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41. ? http://www.islamweb.net/ |
42. Living Islam islamic texts and references in English, French, Spanish, German, Swedish. http://www.abc.se/~m9783/islamic_texts.html | |
43. PBS - Islam: Empire Of Faith From Muhammad to the great Ottoman sultans, learn more about the history of the islamic Empire. A companion site to the PBS series islam Empire of Faith. http://www.pbs.org/empires/islam/ | |
44. Islam islam is a faith followed by 1/5 of the world s people. Learn more about islam, Muslims, and their beliefs and practices here. Search. islam http://islam.about.com/ | |
45. Porte Ouverte Sur L'islam Introduction sur l'islam. La femme dans l'islam. Les conversions. http://www.islamfrance.com | |
46. Understanding-Islam.org - Islam From Various Aspects In Light Of Qur'an And Sunn Here at Understanding islam we provide you with all information regarding islam. Overview of islam, Sources of islam. The Qur an, islamic Beliefs. http://www.understanding-islam.com/ | |
47. Light Of Islam Grundl¤ggande information om islams l¤ror. http://home.swipnet.se/islam/swedish.htm | |
48. ÅÐÇÚÉ ØÑíÞ ÇáÅÓáÇã The summary for this Arabic page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.islamway.com/ | |
49. *©*´¯`·.¸¸(AL-ISLAM)¸¸.·´¯`*©* Gott im islam, Frau im islam, Feste im islam. http://home.datacomm.ch/al-islam/ |
50. Welcome To The Religion Of Islam Home Page http://www.iad.org/ |
51. Introduction To Islam Introduction to islam. Allah (God). islam is the complete submission and obedience to Allah (God). The name Allah (God) in islam never http://www.iad.org/intro/intro.html | |
52. ★★★★★ DeBeste De Beste Bedrijvengids Nederlan Links naar alles wat met de islam te maken heeft. http://www.islam.debeste.nl |
53. Www.islaam.com/ Internet islamic History Sourcebook islam Faith and Theology. islam as a Modern Faith islam At Religious ToleranceSummary; Malcolm X On His Pilgrimmage to Mecca At Unn.UK; http://www.islaam.com/ |
54. Forum Studi Islam Dasardasar islam, islam ilmu pengetahuan, Al-quran dan terjemahan. http://members.tripod.com/~soni69/ | |
55. Wings.buffalo.edu/sa/muslim/isl/hadith1.html www.islamonline.net/ http://wings.buffalo.edu/sa/muslim/isl/hadith1.html |
56. 1 Stop Islamic Resources - Agama Islam - Marilah Berdakwah Ke Jalan Allah Mengenai daawah islamiah. Lengkap dengan hadis, quran, tazkirah, buku, wallpaper, saudara baru, dan kisah nabi. http://daawah.com |
57. Islamic & Muslim News & Information Radio islam ¨ un'associazione apolitica che promuove migliori e maggiori relazioni fra il mondo islamico e l'occidente. http://www.abbc.com/islam/italiano/ | |
58. Women In Islam Women in islam Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and committed helpers. From the last sermon of Prophet Mohammed. http://www.islamfortoday.com/women.htm | |
59. Homosexuality Gives a traditional Muslim view of homosexuality but with modern psychological insights and understanding. http://www.islamic.org.uk/homosex.html | |
60. Islamic & Muslim News & Information ABBC.COM, Your Muslim News, Koran Arabic Informational Center. Muslim Information Koran - Al jazeer - Arabic Inforamtion - islamic. http://www.abbc.com/ | |
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