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         Mennonites:     more books (100)
  1. Old Colony Mennonites in Argentina and Bolivia: Nation Making, Religious Conflict and Imagination of the Future (Religion in the Americas Series) by Lorenzo Canas Bottos, 2008-01-15
  2. Tillie, a Mennonite Maid; a Story of the Pennsylvania Dutch by Helen Reimensnyder Martin, 2010-01-14
  3. From the Ground Up: Mennonite Contributions to International Peacebuilding
  4. Life Displaced: A Mennonite Woman's Flight from War-Torn Poland (Mennonite Reflections, V. 3) by Edna Schroeder Thiessen, Angela Showalter, 2000-12
  5. Mennonite Community Cookbook. Favorite Family Recipes
  6. Strangers at Home: Amish and Mennonite Women in History (Center Books in Anabaptist Studies)
  7. Who Are the Anabaptists: Amish, Brethren, Hutterites, and Mennonites by Donald B. Kraybill, 2003-11-03
  8. Modest Mennonite Home by Steve Friesen, 1990-12-31
  9. Encircled: Stories About Mennonite Women by Ruth Unrau, 1986-06
  10. Horse-and-Buggy Mennonites: Hoofbeats of Humility in a Postmodern World (Publications of the Pennsylvania German Society: Pennsylvania German History and Culture Series) by Donald B. Kraybill, James P. Hurd, 2006-09-30
  11. Treasury Of Mennonite Quilts by Rachel and Kenneth Pellman, 1992
  12. Jumping Into Empty Space: A Reluctant Mennonite Businessman Serves in Paraguay's Presidential Cabinet by Ernst Bergen, Phyllis Pellman Good, 2008-11
  13. Rolling Down Black Stockings: A Passage Out Of The Old Order Mennonite Religion by Esther Royer Ayers, 2005-03-30
  14. A Mennonite Polity for Ministerial Leadership

41. Officials Target Religious Schools Over Plumbing

42. Mennonite Connections On The World-Wide Web
Extensive catalog of websites about mennonites and Amish, arranged in a yellowpages format
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43. MennoLink Books And Music: About Mennonites
MennoLink Books and Music. About mennonites. States. Copyright 2001.Who are the mennonites? View shopping basket. by LaVernae Dick.
MennoLink Books and Music
About Mennonites
About Mennonites



Bible Study
... Authors The Anabaptist-Mennonite Time Line View

wall resources chart, $69.95
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Back by popular demand! While supplies last, the original Anabaptist-Mennonite Time Line is back in print. This classic 36 in. x 96 in. wall resource charts Anabaptist-Mennonite happenings from 1425-1986, with content by Robert Kreider. Events are depicted in the context of wider religious, political, economic, and cultural developments. Ships end of March 2004. The Mennonite Encyclopedia View

The Mennonite Encyclopedia Set Includes all five volumes. Add... Volume I hardcover, 900 pages, $95.95 Add... Volume II hardcover, 912 pages, $95.95 Add... Volume III hardcover, 952 pages, $95.95 Add... Volume IV hardcover, 1,184 pages, $95.95 Add... Volume V hardcover, 962 pages, $95.95 Add... Related Items Reference History Covers the 435-year history of the faith, life, and culture of Anapabtists in Europe and Mennonites throughout the world. Presented are people, movements, and places in their realtion to Mennonites. A few of the many articles covered are Argentina, Arminianism, Babptism, Baptist, Brazil, Calvin, Church, Communion, Congo, Deaconess, Education, Farming, Furniture, Grebel, Hubmaier, Hymnology, Industry, Literature, Marriage, Publishers, Reedley, Ukrain, and Zurich. The Mennonite Encyclopedia was jointly edited by historians and scholars of the Mennonite Church, the General Conference of Mennonites, and the Mennonite Brethren Church. More than 2,700 writers contributed articles to this reference work.

44. RootsWeb: Genealogy Mailing Lists: MENNO-ROOTS
Genealogy and the mennonites.
Religion: MENNO-ROOTS Mailing List MENNO-ROOTS-L Topic: the Mennonites. For questions about this list, contact the list administrator at

45. ..::. .::.. Eglises Mennonites De Suisse  /  Mennoniten-Gemeinden Der
Translate this page Die Mennoniten-Gemeinden der Schweiz Les Eglises mennonitessuisses The Swiss Mennonite Churches.
Die Mennoniten-Gemeinden der Schweiz
Les Eglises mennonites suisses
The Swiss Mennonite Churches Deutsch

46. Menno Simons Centre Home Page
mennonites in Vancouver, with history, photos, discussion board, and links to other BC sites.

47. Christian Reality Anabaptist Church History End Times Gospel
Why are Amish, mennonites, Anabaptists so different, even today?
Email us here:
Sincere blessings to all who have written. Greetings Brethren in Christ's Holy Name Thieleman van Braght said, concerning the Anabaptists They pressed so hard into the kingdom that they left their flesh on the gateposts. Highlights Articles Bookstore Cautions ... Anabaptist Links text of top of this old page here HIGHLIGHTS
If You Don't Read Anything Else Here, PLEASE Read these:
A scoffer asks: " How do you know these are The Last Days They've said
that for years!" Answer: Religious Deception (mentioned 10 times in
Matt. 24-25:13) Time to wake/stir yourself up:
Early Church DID see what is coming Upon us (no Joke)

The Last Days are Coming Upon us Rapidly

1965 Prophecy Warning
about this.
MAP: Evolution of "Flesh Church vs. Spiritual Church"

Never before found on the Internet
A Must See for all Committed Christians. Shows " why " the Church is in Such a Mess. Finally It's OUT The TRUE Anabaptist Position on DIVORCE and REMARRIAGE WHAT WAS IT "REALLY" LIKE, IN EARLY CHURCH WORSHIP? Scribes ... or Inscribed Upon? by Thomas Shank 1ST. CENTURY CHURCH Warned Against Charismatics

48. The Mennonites' Dirty Little Secret - Christianity Today Magazine - Christianity
The mennonites Dirty Little Secret What Christians could learn fromMenno Simons and how he rescued the Anabaptist movement. John
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Search Browse by Topic Browse by Publication ... Pricing Member Services My Account Our Policies Contact Us Related Sites Christian Sites Church Sites Sermon Illustrations Search Library: FREE ARTICLE PREVIEW ARTICLE TOOLS Find similar articles Toggle highlighting For most North Americans, Waco-type images are not their first impression of today's Mennonites, the spiritual heirs to the early Anabaptists. Instead, when most of us think of ... Already a member? Login here: E-mail Password Like the preview? To read this complete article JOIN NOW! Easily find high-quality, well-researched materials that provide a Christian perspective on topics ranging from headlines to history. Start using this invaluable tool TODAY for preparing your Bible studies, presentations, class lectures, sermons, meetings, and more. It's easy and quick to join:

49. TourMagination - Discovery & Fellowship
Builds bridges among mennonites and other Christians around the world through custom designed travel.
"Serving the Mennonite Community for 35 Years" TourMagination builds bridges among Mennonites and other Christians around the world through our custom designed travel. Founded in 1970, TourMagination is owned and operated by Mennonites from Ontario and Pennsylvania who love to create educational travel experiences. CANADA: 9 Willow Street Waterloo, Ontario Canada N2J 1V6.
Phone: (519) 885-2522
Fax: (519) 885-0941 USA: 1011 Cathill Road, Sellersville, PA 18960
Phone: (215) 723-8413
Fax: (215) 723-8351 Toll Free:

50. Church Of God In Christ, Mennonite
Also known as Holdeman mennonites. Emphasis on salvation and separation from the world.
This is an unofficial web-page.
An Introduction to the
Church of God in Christ, Mennonite
The Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, is a relatively small group among the various churches known by the Mennonite name. Our vision is to follow faithfully the teachings of Jesus Christ and His apostles in all matters of faith and practice. The faith as practiced by the Novatians, Donatists, Paulicians, Waldenses, and Albigenses, who were also at various times called Anabaptists, is our faith and practice today. Because of this standard, we are often looked upon as holding a peculiar and distinctive place apart from main-line Christianity. We certainly profess to be Christians in the essential meaning of the term (Acts 11:26), but are more commonly known as Mennonites. Among contemporary Mennonites we are often referred to as Holdeman Mennonites due to the leadership of the evangelist-reformer John Holdeman. Several major beliefs of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, set it apart from other denominations. The foundation of our faith is personal salvation through the new birth. This experience involves faith in Jesus Christ as Savior, repentance, forsaking our sins, and a resulting change of life from sin to serving Christ. We believe the Bible teaches that Christians are to be a separate people, not conformed to the world about us in spirit (our attitude and outlook) and life-style. We believe in simplicity and modesty in clothing, homes, and all other personal possessions. In addition to simplicity in dress, we believe men should wear a beard, and Christian women should wear the devotional head-covering.

51. The Olive Tree Genealogy: Ships Passenger Lists, Mennonites To North America
Space for Genealogy Websites. mennonites to Canada USA. Pre1820 Approximately650,000 individuals of all nationalities arrived in America before 1820.
Can't find your ancestors? Search for your family origins on Olive Tree Genealogy! Free Ships' Passenger lists, family surnames, church records, military muster rolls, census records, land records and much more will help you find that elusive ancestor. est. 1996 Find Your Ancestors with FREE genealogical records at The Olive Tree Genealogy
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52. Korea Anabaptist Center
Bilingual site (English and Korean) for Korean mennonites with statement of faith, details of activities and an emphasis on peacemaking.

53. Pennsylvania Dutch History, Genealogy And Culture
Amish and mennonites. Last Update Excerpted from Little Known Facts About theAmish and mennonites A. Monroe Aurand 1938 THESE ODD FOLK CALLED AMISH .
Amish and Mennonites
Last Update:
  • Amish and Mennonites

Excerpted from Little Known Facts About the Amish and Mennonites A. Monroe Aurand 1938
(In preparing this study of the "plain people" the author has had opportunity to draw heavily from a general knowledge of them, by intimate contact and otherwise, as well as from a rich store of information to be found in numerous books and magazines, and such as issue from the pens of various contributors to the German folk societies. These would be too numerous to mention here, though it is deemed fitting to give general credit to them in this way, since they justify many of our findings, and in turn they authenticate their own).
~ 4 ~ We generalize somewhat in the inclusion of several of the plain sects in this account, although specifically we ought to say that "the Amish do so and so;" or, "the Mennonites," or whatever they may be. Generally it must be taken to mean that the extremists in this account are the Amish. It is a comprehensive social study of them that we give you now-in a brief, condensed version!
General Appearance.-The Amish garb is peculiar to him and his kind. It is dictated in style by their old leaders and deviations are rare.

54. Ontario's Mennonite Heritage
An account of the Mennonite migration from Pennsylvania to Ontario after the Revolutionary War.
Sales Introduction Chapters 1 - 3 Explore ... Home
Ontario's Mennonite Heritage
(Published in SPARETIME magazine, Vol. 6, Issues 8, 9, 10, 1986) Mennonites in Pennsylvania The Early Years in Upper Canada
Canadian Mennonites Fare Better than Russian Mennonites
Part I, Mennonites in Pennsylvania
By 1800, Mennonites were old hands at pioneering in the New World. Descendants of a radical wing of the Protestant Reformation, the pacifist followers of Menno Simons (1492-1559) endured two centuries of bitter persecution in Central Europe. During these two centuries, many Mennonites sought sanctuary in Prussia and southern Russia. Others, like the Swiss ancestors of the Kitchener-Waterloo Mennonites, were drawn westward to North America. The promise of William Penn's "holy experiment" drew the Swiss Mennonites across the Atlantic. The aristocratic and wealthy Penn was a Quaker, a member of the Society of Friends. Established in the 1640s, English Quakers formed yet another oppressed Protestant dissenting group. William Penn was determined that his Delaware River colony in the New World would be a place of righteous government. Harmony would prevail between natives and whites and civil liberties would be guaranteed to all the persecuted nonconformists of the Old World. The first Mennonites to take up William Penn's invitation were one hundred Lower Rhinelanders who in 1683 founded Germantown (Philadelphia). During the years 1707-1756, more than 3000 Mennonites from Switzerland and the German Palatinate arrived to settle on Penn's vast domain.

55. RootsWeb Message Boards [ Mennonites ]
Boards Topics Religions and Religious mennonites. mennonites, PrussianRussianmennonites (102) Volhynian-mennonites (3). Find a Board Use Soundex.

56. Ancestry Message Boards [ Mennonites ]
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57. Doopsgezinde Gemeente Aalsmeer / Mennonite Congregation Of Aalsmeer / Mennonitis
A church in the Nederlands. Who the mennonites are, the Westhill method, and the church council.
Doopsgezinde Gemeente Aalsmeer Welcome !
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58. MHSA
expressed are at the core of the MHSA. We want to search for, collectand preserve materials related to Alberta mennonites history,;
Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta
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Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta
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  • The MHSA is under serious construction (less dust, but still DISARRAY) at the present time. You may want to do your personal research at home for a few weeks while we get things back in order. Or, give us a hand in the construction, painting, etc. Genealogy Meetings - we'll find a way to make things tidy enough for these to continue uninterupted. Construction/Moving Volunteers Needed - Contact Dave Hildebrand if you're able to help. Watch this schedule for weekly updates on progress and/or subscribe to our e-list No volunteer "construction" work until May Jun 5 (Sat) - Painting (2nd coat), Clean-up

59. Mennonite Genealogy Data Index
Mennonite Genealogy Data Index. AUSTRIA.
AUSTRIA CANADA - Alberta - British Columbia - Manitoba - Ontario - Saskatchewan - Other Canada MEXICO PARAGUAY POLAND PRUSSIA/GERMANY RUSSIA - Chortitza - Crimea - Molotschna - Yazykovo - Other Russia SWITZERLAND URUGUAY USA - California - Illinois - Indiana - Kansas - Nebraska - Ohio - Pennsylvania - Texas - Washington - Other USA Baptism Birth Census Death Migration Marriage History Geography Other
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Powered by Here's the ultimate place to visit to find where the good stuff is - where you can find Mennonite genealogy (family history) data Use the picklist to the left to select the geography of interest. As soon as you left-click onto a locality, your page will refresh to those resources. You'll find the exact same picklist on each page in the same location - so you can't get lost! There are approximately 1,400

60. Mennonites
Several articles on mennonites. A source of information for deeper understandingof religious subjects. mennonites. {men uhn - yts} General Information.
General Information The Mennonites, a Protestant religious group descended from the 16th century Anabaptists, take their name from Menno Simons, a Dutch Roman Catholic priest converted to the Anabaptist faith, whose moderate leadership, after the militant excesses of the fanatical Anabaptist Kingdom of Munster (1534 - 35), restored balance to the movement. He was active in the Netherlands and also developed a following in Holstein and along the lower Rhine and the Baltic. The Mennonites rejected infant baptism, the swearing of oaths, military service, and worldliness. They practiced strong church discipline in their congregations and lived simple, honest, loving lives in emulation of the earliest Christians. As summarized by the Dordrecht Confession of 1632, Mennonite theological principles stress the direct influence of the Holy Spirit on the heart of the believer and the importance of the Bible, with its message of salvation through the mystical experience of Christ's presence in the heart. BELIEVE
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