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         Islam:     more books (97)
  1. Islam Rising, Book 1 by Jim Murk, 2006-01
  2. Religion of Peace?: Islam's War Against the World by Gregory M. Davis, 2006-10-17
  3. Voices Behind the Veil: Women on the Women of Islam
  4. Why the French Don't Like Headscarves: Islam, the State, and Public Space by John R. Bowen, 2008-08-04
  5. Making Islam Democratic: Social Movements and the Post-Islamist Turn (Stanford Studies in Middle Eastern and I) by Asef Bayat, 2007-05-16
  6. After the Prophet: The Epic Story of the Shia-Sunni Split in Islam by Lesley Hazleton, 2010-09-07
  7. Slavery, Terrorism & Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat by Peter Hammond, 2005-04
  8. Islam in the End Times by Ellis Skolfield, 2007-09-12
  9. Islam and the Bible by David Goldmann, 2004-05-01
  10. Islam Revealed A Christian Arab's View Of Islam by Anis Shorrosh, 2001-12-04
  11. Daughters of Islam: Building Bridges with Muslim Women by Miriam Adeney, 2002-02-05
  12. God's Crucible: Islam and the Making of Europe, 570-1215 by David Levering Lewis, 2009-01-12
  13. Journey into Islam: the Crisis of Globalization by Akbar Ahmed, 2008-12
  14. The Venture of Islam, Volume 3: The Gunpowder Empires and Modern Times (Venture of Islam Vol. 3) by Marshall G. S. Hodgson, 1977-02-15

101. Islam Et Christianisme
Texte int©gral d'un article publi© dans la chronique comprendre de la revue mensuelle Fªtes et Saisons No 462F©vrier 1992.
Bureaux du CCNR à Québec Fiche signalétique du Centre de Consultation sur les Nouvelles Religions Pour de plus amples renseignements,
vous pouvez communiquer avec le personnel du Centre.
Texte intégral de l'article "Islam et Christianisme" publié dans la chronique
"Comprendre" de la revue mensuelle Fêtes et Saisons No 462-Février 1992 Islam et
Bible et Coran Chrétiens et musulmans ont en commun le sens d'une «Révélation venant de l'initiative divine, afin de guider les hommes. Mais le Coran ne joue pas dans l'islam le même rôle que la Bible dans le christianisme. Islam et christianisme se réfèrent à la même tradition d'Abraham.
Malgré d'étonnants points communs, il s'agit de deux démarches religieuses différentes
on n'y trouve ni le même sens de l'homme ni la même approche de Dieu.
Se comprendre et s'apprécier suppose de ne pas faire de confusion ou de rapprochements artificiels.
Le Coran est reçu par les musulmans comme la Parole de Dieu libérant l'homme des idoles anciennes ou modernes et le guidant sur le chemin du bien. Il est souvent désigné par des expressions très significatives telles que : "la bonne nouvelle", "l'avertissement", "la loi divine", "la direction", "le rappel", "la distinction entre le bien et le mal".

102. E-Mail Your Comments To Dr. Shahid Athar
Issues; 25 Most Frequently Asked Questions About islam; Medical Ethics An islamic Perspective; INTERFAITH; Understanding islam; The
Online Books and Articles by Dr. Shahid Athar Messages by Dr. Shahid Athar:

On Line Books and Articles by Dr. Shahid Athar E-Mail your comments to Dr. Shahid Athar Speakers Corner

103. Islam är Bra På Att Förfölja Oliktänkande, Och Inte Minst De Som Bekänner
Information om hur islam f¶rf¶ljer olikt¤nkande och andra trosriktningar och framf¶rallt de som bek¤nner sig till en kristen tro.
Islam förföljer oliktänkande Islam är bra på att förfölja oliktänkande, och inte minst de som bekänner sig till kristen tro. Här följer ett antal länder och exempel på hur de tillämpar sin muslimska tro gentemot andra trosutövare. Jag har här sammanställt en del av det som hänt de senaste åren. Sammanställningen är inte på något sätt komplett, men visar ändå på ett skrämmande sätt hur illa ställt det är med religionsfriheten i länder där det finns en övervägande muslimsk befolkning.
Algeriet Azerbaijan Bahrain ... Förföljelsen_mot_de_kristna Afghanistan Afghanistan är ett av världens fattigaste länder. Av de 23 miljoner innevånarna är kanske 0,3 procent kristna. 84 procent är sunnimuslimer och 15 procent shiamuslimer. Talibanerna har infört en stark islamisering av landet. Att vittna öppet om kristen tro är förbjudet. Att lämna islam kan betyda döden. Men Talibanerna diskriminerar även Shi´a-muslimer och utövar våld mot afghaner som inte på ett tillräckligt bra sätt följer deras tolkningar av Sharia-lagen när det gäller klädesdräkt och tillbedjan. 8 januari 2001 tillkännagav talibanledaren Mullah Mohammed Omar att alla afghaner som går över till kristendomen eller judendomen kommer att avrättas.Eftersom alla förväntas vara muslimer så gäller detta hotet också alla kristna som lever i hemlighet i Afghanistan. Algeriet Ca 30 miljoner bor i Algeriet och omkring 0,4 procent är kristna. De blir diskriminerade, t ex på arbetsmarknaden och när det gäller juridiska rättigheter. Att vittna om sin kristna tro är förbjudet. Kristna flickor tvingas ofta att gifta sig med muslimer genom det religiösa och sociala tryck som råder i landet.

104. SULTAN ISLAMIC LINKS, Discover Islam, Muslim People, Holy Quran
Discover The islamic Religion, Muslim People, islam Holy Book, and islam and sex , Best Arabic islamic sites ? ? .

105. Contemporary Islamic Poems - Contemporary Poems In Search Of Soul
Index to poems concerned with islam Muslims the islamic Community and enriching and finding your soul
Islamic Paths
Serving the Islamic World Home / Portal
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The Islamic Paths web portal opens a door to Discussion Forums, Articles, Poems about Islam and Spirituality, Photo Galleries, News and Entertainment, File Downloads, Classified Ads, Calendar of Events, Links, our Islamic Shop and more...
Stop in and take a look! Click Here!
Commissions help to support orphaned kids. More Titles Below Contemporary Islamic Poems
In Search of Soul We will continually add poems, Insha Allah, as they are created or submitted by our readers, or as we find them on the Internet and exchange them with our fellow brothers and sisters. If you have a poem to share regarding Islam, and would like to have it posted, please forward it to our attention via E-Mail and we will gladly post it and give you credit accordingly. View Poem Listing Sorted by Category, Click Here Poems In Search of Soul - Sorted by Author New Posting - Last Update 20 July 2003 Poem's Title Author
My Master Gulen, M. Fethullah

106. EAWC: Early Islam
out in his book Orientalism. In the first place, islam is an unflinchingly monotheistic faith. Even the readilyaccepted notion
Early Islam
Selections from the Qur'an:
An Introduction to Islam




Let's counter one of the precepts set up in the introductory comments and consider what makes ISLAM like JUDAISM and CHRISTIANITY For Americans make much of the purported differences as we carelessly cast Muslim leaders as fanatics or terrorists and justify bombing their nations. These perceived differences reinforce and perpetuate stereotypes, whose influences are pervasive and dangerous, as Edward Said points out in his book Orientalism
In the first place, Islam is an unflinchingly monotheistic faith. Even the readily-accepted notion that God could have a son (Christ) runs counter to this explicit monotheism. Like the Hebrew god, Allah is invisible, without material form; Allah is omnipotent, wrathful on occasion, yet eternally merciful. Like the God of the Genesis account , Allah has created the natural world and endowed humans with life among a world of divinely-created things. This human creature is regarded as free and individual; and the belief that individuality is good is shared among the Semitic faiths. The religions concur too on the presence and the nature of the soul, which lives on after the body has perished. The Koran describes both heaven and hell and forewarns that a Last Judgement will come when each person shall be judged for his or her deeds.

107. Eid, Eid Cards, Eid Greetings, Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi, Cards, Send Eid Gifts To Ind
A website with some information about islam and the Eid festival. Cards and wallpapers are on sale from the website.
Successfully Celebrating 5th Year of Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi [May 2, 2004] History of Islam About Eid Legends Eid Greeting Cards ... Contact Us Celebrating 5th successful year of Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi at is a part of India's largest eCelebration network Send Gifts (Delivery within India Only) Thanks for visiting It has been a pleasure serving you. Visit , our premium-gift store for all occasions.
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You May Contact
Nitin Singh

108. Center For The Study Of Islam & Democracy (CSID), Washington, DC
Louis PostDispatch 16 Dec 2003. Can islam and Democracy Coexist? in National Geographic Dec 2003. Center for the Study of islam Democracy, 2004.
New Muslim Democrat
The May 2004 issue of CSID's newsletter Muslim Democrat is now available.
Sudan Conference Report
On April 19-21, 2004, CSID and the Institute of Islamization of Knowledge (IMAM) at Gezira University held a conference on the theme of "Shari'ah and Ijtihad: The Sudanese Experience".
Sudan conference report
Mourning Fern Holland
CSID President Radwan Masmoudi on the tragic death of Fern Holland , a fighter for human rights and a friend of CSID.
A scene from the conference on "Shari'ah and Ijtihad: The Sudanese Experience" held in Khartoum, Sudan, on April 19-21, 2004.
February 2004 - CSID participates in Third Assembly of The World Movement for Democracy in Durban, South Africa. Events
  • May 28-29, 2004 [More...]
  • April 19-21, 2004 - Sudan Conference on "Shari'ah and Ijtihad: The Sudanese Experience" [More...]
  • March 19, 2004 - CSID/USIP Workshop on Ijtihad - 19 March 2004 [More...] (external link)
  • February 1-4, 2004 - Third Assembly of The World Movement for Democracy in Durban February 2004 [More...]
[See Other Past Events] [See Future Events] Miscellaneous Resources
  • CSID Statement on French ban of religious symbols in schools [ More...

109. Index Of /
islamic sites search engine and directory. Find islam related sites fast. Other services islamic greeting cards, free email account and islamic calligraphy images.
Index of /
Name Last modified Size Description ... Parent Directory 02-Jun-2004 01:18 - 01-Jun-2004 13:18 - cgi-bin/ 01-Jun-2004 13:18 - images/ 01-Jun-2004 13:18 - postinfo.html 01-Jun-2004 13:18 2k Apache/1.3.31 Server at Port 80

110. Islam Review - Presented By The Pen Vs. The Sword Featured Articles . . . Islam:
islam the Facade, the Facts The deceptive tactics of Muslim activists By Abdullah Al Araby. Lying In com. islam in Fast Demise. In
About This Site This site is about Islam, not Muslims. It is to demonstrate that the fundamental teachings of Islam are incompatible with the Christian faith, and the American way of life. We realize, however, that there are other Muslims who may have different interpretations, and thus do not follow these teachings to the letter. Nothing in this site is written with the intention of offending anyone. Our objective is only to present the truth with love and humility. Featured Articles ON THE ROAD TO

Examining Islam's Expansionist History
By Abdullah Al Araby Islam: the Facade, the Facts
The deceptive tactics of Muslim activists
By Abdullah Al Araby Lying In Islam
Sanctioned deception in Islam
By Abdullah Al Araby Incredible Teachings
of Mohammed

A list of some of Mohammed sayings
By Abdullah Al Araby Neither Black nor African The Islamic lies directed toward our African Americans By Abdullah Al Araby Nothing in Common The difference between Christianity and Islam By Abdullah Al Araby Being a Muslim's Wife What it is like to be married to a Muslim By Abdullah Al Araby I was once a Muslim's Wife (A true story) Islam: a complex faith An article by Barnabas Fund (UK) The religious mindset of the terrorists.

111. Panoramix - Najciekawsze Polskie Strony
islam and Muslims in Poland
Witamy na stronach Parku! Dziêkujemy za odwiedzenie serwisu Najciekawsze Polskie Strony. Park jest inicjatywa firmy Panoramix maj±c± na celu propagowanie interesujacych - a czêsto nie znanych szerzej - niekomercyjnych serwisów tematycznych. [wiêcej informacji].
Dostêpna jest obs³uga [poczty] dla u¿ytkowników posiadaj±cych konta na serwerze

wszelkie prawa zastrze¿one

112. About Islam And Muslims - Islamic Belief, Quran, Sunnah
quran sunnah islam women koran arab arabic muslim christian sunnah life allah christianity fatawa fatwa fatwah fiqeh fiqh god hadith hajj imam islaam islam
quran sunnah islam women koran arab arabic muslim christian sunnah life allah christianity fatawa fatwa fatwah fiqeh fiqh god hadith hajj imam islaam islam answers questions religion islamic jesus mohammed moslem moslems muhammad muslem muslim muslims prophet quran religion salafi sufi sunnah quran sunnah islam women koran arab arabic muslim christian sunnah life allah christianity fatawa fatwa fatwah god hadith hajj imam islaam islam religion islamic jesus mohammed moslem moslems muhammad muslem muslim muslims prophet quran allah christianity fatawa fatwa fatwah god hadith hajj imam islaam islam sufi sunnah quran sunnah islam women koran arab arabic muslim christian sunnah life religion islamic jesus mohammed moslem moslems muhammad muslem muslim muslims prophet quran

islam in Thailand (in Thai language)

114. In Search Of Peace: Resources For And About Muslim Women And Islam
into the typical stereotypes and cultural innovation, the information here will pique your interest and help you to understand the true stance islam takes on
Resources for and about Muslim Women In The Name of God The Beneficent the Most Merciful
If any do deeds of righteousness, be they male or female,
and have faith, they will enter Paradise
and not the least injustice will be done to them.
[Quran 4:124]
Welcome sisters! (and brothers if you ventured in :)) Misinformation and misconception about Muslim women proliferate in the world today among non-Muslims and Muslims. I hope that instead of falling into the typical stereotypes and cultural innovation, the information here will pique your interest and help you to understand the true stance Islam takes on gender issues and the role of women. Quran and Woman The Islamic Veil or Hijab Humor, Poetry and More...
... Islam:The Eternal Path to Peace
jannahorg @

115. Default
In answer to the need of a formal Shia Identity in New Zealand, The islamic Ahl ul - Bayt Foundation of New Zealand, was formally established as a Registered Charitable Trust in 1993 with the initiative of five trustees and with the blessings of Ayatollah Golpaygani (a.r.) who acted as the Settlor of the Trust.
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116. ISLAM The Eternal Path To Peace Jannah.Org
Provides islamic information, women in islam articles, and resources for Muslims and those seekers of the way of life that is called islam, peace and

In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate
Assalaam Alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuhu!!!
Peace Be Unto You! Welcome to the Path to Peace!!!!!!!!!! Sit down, have a bebzi :) How are you doing? It is my hope that those who read this website learn something new about Islam, think about what's really important and change for their own good in this world and the Next..
Jannah Quick Links:
[ Madina Message Board ]
[ Muslim Women's Page ] [ Mamalist of Islamic Links ] [ Articles on Islam ] ... [ Sitemap ]
" He called us to worship God alone... he commanded us to speak the truth, to honor our promises, to be kind to our relations, to be helpful to our neighbors, to cease all forbidden acts, to abstain from bloodshed, to avoid obscenities and false witness... " ( From speech of Jafar to the King of Abyssinia about Muhammad(s) ) Website last updated: 7 Rabbial Awwal 1424 A.H. April 27 2004

Een verzameling artikelen, links en verwijzingen naar publikaties over de islam in Belgi«.
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DAGELIJKS NIEUWS: 2003.01.A 2003.01.B 2003.02.A 2003.02.B
Meer info : Arseen De Kesel, Waterleliestraat 29 , 3500 Hasselt. Tel.: 011/72 06 67 , Email: . Website : wederkerigheid (diversiteit) DE WEBPAGINA'S VAN HET HOOFDITEM ISLAM

, aanzetten tot een leerplan "Islamitisch Godsdienstonderwijs in de basisschool"

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opmerkingen of suggesties?

119. Chicago Islam
Information portal to the area's Muslim, Arabic and islamic resources, masjids, schools, and organizations.

120. Islam Chronology
islam chronology with historical information.
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