Nonfiction ... Recommended Reading List This is intended as a comprehensive list. If you have published poetry, criticism, or fiction related to sf/f/h, please let me know about it. Also, if there is anything you believe should be included that is not your own, tell me but be sure it is by a Mormon author. Or if you have a correction, please tell me. Comments are also welcome.
    updated May 8, 2004 Thanks to the creators of the Internet Speculative Fiction Database , the Locus Index to Science Fiction
    the Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database Science Fiction/Fantasy Authors of Various Faiths at
    and everyone who has sent me references and clarifications.

    138. BBC - Religion & Ethics - Mormonism
    Credits Except where otherwise shown, pictures in the mormon section are from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints and are © by Intellectual
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    A-Z Index

    2nd June 2004
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    ... Help Like this page? Send it to a friend! The essentials The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was founded in 19th Century America and has 11 million members world-wide, including over 180,000 in the UK. The basics Introduction Customs Worship Holy days History Beliefs Features Features My faith and me
    Ben Woodward is 28 and is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He shares his thoughts about his faith and what it means to him. Polygamy The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints renounced polygamy over a century ago and excommunicates anyone who practices it. Death Mormons regard death as an essential part of the plan of salvation. They believe that life does not begin with birth, nor end with death. Credits: A-Z of world religions Choose Atheism Baha'i Buddhism Christianity Hinduism Islam Jainism Judaism Mormon Paganism Shinto Sikhism Unitarianism Have your say Newsletter Living Related Links BBCi Latest Christianity news Religion - Church Statistics Religion - Mormon Attitudes to Other Faiths Religion - Are Mormons Christians?

    139. Olympics Put Spotlight On Mormon World
    Article from the PressRepublican Online by Robin Caudell.


    N ews
    Olympics put spotlight
    on Mormon world
    By ROBIN CAUDELL Staff Writer PLATTSBURGH — The 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City is a balm to a bruised American spirit. For The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, these Olympics present an opportunity to dispel lingering myths about Mormons. "The state and church ... view the Olympics as a chance to see Mormons for more than what people picture them in their minds as polygamists with weird alcohol laws," said Bishop Michael Jensen of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Plattsburgh. Jensen was born in Idaho and attended college in Utah. "When I moved out here to New York, people wondered how many wives I had. The church doesn’t practice polygamy and hasn’t since the 1800s." Jensen lives in Peru with his wife, Kandy, and their five sons — 12-year-old Christopher; 11-year-old Adam; 9-year-old David; 4-year-old Matthew; and 1-year-old Aaron. The story of the faith, in which he was raised, begins with Joseph Smith, who grew up in Vermont and New York.

    140. Mormon Tea (DesertUSA)
    All about the desert plant mormon Tea, description, photo, range, habitat and scientific and common names.
    Mormon Tea
    Range All four of the southwestern deserts of the U.S.
    Mesas, plains, sandy soil including dunes below 5,000 feet.
    This medium-sized shrub grows up to 4 feet high and appears to have no leaves. It looks like a thicket of numerous green, jointed, leafless branches with conspicuous nodes. It actually does have small, scale-like leaves and tiny flowers of male and female cones which bloom February through April. The fruit is a seed surrounded by 2 or 3 large scales. There are a number of species of Mormon Tea ( Ephedra genus) growing in the southwestern deserts of the U.S., including E. trifurca E. viridis E. torreyana, E. nevadensis and E. californica. All have been used for a variety of medicinal purposes by various peoples over the centuries. A.R Royo
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