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101. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Lapsi The regular designation in the third century for Christians who relapsed into heathenism, especially for those who during the persecutions displayed weakness in the face of torture, and denied the Faith by sacrificing to the heathen gods or by any other acts. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09001b.htm | |
102. Anglo-Saxon Heathen Heritage AngloSaxon heathen Heritage. more. when the new religion failed to suit their needs and answer the questions that the heathen religion would always answer. http://www.englishheathenism.homestead.com/heathenheritage.html | |
103. Mercia Heathens The Mercia heathen Hearth is a group which developed from LWWLI. It is based on a festival year and offers formal membership to like minded heathens. http://www.midgard.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/heathen/MHH.html | |
104. Anglo-Saxon Heathen Timeline 592. Gregory receives the papacy in Rome. 593. Pope Gregory despatches St Augustine to England to convert the heathen AngloSaxons. Anglo-Saxon heathen Timeline. http://www.englishheathenism.homestead.com/timeline.html | |
105. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Joseph's Society For Foreign Missions A society of priests and laymen whose object is to labour for the conversion of heathens in foreign countries. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/08521d.htm | |
106. The Heathen LYRICS. The heathen. Rise up fallen fighters Rise and take your stance again. Cause he who fight and run away Live to fight another day. http://www.macnet.or.jp/pa/akira/disco/lyrics/heathen.html | |
107. Lady Wulfruna Wouldn't Like It! Open workgroup for those wishing to explore heathenry. http://www.midgard.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/heathen/LWWLI.html | |
108. ::: Skipa Heathen Ventures ::: Welcome Skipa heathen Ventures, home of World Champion Halter Stallion, Skipa heathen. Located in Tehachapi, CA. Sorry, your browser doesn t support Java(tm). http://www.skipaheathen.com/ | |
109. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Ermland A district of East Prussia and an exempt bishopric. St. Adalbert of Prague (d. 997) and St. Bruno of Querfurt (d. 1009) converted the early inhabitants of this region, the heathen Prussians, to Christianity and two centuries later Teutonic Knights and members of the Cistercian Order introduced civilization also into the land. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05522a.htm | |
110. Jordsvin's Norse Heathen Page Jordsvin s. Norse heathen. Pages. Welcome to Jordsvin s Norse heathen Pages, formerly the Hammerstead Kindred Web Page. This site contains http://home.earthlink.net/~jordsvin/ | |
111. Welcome To ThorBjorn's Ice Caves! An Asatru heathen's personal page. http://hometown.aol.com/isabjorn/ | |
112. Jenny's Heathen Hearth Sheffield. Some UK Pagan/heathen links and contact info. org/. UK heathen organisation Midgard s Web http//www.midgardsweb.f2s.com/. http://home.freeuk.net/jenny.blain/ | |
113. Home Of The Heathen Home of the heathen (an Asatru resource and information site). Created 10.09.00 The Home of the heathen © copyright 20002003 Michael Floyd. http://members.tripod.com/heathen_home/ | |
114. Grundairs Hearth A heathen brewers place. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/1517/ | |
115. Lyrics To The Heathen The heathen Rise up fallen fighters Rise and take your stance again. Cause he who fight and run away Live to fight another day. http://members.tripod.com/~buffalosoldier/lyrics/heathen.html | |
116. Frigga's Web - A Frithstead For All Heathen Folk Organization established to honor the goddess Frigga.A Frithstead for all heathen Folk. http://www.friggasweb.org | |
117. INDEX: Popular Neo Pagan Basics Views 5,587,968. INDEX Pagan/heathen Info v3.0 There are as many traditions of Paganism as there are ways to work magic This http://www.witchvox.com/xbasics.html | |
118. Asatru Etc. Original articles based on one heathen's point of view on various aspects of Asatru. http://jaxsur.tripod.com/ | |
119. Clement Of Alexandria Exhortation To The Heathen And Idolatry Clement of Alexandria Exhortation to the heathen. Clement of alexandria associates musical worship with idolatry. Exhortation to the heathen. http://www.piney.com/MuClement.html | |
120. Black Pine Contents Heilsa and welcome to Black Pine! Our goal is to provide information that focuses on the Germanic Gods and traditions, both old and modern. We are hoping to provide an informative site that is from a heathen point of view, but of value to all Pagans. http://members.shaw.ca/BlackPine/ | |
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