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Evangelical Free Church Of Canada: more detail | ||||
61. Clinic Dates Canadian Clinics Please register through EE canada call 1-888-558-2823. Register,07-13-2004, 07-16-2004, Faith evangelical free church, Milford (Cincinnati) OH, http://www.eeinternational.org/clinic/display-Clinics.jsp |
62. Denomination List The evangelical free church of America. evangelical Lutheran church in America. ReviewedNov 2003. evangelical Lutheran church in canada. http://www.answersincreation.org/denominationlisteg.htm | |
63. Denominations Categorized Associated Gospel churches of canada@; Association of Vineyard churches evangelicalFormosan church (1); evangelical free church (5); evangelical Lutheran church http://www.cccny.net/denominations/denominations_categorized.shtml | |
64. Yearbook Stats2 Serbian Orthodox church in the USA and canada, 1986, 68, 67,000,60. The evangelical free church of America, 1996, 1,224, 242,619,1,936. http://www.dnaco.net/~kbedell/ybstats2.htm | |
66. The Evangelical Free Church Of America - Door Creek Church America Distinguishes it from the evangelical free Churches of Norway, Sweden, Denmark,Finland, Holland, France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Greece, and canada. http://www.doorcreekchurch.org/beliefs/efca.htm | |
67. Religious/Chaplain Services - Member Directory free church of America (14). evangelical Friends International (1). evangelicalLutheran church in America (325). evangelical Lutheran church in canada (1). http://www.professionalchaplains.org/members-by-denomination.asp | |
68. Evangelical Free - The Christian Arsenal evangelical free; Lutheran ELCA; Lutheran - Missouri Synod; Metropolitan Communitychurch. United church of canada; United church of Christ; United Methodist http://www.christianarsenal.com/demrpt/Demrpt010.htm | |
69. Other Protestant Churches Home Page evangelical free church 3102 Laurier Dr. Phone 3844643 (evangelical free) FaithAlive Phone 374-2766 (evangelical Missionary church in canada http://www.sfn.saskatoon.sk.ca/rel/protestant-misc.html | |
70. Reformed Denominations Presbyterian church in America; evangelical Presbyterian church; evangelical Presbyterianchurch of canada (free church of Scotland, North American Synod); http://reformed.net/church/denoms.html | |
71. I Dream Of Genealogy - Alberta Canada Cemetery Records Highland Park evangelical free church Cemetery. Lake Demay Lutheran free church /Swea church Cemetery. New Norway United church of canada / Dried Meat Lake http://www.idreamof.com/canada/cemetery/alberta.html | |
72. SermonAudio.com - Austin Bluffs Evangelical Free Church evangelical free church 3435 Maizeland Rd Colorado Springs, CO 80909. Random UserComment, Trudy Newman tnew@telusplanet.net from Edmonton, Alberta, canada http://www.sermonaudio.com/source_detail.asp?sourceid=abefc |
73. Woodmancote Evangelical Free Church Archived News 2003 Woodmancote evangelical free church. Woodmancote for many years and recently marriedMichelle in canada. his family members and members of the church family to http://www.freechurch.freeserve.co.uk/wfc_archivednews2003.htm | |
74. Links Estonian evangelical Lutheran church (site includes Toronto Consistory); canada USA ~ Wisconsin evangelical Lutheran Synod; USA ~ Association of free Lutheran http://www.ielu.org/enlaces/links.htm | |
75. Evangelical Lutheran Church In Canada - ELCIC official page of ELCIC http://www.elcic.ca | |
76. The Evangelical Covenant Church A denomination of more than seven hundred churches in the United States and canada. It was founded by Swedish immigrants in 1885 as a voluntary covenant of churches committed to working together to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. http://www.covchurch.org/ | |
77. Christianity - Evangelical Covenant Church Top Links and leadership. Covnet free wheeling discussion list related to theEvangelical Covenant church. Pietisten Online http://christianity-links.com/Denominations_Evangelical_Covenant_Church.html | |
78. Evangelical Missionary Church Of Canada: Includes history, statements of faith, missions information, prayer bulletins, events, news, and a magazine. http://www.emcc.ca/ | |
79. Welcome To WELS Official web site of this confessional Lutheran church body present in the United States and canada. Directories of churches, schools, web pages, organizations. Textonly option. http://www.wels.net/ | |
80. Waterloo Lutheran Seminary Official page of evangelical Lutheran church in canada seminary at Waterloo, Ontario http://www.wlu.ca/~wwwsem/index.shtml | |
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