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161. Jesus Is Lord Sons Of Light Purpose is to disciple others and be disciples ourselves in adherence to the Gospel of Jesus christ, proclaiming the Truth in Jesus christ. http://our.homewithgod.com/houseofprayer/index.html | |
162. Christian Children's Corner Online lessons, poems, and Bible stories for the very young disciples of Jesus christ. Plays music without asking. http://www.antelope-ebooks.com/RELIGIOUS/coverccc.html | |
163. Disciples2 Mailing List Discussion for saints who struggle with homosexuality or same sex attraction and are striving to live the gospel of Jesus christ. http://www.springsofwater.com/desert/disciples2/ | |
164. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Disciple The disciples, in this disciples, in this context, are not the crowds of believers who flocked around christ, but a smaller body of His followers. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05029a.htm | |
165. Laborers In Christ - Bible Prayer Christ Grace Seeking to make disciples, preach the word and provide Biblical answers to questions. Bible topic, prayer, answers, Bible search, sermons, news, links and contact. http://www.laborersinchrist.org | |
166. Welcome To International Messengers! Committed to making disciples of all nations through partnering with local churches to renew, train and mobilize believers for active involvement in reaching the world for christ. http://www.internationalmessengers.org | |
167. CCBC Home Page A homegroup based Church whose mission is to share christ with the unsaved, build them to be committed disciples, and equip them to be reproducing disciples. http://pachome.pacific.net.sg/~ccbc/ | |
168. Tri-Village Church Of Christ In Tri-Village, Ohio. The church exists for the purpose of making disciples, maturing believers, and meeting needs to fulfill the mission of the Lord Jesus christ. http://www.tri-village.org/ |
169. DISCIPLES OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST A Franciscan Congregation of vowed charismatic Roman Catholic women founded in 1981 in Texas. Information about vocation requirements, contact information and their charism. http://www.dljc.org/ | |
170. Wesley United Methodist Church Making and nurturing disciples for Jesus christ. http://www.gbgm-umc.org/blmwesley/ | |
171. Welcome To Trinity Lutheran Church And School, Bloomington, Illinois Sharing the forgiveness and love of the resurrected christ and to making disciples by the power of the Holy Spirit through prayer, teaching, worship and fellowship. http://www.trinitylutheranlcms.org/ | |
172. ____________________covenant Covenant Bible College is a oneyear experience in discipleship. Its mission is to 'equip men and women to live as disciples of Jesus christ.' Campuses in Strathmore, Alberta; Windsor, Colorado; Quito, Ecuador. Affiliated with the Evangelical Covenant Church in Canada. http://www.covenantbiblecollege.ab.ca/ |
173. Eglise Chrétienne Universelle (les Disciples Du Christ De Montfavet) Translate this page Alliance universelle. Eglise chrétienne universelle (les disciples du christ de Montfavet). Nom. Elle regroupe les disciples du christ de Montfavet. Origine. http://www.info-sectes.org/sectesgd/monfavet.htm | |
174. Index An innercity youth ministry in Chicago. Making disciples and presenting the truth of Jesus christ, the God of the Bible to youth and children. http://www.icidiamondclub.homestead.com | |
175. Gay, Lesbian And Affirming Disciples (GLAD) GLAD Alliance. ANNOUNCING OUR NEW WEB SITE. http//www.gladalliance.org. GLAD Alliance Inc. PO Box 44400. Indianapolis, IN 462440400. http://www.sacredplaces.com/glad/ | |
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