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Church Of The Brethren: more books (100) | |||
141. Messiah College Founded by the brethren in Christ church and located in Grantham, Pennsylvania. Offers an overview with detailed information on courses, resources and admissions. http://www.messiah.edu/ | |
142. Bethesda (Frankel Estate) Church brethren Assembly(Open Plymouth). Schedules for services and ministries, church history, and statement of faith. Links to Bethesda (Katong) Kindergarten. http://bfec.org.sg/ | |
143. Grace Brethren Chuch Home Page. Grace Brethren Church Of Bowling Green Bowling G Bowling Green, Ohio. Provides overview of beliefs, directory, bulletin board, and service schedule. http://wcnet.org/~bggbc/ | |
144. New Life Christian Church - Home brethren In Christ and Mennonite brethren church in Toronto. http://www.bic-church.org/canadian/newlife/ | |
145. Home Page Dallas Center, IA. Site has mission statement, contact information, youth group page, Awana club information, worship times, and upcoming events. http://fgbc.org/DCGrace | |
146. Parliament Community Church Mennonite brethren church in Regina, Saskatchewan. http://www.parliamentchurch.com/ | |
147. Orrville Grace Brethren Church Orrville, Ohio. Provides statement of faith, staff, service, and event information. http://my.raex.com/~ogbc | |
148. West Portal Church - Home Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Mennonite brethren). http://www.westportal.ca/ | |
149. Lutheran Brethren World Missions A church of the Lutheran Bretheran evangelical missionary sending agency focusing on the unreached peoples of the world. http://www.lbwm.org/ |
150. Delaware Grace Brethren Church Delaware, Ohio. Describes its ministries and programs, provides a schedule of activities, and gives contact information. http://www.dgbc.org/ | |
151. Westwood Community Church Winnipeg, Manitoba. Mennonite brethren. http://www.westwood.mb.ca | |
152. Coaldale MB Church Home Page Service times, information on ministries and church history. http://www.telusplanet.net/public/coaldlmb/ | |
153. Palmyra Grace Brethren Church Palmyra, Pennsylvania. Provides doctrinal information, a calendar of services, directions, and contact information. http://www.fgbc.org/palmyragracebrethren/ |
154. Bible Fellowship Church Welcome A Mennonite brethren church located in Rapid City, SD. http://www.biblefellowshipchurch.net/ | |
155. Grace Church At Town Center Home Marietta, Georgia. Includes a map, directions, contact information, and a message board. http://www.graceatlanta.com/ | |
156. Echoes Of Oregon 19 of the Teritory of Oregon We the undersigned Respectfully represent to your HonerableBody that at a church Meeting of the church of brethren (commonly called http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/echoes/link19.html | |
157. Christ Church Minato Mennonite brethren church in Osaka, Japan. http://www.pbyk.net/minato/ | |
158. East Side Grace Brethren Church A place of fellowship and worship near Columbus. http://www.esgbc.org/ | |
159. New Name/Grace Brethren Church Website Has Moved. Frederick, Maryland. Lists service times, belief overview, ministries, and a summary of youth programs. http://berean.org/gbchurch/ | |
160. Greatland Grace Brethren Church Anchorage, Alaska. Displays the church bulletin, a schedule of services, a list of members, and contact information. http://greatlandgrace.com/ |
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