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         Islam:     more books (97)
  1. The Oxford Dictionary of Islam (Oxford Paperback Reference)
  2. Science & Islam: A History by Ehsan Masood, 2006-05-15
  3. Mobilizing Islam by Carrie Rosefsky Wickham, 2002-10-15
  4. They Must Be Stopped: Why We Must Defeat Radical Islam and How We Can Do It by Brigitte Gabriel, 2008-09-02
  5. The Formation of Islam: Religion and Society in the Near East, 600-1800 (Themes in Islamic History) by Jonathan P. Berkey, 2002-12-23
  6. The Children of Abraham: Judaism, Christianity, Islam: A New Edition (Princeton Classic Editions) by F. E. Peters, 2006-08-21
  7. Ideals and Realities of Islam by Seyyed Hossein Nasr, 2000-09-01
  8. Crescent and Dove: Peace and Conflict Resolution in Islam by Qamar-ul Huda, editor, 2010-10-01
  9. Marriage and Slavery in Early Islam by Kecia Ali, 2010-10-30
  10. Jihad: The Trail of Political Islam by Professor Gilles Kepel, 2003-03-31
  11. The Great Arab Conquests: How the Spread of Islam Changed the World We Live In by Hugh Kennedy, 2008-12-09
  12. My Year Inside Radical Islam: A Memoir by Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, 2008-01-31
  13. How Islam Created the Modern World by Mark Graham, 2006-09-01

121. Welcome To Niche Of Truth Web Page
Conducts correspondence courses for those who would like to learn about islam.

122. Islam - The Modern Religion..Click The Moon To Step Inside...
A comprehensive overview of islam, many articles to introduce different aspects of the religion.

Islam - The Modern Religion or Q-News

123. Kazi Nazrul Islam Page
Features the works of Nazrul, the National Poet of Bangladesh.

124. Islam - The Modern Religion: Index Page
An EXCELLANT SITE that will totally BLOW your mind! Hours and hours of reading from all corners of the world put together to give a refreshing look at the

125. Islam In Der Schweiz - Homepage
Wissenswertes ¼ber den islam, Muslime in der Schweiz und Adressen zu Moscheen, Frauen und Jugendgruppen sowie anderen muslimischen Gruppierungen.
Home Site-Suche: Mi, 02. Juni, 2004 Deutsch English Wissenswertes Islam Quran online ... Suche
Im Namen Allahs, des Allerbarmers, des Barmherzigen
Zur Besinnung:
"O ihr, die ihr glaubt, übt Geduld und
wetteifert in Geduld und seid stand-
werdet ihr erfolgreich sein."
(Koran: Al-i-Imran - Das Haus Imran, 3:200) Thema Willkommen bei der Website "Islam in der Schweiz" Viel Spass und herzlichen Dank! Aktuelles Veranstaltungen
Leitung: Matthias Mettner, Paulus Akademie WANN?
Samstag, 15. Mai 2004, 9.30 - 17.00 Uhr WO?

Muslim Students Association
WAS? Kurs Kursleiter: Marc Abdurrahman Renfer , Islamwissenschaftler und Philologe WANN? 29. 03.2004 - 28. 06.2004, Montags 18.10 Uhr bis 20.00 Uhr WO? Klubschule Migros, Marktgasse 46, 3011 Bern Quelle: Muslim Students Association MSA Email Kontakt Termine 18.Juni

126. A Light House In Cyber Space For New Muslims
We are an online islamic community for People New to islam and People born into islam, meeting for pen-pal, chat, marriage, ICQ, to exchange jokes, advice
A Light house in cyber space for New Muslims Learning Guide Islam Prayer Quran Zakat Fasting Arabic International online classroom CONVERTING TO ISLAM AN IMPORTANT NOTE TO OUR NON-MUSLIM VISITORS HOW TO BECOME A MUSLIM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS INTRODUCING ISLAM ... CONTACTING MUSLIMS WHERE YOU LIVE Prayer Center Learn Al-fatiha (software) Ablution (Wuduu) video Fajr (Dawn) video Duhr (Noon) video Asr (Mid-Day) video Maghrib (Sun Set) video Isha (Night) video Learn Arabic on-line Prayer times world wide Qibla calculator Hear Athan sound 5x a day on computer software FREE ISLAMIC STUFF FREE COPY OF T`HE QURAN Free Islamic Books and Tapes Free Islamic Downloads Free Schools for new Muslims ... Free Islamic Greeting cards COMPARATIVE RELIGION Islam compared to Christianity Islam compared to Judaism I SLAM COMPARED TO BUDDHISM ... Contact Us In the Name of Allah -
the Most Beneficent - the Most Merciful
Asalamu'alaikum WELCOME TO
ConvertsToIslam org Newly Released Book 200+ Ways the Quran Corrects the Bible -Resources Guide- Free Quran Marriage Chat room Penpals Free books Free downloads Free Schools Poetry

Offizielle Homepage von islamische Glaubensgemeinschaft in –sterreich. Der Koran, Hadith, das Gebet im islam, Akhlaq, Frau und Religion, Lernmaterial, Moscheenliste.
HOME KONTAKT IGGIÖ Service Islam nach Stichworten Frauen in Österreich -
in Europa
Öffentliche Diskussion Stellungnahmen Veranstaltungen Medien Ihre/Deine ...
by e-kip

As-salamu alaikum !
„Dies ist die Homepage der Islamischen Glaubensgemeinschaft in Österreich, der offiziellen Vertretung für die religiösen Belange der hier ansässigen Muslime.
Unsere Seiten richten sich gleichermaßen an Muslime wie an Menschen anderer Religion oder Weltanschauung.
Wir bieten Information zur Weltreligion Islam und zum muslimischen Leben in Österreich.
Über den praktischen Überblick zum Thema hinaus, suchen wir Impulse für den Dialog zu geben. Sowohl die Vernetzung unter Muslimen soll ausgebaut werden, als andere Kontakte gefördert.
Offenheit und Transparenz sind uns wichtig. Diskussion ist uns ein Anliegen“
IGGiÖ begrüßt neues Tierschutzgesetz
Nach langen Verhandlungen kam es am 27. Mai 2004 endlich zu einer parlamentarischen Einigung in Bezug auf das angestrebte bundeseinheitliche Tierschutzgesetz. Der Tierschutzgedanke ist im Islam ein wesentlicher Bestandteil und das Gesetz daher ein erfreulicher Schritt zu dessen breiterer Berücksichtigung. Im Zuge der Debatte geriet teilweise auch das Schächten der Juden und Muslime in den Blickpunkt. Hier unsere Stellungnahme und Infos zur islamischen Schlachtmethode: Kopftuch darf kein Diskriminierungsgrund sein
Stellungnahme zu islamfeindlichen Äußerungen Bischof Krenns
Nicht zum ersten Mal fällt der Bischof von St. Pölten Dr. Kurt Krenn durch Aussagen auf, in denen er den Islam angreift. Die Äußerungen stießen gleichzeitig auf große Kritik, gerade auch in christlichen Kreisen. Zahlreiche Dialogpartner meldeten sich in persönlichen Schreiben an die Islamische Glaubensgemeinschaft. Wir danken allen, die sich hier für den Weg des Dialogs aussprechen wie der Katholischen Aktion, ACUS und vielen Privatpersonen und Freunden. Hier unsere Stellungnahme zum Interview mit Bischof Krenn, das am 12. Mai in der Zeitung Der Standard erschien.

128. Enter
Translate this page islam-Portal, das über islamische Einrichtungen, Gruppen und Moscheen in Österreich informiert .
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129. An Islam Start Page And Islamic Search Engine -
An islam start page and islamic search engine The islamic Portal. Find. A Journey through Diverse World of islam.
An Islam start page and Islamic search engine -
The Islamic Portal. Find in Web Sites Quran and Hadith Ask the Scholars Tuesday 12 Raby` al-THaany 1425 A.H. Musalman What's New What's Cool Download Last Searches ... View Events
Services Contact Congress Discussions Maps Matrimonials ... Stocks
Features Audio/Video Bookstore CharityNet Hajj Info ... Ramadhan
Free PrayerMinder Online Free Eid-Greeting Cards Americans for Eid Career Center ... Cricket Views /News for Muslims Islam: The next generation religion? Muslims welcome capture of Saddam U.S. revokes visa of cleric at Saudi embassy Democracy or Hypocrisy- ... PrayerMinder Online Articles and Useful Information for Muslims HUD Guidance against Religious Discrimination U.S. Muslims applaud end of registration program Rights Re FBI Questioning: BULLETIN IN ENGLISH AND ARABIC Pakistanis allowed dual nationality with US ... Understanding Islam - News Week Musalman Web Poll Are Radio hosts promoting Islam Phobia in the US?
Yes No Dont Know
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Mailing List...

130. Naeem Ul Islam Chaudhry's Pakistan Information & Entertainment Page
Personal site with interesting articles, the college life of the author, and some cool pictures.
Welcome to Naeem Chaudhry's Geocities Homepage in CyberSpace. I hope you will enjoy your stay in my website. Columns Dear Friends! Thanks for visiting my website. This site is mainly about my articles, college and Pak links. Some topics for my articles are Internet Industry Internet in Pakistan ISP Comparative Study PTCL Paknet Role in Pakistan My other published articles include My College Life (Humor), Asian Tiger Dream Auto Industry Asian Tiger - A Broken Dream (Pak Economy Part II), Newspaper Industry Crises97 Indo-Pak Nuclear Test Nuclear Test Reactions. These are some brief fact about my life history and now it's the time for you to introduce yourselfThanks again for becoming my guest. Resume Profile Favorites Favorites ... Columns Printed in Daily JANG A humorous article on college life at Pak-AIMS. A humorous piece on the lighter side of 'Chatting ENTER GO TO NEXT PAGE OF PAK LINKS Last Updated Thursday, February 08, 2001

131. Texts Of Islam
islam. Qur an. The Qur an is the primary text of islam, revealed to the Prophet Muhammed beginning in the year 610 CE It was canonicalized between 644 and 656.

Age of Reason


I Ching




... Buy books about Islam Islam Qur'an Hadith Sufi Texts Other texts ... Islamic Date
The Qur'an is the primary text of Islam, revealed to the Prophet Muhammed beginning in the year 610 C.E. It was canonicalized between 644 and 656. The Qur'an is required reading for anyone who wants to understand Islam. Qur'an means "The Recital" in Arabic; according to the story, the angel Gabriel commanded Muhammed to "Recite!". Devout Muslims do not believe that any text other than the actual Arabic text of the Quran (even a transliteration) can strictly be called 'the Qur'an'. This is because the Arabic text is considered canonical and there can be no other versions of it. The phrase 'the meaning of the Quran' is typically used to describe texts which elsewhere are described as 'translations'. Please be aware of this issue where this site refers to a 'translation' or 'transliteration' of the Quran. Hypertext Qur'an This page links together all of the Qur'an versions at this site. Unicode Qur'an The Holy Qur'an: Arabic Text, Pronunciation Guide, Yusuf Ali English Text

132. Ansar Of Islam
Location, contact information.

133. Islam
HOME PAGE. islam, . . Google Search Search Search WWW. islam is one of the three largest religions in the world. What does it teach? Is it true?
Jesus saves



Bible, The

Bible Online, The

Christian Doctrine

Christian Issues
To the Christian Church

40 Objections Apologetics Apologetics Dialogues Cut and Paste Information ... Verses Examined BIBLE DIFFICULTIES Genesis - Deuteronomy Joshua - Esther Job - Song of Solomon Isaiah - Malachi ... Hebrews - Revelation RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS About Cult Groups Religious Movements List Christadelphianism Christian Science ... Universalism SECULAR MOVEMENTS Abortion Atheism Creation-Evol. Debate Evolution ... Secular School QUESTIONS About the Bible About the Church About Doctrine About God ... Skeptics Ask MORE STUFF Audio Book Recommendations Discussion Boards Features ... What's New? LANGUAGES CARM in Spanish CARM in Portuguese Google Search Search Search WWW Islam is one of the three largest religions in the world. What does it teach? Is it true? Is it an offshoot of Christianity or Judaism or is it something new and different? Islam is growing, a bit complex, and the Christian needs to know about it and what Islam teaches. Introduction Muslims, please read this first

134. THE BAHÁ'Í FAITH: The 7th Revelation Of ISLAM!
An Introduction to the Baha'i Faith for Muslims.
var cm_role = "live" var cm_host = "" var cm_taxid = "/memberembedded"
Dear Muslim Seeker of Truth, Among the Muslims, as among all peoples, are certain Seekers of Truth; those who are NOT content to merely blindly imitate the ways of their fathers of their religious leaders, but who actively seek to discover the Truth for themselves. For you this article is written: not for the blind follower, or imitator of the traditions of his fathers, but for the sincere Seeker of Truth. Muhammadans , and The Dawnbreakers and elswhere. He wrote IN ONE NIGHT a book of Revelation that equaled the Qur'an in style and length; called the BAYAN. He wrote other books and many epistles. disappeared ! All that was left were the ropes; burned and severed by the 750 bullets! Thousands in the crowds shouted, "Allah'u'Akbar! It is a miracle! A miracle!" But the Mullas quickly grabs the burnt pieces of rope, and went through the crowds yelling, "God forbid! It is NO MIRACLE! The bullets severed the ropes! It is NO MIRACLE!" forced did kill Al Mahdi He remained a prisoner of the Sultan of Turkey for many years. He was known as a Holy Man, and a worker of holy miracles. He made many prophecies; all of which have come to pass. He wrote 100 books, and wrote thousands of epistles.

135. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community - Home Page
Pillars of islam. Unity Of Allah. Summary Of Books (English) Roohani Khazain Mulfoozat Majmooa Ishtaharat Philosophy of the Teachings of islam Alphabetical List.
This Month's Focus Majlis-e-Irfan Tarjmatul Quran Classes Religious Knowledge Dars-ul-Quran ... More... Multimedia Alislam Picture Gallery Poems in Urdu Audio Books Askislam ... More... Periodicals Alfazl International Daily Alfazl Rabwah Weekly Badr Qadian Review of Religions ... eGazette Pillars of Islam Unity Of Allah Salat Zakat Fasting ... Hajj Annual Conventions Purpose of Jalsa Qadian United Kingdom Germany United States Canada More... Ahmadiyyat is the divinely promised revival of Islam prophesied in the Holy Quran ( ) and by the Holy Prophet of Islam, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the Seal of the Prophets; and Allah has full knowledge of all things. More He is Allah , the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner, His are the most beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Him, and He is the Mighty, the Wise. Chapter 59:25 More Promised Messiah His Photograph A Life Sketch of the Promised Messiah His Belief His Claim ... More... Khilafat Quranic Passage on Khilafat Prophecy of Holy Prophet Khilafat - Second Manifestation of God Khulafa-e-Rashideen ... More...

136. LKIC - Lewisham & Kent Islaamic Centre :: Home
Community centre and mosque on Lewisham High Street. Information on the redevelopment of the site and an introduction to islam.
Islaam our project events library ... home
In the Name of Allaah,
All Compassionate,
All Merciful Islaam our project events library ... home REGISTERED CHARITY No. 285641

137. La Via Dei Sufi. L'Islam. La Religione: I Principi Della Fede, La Preghiera. Il
islam. Religione, arte, cultura. La religione i principi della fede, la preghiera. Sufismo La mistica dell islam. Arte Calligrafia.
Religione, arte, cultura

138. Mysticism In World Religions: Frames Version
Explores the mystical literature of Judaism, Christianity, islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Taoism. Consists of quotations from various scriptures and the writings of individual mystics compared and contrasted by topic.
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You can still explore the non-frames version of Mysticism in World Religions

139. --
By Omid Safi PLUS More commentary, New When God Doesn t Answer Your Prayers Chaos at Fallujah How Iraq Is Uniting Radical islam An interview with Michael Sells
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Houses of Worship

Daily Offerings The Dalai Lama Prayer of the Day Spiritual Parenting Inspiration ... Swami Uptown More Bible Buddhist Hindu Muslim Torah Home Religions
These days, news out of the Muslim world is unfailingly grim. But author Asma Gull Hasan says sometimes young American Muslims like her just want to have fun
Plus: Why I Love Sufism
Complete Abu Ghraib Coverage
If God Doesn't Answer Your Prayers Chaos at Fallujah How Iraq Is Uniting Radical Islam An interview with Michael Sells An Interfaith Love Story A Muslim Explains: Why "The Passion" Shook My Soul Recent Features W.D. Mohammad

140. Callers To Islam
Promoting islamic dawah locally. Includes local prayer times, schedule of classes and events, and links to articles.
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