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141. Findlay Street Christian Church - Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ) Findlay Street Christian Church (disciples of christ). Christian Church (disciples of christ). Every Disciples congregation is http://www.olypen.com/rose/Findlay/disciples.htm | |
142. First Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ), Garden Grove, CA Information about services, activities, history and ministries. http://www.fccgg.org | |
143. National City Christian Church: About Us Christian Church (disciples of christ). The Christian Church (disciples of christ) was born almost two centuries ago with a burning desire for Christian unity. http://www.nationalcitycc.org/AboutNCCC/Disciples.htm | |
144. United Church Of Angel Fire Angel Fire, New Mexico. Affiliated with The Presbyterian Church (USA), The Christian Church (disciples of christ), The United Methodist Church, and The United Church of Christ. http://www.angelfirenm.com/unitedchurch/ | |
145. Neighborhood Link - First Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ) First Christian Church (disciples of christ) http//www.wcnet.org/~fccbg This Web Site www.neighborhoodlink.com/org/fccbg Location and Additional info. http://www.neighborhoodlink.com/public/clubhome.html?nclubid=816161993&nsupercit |
146. First Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ) Home Page disciples of christ, Dothan AL http://fccdothan.org | |
147. First Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ) First Christian Church (disciples of christ) Bay City, Texas Phone (979) 2452185 Office Hours Mon Fri 900 AM till 100 PM. Minister Secretary. http://www.wcnet.net/FCC/ | |
148. United Christian Parish Of Reston, VA Reston. Affiliated with the Christian Church (disciples of christ), the Presbyterian Church (USA), the United Church of Christ and the United Methodist Church. http://users.erols.com/ucpreston/ | |
149. Disciples Of Christ In Community (DOCC) - Trinity Boston disciples of christ in Community (DOCC). Sam Lloyd. Come explore this and other questions as part of our disciples of christ in Community (DOCC) program. http://www.trinityboston.org/lrn_adt_dcc.asp | |
150. Wilshire Christian Church - Disciples Of Christ Information about their minister, services, English as a Second Language classes and their community. http://www.wchrisla.org/ | |
151. The United Church Of Moscow Idaho An American Baptist/disciples of christ congregation. Contact information, calendar of events, newsletter, and selected sermons. http://www.unitedchurch.cc/ | |
152. Illinois Disciples Foundation A campus ministry of the Christian Church (disciples of christ). http://www.prairienet.org/idf/ | |
153. Marshall Federated Church At ForMinistry.com - Introduction The result of a merger of Marshall Monthly Meeting of Friends, Marshall Methodist Episcopal Church, Bethany Presbyterian Church, and Marshall Christian Church (disciples of christ). http://www.forministry.com/Church/Home.asp?SiteId=47859MFC |
154. Huntingtoncentral.org Includes worship schedule, ministries, activities, directions and contact information. http://www.huntingtoncentral.org/ |
155. Scparish disciples of christ and United Methodist joint congregation. Overview, services, news, pastor's page, events and history. http://showcase.netins.net/web/scparish/ | |
156. Covenant Evangelical Free Church Seeks to serve and extend God's Kingdom in Singapore and beyond, making disciples who will obey God's word and honour christ, by the empowering of God's spirit and the encouragement of God's people. http://www.covenant.org.sg |
157. Global Advance Fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus christ to go and make disciples of all nations by empowering national church leaders to evangelize and disciple their own and surrounding nations, by encouraging the church to reach its full missions potential and by enlisting prayer partners for the global harvest. http://www.globaladvance.org | |
158. Essene Church Of Christ One of its central doctrines is that Jesus and his disciples were vegetarians. http://www.essene.org | |
159. Disciples, Penang, Malaysia, Catholic Bible Study For Love Of God christian, catholic, disciple, who goes through bible study for 34 weeks in order to deepen their faith, for service of love, as followers of Jesus christ, the promised Messiah http://disciplespenang.tripod.com/ | |
160. Camp Eden Provides rental facilities and programs that support Biblebelieving organizations in their worship, Biblical instruction, ministry, and christian fellowship, for the purpose of making disciples of Jesus christ. Located in Golden. http://www.campeden.org/ | |
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