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21. Christian Steps Challenging articles which seek to help disciples of christ progress in their walk of faith one step at a time. New additions each month. http://www.christiansteps.com/ |
22. Christian Church In Indiana Indiana Disciples News. Please click on the following links to discover the latest news of the Christian Church (disciples of christ) in Indiana http://www.indianadisciples.org/ | |
23. United Christian Church Church located far northeast. A United Ministry of The Christian Church (disciples of christ) and The United Church of Christ. History, calendar, ministry and outreach information. http://www.io.com/~ucchurch/ |
24. DHM Is Equipping Disciples For Christ. Our goal is to resource congregations and individuals for faithful discipleship. Disciples Home Missions is a division of the Christian Church (disciples of christ). http://www.homeland.org/ | |
25. WebRing: Hub Week of Compassion The Latest Hunger News Hope Newsletter. Espanol? Week of Compassion is the program fund of the Christian Church (disciples of christ) in the US and Canada. http://www.webring.org/cgi-bin/webring?home&ring=docring |
26. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Disciples Of Christ Home Catholic Encyclopedia D disciples of christ. disciples of christ. A sect founded in the United States of America by Alexander Campbell. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05029b.htm | |
27. First Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ) - Marietta, Georgia Marietta, Georgia. (disciples of christ) http://www.fccmarietta.org | |
28. National Benevolent Association Of The Christian Church (Disciples The National Benevolent Association of the Christian Church (disciples of christ) provides health and social services to abused or neglected children, disabled individuals, and the elderly. http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://na.link.decdna.net/n/7972/7974/www.hoove |
29. Catching Life Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ) Offers community and contemporary praise and worship. Offers location and service schedule, recommended readings, youth programs and ministries. http://www.catchinglife.com/ | |
30. SECTION 1 Title 1 Title 2 Title 3 disciples of christ in Community (DOCC) is an adult education program which provides an experience in building Christian community while encouraging individual http://www.sewanee.edu/Theology/DOCCFolder/DOCChome.html | |
31. Global Ministries The Global Ministries website reflects the ministry of the common witness of the Christian Church (disciples of christ) and the United Church of Christ, which http://www.globalministries.org/ | |
32. Christian Church In Kentucky 859.233.1391 fax 859.233.2079. 2004 Regional Assembly. Join the Friends of CCK email list. Email Christian Church (disciples of christ). http://www.ccinky.net/ | |
33. Iglesia Cristiana Sinaí - Brooklyn,NY disciples of christ. Profile, leadership, schedule, contact information. http://netministries.org/see/churches/ch08633 | |
34. Northwest Region Of The Christian Church Northwest Region of the Christian Church (disciples of christ). http://www.disciplesnw.org/ | |
35. Eureka College A liberal arts and science institution, affiliated with the Christian Church (disciples of christ). http://www.eureka.edu/ | |
36. Christian Church In The Southwest WORTH, TX, January 7, 2004 RW Bob Rueter has been named Transitional Regional Minister for the Christian Church disciples of christ in the Southwest. http://www.ccsw.org/ | |
37. Harristown Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ) Local community church offering information on services, events, pastor, history, and contact details. http://www.mtco.com/~jlfyke/church.htm | |
38. Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ) In West Virginia PO Box 264 Parkersburg, West Virginia 261020264 Telephone (304) 428-1681 Fax (304) 428-1684. http://www.ccwv.org/ | |
39. Religious Movements Homepage: Disciples Of Christ disciples of christ. The disciples of christ are involved with missionary societies, and do not feel that this contradicts Biblical teaching. http://religiousmovements.lib.virginia.edu/nrms/restor3.html | |
40. Frank Lloyd Wright Kansas City, Missouri, church and steeple of light designed by Frank Lloyd Wright are still in use by a disciples of christ congregation. Information on architecture, art gallery, tours. http://www.community-christian.org/flwright.htm | |
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