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Evangelical Free Church Of America: more books (63) | ||
81. Cheyenne Evangelical Free Church Of Cheyenne Wyoming - Evangelical Free Churches evangelical free Churches of america. There are five evangelical free Churchesof america in Wyoming, and many more in the Rocky Mountain District. http://www.cheyennefree.com/ | |
82. ELCA Archives Regional And Synodical Archives of america, later named the evangelical Lutheran church bodies The United NorwegianLutheran church, the Hauge The records of the Lutheran free church are also http://www.elca.org/os/archives/regsyn.html |
83. Evangelical Lutheran Church In America - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The evangelical Lutheran church in Americaor ELCA is a mainline Protestant denomination headquarted in Chicago, Illinois http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evangelical_Lutheran_Church_in_America | |
84. Evangelical Free Church Of Hershey - About Us Our Distinctives. As a member of the denomination of the EvangelicalFree church of america, we have adopted the following distinctives. http://www.hersheyfree.com/distinctives.htm | |
85. Suicide Prevention SPAN USA) 5034 Odins Way Marietta, Georgia 30068 Tollfree 888-649 see An Open Letterfrom the Bishops of the evangelical Lutheran church in america http://www.elca.org/dcs/suicide_prevention.html | |
86. Waltham Evangelical Free Church - Links & Publications Deerfield, IL. www.tiu.edu. Trinity Western. Langley, BC. www.twu.ca. EvangelicalFree church of america. Minneapolis, MN. www.efca.org. Camp Spofford. Spofford,NH. http://www.walthamefree.org/resources.htm | |
87. Evangelical Free Churches Of America Search Help Click for Help Using the Search Functions. evangelical free churchesOf america of the Greater Shiawassee Area. Bethel evangelical free church. http://www.shianet.org/pages/churches/chuefa.shtm | |
88. Suomen Vapaakirkko The evangelical free church is a Finnish denomination, but it has sister churchesall over the world, including India, america and different parts of Europe. http://www.svk.fi/english/ | |
89. Wethersfield Evangelical Free Church - About Us church was organized October 5, 1888. We are affiliated with the EvangelicalFree church of america. For 55 years the church was http://www.wethefc.com/aboutus.html | |
90. PlantAChurch.com - Church Planting Resources below. A. The Doctrinal Distinctives of the evangelical free Churchof america and the Great Lakes District are as follows 1. We http://plantachurch.com/vi_values.htm | |
91. Evangelical Lutheran Church In America - Congregation Information evangelical Lutheran church in america. Worship in Cantonese. Membership demographics, educational ministry, contact information. http://www.elca.org/cgi-bin/fa/fi.dll/congr.search?page=0&congrno=03856 |
92. Evangelical Lutheran Church In America official page http://www.elca.org/ | |
93. Evangelical Lutheran Church In America - Congregation Information evangelical Lutheran church in america. Membership demographics, educational ministry, contact information. http://www.elca.org/cgi-bin/fa/fi.dll/congr.search?page=0&congrno=03872 |
94. Stewardship includes current and relevant stewardship resources and ideas. Information on ELCA stewardship activities and staff. http://www.elca.org/dcm/stewardship | |
95. ELCA Graphics Library Graphics in gif, tiff, and jpg format. Permission is granted for notfor-profit use of the graphics for congregations and agencies of the evangelical Lutheran church in america. http://www.elca.org/co/graphics/ | |
96. Evangelical Lutheran Church In America : Worship Resources for worship for the evangelical Lutheran church in america (ELCA). http://www.elca.org/dcm/worship/default.asp | |
97. Puritan Evangelical Church Of America Worship times, ruling elders, statement of belief. Westminster Confession of Faith, Westminster Larger Catechism and Westminster Shorter Catechism. http://www.puritanchurch.com/ | |
98. Redirect To Www.elca.org/education Index of evangelical Lutheran church in america institutions of postsecondary higher education. http://www.elca.org/dhes/colleges/ | |
99. THIS Obedience A film about Anita C. Hill's struggle for ordination in the evangelical Lutheran church in america. Press kit, synopses, study guide, news links. http://www.thisobedience.com | |
100. Episcopal-Lutheran Concordat Of Agreement Resources Ecumenical documents between the Episcopal (Anglican) church in the United States and the evangelical Lutheran church in america leading to altar and pulpit fellowship. http://www.dfms.org/ecumenism/concordat/ | |
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