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101. Hit & Run: The Discordian Vote October 07, 2003. The discordian Vote. We ve mentioned this before,but since it s Election Day in California I ll bring it up again http://reason.com/hitandrun/003065.shtml | |
102. Fool Moon: An Old Discordian Hymn. principa_discord seasoned member Reged 01/15/04 Posts 163, an old discordianhymn. 168606 04/14/04 0521 PM, Edit, Reply, Quote. an old discordian hymn. http://foolmoon.com/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=168606&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o |
103. International Discordians Meetup Day Your Meetup now has its own Message Boards! Join the conversation! http://discordians.meetup.com/ | |
104. The_wind_will_carry discordian, misstree, and in the beginning, everything was chaos.so, some gods came around and said, look at this mess! how are http://blather.newdream.net/cgi-bin/blather?random;from=ahh |
105. [ N N A E R I E . N E T - Forums ] > M I N D > D I S C O R D I A N i S M net forums discordian ism. Mark all forum posts as read help » Welcometo discordian ism «. discordian Meetup »The world may never be the same http://nnaerie.net/cgi-bin/board/forums.cgi?forum=14 |
106. Barbelith Underground > Switchboard > A Discordian Position On The War A discordian Position on the War. Some of our discordian brethren haveexpressed that this view is counter to core discordian values. http://www.barbelith.com/topic/17375 | |
107. Discordian - SourceryForge discordian. From SourceryForge. A discordian is being of discordianism,of course. It s also an adjective, like discordian http://sourceryforge.org/wiki.phtml?title=Discordian |
108. Discordianism/Erisianism To start with, there are scores of discordian cabals across the world and,thanks to the Internet, discordian writings and ideas are proliferating. http://www.witchvox.com/trads/trad_discord.html | |
109. All.info: Recreation And Entertainment / Performance And Humor / Discordian / You are in Recreation and Entertainment / Performance and Humor /discordian /. Suggested Categories Recreation and Entertainment http://all.info/directory/Recreation_and_Entertainment/Performance_and_Humor/Dis | |
110. JamBase The Discordian Society Shows BAND VENUE CITY State, http://www.jambase.com/search.asp?bandID=16471 |
111. A Discordian Position On The War A discordian Position on the War 294627, Some of our discordian brethrenhave expressed that this view is counter to core discordian values. http://www.guerrillanews.com/forum/showflat.pl?Cat=&Board=apolitics&Number=29462 |
112. Re DateTimeCalendarDiscordian http://www.mail-archive.com/datetime@perl.org/msg04109.html | |
113. Re DateTimeCalendarDiscordian http://www.mail-archive.com/datetime@perl.org/msg04146.html | |
114. E-zine-list: Keyword: Discordian Young Hozhed. YH is a quirky, eclectic zine of changing themes, produced by andfor postmodern, discordian, wellrounded geeks of all sexual orientations; we http://www.meer.net/~johnl/e-zine-list/keywords/discordian.html | |
115. Old Time Religion: Discordian discordianISM. Gimme that old time religion Gimme that old time religionGimme that old time religion It s good enough for me! Let http://www.iit.edu/~phillips/personal/song/old_disc.html | |
116. Principia Discordia | The Book Of Chaos, Discord And Confusion | Fnord! Welcome to PrincipiaDiscordia.com! This website is dedicated to bringing the Principia Discordia to the masses, in its original, chockfull-o-pictures form! What's the Principia, you ask? http://www.principiadiscordia.com/ | |
117. Denis's Pages Have Moved My pages have moved. This page can now be foundat http//www.suberic.net/~dmm/whatelse.html. http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~dmm/whatelse.html | |
118. Denis's Pages Have Moved My pages have moved. This page can now be foundat http//www.suberic.net/~dmm/5cdssr.html. http://www.cs.hmc.edu/~dmm/5cdssr.html | |
119. Principia Discordia Principia Discordia another online edition. including SCANNED IMAGES OF EVERYPAGE OF THE FIFTH EDITION and a SEARCHABLE INDEX OF THE ENTIRE TEXT. http://www.trip23.com/pd/ | |
120. In Praise Of Chaos Email Reply In Praise of Chaos. by J. Orlin Grabbe Speech Presentedto Eris Society, August 12, 1993. Introduction The Intrusion of Eris. http://www.orlingrabbe.com/chaos.htm | |
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