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141. Èñëàì.Ðó The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.islam.ru/ | |
142. Index - MSAUQ Website Information on the Religion of God, islam, created by a student at the University of Queensland. http://www.msauq.org.au/ | |
143. Islam Informative notes to the Murray and Roscoe book titled islamic Homosexualities . http://www.nathanielwandering.net/Islam.htm | |
144. Islam - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia islam. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. islam (Arabic ?) is The meaning of the word islam. islam is an Arabic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam | |
145. Rizwi's Bibliography For Medieval Islam Classified listing of books, articles and reviews of significant books for students of islam. http://us.geocities.com/rfaizer/biblio/index.html | |
146. Islam Denounces Terrorism.com islam is a religion that means peace . In the Koran, the Holy Book of islam, God commands believers to bring peace and security to the world. http://www.islamdenouncesterrorism.com/ | |
147. Masjid An-Nas Plan to build a technology / community centre for Muslims in Ottawa. Information on contributions, plan and islam FAQs. http://www.ali.on.ca/masjid/ |
148. Welcome To Forislam.com Sign In. Sign in below with your username and password to access your email account. User name @ forislam.com Password Forgot Password. Register. http://www.forislam.com/ | |
149. Encyclopaedia Of The Orient Meaning 'birthday' is a celebration of a holy person in islam. http://i-cias.com/cgi-bin/eo-direct.pl?mawlid.htm |
150. Islam For Children This is a site about islam for children. It is educational for children aged 712. islam for Children. Part of the RE Agreed Syllabus http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/carolrb/islam/islamintro.html | |
151. Montreal's Youth Halqas Groups to help the muslim youth in Montreal learn about islam and prepare them to live as Muslims in North America. http://members.tripod.com/~mtl_haliqa/ | |
152. The Crusades And The Contributions Of Islam Things you should know islam spread far from its birthplace in the modern nation of Saudi Arabia. By AD1095, Muslim territory included http://www.mrdowling.com/606islam.html | |
153. Written By The Hand Of God - Bart Barendregt Profound article by Dutch Anthropologist Bart A. Barendregt on Minangkabau silek traditions, their practice, movement repertoire, history, culture, and connections to islam. English/Dutch http://silek.openclasses.net/en_version.html | |
154. ISLAM.NO 16.05Dyr i helvete? 14.05Nattereisen. 13.05Jødehat i islam? 2004 (134216). Muslimsk Studentsamfunn inviterer til seminar islam 2004. Tid Søndag 25. http://www.islam.no/ | |
155. Muka Hadapan Mengenai skim anuiti KWSP, takaful mesra, pendidikan dan perubatan. Juga mengenai istilah, perbezaan takaful dengan insurans, dan mudharabah. http://takafulku.tripod.com | |
156. Islam - Academic Info Academic Info islamic Studies Gateway Directory of Online islam Resources Sections include digital publications, islamic Law ; General links ; Women islam http://www.academicinfo.net/Islam.html | |
157. Ankerberg Theological Research Institute - The John Ankerberg Show Extensive archive of downloadable articles on topics such islam, Catholicism, New Age, and science. Also includes information on radio and television programs, magazine subscription form, fact of the day, and an online catalog. http://www.harborlighthouse.com/ | |
158. Tolerance In Islam Tolerance in islam, An Excerpt of Muhammad Marmaduke Pickthall s 1927 Lecture in Madras, India. TOLERANCE IN islam An Abridged Version http://users.erols.com/gmqm/toleran1.html | |
159. Islam In The United States - Suite101.com Articles, FAQs, terminology and links about islam in the United States, from Suite101.com. http://suite101.com/welcome.cfm/islam_in_the_us | |
160. Bienvenu En Terre D'Islam islam les 5 piliers, le Coran, la Tradition, la culture, l actualité, etc. http://islamfrance.free.fr/ | |
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