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         Moravian Church:     more books (100)
  1. Liturgy And Hymns For The Use Of The Protestant Church Of The United Brethren: Or Unitas Fratrum (1863) by Moravian Church, 2008-06-02
  2. Liturgy and Hymns for the Use of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren by Moravian Church, 2010-02-16
  3. Liturgy and Hymns for the Use of the Protestant Church of the United Brethren, or Unitas Fratrum by Moravian Church. Liturgy and ritual, 2010-01-01
  4. "The houses of peace": Being a historical, legendary, and contemporary account of the Moravians and their settlement of Salem in North Carolina by Ernest McNeill Eller, 1952
  5. The Missionary Gazetteer: Comprising a Geographical and Statistical Account of the Various Stations of the Church, London, Moravian, Wesleyan, Baptist, ... Progress in Evangelization and Civilization by Charles Williams, 2010-06-13
  6. Offices of Worship and Hymns (With Tunes) by Moravian Church, 2010-03-10
  7. Offices Of Worship And Hymns: With Tunes (1891) by The Moravian Church, 2008-10-27
  8. Die Täglichen Losungen Und Lehrtexte Der Brüder-Gemeine ... (German Edition) by Moravian Church, 2010-03-24
  9. Liturgische Gesange Der Evangelischen Brudergemeinen Neu Durchgesehen Und Vermehrt (German Edition) by Moravian Church, 2010-02-12
  10. Gesangbuch zum Gebrauch der Evangelischen Brudergemeinen .. (German Edition) by Moravian Church, 2010-08-01
  11. Journal De L'unité Des Frères (French Edition) by Moravian Church, 2010-04-09
  12. Liturgien Für Die Chöre in Den Evangelischen Brüdergemeinen, Neu Durchgesehen Und Vermehrt (German Edition) by Moravian Church, 2010-01-11
  13. Dayspring on the Kuskokwim: The story of Moravian missions in Alaska by Anna Buxbaum Schwalbe, 1951
  14. Liturgic Hymns of the United Brethren: Revised and Enlarged : Translated from the German by Moravian Church, 2010-03-15

81. Moravian Church --  Encyclopædia Britannica
moravian church Encyclopædia Britannica Article. MLA style moravian church. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. church

82. Trinity Moravian Church, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Trinity moravian church, WinstonSalem, Forsyth County, North Carolina, is a congregationof the Unitas Fratrum, a worldwide Protestant Christian church.
Trinity Moravian Church
220 East Sprague Street · Winston-Salem, NC 27127
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83. A History Of The Moravian Church - Joseph Edmund Hutton - EBooks
A History of the moravian church Joseph Edmund Hutton - Discover New SoftwareTechnology! A History of the moravian church by Joseph Edmund Hutton.

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A History of the Moravian Church
by Joseph Edmund Hutton
A History of the Moravian Church by Joseph Edmund Hutton - Now available in new eBook formats! eBooks set you free to study and search texts with powerful software features. eBooks have many advantages over traditional books. Learn more... A History of the Moravian Church Summary Chart - eBook Formats
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84. The Moravian Church - Faith And
Faith Week in Review News, features and commentary. Ministry on the Web Tipsand techniques. moravian church in America and Canada (Unitas Fratrum).
Dont Sweat the Small Stuff at Work
Simple Ways to Minimize Stress and Conflict While Bringing Out the Best in Yourself and Others Financial Peace
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The Proven-Effective Battle Plan that has Helped Millions Deal With the Troublemakers in Their Lives at Home and at Work. Sign up for email newsletters from Faith and Values .com Email: Daily Slice:
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Moravian Church in America and Canada
(Unitas Fratrum) Description:
Denominational offices or headquarters are called the Provincial Elders' Conference. Provinces: NORTHERN PROVINCE HEADQUARTERS 1021 Center St., P.O. Box 1245 Bethlehem, PA 18016-1245 Tel. (610)867-7566

85. Home Moravian Church - Home
Welcome to the web site of Home moravian church. Home moravian church orfellowship programs. Home moravian church Mission Statement.
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Welcome to the web site of Home Moravian Church. Home Moravian Church is located on the north-east corner of Salem Square in the historic district of Old Salem , the restored 1766 Moravian town, located in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Home Church, originally known as the Salem Congregation, is a congregation of the Moravian Church in America, Southern Province. Home Church is an active and growing congregation and we invite you to come and visit with us for any of our Worship services or fellowship programs. Home Moravian Church Mission Statement Bound together through our relationship with Jesus Christ, we will celebrate our faith as we love and serve God and others. The spirit within the community of Home Moravian Church inspires our obedience to the call to serve Christ.
Click here to visit Home Moravian Church's home page.

86. Bethabara Moravian Church - Home
Bethabara moravian church. On November a wedding. Visit The Bethabaramoravian church Home Page. Click to learn more about Opt Software!
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Bethabara Moravian Church
On November 17, 1753, a company of fifteen single Brethren from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania reached the spot where now stands the village of Bethabara. In an empty trapper's hut, they took shelter and on that same evening, those tired but thankful men held the first lovefeast and praised God for their safe arrival.
In 1756 a log church was built inside a stockade. The first pastor, Bernard Adam Grube, gave their settlement the significant scriptural name, "Bethabara," a Hebrew word meaning "House of Passage." Successive years witnessed growth and expansion.
In 1788, the stone church was erected. This church, sometimes called the "Gemein Haus" or meeting place was used by the Bethabara Congregation until 1953 when they moved into a new Christian Education Building a block south. The present sanctuary was built in 1971. The historic stone church is a consecrated church and is still used by the congregation for special services, Holy Week services, musical programs, and occasionally a wedding. Visit The Bethabara Moravian Church Home Page

Unity of Brethren /moravian churchUnitas Fratrum/. Churches with AssociatedMembership THE moravian church (UNITAS FRATRUM) Jednota bratrská. History.
Member Churches Apostolic Church Baptist Union in the Czech Republic Brethren Church Czechoslovak Hussite Church ... Unity of Brethren /Moravian Church-Unitas Fratrum/ Churches with Associated Membership Czech Bishop's Conference Salvation Army Observers Church of the Seventh-day Adventists Czech Bible Society Czech Evangelical Alliance Ecumenical Academy Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic THE MORAVIAN CHURCH (UNITAS FRATRUM)
Jednota bratrská History The beginnings of the UNITAS FRATRUM, or the Moravian Church, date back to Middle Ages, from great spiritual awakening in Bohemia (Hussitism). To large extent it was influenced by the teachings of Petr Chelèický about the refusal of violence. In 1457 they left under the leadership of Brother Gregory to seclusion in Kunvald (Eastern Bohemia) and called themselves “Brothers and Sisters of Christ´s Church - Unitas Fratrum“ (The Unity of Brethren). The Unity stressed the ideal of three kinds – of faith, love and hope, always cosidering the practical Christian life as more important than the doctrine or church traditions. It spread in Bohemia, Moravia and in Poland and it greatly influenced the reformation theology and the Czech culture. The Bible of Kralice, which had been translated from original languages, was extraordinary important for the preservation and purity of the Czech language for the following four centuries. Among the most outstanding representatives of the Unity were LukᚠPražský, Jan Augusta, Jan Blahoslav and also the “teacher of nations“, Jan Amos Komenský (Comenius).

88. GENUKI: Moravian Church , Ockbrook, Derbyshire
moravian church , Ockbrook. Image contributed by Paul Slater from 6th March2001. See Derbyshire GENUKI Service Providers for contact details.
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Moravian Church , Ockbrook
Image contributed by Paul Slater from 6th March 2001. See Derbyshire GENUKI Service Providers for contact details. URL of this page: Please respect our Conditions of Use This image should be displayed with a video pixel depth set to greater than 256 colours [Created 7 Apr 2004. Last updated 7 Apr 2004 - 12:31 by Rosemary Lockie]

89. Moravian Church In Great Britain And Ireland
moravian church in Great Britain and Ireland Provincial Elders Conference JackieMorten. moravian church House. 5 Muswell Hill. LONDON. N10 3TJ.
Moravian Church in Great Britain and Ireland
Provincial Elders' Conference:
Jackie Morten Moravian Church House 5 Muswell Hill LONDON Tel: Fax: Email: Website:
The Moravian Church orginated in Europe in the fifteenth century and came to Britain in the eighteenth. The Moravian Church holds to faith in the Triune God and recognises that salvation comes through faith in God's only Son, Jesus Christ. Its guiding principle is: 'In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity'.
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Culham Institute / Tony Parfitt / Melchior

90. Bath Moravian Church: Home Page
Bath moravian church. Moravians? Discover the Moravian Fellowship by worshippingwith us in one of our Bath Churches! You will be made very welcome indeed.

91. OhioKIDS! - Ohio History Central - Path To Statehood - Groups - Moravian Church
go to Moravian Image Page The Unity of Brethren Church, often referred to as themoravian church, was founded during the 1400s in Moravia in central Europe.
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The Unity of Brethren Church, often referred to as the Moravian Church, was founded during the 1400s in Moravia in central Europe. Several principles guided the members' beliefs. First was that the Bible was the only source of God's true word. Second, all church members must achieve holy perfection to attain God's blessing. Third, humans are naturally sinful. Finally, to be saved, one must live a Christian life based on God's word as found in the Bible. Not only that, but one must truly believe in both God and Jesus Christ to enter heaven. To make God's word easier for people to understand, the Moravians believed that the Bible and other religious texts should be written in their language. In 1501, the Moravians published the first hymnal in the language of the people. Before that, all religious writing had been in Latin, which only educated people could read or understand. The church grew quickly in both Moravia and Bohemia. By 1500 it had more than 200,000 members and 400 churches. But older, established churches feared and persecuted the Moravians for their more democratic message. By the late 1600s most Moravian churches stood idle from this oppression, but a revival began in 1722 after a small group of believers left Moravia for Saxony in modern-day Germany. In Saxony, the Moravians flourished. They became missionaries, converting many Europeans and then Americans, including Native Americans. Chief among their missionaries to the Indians were

92. ELCA : Worship : Full Communion Worship : Moravian Church In America
Church in America. Full Communion Worship moravian church in America. forEcumenical Affairs. The moravian church in America and the ELCA.
Worship About Worship Full Communion Worship Full Communion Worship: Moravian Church in America To read the statements upon which these guidelines are based, visit the Resources page of the ELCA's Department for Ecumenical Affairs The Moravian Church in America and the ELCA Links

93. Full Communion With The Moravian Church
Full Communion Partner The moravian church. Click above to go to thehomepage of the moravian church to learn more about who they are.
Full Communion Partner:
The Moravian Church
Lutheran-Moravian Coordinating Committee
The Lutheran-Moravian Coordinating Committee (the Lutheran-Moravian Dialogue prior to the implementation of Following Our Shepherd to Full Communion ) began meeting following the full communion celebration in 2000. Their charter, meeting minutes, and news releases are posted as they become available. THE FIRST WORSHIP SERVICE OF FULL COMMUNION
The " Guidelines and Worship Resources for the Celebration of Full Communion" (ISBN 6-0001-1716-7, Augsburg/Fortress number 69-4524) is the document that was used to inaugurate the full communion celebration January 27, 2000 at Augsburg Lutheran Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Several worship services, including a Moravian "Love Feast" were part of the celebration between the ELCA and The Moravian Church in America. You can order this document by calling Augsburg/Fortress at 1-800-328-4648. The cost is $1 plus postage. One result of the adoption of the relationship of full communion by these two churches is that ordained ministers in one church may be invited to serve in the other church.

94. About Old Salem: African American History -The African Moravian Church (Log Chur
century or more, church leadership decided in 1816 to extend the old Strangers Graveyardwestward towards Church Street, to the south of Home moravian church.
Old Salem About African American history The African Moravian Church Changes in attitudes of the German Moravians towards Africans started to take place in the late 1700s. After worshiping together for a half-century or more, church leadership decided in 1816 to extend the old Strangers' Graveyard westward towards Church Street, to the south of Home Moravian Church. This site then became the first African Graveyard for all Africans, Moravian or not. Six years later, in 1822, the congregation ceased worshiping together, and Africans in and around Salem became a mission of the newly-organized Female Missionary Society. Services were held in several places in the immediate area during the first year, including the Schuman farm ( Happy Hill Finally, in 1823, the church approved the construction of a log church to be used as the location of worship, on a site adjacent to the African Graveyard. (Later, in 1861, a larger brick church was built nearby see St. Philips Church

95. About Old Salem: African American History - St. Philips Moravian Church
The brick church and graveyard was reconsecrated by the moravian church on May 4,2003 and opened as a part of the Old Salem tour on May 14, 2003. back to top.
Old Salem About African American history St. Philips Moravian Church During the mid 19th century , worship at the African American log church was a major event. A new pastor, Brother Holland, had reinvigorated the church and reorganized the Sunday school. So, on February 22, 1861 the Salem trustees met on the old African American graveyard Now formerly enslaved African Americans had a chance to learn and work for themselves. The Sunday school at the brick church played an important role in the formation of the newly freed community. Over 300 scholars attended the Sunday school at its peak during post-Reconstruction: male and female, young and old, and in between. In 1946, St. Philips received its first African American leader, the lay pastor, George A. Hall, a native of Nicaragua. Up until this point all of the pastors appointed to St. Philips had been white. On May 4, 1952 the last service was held in the brick church. The congregation moved to Happy Hill and later to its current day location on Bon Air Avenue in northern Winston Salem. The St. Philips brick church sat empty for nearly 40 years until, in 1989, Old Salem Inc. decided to restore it and turn it into an exhibit on the lives of African Americans in Salem. In that year, Old Salem was encouraged to submit the building for nomination to the National Register. The brick church and graveyard was reconsecrated by the Moravian Church on May 4, 2003 and opened as a part of the Old Salem tour on May 14, 2003.

96. Antigua Moravian Churches
Bethany moravian church, Piggotts, Cana moravian church, Swetes. Cedar Hall MoravianChurch, Jennings. Five Islands moravian church. Green Bay moravian church.
Antigua moravian churches. Moravian Churches of Antigua. Welcome to the Moravian churches of Antigua. If you would like to contact the Moravian Churches of Antigua, e-mail Bethany Moravian Church, Piggotts Cana Moravian Church, Swetes Cedar Hall Moravian Church, Jennings ... Zion (Potters) Moravian Church If you would like to get a free web page for your church or small community group here at Antigua Nice Ltd Click Here! Yellow Pages Restaurants / Entertainment / Casinos ... Top All content © Antigua Nice Ltd 2004

97. - Home Of Best Of The Christian Web
SubCategories History (6). Battle Hill Community moravian church Union,New Jersey. Schedule, contact information, directions. (Added
Search for: June 02, 2004 Resellers Needed - 25% RESIDUAL commissions 5 Star 4 Star New! ... Denominations : Moravian Church SubCategories:
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    Union, New Jersey. Schedule, contact information, directions.
    (Added: Sat Sep 06 2003 Hits: User Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0) Rate It Bethania Moravian Church
    Bethania (near Winston-Salem), North Carolina. Sunday morning schedule, history, contact information, links.
    (Added: Sat Sep 06 2003 Hits: User Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0) Rate It Central Moravian Church
    Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Mission statement, worship schedule, staff directory, history, contact information.
    (Added: Sat Sep 06 2003 Hits: User Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0) Rate It Christian Faith Moravian Church
    De Forest, Wisconsin. Hours, Sunday schedule, contact information.
    (Added: Sat Sep 06 2003 Hits: User Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0) Rate It Church of the Redeemer
    Dublin, Ohio. Beliefs, calendar of events, newsletter, and service schedule.
    (Added: Sat Sep 06 2003 Hits: 1 User Rating: 0.00 Votes: 0) Rate It College Hill Moravian Church Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Contact information, map and directions, Sunday schedule, staff.

98. Heritage Lititz Moravian Church
Lititz moravian church Abstract Lititz moravian church, Archives, and Museum ChurchSquare, Lititz 717626-8515 Open May-Sep Sat 10 am-4 pm The Moravians

99. Awesome Church Records
Free church records of marriages, births and baptisms. Concentrates mainly on Presbyterian, moravian, and German denominations. Includes links to forums of other faiths.
Main New Stuff Awesome Directory Free Stuff ... Awesome Links Your Free Resource to Genealogy on the Web! Search:
Enter as much information as you know about your ancestor and click search: First Name: Last Name: Location: Any Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Dist. of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Canada England Germany All Non-U.S. Your FREE resource to vital records, census and genealogy links!

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Church Records Moravian Church Featured Article Locating Church Records
– Juliana Smith When the civil registration of a birth, marriage, or death cannot be found or does not exist, where can you turn? A good starting place will be religious records. Most Americans families have been affiliated with at least one religious group, even if they were not consistently practicing. In the not-so-distant past when recording vital events was not required, religious records usually play an important role in providing the information you need. Be sure to find out what churches were in existence at the time your ancestor lived in the area. If a church for his denomination was not available, he may have attended the closest church he could get to. Immigrants who still hadn't learned English may have attended a church that held services in their native tongue.

100. Good Shepherd Church - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Located in North West Calgary, Good Shepherd is a Protestant church of the moravian denomination. A Christian community encouraging a faith that is personally meaningful and socially responsible.
Located in North West Calgary, Good Shepherd Church is a
Protestant congregation that cares for our commun ity. We are a multi-gen eration congregation, that serves
the young, the elderly and those in between. Our family of God includes families of many types and sizes. We offer a d own-to-earth approach to life th at emphasizes Christian faith, hope and love, with an open-minded encouragement to build a life in faith. Good Shepherd is a Moravian Church , a non-ethnic, mainline Protestant
denomination with history and traditions that date back over 500 years.
Relevant worship services with a special message for children
every Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m.
Good Shepherd Online Calendar
Pastor: The Rev. Basil Coward
6311 Norfolk Drive NW, Calgary, Alberta T2K 5J8 map
Phone: 403 274-4888 Fax: 403 274-2676 Worship Events Programs Leadership ... Email Good Shepherd Church Web site courtesy of
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