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41. Welcome To TheDruid's Poetry Corner Dark and love poetry, stories, guest writers and poetry webring. http://ptsoft.net/druid/ | |
42. Druid Archives Return to RDNA Homepage. druid Archives Founded 1966 ce. (To be updated May 2001). Pagan druid books Stored at the adjacent Carleton Library. http://www.geocities.com/druidarchives/ | |
43. Stone Riley, Druid Talesman, Home Page True myth; a wandering search revealed in dispatches from an unknown poet. Poems and short tales. http://hometown.aol.com/stone60/druidtalesman.html | |
44. The Electric Druid Home Page Poet, musician, and writer. Biography, horror, scifi, music, and links. http://www.cris.com/~Moviebam/ | |
45. Manage Your Screensavers With ScreenSaver Druid By XemiComputers - FREE ScreenSaver druid is freeware solution for managing screensavers. Freeware solution for managing screensavers. ScreenSaver druid 1.0. Freeware. http://www.xemico.com/ssdruid/ | |
46. Offline! A FFRP wolf pack on Undernet. Site includes a Name Generator, character profiles and maps. http://www.sacredforest.com | |
47. Druid City Bicycle Club - Tuscaloosa, Alabama Participates in, plans, sponsors, and encourages recreational cycling activities in the Tuscaloosa and West Alabama area. http://www.druidcity.org/ | |
48. DRUID - Drug Information Database druid. Drug information database Legemiddelinformasjon for norske klinikere. Velkommen til druid. druid er en database med legemiddelinteraksjoner http://www.druid.uio.no/ | |
49. PostgreSQL Module For Python table. added ntuples() method to query object (brit@druid.net); Corrected a bug related to getresult() and the money type; Corrected http://www.druid.net/pygresql/ | |
50. NEWI Cefn Druids Druids Till I Die A site to promote the annual trip to watch the team run by students from the University of Exeter. http://www.freewebs.com/druidstillidie | |
51. D'Arcy J.M. Cain - Home Page D Arcy JM Cain Welcome to my personal home page. My name is D Arcy JM Cain and I live in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. My email address is darcy@druid.net . http://www.druid.net/darcy/ | |
52. Ethno Magazine Home Overview article of trees sacred to the Celts. http://cristalweb.com/ethno/index.php3?cat=art&id=1&lan=en |
53. Tuscaloosa, Alabama And Deep South Information - Druid City Online Has Tuscaloos druid City Online is Tuscaloosa s guide to news, music, entertainment, eating, drinking, concerts, events, Alabama football, and information. See the Latest! http://www.druidcityonline.com/ | |
54. Strathcona Druids Rugby Football Club Edmonton community club founded in 1960 with five Senior teams and a few Junior teams. Site features a schedule, club achievements, photographs, and newsletter. http://www.druids.ab.ca/ | |
55. Welcome To The DRUID Theatre Company druid Theatre Company. Awardwinning theatre company based in Galway City in the West of Ireland. http://www.druidtheatre.com/ | |
56. The Druid Heritage Society The DHS consists of men and women who are reclaiming their Celtic heritage through the reestablishment of druidry in their respective family lines. http://www.druidism.info | |
57. Druids Glen Marriott Hotel & Country Club -- Wicklow County, Ireland ; Hotel Rat Situated within a golf course, includes details of the hotel and the facilities. http://www.marriotthotels.com/dubgs | |
58. - Druid Hills High School http://www.dekalb.k12.ga.us/~druidhills/ |
59. ~The Druids Of Moonlocke~ Hidden in the lush valley of Moonlocke, the druids of Moonlocke live lives of simple beauty. Devoted to learning, laughter, love, and just a little bit of magic they are a race of their own. http://www.furnation.com/eternallegacy/moonlocke/ | |
60. CELTIC DRUIDISM It s a philosophy and you can worship a God or a Goddess, it s up to you. You can be a Christian or a Moslem or anything else and still be a druid. http://www.religioustolerance.org/druid.htm | |
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