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81. First Christian Church, Disciples Of Christ, Boulder Boulder, Colorado (disciples of christ). Directions, service schedule, mission statement, calendar, and ministries. http://www.fcc-boulder.org/ | |
82. Disciples Of Christ http://www.padisciples.org/ |
83. Christianity - Disciples Of Christ Top Links disciples of christ Web Site Links. Christian Board of Publication The publishing house of the Christian Church (disciples of christ). http://christianity-links.com/Denominations_Christian_Church_Disciples_of_Christ | |
84. First Christian Church Of Carbondale, Il CLICK HERE FOR HOTLINE TELEPHONE INFORMATION. What We Believe disciples of christ Design, How To Find Us Includes a typical week s schedule. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/3804/ | |
85. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH(Disciples Of Christ) Borger, Texas FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH(disciples of christ) Borger, Texas In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; in all things, charity. http://www.expage.com/page/fccborger/ | |
86. Howland Community Church Historical information, staff information, current service times, a sermon library, information on 12 Step groups which meet at the church, and a map to the congregation. (Congregation is also a member of The Christian Church disciples of christ and The United Church of Christ.) http://www.onecom.net/howlandchurch/ | |
87. Central Christian Church - Disciples Of Christ Statement of Calling We believe God is calling Central Christian Church to make Jesus Christ central to our lives as we share an open, progressive and http://www.cccdoc.org/ | |
88. Bible Translations Into English A survey of common translations, their advantages and drawbacks by disciples of christ pastor, Ken Collins. http://www.kencollins.com/Bible-t2.htm | |
89. Athens First Christian Church First Christian Church (disciples of christ) 24 W. State at N. Congress Athens, Ohio 45701 (740) 5922291, http://www.frognet.net/~firstcc/ | |
90. Ken Collins' Web Site Presents essays on a number of theological and Biblical issues by Ken Collins, pastor of the Garfield Memorial Christian Church (disciples of christ) in McLean, Virginia. http://www.kencollins.com/ | |
91. Michigan Historical Marker: Greenwood Disciples Of Christ Church Greenwood disciples of christ Church. Greenwood disciples of christ Church, Greenwood disciples of christ Church Built in 1897. Registered http://www.michmarkers.com/Pages/L1730.htm | |
92. Welcome To The North Carolina Disciples Of Christ NC disciples of christ in North Carolina, CWF, CYF, Chi Rho, CMF, north carolina regional office of the christian church. http://www.ncdisciples.org/ | |
93. Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ) In Oregon The Northwest Regional Christian Church (disciples of christ) http://www.oregondisciples.org/ |
94. Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ) In Oregon The Christian Church in Oregon is a ministry shared by thirtyeight congregations of the Christian Church (disciples of christ) in the state of Oregon. http://www.oregondisciples.org/main.html | |
95. The Examiner Examines doctrines peculiar to the Church Of Christ, the Christian Church, and the disciples of christ (churches of The Restoration Movement ). http://www.theexaminer.org/ | |
96. DISCIPLES OF CHRIST disciples of christ, or CHaISTIANS, an American Pro, testant denomination, founded by Thomas Campbell, his son Alexander Campbell (qv) and Barton W. http://66.1911encyclopedia.org/D/DI/DISCIPLES_OF_CHRIST.htm | |
97. Dictionary.com/disciples Of Christ Get the Top 10 Most Popular Sites for disciples of christ . 4 entries found for disciples of christ. disciples of christ. Disciple \Dis*ci ple\, n. OE. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=disciples of christ |
98. The United Church, Los Alamos, NM Affiliated with American Baptist Churches USA, the Christian Church (disciples of christ), the Moravian Church, Presbyterian Church (USA), the Reformed Church in America, and the United Church of Christ. Site includes contact information, calendar of events, and newsletter. http://www.losalamos.org/unchla | |
99. CrossSearch Category: Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ) Christian Church (disciples of christ). Sites specific to the Christian Church (disciples of christ) denomination. 3 site listings. http://www.crosssearch.com/Churches_and_Denominations/Denominations/Christian_Ch | |
100. Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ) In Arkansas Regional Office Little Rock. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/4533/ |
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