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Evangelical Free Church Of Canada: more detail | ||||
41. Evangelical Lutheran Church In Canada - Global Lutheran Community See also the LWF North America site for helpful contacts. canada ~ Associationof free Lutheran Congregations; evangelical Lutheran church in canada; http://www.elcic.ca/direct/lutheran.html | |
42. Links - Church Planting for canada; associated with Outreach canada, a DAWN church Planting Web Page resourcesfrom Phil Alessi, formerly with the evangelical free church and now http://www.newlifeministries-nlm.org/online/links-chplant.htm | |
43. ElectronicChurch.org Disciples of Christ) in the United States and canada Email cmiller Email president@covoffice.orgWeb www.covchurch.org The evangelical free church of America http://www.electronicchurch.org/YBlisting.html |
44. Calgary Churches NE Calgary Monterey Pk, Monterey Park evangelical free church, 3125 Catalina Blvd NE, evangelicalfree church of canada. Mountview, church of Christ Northside, 803 20 Ave NE, http://www.calgaryarea.com/churches/churchesne.htm | |
45. Evangelical Covenant Church - Encyclopedia Article About Evangelical Covenant Ch into ten regional conferences canada Conference, Central the evangelical CovenantChurch does not Covenant formed the Swedish evangelical free Mission (now http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Evangelical Covenant Church | |
46. Religion evangelical Covenant church (USA canada). evangelical free churchof canada. evangelical Lutheran church in canada (CCC). evangelical http://www.acbr.com/religion.htm |
47. CrossSearch Category: Evangelical Free Church more. Langley evangelical free church The website for Langley evangelicalfree church located in Langley, British Columbia, canada. more. http://www.crosssearch.com/Churches_and_Denominations/Churches/Churches_by_Denom | |
48. CrossSearch Category: Churches By Denomination Foursquare (28), free evangelical (2) free Methodist (12 30) Lutheran (431) The Wisconsinevangelical Lutheran Synod United Christian (2) United church of canada http://www.crosssearch.com/Churches_and_Denominations/Churches/Churches_by_Denom | |
49. Canadian Church Home Pages Web Sites - British Columbia, Alberta, New Brunswick, canada. Lambrick Park church (orthodox evangelical); Victoria, BC canada;Parkdale evangelical free church; Victoria, BC canada; Royal http://www.rwf2000.com/CH/canada.html | |
50. Cargill Associates Church Division Recent evangelical free Campaigns. Albright Memorial evangelical churchManitoba, canada, Bethel evangelical free church Fargo, North Dakota. http://www.cargillassociates.com/Church/evanfree.html | |
51. Denominations Represented In The Stephen Series church evangelical free church evangelical Friends church evangelical Lutheranchurch in America evangelical Lutheran church in canada evangelical Lutheran http://www.stephenministries.org/Stephen_Series/Learn_More/denominations.cfm | |
52. Church Links evangelical free church of America Resources; evangelical Lutheran church in America;evangelical Lutheran church in canada; evangelical Lutheran church in http://www.gccuic-umc.org/web/churchlinks.htm | |
53. The Free Church In Victorian Canada 1844--1861. By John Webster of the national psyche, historians investigating the evangelical activism of in theold province of canada of the ultraCalvinistic free church of Scotland http://www.utpjournals.com/product/chr/714/free9.html | |
54. SHUSWAP TOURISM - Columbia Shuswap Regional District - CSRD Phone 250 8323828. Deo Lutheran- evangelical Lutheran church in canada. 180130th St. NE, Salmon Arm. Phone 250 832-6160. Emmanuel free Lutheran church. http://www.shuswap.bc.ca/Services.htm | |
55. Evangelical Missionary Church Of Canada: Missions ECM evangelical church Missions. EFCM - evangelical free church Missions.EMCCW - evangelical Missionary church West District. http://www.emcc.ca/NationalOffice/Missions/ms_prayercalendar.php | |
56. Evangelical Missionary Church Of Canada: Contact Us evangelical Missionary church of canada If registered by April 10th, 2004 you willreceive a free copy of the newest denominational history book http://www.emcc.ca/NationalOffice/assembly/index.php | |
57. Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church Lutheran church in canada ELCIC home page of the ELCIC - evangelical Lutheranchurch in canada website http evangelical free church of Hershey - The Hers http://www.blueglobus.com/cgi-bin/search/search.cgi?results&keywords=Good Shephe |
58. Columbus Evangelical Church of the ELCIC evangelical Lutheran church in canada website http//www.elcic.ca/(Searchhippo) More Like This. Welcome to Constance evangelical free church! http://www.blueglobus.com/cgi-bin/search/search.cgi?results&keywords=Columbus Ev |
59. Key To Predecessor Church Bodies Of The Evangelical Lutheran evangelical Lutheran church of canada (19601985) (split current) (split from TheAmerican Lutheran church). AFLC - Association of free Lutheran churches (1962 http://www.elca.org/os/archives/churchbodykey.html |
60. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Cuthbert Evang. Lutheran church in canada (1985), 302393 17. TracyGriswold III evangelical free church of America (1884 Rev. http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_almanacs |
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