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81. Moravian Church -- Encyclopædia Britannica moravian church Encyclopædia Britannica Article. MLA style moravian church. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=55017&tocid=0&query=moravian church |
82. Trinity Moravian Church, Winston-Salem, North Carolina Trinity moravian church, WinstonSalem, Forsyth County, North Carolina, is a congregationof the Unitas Fratrum, a worldwide Protestant Christian church. http://www.trinitymoravian.org/ | |
83. A History Of The Moravian Church - Joseph Edmund Hutton - EBooks A History of the moravian church Joseph Edmund Hutton - Discover New SoftwareTechnology! A History of the moravian church by Joseph Edmund Hutton. http://www.ebookmall.com/alpha-titles/h-titles/History-Moravian-Church.htm | |
84. The Moravian Church - Faith And Values.com Faith Week in Review News, features and commentary. Ministry on the Web Tipsand techniques. moravian church in America and Canada (Unitas Fratrum). http://www.faithandvalues.com/channels/mrvn.asp | |
85. Home Moravian Church - Home Welcome to the web site of Home moravian church. Home moravian church orfellowship programs. Home moravian church Mission Statement. http://www.piedmontcommunities.us/servlet/go_ProcServ/dbpage=page&gid=0015900000 | |
86. Bethabara Moravian Church - Home Bethabara moravian church. On November a wedding. Visit The Bethabaramoravian church Home Page. Click to learn more about Opt Software! http://www.piedmontcommunities.us/servlet/go_ProcServ/dbpage=page&gid=0016500000 | |
87. THE MORAVIAN CHURCH (UNITAS FRATRUM) Unity of Brethren /moravian churchUnitas Fratrum/. Churches with AssociatedMembership THE moravian church (UNITAS FRATRUM) Jednota bratrská. History. http://www.ekumenickarada.cz/erceng/jedbrat.html | |
88. GENUKI: Moravian Church , Ockbrook, Derbyshire moravian church , Ockbrook. Image contributed by Paul Slater from 6th March2001. See Derbyshire GENUKI Service Providers for contact details. http://www.wishful-thinking.org.uk/genuki/DBY/Ockbrook/MoravianChurch.html | |
89. Moravian Church In Great Britain And Ireland moravian church in Great Britain and Ireland Provincial Elders Conference JackieMorten. moravian church House. 5 Muswell Hill. LONDON. N10 3TJ. http://www.theredirectory.org.uk/orgs/morav.html | |
90. Bath Moravian Church: Home Page Bath moravian church. Moravians? Discover the Moravian Fellowship by worshippingwith us in one of our Bath Churches! You will be made very welcome indeed. http://beehive.thisisbath.com/default.asp?WCI=SiteHome&ID=4487 |
91. OhioKIDS! - Ohio History Central - Path To Statehood - Groups - Moravian Church go to Moravian Image Page The Unity of Brethren Church, often referred to as themoravian church, was founded during the 1400s in Moravia in central Europe. http://www.ohiohistorycentral.org/ohc/history/path/groups/moravian.shtml | |
92. ELCA : Worship : Full Communion Worship : Moravian Church In America Church in America. Full Communion Worship moravian church in America. forEcumenical Affairs. The moravian church in America and the ELCA. http://www.elca.org/dcm/worship/full_communion/moravian.html | |
93. Full Communion With The Moravian Church Full Communion Partner The moravian church. Click above to go to thehomepage of the moravian church to learn more about who they are. http://www.elca.org/ea/Relationships/moravian/ | |
94. About Old Salem: African American History -The African Moravian Church (Log Chur century or more, church leadership decided in 1816 to extend the old Strangers Graveyardwestward towards Church Street, to the south of Home moravian church. http://www.oldsalem.org/about/logchurch.htm | |
95. About Old Salem: African American History - St. Philips Moravian Church The brick church and graveyard was reconsecrated by the moravian church on May 4,2003 and opened as a part of the Old Salem tour on May 14, 2003. back to top. http://www.oldsalem.org/about/brickchurch.htm | |
96. Antigua Moravian Churches Bethany moravian church, Piggotts, Cana moravian church, Swetes. Cedar Hall MoravianChurch, Jennings. Five Islands moravian church. Green Bay moravian church. http://www.antiguanice.com/churches/moravian/moravian.htm | |
97. ChristianWebSite.com - Home Of Best Of The Christian Web SubCategories History (6). Battle Hill Community moravian church Union,New Jersey. Schedule, contact information, directions. (Added http://www.christianwebsite.com/search/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christi | |
98. Heritage Lititz Moravian Church Lititz moravian church Abstract Lititz moravian church, Archives, and Museum ChurchSquare, Lititz 717626-8515 Open May-Sep Sat 10 am-4 pm The Moravians http://www.lancastercountyheritage.com/heritage/cwp/view.asp?a=627&q=464719 |
99. Awesome Church Records Free church records of marriages, births and baptisms. Concentrates mainly on Presbyterian, moravian, and German denominations. Includes links to forums of other faiths. http://www.awesomegenealogy.com/churchrecords.shtml | |
100. Good Shepherd Church - Calgary, Alberta, Canada Located in North West Calgary, Good Shepherd is a Protestant church of the moravian denomination. A Christian community encouraging a faith that is personally meaningful and socially responsible. http://www.goodshepherdmoravian.org | |
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