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121. Free Masonry & Christianity Annotated transcript of sermon by Dr. Alva J. McClain delivered to the First brethren church of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he served as pastor from 1918 to 1923. http://www.douknow.net/fm_FreemasonryandChristianity.htm | |
122. The Pixley United Brethren Church Part of the church of the United brethren in Christ. History, mission statement, services and location. http://home.inreach.com/pixub/church.htm | |
123. Yarrow Mennonite Brethren Church (Yarrow, BC) Information on the church. http://www.mhsc.ca/encyclopedia/contents/Y377ME.html | |
124. ForMinistry.com Features service schedule, mission statement, bible resources, photos, and contact details. http://ForMinistry.com/46988CBC | |
125. Mabton Grace Brethren Church Of Mabton Washington Provides a map to their church and details on their English and Hispanic church services. http://www.mabtongbc.com/ | |
126. Fellowship Of Grace Brethren Churches Official web site. News, church search, calendar, beliefs. Framesdependent. http://www.fgbc.org/ | |
127. PAMB Church: Winnipeg, Manitoba. http://www.pambchurch.com | |
128. Bunker Hill Lutheran Bretheran Church - Home Contains Worship schedule, ministries and missions, faith statements, pastoral message, and contacts. http://www.bunkerhillchurch.com | |
129. Christian Union Brethren In Christ Church Website Has Moved Garrett, Indiana. Discusses doctrines and provides general information. Includes a map to the church. http://www.bic-church.org/central/ChristianUnion/ | |
130. Jefferson Brethren Church Goshen, Indiana. Mission statement, location, calendar, bulletin, staff profiles. http://www.jeffersonbrethren.org/ | |
131. The Confession Of Faith Of The Evangelical United Brethren Church The last revision of the document (1963), before the union with the Methodist church to form the United Methodist church. http://www.cresourcei.org/creedeub.html | |
132. Sbor ÈCE Brno 1 Local Congregation No. I of Brno, Czech Republic http://brno1.evangnet.cz/about-uk.htm | |
133. Ashlandgbc. Provides mission statement, beliefs, message board, calendar of events, and service information. http://www.ashlandgbc.org/ | |
134. River East Mennonite Brethren Church With description of church, bulletins, and email directory. http://www.mts.net/~remb/ | |
135. Victory Lutheran Brethren Chruch Information about the church, its mission, doctrine, and programs. A schedule of worship programs and activities. http://www.findvictory.com/ | |
136. Latest News Includes worship times, monthly calendar, faith statements, location, and contact. http://www.glrst.org/ | |
137. Doctrinal Traditions In The Evangelical Church And The United Brethren Church History of the doctrine of the two denominations that merged to form the EUB. http://www.umc.org/interior.asp?mid=1644 |
138. Armenian Evangelical Brethren Church Includes mission, programs, calendar of events, gift shop and photo gallery. http://www.aebc.net/ |
139. Westwood MB Church, Prince George, BC Prince George, Canada. http://www.westwoodchurch.bc.ca/ | |
140. The Summit Includes Worship times, mission and faith statements, bulletin, event calendar photos, location with map, and contacts. http://www.climbthesummit.org/ | |
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