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Evangelical Free Church Of Canada: more detail | ||||
101. The Evangelical Covenant Church Of Canada The evangelical Covenant church of canada, a denomination in canada, and a regional conference of the evangelical Covenant church, is a community of churches in covenant with God and one another. Searchable database, newsletter, statements on values and goals. http://www.canadacovenantchurch.org/ | |
102. EMCCED - Welcome To Our Site! Includes congregation directory, church resources, calendar of events, and summer camp information. http://www.emcced.ca/ | |
103. The Lutheran Theological Seminary In Saskatoon official page of the evangelical Lutheran church in canada seminary at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. http://www.usask.ca/stu/luther/ | |
104. Eastern Synod Of The Evangelical Lutheran Church In Canada Official Site http://www.easternsynod.org/ | |
105. Index Of /~eccak ECCAK is an administrative region of the evangelical Covenant church in the US and canada. Directory of churches, camping ministry, education. http://www.alaska.net/~eccak/ | |
106. BC Synod Of The Evangelical Lutheran Church In Canada Official site. http://www.bcsynod.org/ |
107. ____________________covenant Covenant Bible College is a oneyear experience in discipleship. Its mission is to 'equip men and women to live as disciples of Jesus Christ.' Campuses in Strathmore, Alberta; Windsor, Colorado; Quito, Ecuador. Affiliated with the evangelical Covenant church in canada. http://www.covenantbiblecollege.ab.ca/ |
109. ELCIC Eastern Synod - Outdoor Ministry Describes the Outdoor Ministry committee role and function. Includes information about the camps operated under the aegis of the committee. http://www.magma.ca/~inrig/omc/ | |
110. Www.sasksynod.elcic.ca Official site. http://www.sasksynod.elcic.ca/ | |
111. Montréal Lutheran Council Council of evangelical Lutheran church in canada (ELCIC) churches and organizations in Montreal, Quebec. http://www.luther95.net/MONTREAL-LUTHERAN/ | |
112. Churches Using Christian Service Brigade Canadian church page. Eastern States. Unit 7679 in Elberta, Alabama; Faith Presbyterianchurch (PCA) Wilmington, Delaware; Faith evangelical free church Acton http://csbministries.org/CSBChurches.html | |
113. Churches Anabaptist Anglican Baptist evangelical Independent episcopallyordered comsupplies churches with four free, easy-to If a church already has a web site http://www.naae.net/denom/denom.php | |
114. The Religious Movements Page: Group Profiles Organized According To Melton's Rel Soldiers of the Cross of Christ, evangelical International church. Associationof evangelical Gospel Assemblies International. European freechurch Family. http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/profiles/listmelton.htm | |
115. EFC :: About EFC :: Structure STRUCTURE. The evangelical Fellowship of canada brings Christians all listed below),plus seven observer groups and nearly 1,000 local church congregations http://www.evangelicalfellowship.ca/about/structure.asp | |
116. 711 : Christian Directory Fellowship of evangelical Baptist Churches in canada (0). Foursquare Gospel (5).Foursquare International (4). free Methodist (18). Friends (9). Full Gospel (14). http://search.711.net/Denominations/ | |
117. Religion - Protestantism, Evangelical And Other Christian Religions Page The Mystery Shopping Recruitment Club Click here! Do you live in the USA,UK or canada? Shop and get paid. Eat out evangelical free Churches. http://www.highstreetcentral.com/christ.htm | |
118. Denominations By Alphabetic Order Association of evangelical Gospel Assemblies (Official); Association of free LutheranCongregations Unofficial) Click HERE for church List; Baptist http://www.cccny.net/denominations/denominationslinks.shtml | |
119. Virtualseminary - Denominationspage Other Distinctives Brethren Online evangelical Lutheran Synod free Reformed churchesof church of the Reformation Lutheran church Wisconsin Synod http://www.virtualseminary.net/cgi-bin/page.cgi?denominationspage |
120. Evangelical Free Church School High School Alumni Classmates @ Reunion evangelical free church School Find Old Friends Millions Listed! http://static.reunion.com/us/nevada/lasvegas/evangelicalfreechurchschool/ | |
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