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1. Gay, Lesbian And Affirming Disciples Alliance, Inc. people within the Christian Church (disciples of christ). GLAD Alliance welcomes all who make regions and general church and other manifestations of the disciples of christ http://www.gladalliance.org/ | |
2. Welcome To Disciples.org questions (DHM staff Angela Herrmann, director of Web site development) and June 28, 11 am The Five Covenantal Values of the disciples of christ (Chris Hobgood http://www.disciples.org/ | |
3. The Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ) In Georgia at the General Board Meeting of the Christian Church (disciples of christ) Unchurched adults Copyright 2004 , Christian Church (disciples of christ) in Georgia, All rights reserved http://www.gadisciples.org/ | |
4. Christian Church In Ohio (Disciples Of Christ) to the Home Page of the. Christian Church in Ohio ( disciples of christ) Feel free to browse around in our pages and learn the excitement of ministering in the name of Jesus Christ. CLICK HERE FOR MONTHLY MINISTERS MAILING INFO http://www.christianchurchinohio.org/ | |
5. Disciples Of Christ disciples of christ (DOC)/ Star Song. My Melody What we want to do is let people know disciples of christ s ministry is a full-fledged ministry. http://www.cmo.com/cmo/cmo/data/doc.htm | |
6. Oklahoma Disciples Of Christ -- Regional Web Site This web site is a ministry of your regional church. Welcome to the Christian Church (disciples of christ) in Oklahoma! View a welcome video from. Rev. Thomas R. Jewell. Low speed connection. High speed connection RECONCILIATION is a program of the Christian Church (disciples of christ) that provides funding for projects that http://www.okdisciples.org/ | |
7. DHM Is Equipping Disciples For Christ. and individuals for faithful discipleship. Disciples Home Missions is a division of the Christian Church (disciples of christ). http://www.homelandministries.org/ | |
8. National Benevolent Association Provides care and services to abused and neglected children, older adults, people with developmental disabilities, and other persons in need. Division of Social and Health Services of the Christian Church (disciples of christ). http://www.nbacares.org/ |
9. Division Of Higher Education, Christian Church (Disciples Of Christ) The Division of Higher Education of the Christian Church (disciples of christ) seeks to nurture transforming leadership for the church and the wider human community. We work in partnership with 17 http://www.dhedisciples.org/ | |
10. Disciples Of Christ disciples of christ. Past and Future. For freedom Christ has set us free. American Beginnings. The disciples of christ Emerge. Beliefs of Early Disciples of. http://www.cunyus.com/docpf | |
11. Disciples Home Page disciples of christ. Old State Road Christian Church of Charleston, Illinois. from the Christian Church (disciples of christ) via email. You can subscribe here. http://www.disciplesofchrist.org/ | |
12. Disciples Of Christ http://www.disciples.org/general/whoweare.htm |
13. Welcome.htm Listings of mostly offline research resources. Would also be of interest to the Churches of Christ, who share the legacy of Alexander Campbell and Barton Stone. http://users.aol.com/dishistsoc/index.htm | |
14. Welcome.htm We have moved! The disciples of christ Historical Society. has moved to. www.dishistsoc.org. Thank you for visiting our site. http://users.aol.com/dishistsoc/ | |
15. University Christian Church disciples of christ. http://www.universitychristian.org/ | |
16. Disciples Of Nebraska - Welcome Blessing, glory and honor be to God forever, Amen. . Preamble to The Design for the Christian Church (disciples of christ) . http://www.disciples-ne.org/ | |
17. BELLAIRE CHRISTIAN CHURCH disciples of christ church. Offers event schedule, prayers, and group information. http://www.angelfire.com/tx/bellairechristian/ | |
18. The Christian Church In Virginia The Christian Church (disciples of christ) in Virginia In Christ s Name We Serve Together Welcome to the home of the Christian http://www.ccinva.org/ | |
19. Disciples News Service Disciples News Brief. Christian Church (disciples of christ) April 29, 2004 April 1620, the Christian Church (disciples of christ) Administrative Committee and General Board met in http://www.disciples.org/dns | |
20. Disciples Of Christ Historical Society 2004 Kirkpatrick Lectures to be held June 26 in Cane Ridge, Kentucky. Dale Fiers biography available! The President s Soul Paper . http://www.dishistsoc.org/ | |
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