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         Hellenismos:     more books (68)
  1. The Gods of Reason: An Authentic Theology for Modern Hellenismos by Timothy Jay Alexander, 2007-09-23
  2. A Beginner's Guide to Hellenismos by Timothy Jay Alexander, 2007-06-07
  3. Hellenismos kai E.P.A. =: Hellenism and the U.S. : constructions, deconstructions (American studies in Greece ; ser. 1)
  4. Roumania: Hellenismos, techne, orthodoxia (Greek Edition) by Demetres Delegiannes, 1995
  5. Ho Australiotes Hellenismos (Greek Edition) by Andreas Papageorgopoulos, 1981
  6. O Hellenismo E a Civilisação Christan by Joaquim Pedro Oliveira Martins, 2010-03-05
  7. Ioudaismos-hellenismos: Essai sur le judaisme judeen a l'epoque hellenistique (French Edition) by Edouard Will, 1986
  8. Longing For Wisdom: The Message Of The Maxims by Allyson Szabo, 2008-06-27
  9. Orthodoxia, Hellenismos: Poreia sten trite chilietia (Greek Edition)
  10. Ho Hellenismos ton enomenon politeion. Prologos hypo tou M. Mpalphour. The Hellenism of the United States with an English Summary. Foreword by Doctor M. C. Balfour.
  11. Voreios Makedonia: Ho Hellenismos Tes Stromnitses... by Athanasios A. Angelopoulos, 1980-01-01
  12. A Beginners Guide to Hellenismos
  13. Latinitas and Hellenismos: The Influence of the Stoic Theory of Style As Shown in the Writings of Dionysius, Quintilian, Pliny the Younger, Tacitus, Fronto, Aulus Gellius, and Sextus Empiricus by Charles Newton Smiley, 2010-03-22
  14. Hellenismos: Hellenic Polytheistic Reconstructionism, Supreme Council of Ethnikoi Hellenes

1. Untitled Document

hellenismos. Welcome to our web site!On this home page we celebrate Traditional Polytheistic Religiosity honnoring hellenismos, the Hellenic Religion, the great religious heritage of Ancient Greece
HELLENISMOS —Welcome to our web site!
—On this home page we celebrate Traditional Polytheistic Religiosity honnoring HELLENISMOS, the Hellenic Religion, the great religious heritage of Ancient Greece and Classical Civilization! It is the religion that gave birth to the great miracle of the Classical Golden Age, Greek Philosophy, Greek Art and Olympic Games! Today the Hellenic Religion is alive and well and illuminates with its Basic Principles the great worldover Paganist Revival!
—We are honored that you are visiting our web site. Being a religious organization, we are always striving to find new ways to get our message out to current and prospective members. This web site is presented by us, the Hellenic Religion of Dodecatheon Society of Sheffield University, in order to reach people we may never have been able to contact before for the puurpose of informing them about the eternal thruths about the Man and the Cosmos that brings to modern man the Most Sacred Hellenic Tradition.
—Please use this site to access the information you need about the Greek Heritage and Spirituality and as a resource, if you are already a Paganist, for broadening your faith in the concept of Polytheism. But, if you are a seeker in the Spiritual road confused with the conflicting ideas of the various spiritual paths, note that the Hellenic Religion constitutes a complete philosophical and theological system without obscurities or logical flaws; moreover it offers God-inspireed reasonable and convincing answers to the spiritual quests of modern man, as you can judge it by yourself considering the Basic Principles of the Hellenic Religion, as they are inherited to us by our Holy Tradition and the philosophical reflection of the great philosophers of Hellas.

3. What Is Hellensimos?
An introduction to the religion of Greek Reconstructionism, or hellenismos What is hellenismos? An introduction to Greek Reconstructionism by guest author, Drew hellenismos is the traditional, polytheistic religion of ancient Greece, reconstructed in and
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Hellenismos is the traditional, polytheistic religion of ancient Greece, reconstructed in and adapted to the modern world. This religion is also referred to as Hellenic Polytheism, Hellenic Reconstructionist Paganism, or simply Hellenism. Those who practice it are variously known as Hellenic polytheists, Hellenic pagans, Hellenic Reconstructionists, Hellenists, or Hellenes. We worship the divinities of ancient Greece, especially the Olympians: Zeus, Hera, Athena, Hephaistos, Apollo, Artemis, Demeter, Dionysos, Hermes, Ares, Poseidon, and Aphrodite, along with Hades and Hestia. We also honor the chthonic (underworld) deities, nature divinities, and heroes. Most of us view the gods as distinct divine persons, each with his or her own interests, areas of influence, and agenda for the world and for us, a theological position often referred to as

4. Hellenismos FAQ (The Cauldron: A Pagan Forum)
Information on Greek/Hellenic Reconstructionist Paganism. The Cauldron is an active, friendly virtual community for members of Pagan religions and their friends, featuring a threaded message board
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Basic Definitions
What is Hellenismos? Where does the term "Hellenismos" come from? What is "Reconstructionism"? Is everyone who worships the Greek gods today a Reconstructionist? How does one become a member of your religion?

5. Sannion's Sanctuary
Contains personal writings, essays, rants about modern Paganism, and lots of material on hellenismos, focusing especially on Dionysos, Apollo, and the Muses.
ONLY $6.95

Sannion's Sanctuary For the current Hellenic month see HMEPA Khaire, my friends and welcome to Sannion's Sanctuary! Come visit my newly redesigned site!!!
The links below will take you to the appropriate sections on the new site. However, all of my writings are still up on the bravepages site, for those who have links to me.
  • Hellenic Polytheism Polytheism, Hellenismos , and articles on my Patrons Dionysos, Apollo, and the Muses General Writings Short stories, poetry, and other modest attempts at creativity on my part Modest Proposition Watch as people try to convert me Pagan Rants Railing against fluffiness in Paganism, and whatever else is on my mind links Continue your quest for knowledge in the hands of those better able to teach you Who is Sannion If you'd like to leave a message for me about the site, either e-mail me or visit the Guest Book To read my online journal, go

6. HELLENISMOS - Spiritualità: "Per Una Icona Della Chiesa" Di Francesco Pio Tambu
tradizione delle Chiese, ha un riferimento essenziale ad un archetipo
FRANCESCO PIO TAMBURRINO Per una Icona della Chiesa L'icona, nella tradizione delle Chiese, ha un riferimento essenziale ad un archetipo: l'immagine ha senso in relazione a ciò che rappresenta. Questa distinzione tra la materia dell'immagine e l'archetipo raffigurato, è colta spontaneamente in molte espressioni umane che utilizzano la mediazione figurativa. Una vedova che, in una stanza di casa, depone un fiore davanti al ritratto di suo marito o una mamma che imprime un bacio alla fotografia del figlio lontano, intendono esprimere il loro affetto per la persona cara e manifestare, in un gesto esteriore rivolto ad una immagine, la continuità di un rapporto d'amore, reso vivo e attuale dall'immagine. L'iconografia sacra consente di trasporre nei gesti cultuali, diretti alle immagini, i rapporti di fede che legano il credente con l'archetipo raffigurato. "L'onore reso all'icona - afferma S. Basilio - è diretto al prototipo" ( Sullo Spirito Santo , XVIII, 45, 19, Sources Chrétiennes , 17 bis, 469).

7. Hellenism & The New Age
A hellenismos based message board with an accent on new age style activities.
"); else document.write(""); // >
The Wise Owl
Invite Friends! Login Register Your Free Account (Required) Search Help ... Need help logging in? Welcome to The Wise Owl! Discuss the New Age as it relates to the Hellenic Pagan Tradition. Trading Post, Pagan Romance and more!
1 visitor in the last 15 minutes: Members - 1 Guest - Anonymous
Page Topic Replies Last Comment Started By 5/28/04 8:03 am
by: Druansha Druansha question... 4/6/04 8:20 pm
by: Druansha trixie Test Drive the Knighthood Page 3/24/04 7:36 pm Druansha Where is the Gooddess taking me.... NOW? 3/18/04 11:08 am Druansha 3/4/04 12:09 pm
by: Druansha Druansha Won't you join the Knighthood of Athena !? 12/16/03 10:14 pm Druansha LOOK NOW!!! TEMPLE OF ATHENA Forum Annual MEETING!!! 12/9/03 1:41 pm Druansha Pagan Songs! 10/29/03 10:38 pm
by: SerahSings Druansha Does anybody here do fortune-telling? 10/5/03 3:49 pm
by: male992000 Wise Owl NEWSLETTER! 10/2/03 2:48 pm
by: Druansha Druansha A Pagan Family 10/2/03 9:58 am
by: Nyktophylax Hellenism not..... Trendy?

8. Hellenismos/Greek Recon At Alternative Religion
Search. Alternative Religions, hellenismos/Greek Revival Guide picks.Modern interpretations of Greek practices of antiquity. The Stele
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Alternative Religions Neopaganism/ Recon/ Druidry Hellenismos Home Essentials A-Z Site Map Alternative Religions Library ... Priory of Sion zau(256,152,145,'gob',''+gs,''); Religions A-Z Image Gallery Library Hermetic Tradition ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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Hellenismos / Greek Revival
The Hellenistic revival...modern attempts to reconstruct the rich religious traditions of Ancient Greece. Learn about modern Helenic and Roman Paganism, or use our resources for rituals, hymns, and much more.
Recent The Stele The homepage for Omphalos, the Graeco-Roman revivalist's networking site. Links, a bulletin board, rituals, essays, and more. Altars and Sacred Space Hellenic Pagan author explains the history and use of Altars and sanctuaries in Hellenic religious practice, and includes links to photographs of ancient altars and source materials. Hellenion The site of an organized Hellenic "Church," contains interesting essays and educational information.

9. Hellenismos/Greek Recon At Alternative Religion
Alternative Religions, hellenismos / Greek Revival. The Hellenistic revival modernattempts to reconstruct the rich religious traditions of Ancient Greece.
zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') About Alternative Religions Neopaganism/ Recon/ Druidry Hellenismos Home Essentials A-Z Site Map Alternative Religions Library ... Priory of Sion zau(256,152,145,'gob',''+gs,''); Religions A-Z Image Gallery Library Hermetic Tradition ... Help zau(256,138,125,'el','','');w(xb+xb);
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Subscribe to the About Alternative Religions newsletter. Search Alternative Religions
Hellenismos / Greek Revival
The Hellenistic revival...modern attempts to reconstruct the rich religious traditions of Ancient Greece. Learn about modern Helenic and Roman Paganism, or use our resources for rituals, hymns, and much more.
Recent The Stele The homepage for Omphalos, the Graeco-Roman revivalist's networking site. Links, a bulletin board, rituals, essays, and more. Altars and Sacred Space Hellenic Pagan author explains the history and use of Altars and sanctuaries in Hellenic religious practice, and includes links to photographs of ancient altars and source materials. Hellenion The site of an organized Hellenic "Church," contains interesting essays and educational information.

10. Hands-On Hellenismos HandsOn hellenismos. What is hellenismos? we provide a little more of a definition of what hellenismos is. This page attempts to provide an answer to that

11. PAGAN - Hellenismos Top Links
hellenismos Web Site Links. The Pythia s Page Site dedicated toApollo and his shrine at Delphi. Alexandria - Home page of the

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Minoan and Mykenaion
Hellenismos Web Site Links The Pythia's Page - Site dedicated to Apollo and his shrine at Delphi.
- Home page of the Alexandria Society and "Alexandria: The Journal of the Western Cosmological Tradition."
The Stele, homepage of the Omphalos
- The Omphalos is a networking organization for Graeco-Roman Polytheists. The Stele contains many resources for followers of Greek or Roman traditions.
Lyre Magazine
- The journal of Hellenic spirituality.
The Hellenic Pantheon
- Spyros Tyrakis' collection of links and files on the Hellenic pantheon.
Hesiod, the Homeric Hymns and Homerica
The Shrine of the Goddess Athena - Dedicated to the Goddess Athena. Threskia - Greek Thelemic tradition. Jasmine's Bookshelf - Books for Hellenic Polytheists. Focussing on academic publications. The Temple of Hecate Online - Online temple dedicated to the goddess Hecate constructed of graphics. Olympian Deities - Information on Hellenic deities and thoughts on Hellenic Polytheism. An award is also offered for other Hellenic sites. Eleusis - Recovering the Western Spiritual Tradition - Dedicated to reviving ancient Greek and Celtic traditions.

12. Hands-On Hellenism
The idea behind HandsOn Hellenism is to provide practical information about hellenismos(polytheism more or less in the manner of the people of ancient Greece
@import "layout1.css"; Sponde! Hands-On Hellenism What is Hellenismos? ...
Hands-On Hellenism
by Arion, member of Hellenion and CUUPS The idea behind Hands-On Hellenism is to provide practical information about Hellenismos (polytheism more or less in the manner of the people of ancient Greece), how to practice, and what is really going on in Hellenismos today. I hope to keep things relatively simple and approachable. My goal here is to clarify and to help, not to impress you and make you think I am really special. Hellenismos has much to offer society today, and we hope to share some glimmer of that with people who browse this site. And we hope to make information available that will help clarify just what it is that devotees of Hellenismos actually do and assist newcomers grappling with practical questions of how to go about it in a fairly traditional way. In response to a request from one helpful reader of these pages, a collection of answers to the question What is Hellenismos? is coming together on the What is Hellenismos?

13. What Is Hellenismos?
What is hellenismos? hellenismos is one of the names for the religion that I practice I prefer hellenismos because it is the most accurate description, as it encompasses the
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What is Hellenismos? Hellenismos is one of the names for the religion that I practice. Other terms are Hellenism, Hellenic or Greek Reconstructionism, Olympianism, Dodecatheism, Greek Paganism, Greco-Roman Paganism, Classical Paganism, or simply Paganism. I prefer Hellenismos because it is the most accurate description, as it encompasses the whole complex of Greek ethnicity, language, culture, religion, and way of life. For the ancients, there was no word which corresponded completely to our modern concept of religion. The closest word is eusebia which means "pious interaction with the Gods." Obviously, we mean a great deal more than that when we speak of religion. When we ask someone "What religion do you practice?" we have an idea that their "religion" will refer to a specific kind of lifestyle, to a normative creed that codifies one's basic beliefs about God(s), man, ethical existence, and the afterlife, and that they will only belong to one religion at one time. For the ancients, however, this was not the case. Religion wasn't something that you chose. It was something that had been passed down from a very long time ago - perhaps even from the beginning of time - and everyone had always done it this way. Your great grandparents, your grandparents, your parents, you, your children, your children's children all formed part of an unbroken line that united the past with the future. Religion did not consist of a collection of proper ideas about things, but in the proper performance of the ancient rituals. Certainly there were basic ideas about the Gods, and life, and our place in the kosmos that most people shared in common - but there was also a lot of room for divergent opinions on the matter, and indeed people were encouraged to think these things out for themselves. But this - and properly so - was the concern of philosophy, not religion.

14. Hands-On Hellenismos
What is hellenismos? One helpful reader of these pages asked that weprovide a little more of a definition of what hellenismos is.
@import "layout1.css"; Sponde! Hands-On Hellenismos What is Hellenismos? ...
What is Hellenismos?
One helpful reader of these pages asked that we provide a little more of a definition of what Hellenismos is. This page attempts to provide an answer to that question, or rather a variety of answers. It is hoped that this page will present a healthy variety of perspectives.
Hector Lugo:
Hellenismos is a term being used in more than one way in the modern world. The word means Hellenism, which is a word used to describe the culture, religions, language, and customs of the Greek people who call themselves Hellenes. This means that the term Hellenism includes the ancient and modern peoples of Greece, and the various religions and customs that have come about in that land. In paganism, however, Hellenism refers to the ancient polytheistic system of religious belief, custom, language and ritual that flourished in Greece and the surrounding Aegean and Mediterranean world from prehistoric times to the conversion of Rome to Christianity. More narrowly construed, the word refers to the religious beliefs and practices of the Hellenic people from the time of Homer, roughly 800 BCE to the times of the conquest of Greece by Rome. Hellenismos is a broader term than Olympianism or Dodekatheon (Religion of the Twelve Gods) because it is inclusive of all the variants of beliefs and theology in the Hellenic World which had a broad range of cults and practices.

15. Hellenismos Tradition In Pagan And Witchcraft Directory
Witchcraft, Wicca, Pagan and Occult Resources. Pagan Religions andTraditions. hellenismos. Alexandria Home page of the Alexandria
Witchcraft, Wicca, Pagan and Occult Resources
Pagan Religions and Traditions
Alexandria - Home page of the Alexandria Society and "Alexandria: The Journal of the Western Cosmological Tradition." Athena Wisdom - Site dedicated to the Goddess Athena. Australian Gentile Hellenes - Fighting for the restoration of our true Hellenic religion and traditions. Biblioteca Arcana - Theory, history, practice of the ancient Greek religion. Includes articles, hymns, and poetry as well. CHEIRON, Hellenic Ethnic religion - For the revival of the Hellenic Ethnic religion. Information about the religion, mythology and festivals of the ancient Hellenes. Cheiron Hellenic site - Information about the Hellenic religion, philosophy, mythology and more, also has information from other polytheist traditions. Christian Persecutions Against The Hellenes - A chronological summary by historian and author Vlassis Rassias Church of Thessally - An organization attempting to recreate the ancient belief system. Members undergo training which lasts for at least 4 to 5 years. Diipetes Journal - Diipetes Journal exists since "1991" and promotes in a bimonthly basis the ethnic, polytheistic Hellenic Tradition and Religion. Member of the World Congress Of Ethnic Religions (WCER).

16. ÅëëÞíùí Ôüðïé
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17. ÅëëÞíùí Ôüðïé - ÈÝìáôá
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Ôñßëïöïò, ÅõìïëðéÜò, Öéëéððïýðïëéò (óçìåñéíü Plovdiv )

18. Spirit And Sky Religion: Pagan: Hellenismos
Contains personal writings, essays, rants about modern Paganism, and lots of materialon hellenismos, focusing especially on Dionysos, Apollo, and the Muses.
Home religion pagan : hellenismos
the entire directory only this category More search options Home Search Suggest a Site ... About The Artist Categories:
Festivals Frequently Asked Questions Mailing Lists Reconstructionist ... pagan : hellenismos Links:
  • Alexandria Alexandria The Alexandria Society and "Alexandria: The Journal of the Western Cosmological Tradition."
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 13900
  • Cheiron Hellenic Cheiron Hellenic Information about the Hellenic religion, philosophy, mythology and more, also has information from other polytheist traditions.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 13908
  • Christian Persecutions Against The Hellenes Christian Persecutions Against The Hellenes A chronological summary by historian and author Vlassis Rassias.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 13907
  • Dodecatheon Dodecatheon Official site of the traditional polytheistic Hellenic religion of the Dodekatheon, news, free articles, pictures, movies, about greek religion, classical Hellas and religious freedom.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 13913
  • Druansha's Heart Druansha's Heart Hellenistic polytheism in Ancient Greece. Includes information on the pantheon, Pythagorean mysticism, creatures, Orphic Hymns, and rituals.

19. Spirit And Sky Religion: Pagan: Hellenismos: Reconstructionist
the entire directory only this category More search options. Home Search Suggest a Site Submission Guidelines What s New
Home religion pagan hellenismos : reconstructionist
the entire directory only this category More search options Home Search Suggest a Site ... hellenismos : reconstructionist Links:
  • Church of Thessally Church of Thessally An organization attempting to recreate the ancient belief system. Members undergo training which lasts for at least 4 to 5 years.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 13960
  • Diipetes Journal Diipetes Journal Diipetes Journal exists since "1991" and promotes in a bimonthly basis the ethnic, polytheistic Hellenic Tradition and Religion. Member of the World Congress Of Ethnic Religions (WCER)
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 13956
  • Eremia Eremia Polish page for Hellenic reconstructionism.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 13962
  • Helliniki Hetaireia Archaiophilon Helliniki Hetaireia Archaiophilon Non-profit organization, dedicated to the revival of the traditional Hellenic religion of the Dodecatheon.
    (Added: Thu Jan 01 2004) ID 13955
  • Press release from the S.G.H. in Greece Press release from the S.G.H. in Greece A press release from the Supreme Council of the Gentile Hellenes in Greece which outlines them and their practices.

20. Hellenic Polytheism
116-02 The Miracles of Dionysos An article on the miracles and epiphanies of Dionysos12-26-01 How a year has changed my view of hellenismos How my emphasis
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Hellenic Polytheism "The beliefs we have received from our ancestors - beliefs as old as time - cannot be destroyed by any argument, nor by any ingenuity the mind can invent." Euripides, the Bacchae Hellênismos - or Hellenic Polytheism - is a reconstructionist form of Paganism inspired by the ancient religions, culture, and philosophy of Greece. We feel that the cultural and religious insights of the ancients still have value today, and strive to balance the past with the present. In the following essays I hope to show some ways that this can be accomplished. May the Gods bless you, and may you find enjoyment in my words! After the Smoke Clears What to do once the sacrifice is finished 5-12-03
Living with the Gods
Seeing the Gods in all parts of your life and a basic outline for daily sacrifices 2-09-03
Apomainesthai: A Rite of Relaxation
Something to clear the head 1-28-03
Shrine to Hermes
A votive shrine for Hermes after a safe journey 01-09-03
Top Ten Reasons Not to Practice Hellênismos
A humorous look at the religion I love 12-16-02
Fragments from Eunomius'
Loves of Apollo A portion of a lost epic that I translated 11-04-02
Is Belief Enough?

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