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21. RootsWeb: MENNONITE-L Re: [Mennonite] Mennonites Dunkards And Quakers From John C Steiner jcsneuro@fuse.net Subject Re Mennonite Mennonitesdunkards and Quakers Date Mon, 27 May 2002 125129 0400 References http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/MENNONITE/2002-05/1022518289 | |
22. Ann's Ancestors: Dunkards, Mennonites And Quakers Ann s Ancestors dunkards, Mennonites and Quakers. Then came the dunkards,started in 1708 in Schwarzenau, Germany. Like the Mennonites http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~annieron/Dunkards Mennonites and Quakers.html | |
23. Dunkards www.slider.com/Enc/D/Du/Xdunkards.htm The Web Duniway, Abigail Scott. dunkards. Dunkeld. Dunkers. Dunham, Katherine. Dunhuang.Duniway, Abigail Scott. dunkards. Dunkeld. Dunkers. Dunkirk. Dunkirk. Dunlap, William. http://www.beetfoundation.com/words/d/dunkards.html | |
24. Cucamonga's Lost Colonies L. Clucas order now. ESWENA. In 1890, a group of dunkards (Brethren) weretraveling west from Kansas. When they reached Southern California http://www.wemweb.com/cfh_publisher/articles/article_3.html | |
25. Who Are We? CHAPTER FIVE The denomination was nicknamed dunkards because in their belief inbaptism (by immersion dunking them under the water). More http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/8024/dunkard.html | |
26. Colonial Religions The Dunkard Religion. The Dunkard religion was created in 1723. The peoplewho were dunkards were mostly German. So a lot of dunkards settled there. http://www.promotega.org/csu30025/religion.htm | |
27. Fellowship Of Brethren Genealogists: How To Learn about dunkards, Brethren, German Baptist Brethren, Dunkard Brethren, Churchof the Brethren, Fellowship of Grace Brethren and more at Brethren Groups. http://www.cob-net.org/fobg/howto.htm | |
28. RELIGIOUS, SOCIAL AND LITERARY THE dunkards. The dunkards have now no regular church organization in Monticello.At the death of Elder Rothrock, in 1860, Rev. THE NEW dunkards. http://dcwi.com/~bptpl/WhiteCo/chxxv.htm | |
30. Dale Brown's Family History Page: Jacob Brown Story of Europe. The dunkards immigrated to Pennsylvania in two primarygroups the first came in 1719; the second, in 1729. It seems http://home.centurytel.net/dbrownfamily/brown/jacobbrownstory.html | |
31. Peters Creek Church Of The Brethren The colony which they established in Germantown, Pennsylvania was the beginningof the dunkards in America. We must remember the people called dunkards . http://www.garstfamily.com/pccb.html | |
32. Ephrata, Hotbed Of Religion That Quakers, Episcopalians, Mennonites, dunkards, Lutherans, Reformed, Presbyterians,Moravians, Roman Catholics, Jews, Methodists, and Baptists could all http://www.horseshoe.cc/pennadutch/places/pennsylvania/lancasterco/towns/ephrata | |
33. Plain People The group at present includes the Mennonites, the Amish, the Church of the Brethren(often called dunkards or Dunkers), the Brethren in Christ (River Brethren http://www.horseshoe.cc/pennadutch/religion/plainpeople/plainp.htm | |
34. Scenes Page Five Chiswell and Hillsville,VA The dunkards were the first to settle along NewRiver at a place called dunkards Bottom northeast of the shot tower.. http://hearlshill.freeservers.com/scenes_page_five.htm | |
35. Eller Family Association - The Eller Chronicles Pennsylvania. It is said that the Eller emigrants to America between1740 and 1750 were dunkards, or descendants of that faith. http://www.eller.org/feb88/feb88p5.htm | |
36. Old Quilt Items This is a Country blue and white stuffed Bear,made out of a dunkards path quilt,measuring 15 tall, 12 wide, a binder twine bow around its neck with a http://www.tatteredteddys.com/oldquilt.html | |
37. Brethren - Encyclopedia Article About Brethren. Free Access, No Registration Nee In the United States they became popularly known as Dunkers, dunkardsor Tunkers, corruptions of the German verb tunken, to dip. . http://encyclopedia.thefreedictionary.com/Brethren | |
38. Religion population (of Germantown) grew steadily and more diverse, so that by 1735 therewere congregations of Mennonites, Brethren (also known as dunkards and German http://www.users.voicenet.com/~wordinfo/deutsch/religion.htm | |
39. History Of Christianity, Perspective Of Nappanee, Indiana They shortly came to Germantown and organized in the Mennonite Church in1719. The dunkards today have no creed other than the New Testament. http://www.amishacres.com/aa_history/christianity/christianity_2.htm | |
40. History Of Christian Church to construct a United Brethren Church in the new town, and within one year the buildingwas complete and was shared by the Methodists, dunkards, and Mennonites http://www.amishacres.com/aa_history/christianity/christianity.htm | |
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