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         Islam:     more books (97)
  1. A History of Islam in America: From the New World to the New World Order by Kambiz GhaneaBassiri, 2010-04-19
  2. Religion of Peace?: Why Christianity Is and Islam Isn't by Robert Spencer, 2007-07-17
  3. An Introduction to Islam for Jews by Reuven Firestone, 2008-05
  4. Islam: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions) by Malise Ruthven, 2000-06-15
  5. Islam: The Straight Path Updated with New Epilogue, 3rd edition by John L. Esposito, 2004-12-30
  6. Islam and the Secular State: Negotiating the Future of Shari`a by Abdullahi Ahmed An-Na`im, 2010-03-30
  7. The Trouble with Islam Today: A Muslim's Call for Reform in Her Faith by Irshad Manji, 2005-03-16
  8. The Third Choice: Islam, Dhimmitude and Freedom by Mark Durie, 2010-04-15
  9. What Islam is All About (Paperback) by Yahiya Emerick, 2005-06-01
  10. 111 Questions on Islam: Samir Khalil Samir on Islam and the West by Giorgio Paolucci, Camille Eid, 2008-11-15
  11. The Many Faces of Political Islam: Religion and Politics in the Muslim World by Mohammed Ayoob, 2007-11-19
  12. The Hidden Origins of Islam: New Research into Its Early History
  13. Unholy Alliance: Radical Islam And the American Left by David Horowitz, 2006-02-02
  14. Islam Unveiled: Disturbing Questions about the World's Fastest-Growing Faith by Robert Spencer, 2003-11-01

61. Teenagers And Islam (Submission)-an Educational, Informative, Comprehensive, And provides practical advice for understanding and applying the Quran in daily life. Also features a questionand-answer section designed to help readers understand islam as well as a monthly newspaper.
Teens and Islam (Submission)- conflicts, agreements-disagreements-Quranic -school-college-highschool-public- schools-drugs-smoking-sex-dating-sexuality-prom-punk-dancing-music-song-idols-American-magazines Teenagers Best Islamic Web site A Comprehensive , Compassionate, Educational and Responsible Resource Read Quran in a simple English language , or other languages
During the past fourteen centuries, traditions, customs, and myths have crept into the religion of Islam (Submission). Many of you, have already objected to many ideas and practices you see around you. You will be happily surprised to know that all of these non-sense practices do not belong to Islam (Submission) but they were man made additions.
Islam (Submission) today is like a precious jewel that is buried under piles upon piles of man-made innovations. Together we will show you the true and beautiful religion of Islam (Submission) in the light of the Quran, God's final scripture to the world, including you, personally. Second International Youth Essay
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62. NEWS
Home Islamic World News Middle East News Fatwah and Counselling Latest: MIDDLE EAST BUSINESS
Muslim leaders denounce AlKhobar attacks

6/1/2004 3:00:00 PM
Several leaders and heads of state of Muslim countries have condemned the recent terrorist attacks in AlKhobar.
Allawi: U.S. help is needed to defeat enemies

6/1/2004 4:34:00 PM
New Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi said Tuesday that Iraq needs help from U.S. and other multinational forces to help defeat "the enemies of Iraq." ISLAMIC WORLD NEWS Pakistan: Top Islamic scholar killed
Mufti Nizamuddin Shamzai, a Sunni mufti and a senior Islamic scholar of Pakistan, was killed by unidentified attackers. OIC chief condemns attacks in AlKhobar
Dr. Abdul Wahed Belkeziz, secretary-general of the Jeddah-based Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC), denounced strongly the recent attacks in Alkobar. MWL denounces AlKhobar attacks
Dr. Abdullah Al Turky, secretary general of the Muslim World League (MWL), condemned the terrorist attacks in the eastern city of Alkhobar. MIDDLE EAST NEWS U.S. soldier killed in Iraq

63. Islam
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64. Welcome To Nida`ul Islam | ãÑÍÈðÇ
Welcome to Nida’ul islam’s revamped online edition. Through the Bounty of Allah, we have improved the layout of our site for the benefit of our readers.
Welcome to Nida’ul Islam’s revamped online edition. Through the Bounty of Allah, we have improved the layout of our site for the benefit of our readers.
We would like to thank our readers for their continued support, and are always happy to receive feedback.
Nida'ul Islam Management ãÑÍÈÇð Èßã Úáì ÇáãæÞÚ ÇáÌÏíÏ áãÌáå "äÏÇÁ ÇáÅÓáÇã". ÇáÍãÏ ááå áÞÏ ÇäÊåíäÇ ãä ÊØæíÑ øÇáãæÞÚ ÈÔßá íÖãä ááÇÎ ÇáÞÇÑÆ ÓÑÚå ÊÕÝÍ ÕÝÍÇÊ ÇáãÌáå æ ÓåæáÊå. ÝíãÇ ÓÊÈÞìÇáÇÚÏÇÏ ÇáÓÇÈÞå ÈÔßáåÇ ÇáÚÇÏí. ÔßÑðÇ áÒíÇÑÊäÇ æ ãä ÝÖáß ÇäÔÑ ÇáÎÈÑ! æ ÇáÓáÇã Úáíßã¡ ÅÏÇÑÉ ÇáãÌáÉ Enter English Site For the old Arabic site, click here Updated 10/11/2003

65. Islam: The Message Of All The Prophets, The Reflect Of The Pure Intellect - Isla
Filary religii, doktryna, koncepcja Boga w islamie, opinie o Koranie, Stary i Nowy Testament online, adresy i numery telefon³w do polskich organizacji muzułmańskich i meczet³w w Białymstoku, Gdańsku i w Warszawie. Wywiady z polskimi muzułmanami oraz wykaz książek w języku polskim wydawanych przez Stowarzyszenie Student³w Muzułmańskich.Zawiera także części po angielsku i niemiecku (ale o wiele mniejsze).
And your God is One God, there is none who has the right to be worshipped but He, The most Gracious, The most Merciful. (Qur'an, 2:163)
...the principles of Koran, which alone are true, and which alone can lead men to happiness... (Napoleon Bonaparte, Quoted in Cherfils 'Bonaparte et Islam') ...choose language to enter You are the visitor since March 1998
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66. Investigating Islam
For those who are curious the Arabic text in the background is a phrase ending several verses in the Qur an and has the translation for people who think .
Deutsch Italiano Polski Espa±ol ...
Investigating Islam How do you think now? Answer my tricky questions! God doesn't exist! OK then - convince me! Salvation can only be reached through Christ! ... Current Affairs Comments - The Double Bluff (26th May 2004) Home Back Search the site Contact Us! ... External links For those who are curious - the Arabic text in the background is a phrase ending several verses in the Qur'an and has the translation "...for people who think"

Diskutujte na forumu, pogledajte dio za djecu sa islamskim temama, posluąajte Ilahije, uľivajte u prijevodu Kuran na bosanskom.

Information om islam med udgangspunkt i sunni. Alment, for studerende, muslimer.

69. Islam In Africa
The development of the Muslim religion on the African continent.
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70. Moonsighting With Astronomy
Khalid s Home of Astronomy Linked islamic Duties Scientific Historical Achievement Using Known Astronomy Today May 22, 2004 (Saturday) Rabial-Thani 3, 1425 AH.
K halid's H ome of A stronomy L inked I slamic D uties
S cientific H istorical A chievement U sing K nown A stronomy T oday
June 1, 2004 (Tuesday)
Rabi-al-Thani 13, 1425 AH
On Wednesday, May 19, crescent moon has been sighted in Fort Collins, Colorado using 7x50 binoculars. On May 20, moon was seen many places from Pakistan to USA ...............
W here on earth earliest Moon Sighting is possible after new moon? Visibility of the Crescent Moon is calculated using the criterion, developed by Khalid Shaukat , a consultant to ISNA and the Shura Council of North America . This criterion makes use of over a thousand of critical observations, collected over a period of 150 years in different locations of the world. These calculations for visibility have proven to be correct every month since 1993. Sighting Possibilities for Rabi-at-Thani 1425 May 19, 2004, Wednesday: The birth of moon is at 04:53 UT i.e., 0:53 am Eastern Daylight Saving Time - 9:53 pm Pacific Daylight Saving Time on May 18. This moon will be less than 15 hours in Europe and Africa on May 19 and will not be visible. This moon will be visible on May 19 in Pacific Ocean and in Hawaii. In USA, it would be very difficult to see with naked eye on May 19, although possible with binocular or telescope. It will be visible on May 20 in the rest of he world. Visibility Curve on May 19, 2004 (Wednesday)

71. Islamisme
Artikkel av Knut S.Vik¸r. Fra Centre for Middle Eastern and islamic Studies, Universitetet i Bergen.
  • Heim
  • Studieprogram
  • Seminar
  • Bibliotek ...
  • Forskinga
    Fundamentalisme, islamisme eller politisk islam?
    kva det er, berre at det er. Vi veit jo at det er
    Fundamentalisme fundamentalisme - i Frankrike snakker ein gjerne om , som kan vere samme tingen, eller noe anna, alt etter forfattaren. fundamenta Fleire forskarar bruker ordet nettopp av den grunn. Ein av dei mest kjente av desse er Gilles Kepel, i si bok La revanche de Dieu islamske
    islamisme egentlig islam. Det er jo ikkje tilfeldig, begrepet vart tatt i bruk av dei som ei for ei slik linje, og dei ville nettopp understreke at det er slik det er, det er det dei praktiserer som er ei
    Politisk islam
    politisk islam
    Studier av praksis
    Kategorisering av kontekst
    Islam som folkelig protest
    moderniserande , er ein viktig kategori og skille til dei to andre gruppene under.
    Islam som legitimering av regime
    Islam brukt i eksisterande konfesjonelle og etniske konfliktar
    Kategorising av innhald
    -1- Those Muslims who feel that the current level of piety / adherence to the religious and moral order among other Muslims is insufficient, and that a revival of the religion is required (and among these; that such a revival would redress the Islamic world's material and political inferiority to the West). We might call these revivalists.
  • 72. An Introduction To Islam -
    Introductory information on islam, Muslims, Prophet Muhammed, Jesus Christ, God s existence for nonMuslims (Christians, Jews, etc.) and new-Muslims.
    As you know, the internet brings together individuals from a predominantly English-speaking population of various cultures, races, ethnic and religious groups from virtually every part of the world. By means of the internet it is possible to visit almost any part of the world without leaving your office or home. In recent years, websites have sprung up all over the world with information on issues from A to Z. No doubt, the majority of Internet users are not Muslim. At the same time, there is a growing need to know what Islam is and what it is not. A great deal of confusion and misunderstanding about Islam still persist throughout the world. The Purpose of this Website Several very comprehensive Islamic websites are available with voluminous information about different aspects of Islam. We have found these sites very informative for Muslims but perhaps a bit difficult for English-speaking non-Muslims to easily understand. Therefore, the first reason this website has been set up is to provide English-speaking non-Muslims with basic information on Islam . Although our site is small in comparison to others, it is our intention to add new topics and information on a regular basis.

    73. Kristeligt Dagblad - Avis Om Livets Store Spørgsmål. Tro, Etik Og Eksistens
    Samling af artikler fra Kristeligt Dagblad.
    2. juni 2004
    Log ind Glemt adgangskode? Køb adgang Forside Danmark ... Kontakt os Nyhedsbrev Få dagens vigtigste nyheder fra Kristeligt Dagblad hver morgen.
    Besøg også
    Tema Forside Udskriv Tip en ven Vesten og islam Kristeligt Dagblad har samlet en række af de indlæg og artikler, avisen i den senere tid har bragt om islam. De belyser forskellige vinkler på temaet »Vesten og islam«. Vi har her samlet indlæg fra juni 2001 frem til i dag, og temaet »Vesten og islam« her på vil løbende blive udvidet med nye relevante artikler og indlæg om emnet.
    Islam med blå øjne
    28. april 2004 Bøger: Jørgen Bæk Simonsen argumenterer for islams lange tilstedeværelse i den danske debat. Udkommer i dag
    Det kritiske element mangler
    29. marts 2004 ISLAM: Ret beset er »fundamentalist« et kristent begreb, men det er meget sigende om islam, at selv en liberal muslim som Sherin Khankan ikke vil forholde sig kritisk til Koranen
    Mellemøsten under forandring
    13. august 2003 GLOBALT SET: USA har særlig anledning til at fremskynde en positiv dagsorden for hele Mellemøsten, som vil styrke sikkerheden i regionen og over hele verden, skriver Condoleezza Rice, sikkerhedsrådgiver for den amerikanske præsident, George W.
    Derfor gik det galt mellem islam og Vesten
    20. november 2002

    74. Islam (Materialien Zur Religionswissenschaft)
    islam. von Alois Payer. Einführung Ausbreitung des islam. Religionsstatistik des islam.
    Materialien zur Religionswissenschaft
    "Allahu Gott"
    von Alois Payer Zitierweise / cite as: Islam. Fassung vom 26. April 1999. (Materialien zur Religionswissenschaft). URL: . [Stichwort]. Erstveröffentlichung: Überarbeitungen: 6. Juli 1998 (Verbesserung von Tippfehlern, Hinzufügung einer Abbildung); 26. 4. 1999 [Hinzufügung von Bestell-Links zu] Anlaß: Lehrveranstaltung Wissenschaftskunde Religionswissenschaft / Theologie, HBI Stuttgart, WS 1995/96 ©opyright : Dieser Text steht der Allgemeinheit zur Verfügung. Eine Verwertung in Publikationen, die über übliche Zitate hinausgeht, bedarf der ausdrücklichen Genehmigung des Verfassers. BACK TO TUEPFLIS GLOBAL VILLAGE LIBRARY : MAIN PAGE

    75. Islam Perusteet
    Tietoa islamista. Jumala, Koraani, islam, profeetta, ruoka, kirjasto, tapahtumat, moskeijaopas jne.
    Etsi Islam-oppaasta
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    Jumalan olemassaolo

    Jumalan ominaisuudet



    Jumalan, Armeliaan Armahtajan Nimeen
    LINKKEJÄ Muita linkkejä TÄRKEÄT PÄIVÄT 2002:
    Huom! Ajat ovat arvioituja: Eid Al-Fitr: Eid Al-Adha: TIENI ISLAMIIN UUTTA ISLAM-OPPAASSA: Profeetan hadithit Arabialaiset aakkoset Tapahtumat Rukousaikatauluista ... Jerusalemin asema islamissa Päivän jae Allah (swt) sanoo Koraanissa: Päivän hadith Profeetta Muhammed (saas) sanoi: INTERNETISTÄ POIMITTUA: "IslamGuiden" eräs Internetmaailman parhaita sivuja 1999 todistus 9/10 Pirjo Z Ota kantaa Islamoppaaseen Huonohko Huono Tähänastiset tulokset Arabialainen RUKOUSAJAT Faq Tammikuu Helmikuu Maaliskuu Huhtikuu Toukokuu Elokuu Syyskuu Lokakuu Marraskuu Joulukuu ARABIAKSI forqan Nida-Islam Albayan Bashaer murabeton Assirat Alsunnah Al-multaqa Al-sahal Mujtamaa Alasr ENGLISH Nida-Islam FATAWA ARABIAKSI Islamweb Islamway Islam-qa Binbaz I.Taymiya

    76. 877-WHY-ISLAM Website - Your Resource To Valuable Information On Islam
    Authentic and Useful information about islam, providing Free literature and brochures on islam, about beliefs and values in islam.
    HOME FAQ ORDER FREE LITERATURE FEEDBACK ... ABOUT US FEATURES Brochures Online Ask a Question Discuss in Forum Discuss by Email ... Islam in US - American Mosques. More than 1200 mosques and Islamic centers have existed in this country, according to a survey conducted in the latter part of the 1990s, but fewer than 100 were actually designed as mosques. The survey revealed that most Islamic congregations in the United States began in buildings that had been constructed for other purposes - fire stations, theaters, warehouses, and shops. Read more.. The Fall of Atheism There are significant turning points in the history of mankind. We are now living in one of them. Some call it globalization and some say that this is the genesis of the "information age." These are true, but there is yet a more important concept than these. Although some are unaware of it, great advances have been made in science and philosophy in the last 20-25 years. Read more.. Do you have a minute? Too busy. No problem. We have compiled One Minute Messages for your fast schedule. Enough to give you food for thought for today.. or for life may be. Who knows? Read more..

    77. Gratisweb Página No Encontrada
    Recull de textos extrets d'altres obres formant un tot sobre la religi³ isl mica, modalitats, hist²ria i escoles jur­diques. Inclou enlla§os.
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    78. BBC - Religion & Ethics - Islam
    Detailed look at islam including history, worship, beliefs, customs, art, lifestyle and much more. Those who follow islam are called Muslims.
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    A-Z Index

    2nd June 2004
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    BBC Homepage


    ... Help Like this page? Send it to a friend! The essentials Islam began in Arabia and was revealed to humanity by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Those who follow Islam are called Muslims. Muslims believe that there is only one God, called Allah. The basics Introduction Customs Worship Features History Beliefs Holy days Glossary Features A Muslim in the Family
    Four new Muslims came to the faith from a position of profound ignorance. Sunni and Shia The division between the Sunnis and the Shia is the largest and oldest in the history of Islam. Find out what caused the division. Muslim rappers How Muslim rappers are delivering Allah's message through one of the biggest selling forms of music - rap. A-Z of world religions Choose Atheism Baha'i Buddhism Christianity Hinduism Islam Jainism Judaism Mormon Paganism Shinto Sikhism Unitarianism Have your say Newsletter Living Related Links BBCi Latest Muslim news Prayer calculator Islam glossary Islamic art and literature Non-BBC

    79. Section 8.6 Polygamy In Islam
    Shows all of the verses on polygamy in the Qur'an.
    8.6 Polygamy in Islam The idea is widely put about that the Qur'an supports or condones polygamy. This view is not entirely wrong, but nor is it right in all circumstances. To find the true position we need to dig a little deeper than hearsay or a superficial reading. The verses which are often used to support the idea of polygamy are: Give unto orphans their wealth, exchange not the good for the bad (in your management thereof) nor absorb their wealth. Lo! That would be a great sin. And if ye fear that ye will not deal fairly by the orphans, marry of the women who seem good to you, two or three or four; and if ye fear that ye cannot do justice (to so many) then one (only) or (the captives) that your right hand possess. Thus it is more likely that ye will not do injustice. From the last verse it must be emphasised that the Qur'anic position is that – unless one is able to treat his wives with just equality – one must not consider taking more than one wife. In practice, this condition is most difficult to fulfil and so it must be understood that the general recommendation is towards monogamy . Also, polygamy, as the verse suggests, can only be justified under particular circumstances. In any case, there is no escaping the fact that a man has ultimately to justify all his actions before Allah, remembering that Allah knows what is in his heart. The following verse emphasises the fact that it would be extremely difficult to deal justly between more than one wife. If one does put himself in that situation, it is only right to insist that one should not ignore the first wife, but fulfil all the outward duties that are obligatory on him in respect of her.

    80. Islam | Religions Of The World| BBC World Service
    islamincrease your understanding by reading and hearing about different religions from around the world. BBC World Service, islam Introduction.
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    You are in: Front Page People and Beliefs Religions of the World Islam Islam - Introduction Islam is the world's second most followed religion.
    It began in its present form 1400 years ago in Arabia, but swiftly become a world faith, and now has around 1,200 million adherents.
    There are between 1.2 and 2.6 million Muslims in the UK, about 600,000 of whom are active in the faith. Those who are not active still regard being a Muslim as an important part of their identity. "Islam" is an Arabic word which means surrendering oneself to the will of God, and achieving peace and security by doing so. A person surrenders to the will of Allah by living and thinking in the way Allah has instructed.

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