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Evangelical Free Church Of Canada: more detail | ||||
121. Rural Living Canada - Interests Faith & Worship Canadian Armenian Community; Directory of church Home Pages; EvangelicalFree church of canada Official web site. General information http://rurallivingcanada.4t.com/Pag00016.htm | |
122. Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada - Encyclopedia Article Abou canada. Fellowship of evangelical Baptist Churches in canada in Freeonline English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Provides http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Chur | |
123. Society, Religion And Spirituality, Christianity, Denominations, Evangelical Fre Society, Religion and Spirituality, Christianity, Denominations, EvangelicalFree church of canada Web Directory. Top/Society/Religion http://www.klevze.si/browse/Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Denom | |
124. Denominations Directory of God (Official) Click HERE for church List; Official); Association of EvangelicalGospel Assemblies Association of free Lutheran Congregations (Official http://www.hqda.army.mil/chaplain/Pentagon2004/Linksdenominations.htm | |
125. Welcome To Beaconsfield United Church Like to know more about the United church of canada? www.tenthousandvillages.comWould you like to know more about other Christian churches in canada? http://www.securenet.net/buc/otheren.html | |
126. Net Ministries Denominations Directory -- Links To Denomination And Church Affil A worldwide directory of Christian denominations. Find a denomination, add your link, or apply for a free page. http://netministries.org/denomlst.htm | |
127. Ginkworld.net - Where It All Starts x. y. z. KEY min ministry of another church; they are not standalone communities but are ministries of other churches. hg - this http://www.ginkworld.net/churches/churches_denominations.htm | |
128. Efccm.ca efccm.ca http//www.twu.ca/efccm/. http://www.efccm.ca/ | |
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