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         Mormon:     more books (96)
  1. The Book of Mormon: The Original 1830 Edition
  2. The New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance: A Memoir by Elna Baker, 2009-10-15
  3. The Mormon Mirage: A Former Member Looks at the Mormon Church Today by Latayne C. Scott, 2009-04-14
  4. The Book of Mormon Made Easier: Part 1 ( New Cover) (Gospel Studies Series, 4) by David J. Ridges, 2007-08-01
  5. MORMON DOCTRINE by Bruce R. McConkie, 1979
  6. The Book of Mormon Made Easier, Part III (New Cover) by David Ridges, 2007-09-01
  7. The Mormon Murders by Steven Naifeh, Gregory White Smith, 2005-04-05
  8. Mormon Settlement in Arizona A Record of Peaceful Conquest of the Desert by James H. McClintock, 2009-10-04
  9. The Book of Mormon Made Easier, Part II (New Cover) (Gospel Studies) by David Ridges, 2007-09-01
  10. Understanding the Book of Mormon: A Reader's Guide by Grant Hardy, 2010-04-07
  11. The Book of Mormon for Latter-Day Saint Families
  12. The Book of Mormon: A Reader's Edition
  13. The Mormon Cult: A Former Missionary Reveals the Secrets of Mormon Mind Control by Jack B. Worthy, 2008-04-01
  14. The Mormon Way of Doing Business: How Eight Western Boys Reached the Top of Corporate America by Jeff Benedict, 2008-03-12

1. Official Information About The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints (Morm
Featured Topic April 2004 General Conference. This site is for anyone interested in learning more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints.
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2. - Tons Of Information On Mormonism And The Lds Church
A look at mormonism; good, bad, and ugly. Discussion area.

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3. Mormon History Association
2003 The mormon History Association. Rights Reserved. Links MHA Officers mormon History Articles LDS Chronology JWHA
Contact Information MHA Officers Mission Statement John Whitmer Historical Contact Information MHA Officers Mission Statement John Whitmer Historical ... JWHA

4. Recovery From Mormonism - The Mormon Church
Recovery from mormonism The mormon Church. A site for former members and those questioning the mormon beliefs Questioning their faith in the mormon Church. And for those who need support A
Recovery from Mormonism A site for those who are Questioning their faith in the Mormon Church And for those who need support As they transition their lives to a normal life. We are not affiliated with any religion and we do not advocate any religion. Index 220+ Stories of ex-Mormons E-mail Newsgroups You Can Join Bulletin Boards (100,000+ hits/day) ... Search Conversations Behind the Mormon Curtain. A first person account of meetings between Apostles Dallin H. Oaks, Neal A. Maxwell, and Steve and Mary Ann Benson Read for the fascinating inside view of the mindset of these Apostles A Mormon Odyssey A free full length book about a lifetime of Mormonism is now online It also can be ordered from the publisher. A great book about life as Mormons written by Larry and Tammy Braithwaite. Autographed copies now available. ( It was previously entitled Journey to the Center of my Soul.) The 8th Semi-annual Exmormon National Conference was held the first weekend in Oct. 2002, Salt Lake City Click to get a review of the conference. The Oct. 2003 gathering was held October 17-19. See

5. Book Of Mormon
Official online edition.
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First Nephi (1 Ne.)
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THE mormon PIONEER TRAIL. An Emigrant Train from the top of Big Mountain entering the valley of the An Exodus. THE mormon PIONEER TRAIL. Few years in the Far West
An Emigrant Train from the top of Big Mountain entering the valley of the Great Salt Lake
(Courtesy: Utah Division of Parks and Recreation) THE ROUTE WEST
To the sounds of snapping harness and creaking wagon wheels the pioneers in the vanguard of westward expansion moved out across the North American continent. Between 1840 and 1870, more than 500,000 emigrants went west along the Great Platte River Road from department points along the Missouri River. This corridor had been used for thousands of years by American Indians and in the mid-19th Century became the transportation route for successive waves of European trappers, missionaries, soldiers, teamsters, stage coach drivers, Pony Express riders, and overland emigrants bound to opportunity in the Oregon territory, the Great Basin, and the California gold fields. The trunk of the corridor generally followed the Platte and North Platte rivers for more than 600 miles, then paralleled the Sweetwater River before crossing the Continental Divide at South Pass. Beyond South Pass the route divided several times, each branch pioneered by emigrants seeking a better way to various destinations. The route's importance declined with the completion of the transcontinental railroad in 1869 but continued to receive limited use into the early 1900s.
An Exodus
Few years in the Far West were more notable than 1846. That year saw a war start with Mexico, the Donner-Reed party embark on their infamous journey into a frozen world of indescribable horror, and the beginning of the best organized mass migration in American history. The participants of this migration, the Mormons, would establish thriving communities in what was considered by many to be a worthless desert.

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mormon Homepage AfricanAmerican mormons. Polygamy Sacred Heritage? mormon Teens. Newcomers in Nauvoo How much is enough? Methodists Confront the mormon Question. By Jan Shipps
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Church holds monthlong open house, giving the public a rare glimpse into the new Manhattan temple.
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8. Association For Mormon Letters (AML)
Home of the nonprofit professional organization for promoting the production and scholarly study of mormon literature.
The Association for Mormon Letters
Last updated: 22 March 2004 AML Home


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The Association for Mormon Letters
AML Calendar
M a y 2 4 Irreantum Fiction Contest Deadline
About AML
The nonprofit Association for Mormon Letters (AML) promotes the production and study of Mormon literature and its enjoyment by all. Members receive
  • A subscription to our quarterly literary magazine, Irreantum
  • Discount admission to AML events such as the Writers Conference
  • A copy of the book-length proceedings containing the papers presented at the annual meeting
In addition, AML encourages discussion and recognition of Mormon literature through various services and events.
  • AML Awards Each year at its annual meeting the Association for Mormon Letters presents awards for the best Mormon literature (in all genres) published during the prior year.
  • AML-List Since May 1995, AML has sponsored a very successful email list for online discussion of Mormon literature. Consult the AML-list page to browse the archives of posted messages, browse through the archive of art and literature reviews, or to learn how to subscribe to the email list.

9. Foundation For Ancient Research And Mormon Studies
Foundation for Ancient Research and mormon Studies. What Is FARMS. The Foundation for Ancient Research and mormon Studies (FARMS) supports
How is it that the Book of Mormon prophet Jacob ends his account with the French word "adieu"?

Evidence of the Week
Nephi's Hunting Weapons

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  • Before Adam The Charge of a Man with a Broken Lance (But Look What He Doesn't Tell Us)... Figure 6 of Facsimile 2 When Lehi's Party Arrived in the Land, Did They Find Others There?... ... Baptism for the Dead in Ancient Times
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    Research Topics Book of Mormon Book of Abraham DNA Hugh Nibley ... Dead Sea Scrolls Publications The FARMS Review Journal of Book of Mormon Studies Insights Multimedia ... Bookstore Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies What Is FARMS The Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormon Studies (FARMS) supports study and research on the Book of Mormon, the Book of Abraham, the Old Testament and the New Testament, studies of the early formative period of the Christian tradition, ancient temples, and other related subjects. ... Upcoming Events Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit in Europe Recent Publications Glimpses of Lehi's Jerusalem,

    10. The Disputed Mormon Texts Archives Master Page
    David Bowie's archive of verified and unsubstantiated texts. Responses and evidences to support or refute welcome.
    Welcome to the Disputed Mormon Texts Archives!
    It seems that many visitors to the disputed Mormon texts archives have greatly misunderstood the purpose of the archives. Taking the time to read the site's and the following introductory paragraph before replying to items attached to this page should lessen such problems. This is the master page for the disputed Mormon texts archives. This is a depository for various texts that some have claimed are authentic Mormon texts and others claim are not; in some cases there are responses to the various claims of authenticity as well. By placing a text here i am not claiming either that it is authentic or not; i may have my own opinions on the matter, but in my attempt to keep this page as neutral as possible i am not placing my own opinions here, although i have noted cases in which people have claimed directly to me that they have seen these documents themselves. If you have any questions about a specific text or response, or if you are curious what my opinion on a text is, or if you have any other comments or have a text you wish to add or respond to, feel free to e-mail me on the subject; before sending e-mail you may wish to read the

    11. The Mormon Connection
    Article by Jan McClintock explaining the doctrinal connections to genealogy in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints.
    The Mormon Connection
    The LDS Church and Genealogy
    by Jan McClintock
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints maintains the largest genealogical data collection in the world, at the main Family History Library in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. The library collects information from members and other submitters through the Genealogical Society of Utah, the corporate business end of the Family History Department of the church.
    The reason that the LDS church is so interested in genealogy is explained in church doctrine: family love and life can continue forever, even after death. To help make this happen, members want to be able to perform the temple ordinances, namely baptisms, endowments, and sealings to spouses and to parents, and also confirmations and ordinations. Endowments are like promises to the Lord to obey the covenants that are set by Him for life on Earth. Sealings are a binding together of families; husband and wife, and children to parents, in order to spend eternity together.
    The church believes that these ordinances should be performed on behalf of ancestors who did not have the opportunity themselves. Ancestors are not forced to take the ordinances; they must accept the opportunity to do so.

    12. The Book Of Mormon
    The Book of mormon. Simple Searches Single word and phrase searches throughout the entire Book of mormon. Browse the Book of mormon Select individual books.
    The Book of Mormon
    The electronic text of the Book of Mormon was provided by Project Gutenberg and subsequently marked up at the HTI in SGML. Last updated Feb. 19, 1997

    13. New Jerusalem, An Official Site Of PRISM Communications
    Portal to former channels Genealogy Lady, Book of mormon Answer Man, worldwide testimony database, and Stump Us missionary questions. New features include NJ Radio, ebooks, and an online album (Flash required).
    "And I John saw the holy city, New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven... and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them..." Revelation 21:2-3 The Songs Musicals The Books BOMA ... About Us Be sure and visit our Classic Areas Pages which have the Book of Mormon ANSWERMAN the GENEALOGY LADY and the STUMPUS Team of Missionaries. All rights reserved.
    Revised: November 11, 2002 The Plates of Mormon Hear Book of Mormon Music in our exclusive 56k FLASH Album. (requires Flash plugin) Listen to Alma and his Wife , to King Lamoni , the Queen Abish , and the Sons of Mosiah Each sings of their experiences in the Book of Mormon. Broadband users, click here for the high quality FLASH Streaming Album.

    14. - Free Book Of Mormon
    Free Book of mormon The Book of mormon Another Testament of Jesus Christ is a companion volume of scripture to the Holy Bible and contains the account of the,10120,1405-1-959-794,00.html
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    ... What would you like to do next? Free Book of Mormon Free Book of Mormon
    The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ is a companion volume of scripture to the Holy Bible and contains the account of the Savior's appearance in ancient America following His Resurrection. A copy of the Book of Mormon can be yours without cost or obligation. Just fill out the form below: INDICATES A REQUIRED FIELD *First Name: *Last Name: *Address: *City Name: State/Province: Alabama Alaska Alberta Arizona Arkansas British Columbia California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Manitoba Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Brunswick New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York Newfoundland North Carolina North Dakota Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ohio Oklahoma Ontario Oregon Pennsylvania Prince Edward Island Quebec Rhode Island Saskatchewan South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Yukon Territory (required for US/CAN) Postal Code: (required for US/CAN) *Country: United States Canada Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola Anguilla Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Australia Austria Azerbaijan Azores Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda

    15. MORMONS
    Shows that the two books are inconsistent and do not agree with the Bible.
    Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants Are They of God? (This web page compares Doctrine and Covenants and the Book of Mormon with each other and with the Bible to see if they are in harmony. It does not represent my personal views on the Bible. When defending what one believes, he or she quotes the source of their belief, such as the Bible or Book of Mormon. So the written word outweighs opinion. What we base our belief on is the written word. Regardless of what we say we believe, it has to be in harmony with the written word. And that is all this web site does: It compares what is written in the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants with the Bible. I do not add to what is said; I only quote it.)
    Table of Contents
    (Back to Top) 8 ...the Book of Mormon 9 Which contains a record of a fallen people, and the fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles and to the Jews also; 10 Which was given by inspiration, and is confirmed to others by the ministering of angels, and is declared unto the world by them -

    16., Mormons, LDS, Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints
    Information and links about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. Answers to questions about the mormon church. A safe place for obtaining information and answers to questions about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
    This LDS WebRing site is owned by
    Joel Hardy Want to join the LDS Webring Home Skip Prev Prev ... List Sites This True to the Faith Web Ring site is owned by
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    17. Rum And Monkey: Mormon Name Generator
    Intelligent satire for the unwashed masses. Features articles, web tests and widgets, games, name generators and more. Amazon UK. Buy. Buy. The mormon Name Generator Luckily, help is at hand
    Articles May 25th 2004 :: A Paid Message
    May 19th 2004 :: Workplace Relations
    The Office Moron Test ...
    The World Extremity Test
    Or, "Let's See How We Can Make The Mormons Angry Today"

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    Livejournal user:
    We are corporate whores:
    Amazon US
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    The Mormon Name Generator
    They're a funny old bunch, those latter day saints. Rather than picking names from their heritage, or the Bible, the Utah Mormons tend to make them up. Sometimes they'll combine the parents' names into one (BenDonna, for example). Other times it's impossible to quite understand what their parents were thinking; names like Zestpool and Zon'tl aren't uncommon. We can understand why you might be jealous of names like these. After all, they are far more interesting and exciting than your own. Luckily, help is at hand with the Mormon Name Generator; simply indicate your first name, last name and your gender preference below, and we'll Mormonise your moniker. Male: Female: First name: Last name: I am General Gruber. As you can see, I am the Nazi general who is always being fitted for a new uniform. I enjoy the company of beautiful women while listening to classical music with my eyes shut.

    18. The Pioneer Story
    The mormon Pioneer Trail The trail from Nauvoo, Illinois, to the Great Salt Lake Valley was approximately 1,300 miles long and would ultimately lead 70,000
    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Search Feedback Site Map Help ... Pioneer Story The Mormon Pioneer Trail
    The trail from Nauvoo, Illinois, to the Great Salt Lake Valley was approximately 1,300 miles long and would ultimately lead 70,000 pioneers of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to the West. Take the journey with them. Stop along the trail and read their own accounts of what happened. Start the trail from the beginning Go to a specific location
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    19. Book Of Mormon: Understanding And Evidence
    Scholarly and speculative articles about the Book of mormon. Searchable sites with references and links.

    Where is
    Why ... LINKS
    New light shed on the Latter-day Saint scripture called The Book of Mormon. The text both supports the LDS claim that The Book of Mormon is the translation of an ancient record and helps to unlock the secrets of The Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon tells the story of God's dealings with two real cultures which anciently inhabited the Americans. At Zarahemla will be found evidence for this claim as well as insights into these ancient cultures and the relevance of their scriptural message to today's world. These articles, based on the Book of Mormon research of BYU and FARMS scholars and are presented in an ordered examination to aid in the study of The Book of Mormon. While the emphasis is not on the meaning of the message, much that is presented will make that meaning more accessible to the student. The emphasis is on evidence and understanding: Understanding what this book is; what its writers were like; how it was translated; the peculiarities of its language and culture. Evidence is presented that shows this record is of ancient origin and that it is the product of brilliant and inspired writers. The Book of Mormon is truly an ancient scripture.
    The Book of Mormon is Yet a Sealed Book
    Hebraisms in the Book of Mormon Chiasmus: A Remarkable Literary Art What is Reformed Egyptian?

    20. Mormon Fundamentalism And Violence: A Historical Analysis
    mormon Fundamentalism and Violence A Historical Analysis. by Garn LeBaron Jr. Many mormon leaders were jailed or had to go into hiding.
    Mormon Fundamentalism and Violence: A Historical Analysis
    by Garn LeBaron Jr.
    And it shall come to pass that I, the Lord God, will send one mighty and strong, holding the scepter of power in his hand, clothed with light for a covering, whose mouth shall utter words, eternal words; while his bowels shall be a fountain of truth, to set in order the house of God.(1) In August 1972, followers of Ervil Morel LeBaron murdered his brother, Joel LeBaron as part of a power struggle for control of their particular polygamist church group. Ervil LeBaron quickly became the leader of the Church of the Lamb of God and proceeded to direct his followers in the murders of more than thirty people, all of them members of various polygamist groups. These murders included the execution style killing of prominent Salt Lake City polygamist leader Rulon Allred, as well as several members who tried to leave the LeBaron sect. (2) Before LeBaron died in the Utah State Penitentiary in 1981, he authored a book entitled "The Book of New Covenants," which detailed a list of former followers who were to die in the name of God. Throughout the 1980's, children of LeBaron murdered several former church members in Dallas, Houston, Utah, and Mexico.(3) In July 1978, the former David Longo, who had himself re-christened Immanuel David, drove a truck up a canyon east of Salt Lake City and proceeded to commit suicide by asphyxiating himself on the exhaust of the vehicle. Three days later, his wife ordered or pushed each of their seven children off the 11th floor balcony of a prominent Salt Lake City hotel to their deaths on the pavement below. She finally jumped herself, thus ending the grisly multiple homicide/suicide scene.(4)

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