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61. Teenagers And Islam (Submission)-an Educational, Informative, Comprehensive, And Submission.org provides practical advice for understanding and applying the Quran in daily life. Also features a questionand-answer section designed to help readers understand islam as well as a monthly newspaper. http://www.submission.org/teenagers/ | |
62. IslamOnline.com NEWS SPOTLIGHT ON islam. http://www.islamonline.com/ | |
63. Islam Undervisningsmaterialer fra SkoleMedia. http://islam.skolemedia.dk/ | |
64. Welcome To Nida`ul Islam | ãÑÍÈðÇ Welcome to Nidaul islams revamped online edition. Through the Bounty of Allah, we have improved the layout of our site for the benefit of our readers. http://www.islam.org.au/ | |
65. Islam: The Message Of All The Prophets, The Reflect Of The Pure Intellect - Isla Filary religii, doktryna, koncepcja Boga w islamie, opinie o Koranie, Stary i Nowy Testament online, adresy i numery telefon³w do polskich organizacji muzuÅmaÅskich i meczet³w w BiaÅymstoku, GdaÅsku i w Warszawie. Wywiady z polskimi muzuÅmanami oraz wykaz ksiÄ Å¼ek w jÄzyku polskim wydawanych przez Stowarzyszenie Student³w MuzuÅmaÅskich.Zawiera także czÄÅci po angielsku i niemiecku (ale o wiele mniejsze). http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/9192/ | |
66. Investigating Islam For those who are curious the Arabic text in the background is a phrase ending several verses in the Qur an and has the translation for people who think . http://www.islamic.org.uk/ | |
67. ISLAMSKE STRANICE ISLAM-BIH Diskutujte na forumu, pogledajte dio za djecu sa islamskim temama, posluÄ ajte Ilahije, uľivajte u prijevodu Kuran na bosanskom. http://www.islam-bih.net/ |
68. Islam.dk Information om islam med udgangspunkt i sunni. Alment, for studerende, muslimer. http://www.islam.dk/ |
69. Islam In Africa The development of the Muslim religion on the African continent. http://infoplease.lycos.com/ce6/society/A0825603.html | |
70. Moonsighting With Astronomy Khalid s Home of Astronomy Linked islamic Duties Scientific Historical Achievement Using Known Astronomy Today May 22, 2004 (Saturday) Rabial-Thani 3, 1425 AH. http://www.moonsighting.com/ | |
71. Islamisme Artikkel av Knut S.Vik¸r. Fra Centre for Middle Eastern and islamic Studies, Universitetet i Bergen. http://www.hf.uib.no/smi/meb/islamisme.html | |
72. An Introduction To Islam - ViewIslam.com Introductory information on islam, Muslims, Prophet Muhammed, Jesus Christ, God s existence for nonMuslims (Christians, Jews, etc.) and new-Muslims. http://www.viewislam.com/ | |
73. Kristeligt Dagblad - Avis Om Livets Store Spørgsmål. Tro, Etik Og Eksistens Samling af artikler fra Kristeligt Dagblad. http://www.kristeligt-dagblad.dk/tema:fid=100001480 | |
74. Islam (Materialien Zur Religionswissenschaft) islam. von Alois Payer. payer@well.com. Einführung Ausbreitung des islam. Religionsstatistik des islam. http://www.payer.de/islam/islam.htm | |
75. Islam Perusteet Tietoa islamista. Jumala, Koraani, islam, profeetta, ruoka, kirjasto, tapahtumat, moskeijaopas jne. http://www.islamopas.com/ | |
76. 877-WHY-ISLAM Website - Your Resource To Valuable Information On Islam Authentic and Useful information about islam, providing Free literature and brochures on islam, about beliefs and values in islam. http://www.whyislam.org/877/ | |
77. Gratisweb Página No Encontrada Recull de textos extrets d'altres obres formant un tot sobre la religi³ isl mica, modalitats, hist²ria i escoles jurdiques. Inclou enlla§os. http://orbita.starmedia.com/~serveis/islam/index.html | |
78. BBC - Religion & Ethics - Islam Detailed look at islam including history, worship, beliefs, customs, art, lifestyle and much more. Those who follow islam are called Muslims. http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/islam/ | |
79. Section 8.6 Polygamy In Islam Shows all of the verses on polygamy in the Qur'an. http://members.aol.com/MAmalek1/ch8s6.htm | |
80. Islam | Religions Of The World| BBC World Service islamincrease your understanding by reading and hearing about different religions from around the world. BBC World Service, islam Introduction. http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/people/features/world_religions/islam.shtml | |
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