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         Islam:     more books (97)
  1. Christianity and Islam (Classic Reprint) by Carl Heinrich Becker, 2010-06-08
  2. The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) by Robert Spencer, 2005-08-01
  3. The faith of Islam by Edward Sell, 2010-09-03
  4. Islam: A Short History (Modern Library Chronicles) by Karen Armstrong, 2002-08-06
  5. A World Without Islam by Graham E. Fuller, 2010-08-11
  6. Notes on Islam (Dodo Press) by Sir Ahmed Hussain, 2008-05-23
  7. Mahomet Founder of Islam by Gladys M. Draycott, 2009-10-04
  8. The future of Islam by Wilfrid Scawen Blunt, 2010-08-01
  9. What Everyone Needs to Know about Islam by John L. Esposito, 2002-11-01
  10. Unveiling Islam: An Insider's Look at Muslim Life and Beliefs by Ergun Caner, Emir Fethi Caner, 2009-04-14
  11. The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror by Bernard Lewis, 2004-03
  12. Slavery, Terrorism & Islam - Revised & Expanded Edition by Dr. Peter Hammond, 2009-01-01
  13. Who Speaks For Islam?: What a Billion Muslims Really Think by John L. Esposito, Dalia Mogahed, 2008-02-25
  14. The Tenth Parallel: Dispatches from the Fault Line Between Christianity and Islam by Eliza Griswold, 2010-08-17

161. History Of Islam
An account of the rise and historical development of islam, written from a Baha'i perspective including emphasis on the Shi'ite lineage from which the Baha'i religion sprang.
notes by Robert Stockman prepared for the Wilmette Institute

Pre-Islamic Arabia
The Life of Muhammad

The Rise of the Caliphate and Imamate
Umayyids and Abbasids
The Rise of the Ottomans.
Creation of an Islamic Civilization Islamic Law Islamic Theology and Philosophy Sufism (Islamic Mysticism) Modern Developments Twentieth Century Islam THE TEACHINGS OF ISLAM Five Pillars God Revelation Spiritual Worlds Humanity Physical Creation Judgment And Resurrection Islam in Iran Shaykhism Nineteenth-Century Iran 1. THE RISE OF ISLAM Islam is the religion founded on the revelation brought to humanity by Muhammad (c. 570 C.E.-632 C.E.). Muslims see it as the latest chapter in the ongoing religion of God, a religion that can be traced back through Jesus to Moses and Abraham. Muslims consider all three to have been prophets of God and refer to them as Muslims. Thus Islam accepts Christianity and Judaism as true religions, but claims to supersede their truths with a new divine revelation. This religion has been called "Muhammadanism" in the past, and its adherents have been termed "Muhammadans." Neither term is acceptable to Muslims, however, because they do not view themselves as followers of Muhammad, or Muhammad as the founder of their religion; the founder is God, and the Qur'an, their scripture, is seen as the words of God, not the words of Muhammad. The word

162. Comprendre L'Islam Et Les Musulmans
Un premier pas vers la vie en harmonie entre les diff©rentes communaut©s qui constituent la France d'aujourd'hui.
Comprendre l'Islam et les Musulmans
La population Musulmane dans le monde a dépassé le milliard (1 000 000 000 !). La majorité des musulmans vivent à l'est de Karachi (Pakistan). 30% des Musulmans vivent dans le sous-continent Indien, 20% en Afrique sub-saharienne, 17% en Asie du Sud-Est, 18% dans le monde arabe, 10% dans l'ex-Union Soviétique et en Chine. La Turquie, l'Iran et l'Afghanistan contiennent 10% des musulmans non-arabes du Proche-Orient. Bien qu'il existe des minorités musulmanes dans chaque pays du monde, jusqu'en Amérique Latine et Australie, les plus importantes minorités se trouvent en Ex-Union Soviétique, Inde et Afrique centrale, et Etats-Unis (6 millions). En Europe, on en compte plus de 30 millions.
Cet article donne un aperçu général des concepts de l'Islam. Il s'étend sur 12 courtes pages... Les 12 pages en une
Page suivante
Table Des Matières :
Qu'est-ce que l'Islam ?
Qui sont les Musulmans ?

Quelles sont leurs croyances ?

Comment devient-on musulman(e) ?
Les 12 pages en une
HTML and design by Abu-Zahra , August 1998
Traduction Française par J.E.B :

163. Portale Islamico Italiano
islam , i musulmani, la comunità islamica italiana, l islamismo in Europa e nel mondo, l immigrazione.
portale e indice di ricerca selezionato per l' islam , i musulmani, la comunità islamica italiana, l'islamismo in Europa e nel mondo, l'immigrazione, l'integrazione, e la dinamica sociale interculturale - catalogo e libri online edizioni Al Hikma
in verità nella creazione dei cieli e della terra e nell'alternarsi della notte e del giorno ci sono segni per coloro che hanno intelletto Ora preghieria Italia Corano in arabo ascolta il Corano Corano in italiano Ora preghiera mondo la migliore selezione islamica del web italiano by Ed. Al Hikma islam percorsi: web italiano web europeo web mondiale web ricerche links ... Catalogo libreria islamica un nuovo servizio per la conoscenza dell'islam e dei musulmani libri online nel sito: L’inganno dell’evoluzione di Harun Yahya Conoscere l'Islam di Abul A'la Maududi Iniziative culturali Pace, stabilità e sicurezza valori comuni e indivisibili

164. Svenska Böcker Om Islam
Lista ¶ver b¶cker och p¥b¶rjade ¶vers¤ttningar. Har ¤ven inneh¥llsf¶rteckningar och recensioner.
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Mohammed Koranens budskap

Widegren, Geo
Muhammed, Hans Liv och hans tro
Baqir as-Sadr, Muhammad
Elisabet Peterzen IPO ca.85 UPBB Behros-Falsafi, Fateme Mai Beijer Om seder och traditioner i Iran DB Inshallah. Konflikten mellan Israel och Palestina Ordfront, Stockholm rec Ilmihal BHIRS , utg. rec C Mevlid-i Sherif Sidney W. Hage FB MESE inf Emre; Yunus planerad Farah, M. GFMK ca.85 KAVV Politisk Islam Gothia PI Ibn Battuta Islams vandringsman Hallonquists bokf. Ibn Khaldun Alhambra bokf. Geels, Antoon Berusad av Gud Natur o. Kultur link Hedin, Christer Maalouf , Amin Les croisades vues par les arabes Line Ahrland ALH KEA M Muslim students Org, Lund Islams principer HKPH IP M Muslim students Org, Lund xx Jihad i Islam HKPH JIHI M. Nisser-Dalman Atlantis US Morsi, Magali Prophetens Hustrur ALH PH Mutahhari, Morteza E lisabet Peterzen IKN FKOR Mutahhari, Morteza Ibrahim Enander xx Evigt Liv IKN? ELIV Nordberg, Michael Profetens folk SIIU Otterbeck, Jonas Islam, muslimer och den svenska skolan Studentlitteratur Pasquier, Roger du

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166. Frau In Islam
Antworten auf Fragen bez¼glich der Stellung und der Rolle der Frau im islam. Gleichberechtigung, Kopftuch, Schwangerschaft

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dei libri RAMADAN Come arrivare
Storia del Centro
La Moschea ... Calendario Ramadan 1424/2003 centro islamico di milano e lombardia moschea al-rahmÀn

168. ¿Quieres Entrar En El Islam? Bien, Pero Antes Leeme.
Ante una decisi³n tan trascendental es importante contrastar distintas fuentes porque todas son parciales. ‰ste es el punto de vista de alguien que fue musulm¡n 5 a±os.
Lo siento, actualmente esta página sólo se mantiene en la dirección:

169. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Mohammed And Mohammedanism (Islam)
I. THE FOUNDER. Mohammed, the Praised One , the prophet of islam and the founder of Mohammedanism, was born at Mecca (20 August?) AD 570.
Home Encyclopedia Summa Fathers ... M > Mohammed and Mohammedanism A B C D ... Z
Mohammed and Mohammedanism
I. THE FOUNDER Mohammed, "the Praised One", the prophet of Islam and the founder of Mohammedanism, was born at Mecca (20 August?) A.D. 570. Arabia was then torn by warring factions. The tribe of Fihr, or Quarish, to which Mohammed belonged, had established itself in the south of Hijas (Hedjaz), near Mecca , which was, even then, the principal religious and commercial centre of Arabia. The power of the tribe was continually increasing; they had become the masters and the acknowledged guardians of the sacred Kaaba, within the town of Mecca pilgrimage by the heathen A RABIA Christianity in Arabia Mohammed's father was Abdallah, of the family of Hashim, who died soon after his son's birth. At the age of six the boy lost his mother and was thereafter taken care of by his uncle Abu-Talib. He spent his early life as a shepherd and an attendant of caravans, and at the age of twenty-five married a rich widow, Khadeejah, fifteen years his senior. She bore him six children, all of whom died very young except Fatima, his beloved daughter. On his commercial journeys to Syria and Palestine he became acquainted with Jews and Christians , and acquired an imperfect knowledge of their religion and traditions. He was a man of retiring disposition, addicted to

170. Islam En Burgerschap
Vanaf november 1996 houdt de stuurgroep islam en Burgerschap zich bezig met de relatie tussen normen, waarden en burgerschap, en de rol die islamitische organisaties hierbij kunnen spelen. Inzet van de stuurgroep is het maatschappelijk debat binnen de moslimgemeenschap te stimuleren, en deze waar relevant te verbreden naar de gehele Nederlandse samenleving.

171. ISLAM
Documenti dottrinali e storici sull'islam organizzati con semplicit , il Corano, il calendario islamico e l'orario delle preghiere in Italia.

Arte e Cultura Immigrazione Islam ...
  • L'Arabia pre-islamica in italiano
  • Il Profeta Muhammad in italiano
  • Conoscere l'Islam in italiano
  • I Pilastri dell'Islam in italiano
  • Appunti sul Sacro Corano in italiano
  • Traduzioni interpretative del Sacro Corano in italiano
  • Articoli e documenti sull'Islam in italiano
  • Possiamo vivere con l'Islam? in italiano
  • Orario delle Preghiere in Italia
  • Il Calendario Islamico
  • Centri Culturali Islamici in Italia
  • Calendario e orario preghiere, mese di Ramadan 1424 ... E - Mail
    E-mail: Tel. Fax: + 39 010 5702411
  • 172. Welcome To Ahlus Sunnah Portal
    For Muslim world news, Ask Imam, free marriage and classified, islam articles, audio. New! Poll. Have you performed Hajj or Umrah (Pilgrimage)?
    Going to ISLAM.TC Please wait...

    173. Kajian Islam
    Kajian ilmiah dalam bentuk real streaming audio berdasarkan manhaj salafus sholih dari para sahabat, tabi`in, tabi`ut` tabi`in dan orangorang yang mengikuti mereka hingga hari kiamat.

    174. Islamic Arts And Architecture Organization
    more True islam, Are you interested in islamic culture? If yes, watch this series of short films about islam and related subjects
    Islamic Arts and Architecture (IAAO) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing information on arts and architecture. With a strong commitment to research and service, IAAO strives to offer a Web presentation of the highest quality and to promote the awareness of Islamic arts as a humanistic study, recognizing the inter-relationship between the arts and other academic disciplines ... more :: Are you interested in Islamic culture?
    If yes, watch this series of short films about Islam and related subjects including, the Five Pillars of Islam, Family in Islam, and the meaning of Jihad in Islam. This series of films is sponsored and produced by Abdulaziz bin Baz Charity Foundation (ABCF). Click here to read about and view ABCF films. :: Islam Empire of Faith
    produced one of the best multimedia presentation about Islam arts, faith, and culture. " Islam Empire of Faith " Video/DVD, Book, and Web site present as broad a portrait of Islamic art and culture as possible, in order to show the great diversity as well as the fundamental unity of Islamic civilization in its long and varied history. :: Glossary
    This Glossary is designed to be a comprehensive and un-authoritative source of definitions for the Islamic and Arabic-related terms and abbreviations: A B C D ... Z :: Floral, Geometric, and Desktop Themes

    175. Keunggulan Islam
    Tafsir alQuran, Hadis, Tazkirah, Persoalan agama dan lain-lain.

    176. La Page De L'Islam
    Recherche Accueil Rubriques Téléchargement Votre compte ... Top 300
    Assalâmoualaïkoum wa rahmatoullâhi wa barakâtouh

    Vous trouverez sur ce site diverses ressources en français en rapport avec l'Islam. Ainsi, au travers différentes rubriques , vous seront présentés plus de 300 textes et articles , traitant des croyances fondamentales de l'Islam ( "Aqâides" ), du Qour'aane et de la Sounnah, de la vie du Prophète Mouhammad (salallâhou alayhi wasallam) ( "Sîrah" ) et des autres Prophètes (alayhim ous salâm), de la jurisprudence islamique et de ses fondements ( "Fiqh" et "Osoûl oul Fiqh" ), ainsi que diverses questions contemporaines, étudiées à la lumière des références premières de l'Islam... "La page de l'Islam", c'est aussi un " Espace Téléchargement " contenant des fichiers audios, un " Salon " pour receuillir vos petites annonces , un " Lexique islamique (en cours d'élaboration) ", un Forum de discussion , et bien d'autres choses encore... Bonne visite ! Qu'Allah déverse Sa Grâce et Sa Bénédiction sur tous nos frères et sœurs opprimés à travers le monde, qu'ils se trouvent sur la terre sacrée de Palestine, en Irak, en Afghanistan, en Tchétchènie, en Algérie ou n'importe où ailleurs. Amine. Date de la dernière mise à jour du site: Samedi 29 Mai 2004 Contact: Mouhammad Patel - Saint- Pierre de la Réunion

    177. Islam And Homosexuality
    An argument for putting homosexuality in perspective, that while it is sinful, it is not the worst of sins.
    Islam and homosexuality
    Mikail Juma Tariq
    As Salaamu Alaikum! (The peace of God be with you!) Homosexuality is wrong, a sin, in Islam. Of that there really can be no dispute. See the excellent articles already on-line cited at the end of this article for the citations from the Qur'an. The point of this article is to try to put this into some reasonable perspective. Why do some sins offend us more than others? Why are there such strong feelings about homosexuality? One psychological explanation is that we are threatened by that to which we might succumb. A man who is secure in his masculinity will be less threatened than one who has homosexual impulses himself. This is an interesting idea, especially when applied to a broad spectrum of sins. Why does pederasty offend so? When the victim is four years old, and is seriously injured, this feeling is understandable. But when the victim is sixteen years old, and the lynch party is composed of grown men, one certainly may speculate that they are engaged in exorcising their own demons, expiating their own lust. Which is worse, the man who has sex with a six year old girl or a six year old boy? If you immediately answer the one with the boy, perhaps you would do well to examine your own proclivities. A six year old child is not a suitable object of sexual desire regardless of gender. Which would you rather stand next to in Juma prayers (congregational prayers on Friday), a homosexual who is in a monogamous (faithful) relationship with another man or a pimp who keeps young women enslaved in prostitution by supplying them with cocaine? Let us not judge the sins of others by our own problems.

    178. Other Maps Relating To Islam's Historical Development
    Other Maps Relating to islam s Historical Development. Maps of the Umayyad 661750). WC Brice. An Historical Atlas of islam Maps. Map of
    Other Maps Relating to Islam's Historical Development
    W.C. Brice. An Historical Atlas of Islam Maps

    179. MSN Encarta : Online Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Atlas, And Homework
    Article provides a scholarly introduction to this system of belief.

    180. Islam: The Way, The Truth And The Light?
    Your responses and comments are welcome. Topics on islam Sufism The Mystical Side of islam. islam United? A Comparison of Shi`ite and Sunni islam.
    Islamic Studies in Christian Perspective Welcome to our web page. Our goal is, in all things, to be devoted to serving Almighty God by seeking and knowing His Holy Truth. We believe that eternity lies ahead of all of us, and that God, who is perfectly Holy and Just, will judge each and every one of us according to His righteous standard. We will be judged according to our responses to the law and commands of Holy God. Thus our goal and desire is to seriously, openly, and objectively seek truth in all things. We hope you enjoy our growing resource library on the comparative study of Islam and Christianity. Your responses and comments are welcome. T opics on I slam:
    Sufism: The Mystical Side of Islam
    Islam United? A Comparison of Shi`ite and Sunni Islam Hadith Authenticity: A Survey of Perspectives Islam and Orthodoxy - Part I - A Critique of Muslim Apologetics ... Radical New Views of Islam and the Origins of the Koran T opics on C hristianity:
    The innerrancy of the Bible is often discredited by scholars opposed to Christianity. A number of the following articles present arguments in defense of the innerrancy of the Bible as we have it today. Others address key Christian doctrines, as well as the study of Christianity in the context of major world religions. More articles to be added soon....

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