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21. Discordian Software Archive discordian Software Archive. important discordian programs and mirror ofthe emperor norton utilities. Software generally considered discordian. http://www.discordia.ch/Programs/ | |
22. Welcome To The Electronomicon Graphics intensive collection of parodies, poetry and gothic links. http://www.angelfire.com/indie/discordian/ | |
23. The Discordian Society http://www.thediscordiansociety.com/ |
24. Discordian Research Technology: Lookie Here! Directory of sites that espouse discordian principles, or are useful or interesting to discordians. http://singlenesia.com/cgi-bin/linkmat.cgi | |
25. Search.cpan.org: Date::Discordian - Calculate The Discordian Date Of A Particula Rich Bowen Datediscordian-1.36 Datediscordian. Module Version 1.36 Source NAME^. Datediscordian - Calculate the discordian date of a particular day. http://search.cpan.org/~rbow/Date-Discordian-1.36/lib/Date/Discordian.pm | |
26. The Principles Of Discordian Magick - By Lord Falgan, F.M., K.S.C. Developing and introducing this new system of magick. http://heru-ra-ha.tripod.com/library/discord.html | |
27. Search.cpan.org: Date::Discordian - Calculate The Discordian Date Of A Particula You ll be transported there shortly. Please update any links you may have. http://search.cpan.org/search?module=Date::Discordian |
28. General Frenetics Discordian Warez Server Church of the Whole Shebang presents Eriswarez! Pointand-Click tango for JavaScript and Capable Browser the fnordiest in 23-bit computing. http://www.lodz.pdi.net/~eristic/erisware.html | |
29. Non-United Church Of Eris Of Latterday Gothic Industrial Saints A New Orleans based discordian Cabal. Includes the Book of Eris, numerous links to discordianism, Chaos Magick, Tantra, and Gothic subculture. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Pantheon/5294 | |
30. Discordian Kalendar Per JavaScript discordian Kalendar per JavaScript, brought to you courtesy of General Frenetics,Discorporated. Meditation is not what you think. Percolate! http://www.lodz.pdi.net/~eristic/java_cal.html | |
31. Discordia.org.uk Online discordian Oracle, short texts, links, and tech support with a gun. http://discordia.org.uk/ | |
32. Touched By The Five-Fingered Hand Of Eris discordian links. http://www.cs.monash.edu.au/~acb/discordianism/index.html |
33. The End Of The Last Iceage The discordianDadaist initiatory organ of the Cult of the New Alice. Celebrating the Goddess through Elvis, horror movies, psychoactive words, and substances. http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Hall/4098 | |
34. DISCORDIAN QUOTES discordian Quotes. Give a monkey a brain and he ll swear he s the center of the universe. Allsuspects are innocent until proven discordian in a Court of Chaos. http://www.discordia.de/quotes.html | |
35. Eriswerks Home of Bobo the Chimp and ?, a discordian print newsletter. http://www.eriswerks.org | |
36. The Discordian Group You can register for free by clicking here. Welcome to the discordian Group.Hail and merry meet! discordian Webmaster. Saturday, May 08, 2004. http://www.discordian.org/ | |
37. Ordo Introduction Page A discordian Fable The Brief Eristic Gospel of St. Pesher, the Gardener. http://www.io.com/~sjohn/ordo1.htm | |
38. Xenobia.net - A Short Walk From Chaos... Personal pages with discordian information as part of it. http://xenobia.net | |
39. Discordianism We have other things as well, but if you think I m going give you a nice, easy centrallinkhub to everything, welcome to the discordian Society (notice the http://jubal.westnet.com/hyperdiscordia/discordians.html | |
40. Ring Of Fnords A ring of discordian websites. http://www.bolthy.com/fnord/ | |
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