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         Mazhabs:     more books (16)
  1. Taliban: Afghanistan Ki Jang, Mazhab Aur Nizam (Urdu Edition) by Peter Marsden, 2000-09-28
  2. Islam "mazhab" masa depan: Menuju Islam non-sektarian by Afif Mohammad, 1998
  3. Islam va Iran: Mazhab va milliyat-i Irani by Mahmud Riza Iftikharzadah,
  4. Haqiqat-i gumshudah: Dastan-i girayisham bih mazhab-i Ahl-i Bayt by Mutasim Sayyid Ahmad,
  5. Ahli waris sepertalian darah: Kajian perbandingan terhadap penalaran Hazairin dan penalaran fikih mazhab (Seri INIS) by Al Yasa Abubakar, 1998
  6. Mazhab and Sexuality: Faith and Sexuality by North West Lancashire Health Promotion Unit, 1997-02
  7. Adyan-i Asiyayi (Mazhab) by Mihrdad Bahar, 1375
  8. Mazhab: Daya Nara'in Nigam ke risalah Zamanah Kanpur, 1903-1944, se intikhab
  9. Pembaharuan hukum Islam dalam mazhab Syafi'i
  10. "Mazhab-i aslî o haqîqî" =: "The true and original religion" : a lecture by William St. Clair Tisdall, 1890
  11. Mazhab ke nam par khun by Mirza Tahir Ahmad, 1996
  12. Hindu mazhab ki jhalkiyan by Mohammad Yasin, 1967
  13. Qadiyani mazhab, adishan shashum, ka muqaddamah by Muhammad Ilyas Barni, 1966
  14. Inilah kunci pengempar: Maka adalah nama kitab ini kunci pengempar, artinya pembuka rahasia yang tersembunyi di dalam perbendaharaan mazhab muslim ia ini ... ain al-kudsi telah sudah dizahirkan adanya

1. Rejection Of Other Mazhabs Or Interpretations
Rejection of other mazhabs or interpretations. by Ustaaz, ahmed Fazel Ebrahim. 1. to the general public that the various mazhabs actually allow the entire set of prophetic rectification otherwise Muslims of other mazhabs would be denied their Allahgiven
Rejection of other mazhabs or interpretations by Ustaaz, ahmed Fazel Ebrahim 1. Some so called "Ulema and Muftis" obstinately favour their mazhab and deny other Muslims the right to legal representation in an Islamic Court on the basis of any other mazhab that they follow. 2. Some Ulema have advocated to the general public that the various mazhabs actually allow the entire set of prophetic teachings to be practiced. Theoretically, this argument has its valid points, yet they would reject allowance within the MPL of their geographic region to cater for other schools of Islamic Law. This attitude needs rectification otherwise Muslims of other mazhabs would be denied their Allah-given rights to follow the interpretation of other great Islamic scholars. Their demand to only acquire recognition of their school of legal adherence creates a subtle but bold implication that limits and governs the prophetic message to their mazhab. This is tantamount to Kufr. 3. In fact, I also heard one "mufti" advocating that a Muslim must believe that his school of law is correct in every interpretation and matter but could be wrong in some of its juridical inferences and that the other school is incorrect in all of its interpretations with the possibility of their jurists being correct on some issues. This type of Islamic belief firstly contradicts the second point that is here above mentioned. Secondly, this was never ever advocated by even the earliest generation of the great jurists of Islam who followed the period of the Sahabah.

2. MamaList Of Islamic Links News
judicial system and into issues dealing with the major mazhabsnew. Reviews (0) for http// (Added
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    • Hidaya Online - An online publication of Islamic Society of Rutgers new
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    • Our Rising Star- Islamic Newspapar, Islamic Journal - Rising Star publishes monthly articles that were of intellectual, academic quality and touched heavily on international analysis. From the start, Rising Star generated a great deal of discussion due to coverage of issues that included the teaching system at the Islamic school, an academic discussion into the Islamic and American judicial system and into issues dealing with the major mazhabs new
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3. Changing Mazhabs
HOME. Changing mazhabs. Taqleede-Shaksi. Changing mazhabs. TALFEEQAND CHANGING mazhabs IS NOT PERMISSABLE. It is not permissible to
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Changing Mazhabs Foreword Hadeeth explains the Quraan Types of Masa'il Qiyaas is made Taqleed of one Imaam Changing Mazhabs Some Of The Conditions Of Ijtihaad Taqleed-e-Shaksi Changing Mazhabs TALFEEQ AND CHANGING MAZHABS IS NOT PERMISSABLE.
It is not permissible to leave making taqleed of one Imam and follow another Imam when one wishes. When this is done without permission from the Shariat it leads to Talfeeq , it also causes one to follow one's desires resulting in going far away from the truth and being lead astray.
Moulana Mohammed Hussain Sahib who opposed making taqleed for many years and then finally being affected by the bitter consequences of not making taqleed writes in his Risaalah, lshaa'atus Sunnat Vol.11 No. 2 Page 53.
After twenty-five years of experience we have come to know that those who leave making mutlaq taqleed or leave making taqleed of a Mujtahid-e-Mutlaq out of ignorance, finally leaves the fold of Islam. Some of these people become Christians and some remain without any matha'hib, who do not adhere to any faith or relegion. Violating the commands of Shariat, transgression and Irreligiousness are the least effects of this freedom.
The summary of the above is:
. There are some Nusoos the meaning of which is clear-cut, Taqleed Is not made in these masa'll.

4. The Return Of Isa(Jesus)-alaiyhis Salaam
10 During this period all other religions and mazhabs besides Islam will perish,hence there will be no kuffaars in the world. 11 Jihad will be stopped.
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Contents ... Advices The return of Isa(Jesus)-alaiyhis salaam
The return of Isa(Jesus)-alaiyhis salaam The Physical Features of Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) He will resemble the famous Sahabi (A.S.) Hadhrat Urwa bin Masoodi (R.A.). He will be of average height and red and white in colour. His hair spread to the shoulders, straight, neat and shining as after a bath. On bending his head, it will seem as if pearls are falling. He will have an armour on his body. He will be wearing two pieces of cloth light yellow in color.
His Descension
The Killing of Dajjal and the Victory of the Muslims

Hadhrat Isa (A.S.) will go to Fajr Rawha and perform Haj or Umrah (or both) from there. He will also go to the grave of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and present his greetings and Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) will reply. People will live comfortable lives. The wall of Yajooj and Majooj will then break.
The Blessings of Hadhrat Isa (A.S.)

5. AnsMe Directory - Society > Religion And Spirituality > Islam > Sects
mazhabs are the different ways with in Islam an individual can opt to worship.The Beliefs. mazhabs are for making things easy for a muslim.
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Web Directory Sects
Web Directory Society Religion and Spirituality Islam
Category Description Mazhabs are the different ways with in Islam an individual can opt to worship. The differences are very minute and in no way differ in the basic Islamic Beliefs. Mazhabs are for making things easy for a muslim
Sub Directories Ismaili
Web sites
A brief guide to Islamic Sects

This site contains brief information about various sects of islam, including: baha'i, alawis, bohra, shia, ahmadiyyah, zayidis, yazidis, ibadites.
Black Muslims
Finality Of Prophethood
"Allah Sub'haanahu wa Taaala has completed the chain of prophethood by sending the Holy Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam. He is the last and final prophet and no prophet will be born after him. The religion, Islaam, has been completed. There is no need for another messenger from Allah Subhaanahu wa Taaala." is the jist of this site.

6. Sangkancil Mailing List Archive
Shaw. Re sangkancil The many mazhabs of GAH intan. Re intan. Now is not the time for laissez faire
Sangkancil Mailing List Archive
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7. Archives | The Moonbat Speaks |
have allowed ourselves to be divided into numerous sects, mazhabs and tarikats, each more concerned with claiming to be
Important: Read this before sending email My Amazon Wish List Home Blogathon Archives ... Portal (links) Contact me Who am I? FAQ The diary of ... Speech by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad at the opening of the 10th Session of the Islamic Summit Conference on Oct 16, 2003 ALHAMDULILLAH, All Praise be to Allah, by whose Grace and Blessings we, the leaders of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) countries are gathered here today to confer and hopefully to plot a course for the future of Islam and the Muslim ummah worldwide. May I also take this opportunity to pay a special tribute to the State of Qatar, in particular His Highness Shaikh Hamad Bin Khalifa AI-Thani, the Emir of the State of Qatar, for his outstanding stewardship of our organisation over the past three years. As host, Malaysia is gratified at the high level of participation from member countries. This clearly demonstrates our continued and abiding faith in, and commitment to our organisation and our collective wish and determination to strengthen our role for the dignity and benefit of the ummah. I would also like to welcome the leaders and representatives of the many countries who wish to become observers at this meeting because of their substantial Muslim population. Whether they are Muslims or not, their presence at this meeting will help towards greater understanding of Islam and the Muslims, thus helping to disprove the perception of Islam as a religion of backwardness and terror.

8. Praying While On The Plane (2), 11 Dec. 1998
7. In Hajj, Zuhr and Asr have to be done in Early Combining at Arafat and Maghriband Isha in Late Combining at Muzdalifah. All mazhabs. Notes .
Next: Coming Late to Jumu`ah Up: Articles about Islam Previous: Praying while on the
Praying while on the plane (2), 11 Dec. 1998
Assalamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters, Since many people were pushing for the message yesterday before they had to leave I had to write it from work with no references. So, here is an addendum: 1. In Hanafi, you cannot combine unless it is Hajj. 2. In Hanafi it is a must to shorten in travel while not a must in others. 3. In Hanbali itis 4 days not 3 days (maximum Iqamah or residence) excluding the day of arrival and departure. 4. Distance is not considered at all in the Zahir Mazhab (Ibn Hazm, ..etc) and many scholars like Sayyid Sabiq in Fiqh As-Sunnah as long as it is a travel. 5. In Maliki combining in case of rain and mud in Jama`ah in Masjid is not allowed in daytime prayers but allowed in Maghrib and Isha at Maghrib time. I said it is not allowed period before. 6. Jumu`ah is not a must in tavel; it becomes Sunnah. 7. In Hajj, Zuhr and Asr have to be done in Early Combining at Arafat and Maghrib and Isha in Late Combining at Muzdalifah. All Mazhabs. Notes: ====== Those who follow a Mazhab strctly from A to Z should not rely on my writings if they believe they have to do so; I myself do not believe in having to follow a Mazhab from A to Z if other Mazhabs have stronger evidence according to scholars who know evidences and Fiqh. I am mostly Shafi`i by practice (over 96% ) :) and mostly stick to within the four Mazhabs in what I write except some fatwas I believe for Ibn Al-Qayyim and Ibn Taymiyyah that differ from four Mazhabs in some cases I wont' mention here.

9. [9329] All 4 Mazhabs,women In Her Menses Are Not Allowed(haram) To
All 4 mazhabs women in her menses are not allowed(haram) to touch and recite Quran.How about a woman hafidzah or a young girl in her period memorising Quran to deal with this situation..We are

10. Praying While On The Plane (1), 10 Dec. 1998
All mazhabs talk about a 50 mile distance each way (Hanafi more) but Fiqh AsSunnahsuggest it has to be a travel with no definition of a distance.
Next: Praying while on the Up: Articles about Islam Previous: Udhiyahanimal sacrifice on
Praying while on the plane (1), 10 Dec. 1998
Assalamu Alaikum Brothers and Sisters, Many people have asked me to post a message about prayer on the plane, combining, shortening when flying home this coming break. I will not cover all the Fiqh of early or late combining and shortening since it takes time and space but will limit my reply to the trip home for many of you. These are random thoughts of the top of my head; if I make a mistake please correct me. I did not do any proofreading; so forgive my grammar or spelling. When you travel such a distance whether to another state or country or even a city you can combine and/or shorten your prayers. All Mazhabs talk about a 50 mile distance each way (Hanafi more) but Fiqh As-Sunnah suggest it has to be a travel with no definition of a distance. The travel must be a Halal travel to use the conveniences of shortening and combining which does not apply for example to someone going to Las Vegas to gamble Wal `Iazu Billah. Fajr is not shortened nor combined.

11. Muslimah News
One aspect of the Four mazhabs that we must follow, and an article written by AbdalHakim Murad taklid upon one of the mazhabs, and other Islamic topics of importance
MUSLIMAHS Around The WORLD. Hello there! Good to see you! Hello there! Good to see you! Hello there! Good to see you! Hello there! Good to see you! ASSALAMU ALAIKUM WA RAHMATU LLAH....I greet you with the greetings of all Muslims and Muslimahs.....Welcome to the Muslimah News And Views Around The World! Do send your feedbacks, ideas good or bad, your articles for consideration, activities and Da'awah News to me....Insha-Allah....Alhamdulillah.......And THANK YOU! JOIN the AMNESTY International today:
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View Guestbook This is a new page setup for Muslimah News.For page 2 please Click Here.
Please do Visit the China Muslims Website below
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LINKS to other websites. HayatAnneOsman(real story) AnisahDavid ... Brother Robin's Aticle. Click on Ad: Join
THIS is a new program that I have in mind the first reason is to give viewers especially
Muslimahs around the globe their own
program and links to theirs. The rest is up to you to manage them.
It could start off in a simple Islamic article that you have

12. Shia News | Asia | Shias Under Attack In Malaysia
2000. Current Status Released without condition Background of Shia Muslimslike other religious groupings are divided into several mazhabs (sects).
low graphics advertisement promotion feedback ... Letters to Editor
Published on: Friday, 8 Jamadi´ul Awal 1423 (19 July 2002)
Shias under attack in Malaysia
By Hussein Rashid
Since October 2000, we have information that six persons have been arrested under the draconian Internal Security Act (ISA). Two people have been released since then in which one has been released on condition. Out of the remaining four, three have been sent to Kamunting detention center on a two year detention order whereas one more person is undergoing the initial sixty days detention period.
The actual reason of their detention in not known and there has been no press news on this detention. Family members contacted say that they do not know anything about their detention order. It is believed that they have been arrested under the ISA because they are followers of the Shia teachings, a sect within the Muslim community. We are led to believe that these people were detained purely on the grounds of their faith.
Below are the details off those still in detention:
Name: Mr. Norman Basha

13. Malaysian Prime Minister Addresses The Organization Of Islamic Conference
have allowed ourselves to be divided into numerous sects, mazhabs and tarikats, each more concerned with claiming to be

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Add Malaysian Prime Minister addresses the Organization of Islamic Conference By Prime Minister of Malaysia Dr. Mahathir Mohamad Updated Oct 28, 2003, 07:05 pm Refer this article Print page Editor’s note: The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan would like our readers to study the speech delivered Oct. 16, 2003, by the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad during the opening of the 10th session of the Islamic Summit Conference (OIC) of 57 Muslim countries, held in Putrajaya, Malaysia. Min. Farrakhan believes this address is an important message for Muslims concerning the future of Islam. The following is an excerpt of his speech, which can be read in its entirety at

14. Among Those Scholars Who Decided That Ibn Arabi Is A Kafir? Discover The True Re
the time. I have chosen for you the Imams of different mazhabs andthe different Imams of Sufi sects of different times. If you
Aqeedah Salaah Ramadhan Zakah ... Hajj Bedrock of Islam Tawheed Risaalah Aakhirah Manhaj ... Discover is this the Face of our Past?
By SHAIKH ABU ABDUR-RAHMAN YAHYA SILMY BIN M. NUBAR AS-SAYLANI AS-SALAFI AS-ATHARI Among those Scholars who decided that Ibn Arabi is a Kafir :
  • Imam Shahabudeen Ahmed bin Yahya bin Abi Hajlah Al-Talmasani Al-Hanafi.
  • Imam Abdul Lateef As-Saoudi (Died on 736 Hijri)
  • Imam Al-Hussien bin Abdur Rahman bin Muhammed bin Ali Al-Hussienie Al-Alawai As-Shafie well known as Al-Ahdal.
  • Sultan Al-Ulema Izzudeen Abdul Aziz bin Abdus Salaam bin Abil Qasim As-Sulami As-Shafie
  • Imam Muhammed bin Muhammed bin Ali bin Yusof well known as Imam Ibn Al-Jazri As-Shafie
  • Imam Al-Qatalani
  • Imam Badurudeen Ibn Jama'ah
  • Imam Imaadudeen Ahmed bin Ibrahim Al-Wasithi
  • Imam Abu Hayyan Muhammed bin Yusof Al-Andlusi well known as Ibn Abi Hayyan
  • Imam Taqyudeen Shiekhul Islam Ali bin Abdul-Kaafi As-Subki As-Shafie
  • Imam Al-Hafiz Taqyudeen Al-Faasi
  • Imam Baha-udeen As-Subki
  • Imam Sharafudeen Isa bin Masoud Az-Zawawie Al-Maliki
  • Imam Noorudeen Ali bin Ya'qoub Al-Bakari As-Shafie
  • Imam Najumdeen Muhammed bin Uqaiel Al-Balisie As-Shafie
  • Imam Abu Umamah Muhammed bin Ali Ibn An-Naqqash Al-Misri As-Shafie
  • Imam Jamuludeen Abdullah bin Yusof bin Hisham well known as Imam Ibn Hisham
  • Imam Shamsudeen Muhammed Al-E'ieerie As-Shafie
  • Imam Lisaanudeen Muhibudeen Ibn Al-Khatheeb Al-Andlusi Al-Maliki
  • Imam Shamsudeen Abu Abdullah Muhammed Al-Mousili As-Shafie
  • 15. Misconceptions About Taqleed
    It is as though his Mazhab is the original, or it is the Deen which Muhammad (saw)brought, while other mazhabs are separate Deens which have been abrogated!
    Misconceptions About Taqleed
    By: Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen al-Albaani Misconception No .1.
    Some say, " There is no doubt that it is obligatory to return to the guidance of our Prophet (s.a.w.) in the matters of our Deen, especially in the recommended acts of worship such as Prayer, where there is no room for opinion or ijtihaad, due to their immutable nature. However we hardly hear any of the muqallid shaikhs propounding this; in fact we find them upholding difference of opinion, which they regard as flexibility for the Ummah. Their proof for this is the hadeeth which they repeatedly quote in such circumstances, when refuting the helpers of the Sunnah ‘The difference of opinion (ikhtilaaf) among my Ummah is a mercy (rahmah)’ It seems to us that this hadeeth contradicts the principles to which you invite and based on which you have compiled this book and others. So, what do you say about this hadeeth? " Answer: The answer is from two angles: First of All: This hadeeth is not authentic; in fact it is false and without foundation. Allama Subki said, "I have not come across an authentic or weak or fabricated chain of narration for it", i.e. no chain of narrators exists for this "hadeeth"! It has also been related with the wordings: "... the difference of opinion among my companions is a mercy for you" and "My companions are like the stars, so whichever of them you follow, you will be guided" Both of these are not authentic; the former is very feeble; the latter is fabricated.

    16. Following A Particular Mazhab
    Sunnah. Many of the sayings of late religious leaders, which wereinaccurate, were attributed towards Imams and their mazhabs. If
    Following a Particular Mazhab
    by Sheikh Muhammad Sultan Al-Ma'soomi Al-Khajnadee
    Different Mazahib are personal and private opinions, judgements and interpretations of legal points according to religious scholars and jurists. Allah and the Prophet have not ordered us to follow these opinions and interpretations. There is a possibility of being correct or incorrect in their opinions and interpretations. There are many issues on which Imams had different views and they explained them according to their own reasons and speculations. But when the truth came to their knowledge, they reconsidered their own opinion and accepted the truth. They never stuck to their opinion when a true Hadith came to their knowledge. If anyone accepts Islam, he has only to testify that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad (s.a.w) is His messenger, to perform the prayers five times a day, to pay Zakat, to fast in the month of Ramadan and to make the pilgrimage to the House of Allah (the Kabah) if he is able to do so. It is certainly not necessary for him to follow any Mazhab i.e. Hanafi, Shafi, Maliki or Hanbali. If he does so, in the eyes of Islamic law, he will be considered a wrongdoer, prejudiced and sinful person, and will be treated among those who divided the religion of Islam into different sects. Allah has strongly condemned those who create dissension in Islam. The Quran says: " Verily, those who divide their religion and break up into sects, you

    17. SUARAM
    2000. Current Status Released without condition. Background of Shia Muslimslike other religious groupings are divided into several mazhabs (sects).
    Introduction : Since October 2000, we have information that six persons have been arrested under the draconian Internal Security Act (ISA). Two people have been released since then in which one has been released on condition. Out of the remaining four, three have been sent to Kamunting detention center on a two year detention order whereas one more person is undergoing the initial sixty days detention period. The actual reason of their detention in not known and there has been no press news on this detention. Family members contacted say that they do not know anything about their detention order. It is believed that they have been arrested under the ISA because they are followers of the Shia teachings, a sect within the Muslim community. We are led to believe that these people were detained purely on the grounds of their faith. Those Arrested: Below are the details off those still in detention:
    Name: Mr. Norman Basha

    18. The Awakening™
    These days the one who follows any of the mazhabs of the four great Imams of Jurisprudence,Imam Abu Hanifa (RA) (80 150 AH ); Imam Idris Shafi (RA) (150

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    20. Let's Do It Dougey Style
    My race is Malay (with an assortment of Minang coz my parents are chaste Negeri Sembilanist) my religion is Islam (I don t excavate any mazhabs coz to me all
    Sunday, February 29, 2004
    The 'Friendster'
    About Me:
    Who I Want to Meet:

    Dougey's Styler
    7:37:56 AM postCount('107801147692725387'); postCountTB('107801147692725387');
    Wednesday, February 04, 2004
    The 'Watch'
    Dougey's Styler 10:53:40 AM postCount('107586322037911527'); postCountTB('107586322037911527');
    The 'Celebrations'
    Dougey's Styler 8:14:06 AM postCount('107585364657805504'); postCountTB('107585364657805504');
    Monday, November 24, 2003
    The 'Trips'
    I didn't prefer the bus or taxi in that kind of traffic. It was not raining anyway, then why do we have to take the fuss to spend RM2 on initial charges for a taxi, or wait for that 'KLCC-BB' bus that NEVER COMES
    GOOD ideas. I won't tell you how they made the 'highway-chase' scene on Reloaded coz you've got to watch it on your own. Thus, the Revolutions' 2-CD release will be something SPECIAL I'll be in lookout for.
    As expected, during my stay at my Grandparents', there'd be no updates to this blog. It'd continue like that if at home I'd got nothing going on. Unless I'd go out or I'd get a job or something, then I'd write as long as I can. Nevertheless, there'd still be my Malay-based poems (like I mentioned earlier), that I'd post here on a time to time basis. I hope you'd enjoy them coz I may do some explanations on them if I still remember what I was portraying a few years back. Until my return, I'd like to wish you a Happy Aidilfitri once again...
    Dougey's Styler
    2:13:53 AM postCount('106961123304857334');

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