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21. Answering Islam, A Christian-Muslim Dialog And Apologetic any justification for the torture and mutilation of enemies as commanded by Muhammad, the prophet of islam In a pamphlet entitled "islam Explained" (by the islamic Circle of North http://www.answering-islam.org/ | |
22. Islam, Informasi Islam Indonesia, Pusat Informasi Dan Komunikasi Islam Indonesia Pusat informasi dan komunikasi islam Indonesia. http://www.alislam.or.id | |
23. ãæÞÚ ÇáÅÓáÇã The summary for this Arabic page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.al-islam.com/arb/ | |
24. Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia :: JAKIM :: Memberi maklumat asas islam, masjidmasjid persekutuan, kemusykilan agama, rujukan fatwa, sijil pengesahan halal, perpustakaan digital, dan aduan awam. http://www.islam.gov.my/ | |
25. Islam 101 islam101 is an educational site on islam, its civilization and culture. islam 101 is an educational site on islam, its way of life, civilization and culture. http://www.islam101.com/ | |
26. Il Puro Islam Sito dei Musulmani italiani seguaci della scuola sciita. Contiene descrizione, norme, principii dell'islam sciita. http://www.shia-islam.org | |
27. ISLAM MENU islam. The second largest world religion and growing. Click below to visit our sponsors. About islam Estimates of the total http://www.religioustolerance.org/islam.htm | |
28. ISLAM AND HOMOSEXUALITY Cites references to homosexuality in the Qur'an and Hadith, discusses history of islamic legal treatment of sexuality, gives links to other sources. http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_isla.htm | |
29. Islam Questions & Answers Website islam Questions and Answers visit islam Questions and Answers to get ntelligent, authoritative answers to questions about islam. http://www.islam-qa.com/ |
30. KIVIK.dk Oplysning, materiale og undervisning. Med sp¸rgebrevkasse, Bibelen p¥ arabisk, og udgivelser. http://www.kivik.dk/ | |
31. Islam.de Translate this page islam.de. Seite wird geladen Berlin Horst Köhler im Dialog mit dem islam Kandidat betont Wichtigkeit des Gesprächs mit dem islam weiter http://www.islam.de/ | |
32. Islam W Polsce Jeden z najwiÄkszych serwis³w o islame, zawiera peÅne wydanie Koranu, chat room, kurs modlitwy, serwis informacyjny, galeriÄ, zbi³r artykuųw i in. http://www.islam.pl/ |
33. Answering Islam, A Christian-Muslim Dialog And Apologetic Read on Does islam Promote Peace? Consider the following seven pieces of data. Read on © Answering islam, 1999 2004. All rights reserved. http://answering-islam.org.uk/ | |
34. Islam.co.ba-Islamski Informativni Portal islamski informativni portal namijenjen edukaciji i informisanju muslimana kao i njegovanju i afirmaciji tradicionalnih vrijednosti BoÄ njaka. http://www.islam.co.ba |
35. Christianity Vs. Islam In Africa: A 19th Century Debate - Suite101.com This article deals with a late 19th Century debate in London about whether Christianity had failed in Africa, whether islam was more appropriate for Africa than Christianity, and how racism within Great Britain caused Christian missions to fail in converting and civilizing Africa in the 19th Century. | |
36. The Sword Of Islam ... War Against Israel And The West! Charges that islam is on the move and is prepared to extinguish any and all civilizations that get in its way. http://www.masada2000.org/islam.html | |
37. Women In Islam: Muslim Women Women in islam Muslim Women. The issue of women in islam is highly controversial. Gender Equity in islam and; The Status of Woman in islam. http://www.arches.uga.edu/~godlas/Islamwomen.html | |
38. Islam I Norge Av Oddbj¸rn Leirvik. Med statistikk, artikkel om forskjellige retninger og tendenser, litteraturoversikt og oversikt over muslimske organisasjonar og mosk©er i Norge. http://folk.uio.no/leirvik/tekster/IslamiNorge.html | |
39. Verde Islam. Revista De Información Y Análisis Revista digital isl¡mica de informaci³n y an¡lisis, generada en Espa±a. http://www.verdeislam.com/ | |
40. Islam Artikler fra Morten M¸bjergs skrivestue. http://home1.inet.tele.dk/moebjerg/islam.htm | |
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