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         Islam:     more books (97)
  1. Islam for Dummies by Malcolm Clark, 2003-04-28
  2. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Understanding Islam, 2nd Edition by Yahiya Emerick, 2004-11-02
  3. Islam and Peacebuilding: Gulen Movement Initiatives by John L. Esposito, Ihsan Yilmaz, 2010-08-16
  4. Christianity and Islam in Spain (756-1031) by Charles Reginald Haines, 2010-07-12
  5. Covering Islam: How the Media and the Experts Determine How We See the Rest of the World by Edward W. Said, 1997-03-11
  6. The Grand Jihad: How Islam and the Left Sabotage America by Andrew C McCarthy, 2010-05-25
  7. Answering Islam: The Crescent in Light of the Cross by Abdul Saleeb, Norman L. Geisler, 2002-08-01
  8. Nomad: From Islam to America: A Personal Journey Through the Clash of Civilizations by Ayaan Hirsi Ali, 2010-05-18
  9. What's Right with Islam: A New Vision for Muslims and the West by Feisal Abdul Rauf, 2005-05-01
  10. No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam by Reza Aslan, 2006-01-10
  11. Journey into America: The Challenge of Islam by Akbar Ahmed, 2010-06-15
  12. Islam: Religion, History, and Civilization by Seyyed Hossein Nasr, 2003-01-01
  13. Why We Left Islam: Former Muslims Speak Out by Susan Crimp, Joel Richardson, 2008-04-29
  14. Islam and Barack Hussein Obama: A Handbook on Islam by Dr. Stephen M. Kirby, 2010-07-20

21. Answering Islam, A Christian-Muslim Dialog And Apologetic
any justification for the torture and mutilation of enemies as commanded by Muhammad, the prophet of islam In a pamphlet entitled "islam Explained" (by the islamic Circle of North
Arabic Chinese Dutch English French
Indonesian / Malay Russian ...
  • Torture and Mutilation ...
    Is there any justification for the torture of Iraqis by Americans?
    Is there any justification for the torture and mutilation of enemies as commanded by Muhammad, the prophet of Islam?
    Read on...
    Who Was the Crucified One...
    As the movie "The Passion" makes headlines around the world, many people may begin to rethink their convictions about Jesus and his death. Muslims often claim that it was not even Jesus who died on that cross. What is the evidence?
    Read on...

    Read on...
    Which Roots ?
    People in the west whose ancestors were brought as slaves from Africa are being told by some Muslims that their "roots" are Islamic - that their ancestors were Muslims before they were sold into slavery in the west. They are also being told that their ancestors were forced to become Christians by their white slave masters. To what extent is this true? ... Whatever they may have been, how should our ancestors' beliefs effect us today?
    Read on...

22. Islam, Informasi Islam Indonesia, Pusat Informasi Dan Komunikasi Islam Indonesia
Pusat informasi dan komunikasi islam Indonesia.
islam, berita islam, informasi islam, islamic news, indonesian islamic news, pusat informasi dan komunikasi islam indonesia, indonesian islamic information and communication center, partai islam, situs-situs islam, website islam, situs islam, islam online, portal islam, homepage islam, islamic website, islamic homepage, islamic portal, islamic online, komunitas islam internet, internet islamic community, perjuangan islam, dakwah islam, pusat informasi islam, pusat komunikasi islam, indonesian islamic center, indonesian islamic information center, indonesian islamic communication center, majalah islam, bulletin islam, buletin islam, buku-buku islam Pengelola Al Islam Simpati Anda Laporan Keuangan Hubungi Kami Al Islam;
Editorial Al Islam

Hikmah Alquran

Dakwah Jumat
Cerita Islami

RUBRIK KHUSUS Aliran Pemikiran
Organisasi Islam

Dunia Misteri

Kisah Mualaf
FASILITAS AL ISLAM Info Buku Islam Konsultasi Islam Kirim Konsultasi Cari Arsip Data Subsribe ...! Dapatkan Newsletter ...! Ketik E-mail Anda ...!

23. ãæÞÚ ÇáÅÓáÇã
The summary for this Arabic page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. = 'Simplified Arabic'
e-mail address:

24. Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia :: JAKIM ::
Memberi maklumat asas islam, masjidmasjid persekutuan, kemusykilan agama, rujukan fatwa, sijil pengesahan halal, perpustakaan digital, dan aduan awam.
Mpeg Anda adalah pelawat yang ke sejak dilancarkan pada 16 Disember 1996 Aras 4-9 Blok D7, Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62519 Putrajaya Kemaskini :
18 Mei 2004
Festival Nasyid Kebangsaan Ke-15

Panduan Qiblat, carian dan jadual Waktu-waktu solat bagi seluruh dunia. e-rujukan Kemusykilan Agama Himpunan persoalan dan jawapan bagi setiap aspek kehidupan. Anda boleh bertanya kepada panel yg dilantik JAKIM.

25. Islam 101
islam101 is an educational site on islam, its civilization and culture. islam 101 is an educational site on islam, its way of life, civilization and culture.

The God

The Messenger

The Message
RIGHTS OF ENEMIES AT WAR ... Subscribe to our Email List: SABR Welcome to! Come in peace and be in peace with the Creator, yourself and the universe! Islam 101 is an educational site on Islam, its way of life, civilization and culture. It includes an introductory course on Islam and presents Islamic views on contemporary issues. Any one seeking person-to-person conferences should visit a local Masjid (Mosque) or call toll free at 1-800-662-ISLAM (USA). The One True God
The Holy Quran


Introduction to Islam
Quran, News, Songs, Stories
Belief in one God , Allah in Arabic, constitutes the very foundation of Islam. There is no deity except Allah. He is indivisible and absolutely transcendent. God is the Almighty, the Creator and the Sustainer of the universe, Who is similar to nothing and nothing is comparable to Him. Worship and obedience belongs to Allah and Allah alone. Any one worshipping other deities commits an unforgivable sin. The Holy Quran (also written as Koran ) is the Divine Book revealed to Muhammad (peace be on him). The Holy Quran confirms what was revealed to earlier prophets, including Moses and Jesus (peace be on them) and serves as the Criterion of right and wrong. The Quran is the only Book extant in its original text and is the only source of Guidance for all mankind.

26. Il Puro Islam
Sito dei Musulmani italiani seguaci della scuola sciita. Contiene descrizione, norme, principii dell'islam sciita.
Notizie dal Mondo Islamico Notizie dal Mondo Islamico Notizie dal Mondo islamico Notizie dal Mondo islamico I Come contattarci I Chi Siamo I Calendario Islamico I Pubblicazioni I Links I Orario Preghiere I "Compendio della Dottrima Islamica" Ayatollah Tabatabai Tradizioni del Profeta Mohammad e della sua immacolata Famiglia Islam I 14 Purissimi Perchè l'Islam Cosa dice l'Islam sul.. ... La Scia Duodecimana: Autentica Tradizione Spirituale ARTICOLI Confine tra Tawhid e Shirk
Soldati Americani in cerca di armi nelle case in Iraq "La più grande sfortuna di un paese è quella di spaventarsi poiché l’intimidazione, per le super-potenze, è un’arma più potente delle armi vere..." Imam Khamenei Agenzia d'Informazione dell'Associazione Islamica Ahl-Al-Bait Asciura e.. Abdelaziz Rantizzi: un altra vittima del terrorismo di stato d'Israele "Hamas non sarà indebolito dall’assassinio del suo leader nella Striscia di Gaza" Assassinato Sheikh Ahmad Yassin “Non temiamo le minacce di morte, ne ci pieghiamo alle pressioni. La resistenza continuerà fino alla fine dell'occupazione”.

MENU islam. The second largest world religion and growing. Click below to visit our sponsors. About islam Estimates of the total
The second largest world religion...and growing.
Click below to visit our sponsors.
" The messenger of Allah said: "Islam is to testify that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, to perform the prayers, to pay the zakat, to fast in Ramadhan, and to make the pilgrimage to the House if you are able to do so. " He said: " You have spoken rightly", Jebreel (Gabriel) from Number 2 of " Al-Nawawi's Forty Hadiths ." " If anyone harms (others), God will harm him, and if anyone shows hostility to others, God will show hostility to him ." Sunan of Abu-Dawood, Hadith 1625
About Islam:
Estimates of the total number of Muslims range from 0.7 to 1.2 billion worldwide and 1.1 to 7 million in the U.S. About 21% of all people on earth follow Islam. The religion is currently in a period of rapid growth. Christianity is currently the largest religion in the world. It is followed by about 33% of all people a percentage that has remained stable for decades. If current trends continue, Islam will become the most popular world religion sometime in the mid-21 st century.

Cites references to homosexuality in the Qur'an and Hadith, discusses history of islamic legal treatment of sexuality, gives links to other sources.
Click Here to Visit our Sponsors.
The Qur'an and Homosexuality:
There are five references in the Qur'an which have been cited as referring to gay and lesbian behavior. Some obviously deal with effeminate men and " masculine women ." The two main references to homosexual behavior are: " We also sent Lut : He said to his people : "Do ye commit lewdness such as no people in creation (ever) committed before you? For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds. " Qur'an 7:80-81 " What! Of all creatures do ye come unto the males, and leave the wives your Lord created for you? Nay, but ye are forward folk. " Qur'an 26:165 Both references relate to gay sexual activities; lesbian practices are not mentioned in the Qur'an. Lut is referred to as "Lot" in the Hebrew Scriptures. This passage is an apparent reference to the activities at Sodom and Gamorah . It seems to imply that there was no homosexual behavior before it first appeared in Sodom. This is a uniquely Islamic concept; it does not appear in Jewish or Christian beliefs. The passage also links the sin of Sodom (the reason for its destruction) to homosexuality. That linkage is contradicted by other verses in the Hebrew Scriptures.

29. Islam Questions & Answers Website
islam Questions and Answers visit islam Questions and Answers to get ntelligent, authoritative answers to questions about islam.

Oplysning, materiale og undervisning. Med sp¸rgebrevkasse, Bibelen p¥ arabisk, og udgivelser.
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Translate this page Seite wird geladen Berlin Horst Köhler im Dialog mit dem islam Kandidat betont Wichtigkeit des Gesprächs mit dem islam weiter
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News Elf Jahre nach Brandanschlag von Solingen


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weitere Meldungen
Termine 10. Islamwoche in Berlin Vom 31.05.2004 - 06.06.2004 findet wieder die Islamwoche statt. MJ-Meeting 2004 - Carpe diem MJ-Meeting findet unter dem Motto "Carpe diem" vom 28 bis 31 Mai statt. Islamische Feiertage Islamische Feiertage bis 2004 neu: Islamische Feiertage 2004 bis 2010 Veranstaltungskalender Weitere Termine im Veranstaltungskalender Islamische Charta - mehrsprachig Islamische Charta Zentralrats der Muslime in Deutschland (ZMD) zur Beziehung der Muslime zum Staat und zur Gesellschaft. Islamic Charta in english Charte Islamique Islami Karta Was halten Sie von der Islamischen Charta - Ihre Stellungnahme interessiert uns. Selbstdarstellung des Zentralrats der Muslime in Deutschland Auslandsmeldungen Foren auf Forum "Euro-Islam" Diskutieren Sie mit: Wird der "Euro-Islam" kommen? Wie soll er aussehen? Wie stellen sich Muslime und Nichtmuslime den (selbst)kritischen Dialog vor?

32. Islam W Polsce
Jeden z największych serwis³w o islame, zawiera pełne wydanie Koranu, chat room, kurs modlitwy, serwis informacyjny, galerię, zbi³r artykuł³w i in.

33. Answering Islam, A Christian-Muslim Dialog And Apologetic
Read on Does islam Promote Peace? Consider the following seven pieces of data. Read on © Answering islam, 1999 2004. All rights reserved.
Arabic Chinese Dutch English French
Indonesian / Malay Russian ...
  • Torture and Mutilation ...
    Is there any justification for the torture of Iraqis by Americans?
    Is there any justification for the torture and mutilation of enemies as commanded by Muhammad, the prophet of Islam?
    Read on...
    Who Was the Crucified One...
    As the movie "The Passion" makes headlines around the world, many people may begin to rethink their convictions about Jesus and his death. Muslims often claim that it was not even Jesus who died on that cross. What is the evidence?
    Read on...

    Read on...
    Which Roots ?
    People in the west whose ancestors were brought as slaves from Africa are being told by some Muslims that their "roots" are Islamic - that their ancestors were Muslims before they were sold into slavery in the west. They are also being told that their ancestors were forced to become Christians by their white slave masters. To what extent is this true? ... Whatever they may have been, how should our ancestors' beliefs effect us today?
    Read on...

34. Informativni Portal
islamski informativni portal namijenjen edukaciji i informisanju muslimana kao i njegovanju i afirmaciji tradicionalnih vrijednosti Boąnjaka.

35. Christianity Vs. Islam In Africa: A 19th Century Debate -
This article deals with a late 19th Century debate in London about whether Christianity had failed in Africa, whether islam was more appropriate for Africa than Christianity, and how racism within Great Britain caused Christian missions to fail in converting and civilizing Africa in the 19th Century.

African History
History and Politics
Search The Web Member Central Join Our Community! Login What's New Become a SuiteU Affiliate ... MemberUpdate Suite University About Suite University Suite University News Visit the University Course Listing ... FREE Demo Course New Topics Agora News Foraging Wild Foods Soapmaking All About the Olympics ... More... Suite Events Teacher Appreciation Event 2004 Family Focus 2004 In Tune With Johann Sebastian Bach More about Suite101 About - Select a related topic - African History American Reconstruction a Ancient Biographies Ancient British History Autograph Collecting Biographies British Social History Canadian Politics Civil War 1856-62 Crimean War Current Events - The Paci East Asian History Framing Political Issues Great American Plains History of the Bizarre an Inspirational People International Affairs and International Trade and P John Kerry Libertarian Liechtenstein Life in Canada Maine People North American Genealogy Peace Process Political Pro's Politics Conservative Postcolonial Studies Presidential Elections 19 Republicans Royal History Russian History and Cultu Shropshire Past and Prese The American Civil War The Old West The Rutherford Report The Underground Railroad Tudor England United States Labor Histo US History 1929-1945
- Select a related course - An Introduction to Classi Ancient India B.C. 323 to

36. The Sword Of Islam ... War Against Israel And The West!
Charges that islam is on the move and is prepared to extinguish any and all civilizations that get in its way.
THE SPREAD OF ISLAM: Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. Islam, Palestine, Moslem, Muslim, israel, israeli, israeli occupation, Intifada, Palestinian Intifada, Jihad, Holy War, Koran, Holy Koran, Middle East, Middle East Peace, Peace Process, Middle East Conflict, Arab, Israeli, Israel, Jews, bin Laden, Osama bin Laden
In the name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate
Go Out and Kill Jews, Christians, Buddhists and Hindus!
Today It's the Gun and the Qur'an (Koran)...
Tomorrow It Will Be Nukes and the Qur'an ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION?
What an oxymoron! Since when IS barbarism called civilization?
Islam is an anti-civilization cult par excellence . It destroyed every civilization it touched and brought misery, poverty, ignorance and war in every country that it invaded! F ACT: 90%-95% OF ALL THE CONFLICTS ON THIS PLANET TODAY INVOLVE MUSLIMS FIGHTING NON-MUSLIMS OR EACH OTHER! ISLAM: "Religion of Peace?" F ACT: BILLION Muslims in the World 280 Million Americans 5½ Million Israelis Surrounded by 350 Million Arab Muslims!!!

37. Women In Islam: Muslim Women
Women in islam Muslim Women. The issue of women in islam is highly controversial. Gender Equity in islam and; The Status of Woman in islam.
Women in Islam: Muslim Women
"Islamic" feminism, just as women of color in the West have been developing "womanism" in contrast to feminism, which primarily was shaped by the concerns of upper-class Euro-American women. One example of the differences between Western feminism and Islamic feminism concerns the issue of "veiling." The hijab (often translated as "veil") is the form of scarf or hair covering commonly worn by Muslim women. It has always been seen by the Western feminist as oppressive and as a symbol of a Muslim woman's subservience to men. As a result, it often comes as a surprise to Western feminists that the veil has become increasingly common in the Muslim world and is often worn proudly by college girls as a symbol of an Islamic identity, freeing them symbolically from neo-colonial Western cultural imperialism and domination. Excellent information on the subject of Islam and women can be obtained from the Muslim Women's League. (Fixed March 7, 1999; also back on line 22 July 2001.) It contains, among other things, their position papers and articles, some of which are as follows:
  • Issues of Concern for Muslim Women
  • Spiritual Role of Women
  • Women in Society: Political Participation
  • Gender Equality in Islam ...
  • An Islamic Perspective on Hijab (veiling),
  • 38. Islam I Norge
    Av Oddbj¸rn Leirvik. Med statistikk, artikkel om forskjellige retninger og tendenser, litteraturoversikt og oversikt over muslimske organisasjonar og mosk©er i Norge.
    Islam i Norge
    Oversikt, med bibliografi Islam i Norge, statistikk Islam i Norge, tendensar Islam i Oslo/Akershus, organisasjonar Islam i Norge, organisasjonar i andre fylke
    Islam i Norge, statistikk I 2003 budde det truleg omlag 115 000 menneske med muslimsk bakgrunn i Norge. Ingen offentleg statistikk registerer kven som er "muslimar" i den forstand at dei har islam som sin heimlandsbakgrunn Lydighetens vei, innvandrarbefolkninga medlemmer av eit muslimsk trussamfunn i Norge, er ei anna sak, og kan avlesast av trussamfunnsstatistikken. Muslimsk bakgrunn: Mange av muslimane i Norge er innvandrarar , dvs. arbeidsmigrantar frå 70-talet, med påfølgande familiesameining og familievekst i Norge på 80-talet. Tala nedanfor viser dei viktigaste innvandrargruppene frå land med meir enn 95% muslimar iflg. Statistisk Sentralbyrå si oversikt pr. 12. juni 2003 for innvandrarbefolkninga sin landbakgrunn (= "eige, mors eller fars fødeland [dersom det er utanlandsk] for utanlandsfødde eller personar med to utanlandsfødde foreldre"). Dersom ein også hadde rekna med barn av norskfødde foreldre med muslimsk identitet (det siste finst det rimelegvis ingen statistikk for), hadde tala blitt ein del høgre. norske konvertittar.

    39. Verde Islam. Revista De Información Y Análisis
    Revista digital isl¡mica de informaci³n y an¡lisis, generada en Espa±a.
    Revista digital de Información y Análisis. Número 19. Año 6. 2002
    Número Actual
    Editorial O tros números

    40. Islam
    Artikler fra Morten M¸bjergs skrivestue.
    Sharia Kristendom og Islam - set fra Rom
    Man var moderne og frisindet i familien og ville for alt i verden ikke skyldes for at diskriminere nogen eller noget - for slet ikke at tale om racistiske fordomme.
    Dansk kristendom.
    Kristendom og Islam.
    Trosbekendelsen i Islam
    "Der er ingen Gud uden Allah og Muhammed er hans sendebud". fem 1) Trosbekendelsen. Tiende Fasten Pi
    Trosbekendelsen i Kirken.
    Den apostolske Trosbekendelse forskelle Vi Fader som er undfanget ved af Jomfru Maria, opfaret til himmels, hvorfra han skal komme den hellige, almindelige kirke, de helliges samfund, Denne censur taler for sig selv. Jeg vil knytte fgl. korte kommentarer til:
    Praktisk/kulturelle forhold.
    Mennesker af god vilje. a) Pornografi c) Den frie abort Mange smukke ord kan koranen og muslimen bruge om Allah, men aldrig ordet til at beskrive hans forhold til mennesker. Han forbliver altid Tilbage til top
    Jesus Kristus
    Sunnaen Hadith . Sammen med Koranen er Hadith basis for Sharia
    Tilbage til top.

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