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         Mazhabs:     more books (16)
  1. Taliban: Afghanistan Ki Jang, Mazhab Aur Nizam (Urdu Edition) by Peter Marsden, 2000-09-28
  2. Islam "mazhab" masa depan: Menuju Islam non-sektarian by Afif Mohammad, 1998
  3. Islam va Iran: Mazhab va milliyat-i Irani by Mahmud Riza Iftikharzadah,
  4. Haqiqat-i gumshudah: Dastan-i girayisham bih mazhab-i Ahl-i Bayt by Mutasim Sayyid Ahmad,
  5. Ahli waris sepertalian darah: Kajian perbandingan terhadap penalaran Hazairin dan penalaran fikih mazhab (Seri INIS) by Al Yasa Abubakar, 1998
  6. Mazhab and Sexuality: Faith and Sexuality by North West Lancashire Health Promotion Unit, 1997-02
  7. Adyan-i Asiyayi (Mazhab) by Mihrdad Bahar, 1375
  8. Mazhab: Daya Nara'in Nigam ke risalah Zamanah Kanpur, 1903-1944, se intikhab
  9. Pembaharuan hukum Islam dalam mazhab Syafi'i
  10. "Mazhab-i aslî o haqîqî" =: "The true and original religion" : a lecture by William St. Clair Tisdall, 1890
  11. Mazhab ke nam par khun by Mirza Tahir Ahmad, 1996
  12. Hindu mazhab ki jhalkiyan by Mohammad Yasin, 1967
  13. Qadiyani mazhab, adishan shashum, ka muqaddamah by Muhammad Ilyas Barni, 1966
  14. Inilah kunci pengempar: Maka adalah nama kitab ini kunci pengempar, artinya pembuka rahasia yang tersembunyi di dalam perbendaharaan mazhab muslim ia ini ... ain al-kudsi telah sudah dizahirkan adanya

41. Islamic History And Culture - Personalities In Islam Specifically Shiddieqy
Thus it is quite reasonable if Hasbi judges that fiqh made by imams (leaders)of mazhabs aren’t suitable towards the Indonesian personality.
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Personalities in Islam
T.M. Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy
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Index Volume 1 Issue 2
Islam and History Warning:

Books listed may not support Islam but are of value as they present a differing perspective
Commissions help to support orphaned kids. T.M. Hasbi Ash-Shiddieqy is known as an ulama (Islamic scholar) and an expert on fiqh (Islam law and jurisprudence) who is prominent in Indonesia. He was one of the pioneers of creating an Islamic law adjusted towards Indonesias situation and condition. According to notes by Muhammad Iqbal a post graduate student at IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta in his article about our personage carried in Panji magazine (third year second edition of April 28), 1999 writes that Hasbi has written as many as 73 titles consisting of 142 volumes. About 36 titles pertains to the fiqh subject, another eight to hadith while the rests deals with general themes. According to Hasbi who was a former Mashumi political party spokesman of the 1955 general elections Constituent, ulamas must develop and push ijtihad activity to put this effort into realization. He rejects the notion that ijtihads are not open to change. Ijtihad is an inevitable necessity and can not be evaded throughout time.

42. Resume Wizard
CENA) Of Some Communities in Kano State. C. mazhabs INTERNATIONALCONSULTANTS LIMITED. 2002 ‘The Role of Farmers Associations in
Curriculum Vitae of
Ibrahim Ado-Kurawa
Phone 08037034496 • e-mail Office: Pilot Project Services (Rural Development Consultants c/o Tradco Nigeria Limited
Mai Tangaran House Trade Fair Complex off Zoo Road Kano) CURRENT POSITIONS Independent Scholar and writer Kano, Nigeria Education 1993 MASTER OF SCIENCE (ZOOLOGY) APPLIED ENTOMOLOLGY Bayero University, Kano 1988 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (HONS) APPLIED BIOLOGY Bayero University, Kano 1983-85 FOREIGN MISSIONS INSTITUTE, AL-AZHAR UNIVERSITY CAIRO 1983-85 1981-82 INTERIM JOINT MATRICULATION BOARD EXAMINATION School of Basic Studies, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria 1981-82 Awards received Rockefeller Foundation Resident Fellow (Villa Serbelloni) Bellagio Italy April-May 2002 Federal Government Scholar 1990-91 Faisal Islamic Bank Scholarship, 1983-85 The Best Academic Performance (1 st Prize) Form Five Arts, 1980-81 Federal Government College Warri Professional Experience n Convener Seminar on Land Security for Sustainable Rural Development July 2002 Convened for Kano State Government’s Local Government Service Commission n n Adviser, Phoenix Television Documentary on the Shari’ah in Nigeria for South African Broadcasting Corporation April 2000

43. Renewal Of Muslim Communities
The followers of the various schools of mazhabs (Muslim schools of Jurisprudence)and organizations did not understand the development and dynamics within the
Nuradeen Up Renewal of Muslim Communities A New Universal Strategy for the Ummah Concepts - Tawheed, Shirk, Islam Internalizing the Shahada Islam - A Rethink ... Best of Creation - "The Walking Qur`an"
Renewal of Muslim Communities – A Program
AbuBakr Karolia
This discourse was delivered at the Pretoria Conference in South Africa on 13 April, 2002
[Updated on January 2003] Map Explaining the Renewal of Muslim Communities
Please click on the following thumbnail to view the larger map
My topic for this gathering is to articulate a program for the Renewal of Muslim communities, which was encouraged by Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri and Sister Aliya Haeri and inspired by the overall theme which is ‘Living Islam’ and a motivation for a better life for mankind.
My task is to take you through a panoramic view, which will firstly, explain the cancerous problems of Muslim communities and secondly a possible cure so that we can experience the ‘living Islam’ through the renewal and the revival of the message of Islam.
The symptomatic view of the cancerous problems are summarised to four points though many other problems can be discussed, however the main task of this talk is to formulate a solution for a renewal of Muslim communities.

44. Article
les mazhabs et les tarikats, tous plus concernés de brandir son Islam
Au nom de Dieu, le Clément, le Miséricordieux Articles L ouange à Allah, le seigneur des mondes, Le Vivant, L'Unique. Cette page est un document historique qui éxplique brièvement au lecteur la biographie du prophète et la société où il vivait . Si vous relevez des imprécisions, fautes de frappes, d'orthographe ou d'essais de traduction... n'hésitez pas à me contacter
Merci a Soraya pour cet article.
Article 12:
Discours du Premier Ministre Dr. Mahathir Mohammad
Jeudi 16 Octobre 2003
16. Mais est-il bien vrai que c'est là la volonté d'Allah et que nous ne devons et ne pouvons rien faire? Dans la Sourate 13, al-Ra'd, verset 11, "...En vérité, Allah ne modifie point l'état d'un peuple, tant que les [individus qui le composent] ne modifient pas ce qui est en eux-mêmes..." 50. Mais c'est la façon dont nous agirons et ce que nous ferons qui déterminera si Il consentira à nous aider et à nous donner la victoire ou non. Il l'a déjà écrit dans le Coran, sourate Ar Ra'd verset 11. "...En vérité, Allah ne modifie point l'état d'un peuple, tant que les [individus qui le composent] ne modifient pas ce qui est en eux-mêmes..."

45. ReSufis
the nation. There were those who devoted themselves to the systematizationof the Law, and produced the various mazhabs. The separation
Re: Sufis Question:- Is Sufism a "Gross Innovation" as some Muslims believe? What is the Reality of Sufism? Comment:- Islam has gone through several phases. In the very beginning when the Prophet (saw) was around and teaching Islam and applying it, Islam was One. It had a spiritual aspect, a mental or intellectual aspect and a practical, physical, social or legal aspect. We can denote these by the letters "S", "M" and "P" As time went on these three aspects separated and there were people who devoted themselves wholly or predominantly to the spiritual life. Others devoted themselves to the intellectual aspect, especially when Greek philosophy entered into Islam, and there arose many Theologians who also quarreled with each other and divided the nation. There were those who devoted themselves to the systematization of the Law, and produced the various Mazhabs. The separation between these aspects meant that the Spiritual element departed from the intellectual activities M, as well as from the social and physical P, which became increasingly more rigid and like a shell without content. The intellectual element seems to have deserted P and also increasingly the spiritual aspect S. The practical gradually faded out of the Spiritual and the Mental. The rulers in Islam, after the death of the Four Righteous Caliphs, being concerned mainly with "P", and the unity of the nation and often with their own power and wealth, influenced some of these schools of Law and gave them increasing prominence. Self-appointed priests appeared in Islam.

46. Law1
Sunna of the Prophet. (4) It is formalised in the various mazhabs byScholars using Qias (analogical reasoning). (5) It is adopted
169. Law - 1 Part 1 Islam is "Surrender to Allah". It recognises Allah, the creator of the Universe, the fundamental self-existent Reality as the Supreme Ruler and Law-maker. Islam consists of three layers - The Law, the Way and the Truth or the Discipline, the Faith and Righteousness or the Practices, the Teaching and the Being - these are sometimes distinguished as .Shariat, Tariqat and Haqiqat. These are interdependent. Though an appropriate State of Being leads to faith in the Teaching and that leads to the Practices, the Discipline leads to the Faith and Faith leads to Righteousness. Christianity under the influence of Paul had abolished the Divine Law as brought by Moses despite Jesus having said that he had come to fulfil the Law not to abolish it, and that it could not be ignored (Matthew 5:17-18). This was a serious mistake, which caused the West to adopt Roman law instead and that was designed by the rulers to maintain their power and control the rest of the population. Islam came to restore the Divine Law. Our interactions with the Universe provides us with experiences through the senses which affect and form records of three kinds or aspects:- cognitive, affective and motor - in thought, feeling and action. The senses provide us with raw data in the form of characteristics and these have to be interpreted. The world we experience can be regarded as having seven levels of interpretation:- (i) of objects; (ii) of relationship between objects; (iii) of events and processes, (iv) of causes, forces and their potentialities (v) of Laws, regularities and order (vi) of Principles such as Justice, Compassion, Truth, Virtue etc.; (vii) of awareness, motives, control, and autonomous existence. This is the order in which we obtain knowledge, but the order of causation or creation is the reverse.

the Jihad in Afghanistan within the Muslim world and with the help of Allah ableto establish unity amongst the Muslims irrespective of Nation or mazhabs.

48. | Victory News Magazine | Articles | History Of Shi'ism In Egypt
He eliminated the words Hayya ala Khayril Amal (Come to the good act) from theAzhan and he demanded that the people follow one of the four Sunni mazhabs.
Victory News Magazine
Eulogies Islamic Architecture Islamic History Islamic Studies ... World Issues History Of Shi'ism In Egypt Index
Ashurra Awards Gallery ... Contact Us By T. Zayn Al-Abidin B.Bus MEDAN, Indonesia 27th May, 2002 Toward the end of the rule of the Fatimid Caliphs, Shi'ism and the teachings of the Holy Ahlul Bayt (AS) was solidly practiced in Northern Africa, particularly that of Egypt. The Al-Azhar University The year 359AH saw the building of the Al-Azhar University of Cairo, Egypt, by Jawharus Sayqali, the Commander of the army of the Fatimid Caliph. An extensive programme of the Shia jurisprudence, faith and philosophy were taught and all verdicts and teachings throughout Egypt conformed with the religion of the Ahlul Bayt (AS). The first text used at Al-Azhar University was al-Iqtisad, which dealt with the Jurisprudence of the progeny of the Holy Prophet (SAW) and thereafter Da'a'imul Islam which contained the rules and regulations of the Ahlul Bayt (AS) regarding lawful and unlawful things Salaluddin Ayyubi The last Fatimid Caliph was overthrown by Salaluddin Ayyubi, who was a Kurd from Baghdad.

on the affairs of the Muslim umah that by the passage of time they have erroneouslyconverted these Schools of thought into “mazhabs” or religions.


Does Islam call for unity of all nations?

By: Fida Muhammed Hassnain

When I started typing out my ideas about the necessity of unity among the Muslim umah, the past history of these nations presented a confused picture before me. It appeared that during the fourteen centuries, the Muslims have not only fought between themselves but with other nations also on one recount or the other. Open the first pages of their history and you will find massacres of Khalifas and Imams. Is it not a fact of history that this nation has killed its own benefactors! Umar, the second khalifa was killed by them in the mosque. Usman, the companion of the Holy Prophet, who did compile the Holy Quran for mankind was murdered by them while he was engaged in recitation. Ali, the first Imam and the son-in-law of the Holy Prophet was stabbed in the mosque. Hassan, the second lmam, and the grandson of the Holy Prophet was poisoned to death.

Main aim of Islam
is an internationally acclaimed writer and a Sufi teacher

50. Bismillahi Al-Rahmani Al-Rahim
Q says in a Fatwa that none of the four mazhabs can make mashover cotton socks unless conditions are met. You also say this thing.
Bismillahi Al-Rahmani Al-Rahim
says in a Fatwa that none of the four mazhabs can
make mash over cotton socks unless conditions are met. You also say
this thing. Can you clairify these conditions. Jazakallah.
al-salamu `alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu
This issue in general and the conditions in particular have been subjects of quite a few messages on this group.
wa al-salamu `alaykum

51. Several Questions
benifical. For example it is only wajib in the Hanafi mazhab to reciteFatiha but not according to the other three mazhabs. A detailed
Bismillahi Al-Rahmani Al-Rahim
Several Questions
I will attempt to expand on my question, inshallah. Could you
provide a list of the known things according to the Hanbali mazhab of
the things that break the Wudu. Then also the things that are fardz,
sunnah, and wajib in making wudu. For example in Maliki I believe
reciting Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim before wudu is Fardz. Or for
example in hanafi it is only nessasary to make mashe over 1/4 of the
head. If you could provide a detailed list of the fiqh for Hanbali
wudu, this thing would help many brothers and sisters. Also if you could provide a list of the things that are fardz, sunna, and wajib in salat in accordance to the Hanbali mazhab, this would also be very benifical. For example it is only wajib in the Hanafi mazhab to recite Fatiha but not according to the other three mazhabs. A detailed list of these things would be of much benifit, inshallah. Also a lot of websites claim oral sex to be permissable in the Hanbali mazhab, is this factual?

Translate this page Au lieu d’être une Oumma unique, nous nous sommes divisés en de nombreuses sectes,les mazhabs et les tarikats, tous plus désireux de brandir notre Islam
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Accueil Retour Territoires et occupation Arabes et musulmans ... Terrorisme palestinien

53. Nanyang Technological University Muslim Society
and their contribution to civilisation. The four great imams and mazhabsHanafi, Hambali, Shafie and Maliki. The influence of the
General Electives
Some subjects offered as General Elective in NTU and NIE have Islam as its main concern, or related to religion, including Islam, in general. Some of the subjects that you may be interested to choose from are: CAF380: ISLAM AND MALAY VALUES (3.0 AU)
Prerequisite: nil
The kind of values orientation which had evolved among the Malays of Southeast Asia. Analysis of the socio-historical factors that had shaped this orientation. The influence of Islamic philosophy on Malay thought and values. CAF480: MUSLIM PHILOSOPHERS AND CIVILISATION (3.0 AU)
Prerequisite: nil
The works of major Malay and Muslim philosophers and their contribution to civilisation. The four great imams and mazhabs: Hanafi, Hambali, Shafie and Maliki. The influence of the works of other Muslim thinkers such as Ghazali, Ibnu Sinna, Ibnu Khaldun, as well as Malay thinkers such as Hamzah Fansuri, Nuruddin Ar-Raniri, Bokhari Al-Jauhari, etc on Malay thought and culture.
Prerequisite: nil
Religion as a social institution; Religion as a form of human action; 'Belief',symbolism and ritual; Animism; The world history of religions; Monotheism; Islam; Christianity; Hinduism; Chinese religion; Buddhism; Religion today.

54. Content Of Subject
The works of major Malay and Muslim philosophers and their contribution to civilisation.The four great imams and mazhabs Hanafi, Hambali, Shafie and Maliki.
Content of Subject
DISCRETE MATHEMATICS IV 3.0 AU Prerequisite: nil
Selected topics from: Formal language and automata theory. Recursion theory and computational complexity. Combinatorics. Graph theory. POETRY WORKSHOP 3.0 AU Prerequisite: nil The variety of forms of poetic creativity possible. The characteristicsof the genre, the function of intensity of expression and the role of originality. Experimentations in original individualistic ways, stretching the range of use of language, rhythm, voice and control. SHORT STORY WORKSHOP 3.0 AU Prerequisite: nil The demands of the short story form. What is a short story? What makes a good short story? How do you work on characters or engage the readers in a short story? Students write their own stories as a way of responding to these questions. MADNESS IN LITERATURE 3.0 AU Prerequisite: nil Silence as a subject in literature e.g., in Patrick White and silence as a point of reference which literature indicates as standing beyond itself e.g., in Paul Valery, Rainer Maria Rike. 3.0 AU

55. Lawyerment - Document Library - Estate Planning - Islamic And Customary Laws
Any person professing to the religion of Islam are governed by Islamic Laws. Thereare 4 main mazhabs or schools of figh namely. Hanafi; Maliki; Hambali; Syafii.
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Main Category Related Topics DO THE PROVISIONS IN WILLS ACT 1959 AND WILLS ORDINANCE SABAH APPLY TO THE MUSLIMS ? No. The provisions in Wills Act 1959 and Wills Ordinance (Sabah) do not apply to the Muslims. Any person professing to the religion of Islam are governed by Islamic Laws. There are 4 main mazhabs or schools of figh namely
  • Hanafi Maliki Hambali Syafii.
Thus it is important for the Muslims to state clearly in their wills which mazhab's figh or law should be applied when the estate is distributed. WHAT ARE THE GENERAL RULES FOR THE ESTATE DISTRIBUTION OF A MUSLIM ? Where a Muslim dies, priority will be given to the proper funeral expenses and reasonable expenses of subsequent religious ceremonies suitable to the station in life of the deceased.

From being a single ummah, we have allowed ourselves to be divided into numeroussects, mazhabs and tarikats, each more concerned with claiming to be the true
Home page Accueil Pays
... Diaspora Shopping
The decline of Islam civilisation front of Western’s hegemony : biggest lesson to Kamet peoples. The speech of Malaysia’s Prime Minister.
Speech by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad at the opening of the 10th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference on Oct 16, 2003 Alhamdulillah, All Praise be to Allah, by whose Grace and Blessings we, the leaders of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) countries are gathered here today to confer and hopefully plot a course for the future of Islam and the Muslim ummah worldwide. On behalf of the Government and the people of many races and religions of Malaysia, may I extend a warm welcome to all and everyone to this 10th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference in Putrajaya, Malaysia’s administrative capital. It is indeed a great honour for Malaysia to host this Session and to assume the chairmanship of the OIC. I thank the members for their confidence in Malaysia’s chairmanship. May I also take this opportunity to pay a special tribute to the State of Qatar, in particular His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa AI-Thani, the Emir of the State of Qatar, for his outstanding stewardship of our organisation over the past three years.

57. Religion
yes please give me authentic Hadith regarding the leaving of Sunnah Mukkadah prayerswithout a valid reason, and please cite what the four mazhabs say (Hanafi
Sunnah Mukkadah, Children of Step Parents, Bid'a, Religion's Role in Success in Life, Eid ul Adha
Q 1. Would somebody be committing a sin by leaving Sunnah Mukkadah Prayers without a genuine reason on a regular basis? If yes please give me authentic Hadith regarding the leaving of Sunnah Mukkadah prayers without a valid reason, and please cite what the four mazhabs say (Hanafi, Shafi, Maliki, and Hanbali) about the above question. A 1. In our five daily prayers we have some Rakíahs that are Fard and some that are Sunnah Muíakkadah and some that are Sunnah Ghair Muíakkadah (or Nawafil). The Sunnah Muíakkadah are those Sunnahs that the Prophet -peace be upon him- used to pray regularly along with Fard Rakíahs. Because he never missed them, they are called ìMuíakkadahî which means, ìemphasizedî. They are also called ìSunan al-Rawatibî. The Sunnah that he -peace be upon him- performed sometimes and did not do some other times are called ìSunan Ghair Muíakkadahî (or optional). It is reported by Imam Tirmidhi that the Prophet -peace be upon him- said, ìWhosoever will pray twelve rakíah (Sunnah) in a day and night, a house will be built for him in Jannah: four before Zuhr and two after Zuhr, two after Maghrib, two after ëIsha and two before Fajr.î (al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 380). There are many other Ahadith that specify the importance of these Sunnahs along with each particular Fard prayer. One should not miss the Sunnah Muíakkadah without any genuine reason. There are many blessings in these Sunnahs. According to some scholars one of the benefits of these Sunnahs is that they guard our Fard prayers. They compensate any deficiency or negligence in our Fard prayers. According to Imam Abu Hanifah, a person who neglects these Sunnahs persistently is a sinner, but if a person misses these Sunnahs occasionally, he is not a sinner.

58. IDE/Forum
Islam is DEEN but not Mazhab, Sunnism, Shiaism, Judaism, Christianity, Hinduismare mazhabs that is the pathway to understand and follow God and to recognize
G E N E R A L Topic of Month Rumi Iqbal Allama Ali Naqi ... Guestbook
L E S S O N S Aqaid Tafsir History Ahkam ... Nahjul Balajha
S E R V I C E S Spiritual Counseling Carrier Guidance Matrimonials FORUM
The Articles published on this page , solely reflect the views of their authors and not this portel Liberal Religion and the Issue of Unity By S.M.A.Husaini : Dear Sir Good services you are giving by writing such things as mentioned in your emails. Islamic awarness should be made public. Islam is the most advance, peaceful, modern not only religion but also a society. It requires awarness and some one to prompt people to follow Islam as in the days of the life time of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.).The beauties of Islam should be manifected. The freedom, the democracy, the liberty, the equality Islam grants in its original purity should be manifested. One should be able to understand the basic principles of Islam and to follow it it in its strict sense of purity and adhere to it. There is no orthodoxy, no conservativeness in Islam. One should follow Islam in its true sense of the purity and matter. Islam not only speaks of God and His authoritiy. superiority, suprimacy and submission to the will of God but speaks of mandkind and its relation with God and equality of mankind with each other and peaceful co-existence. It shows the way how to control the passion and maintain a dignified life with humanitarian considerations.God is not in need of our Namaaz,Fasting, Charity, etc. These are the pathways to achieve salvation.

59. Our Rising Star - Online Islamic Newspaper
the teaching system at the Islamic school, an academic discussion into the Islamicand American judicial system and into issues dealing with the major mazhabs.

60. ISHMAEL: Islam, Muslims, Sunni, Shi'ite, Sufi, Islamic Sects, Levant, Middle Eas
SUNNI SECTS http// mazhabs http// ISLAMIC
THE DIGITAL GENIZAH A Jewish Internet Directory THE DIGITAL GENIZAH MENU See also Middle Easter Media Collection
An Egyptian Site undertaking multidisciplinary research dealing with regional and international developments, as well as Egyptian strategic, political economic, and social affairs. THE AL HAFEEZ ORGANIZATION: ANTI AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT IN ISLAM: THE AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT: AL HAYAT AL JADIDA

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