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61. Beckington Cof E First School Web Site church of england voluntary controlled school for children aged 49. Includes the school song, class pages, curriculum and calendar. http://www.beckingtonschool.ik.org/ | |
62. Audio Sermons Online From St Luke's Church, Wimbledon Park Expository biblical preaching from the UK (RealAudio format). (church of england) http://www.wimbledonchurch.co.uk/talks/ |
63. Church Of England On Norfolk Island Photos and services held at St. Barnabas Chapel and All Saints Church. http://users.nf/anglican | |
64. Church House Bookshop CHPUBLISHING, Church House Publishing Official publisher of the church of england, Visit CHPublishing , http://www.chbookshop.co.uk/ | |
65. Choosing Bishops Choosing Diocesan Bishops in the church of england. The operation of the Crown Appointments Commission, now renamed the Crown Nominations http://www.peter-owen.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/articles/choosing.html | |
66. England, Church Of. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 2001. England, Church of. the established church of england and the mother church of the Anglican Communion. 1. Organization and Doctrine. http://www.bartleby.com/65/en/EnglandCh.html | |
67. I-church Appointment of the church of englands first Web Pastor and announcement of an international partnership for ichurch. The Diocese http://www.i-church.org/ | |
68. HOW THOROUGHLY HAD THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND BEEN REFORMED IN 1603 An essay on the differences between the Anglicans and the Puritans regarding the Reformation and its effect on the church of england. http://www.passionforgrace.org.uk/Reformation4.html | |
69. Debenham High School A church of england Voluntary Controlled school for students of the ages between 11 and 17, located on the western side of the Village. Includes information on governors, teachers, departments, parents and policies. Roll 477 in 2003. http://www.debenhamhighschool.suffolk.sch.uk/ |
70. The Secular Web - Infidels.org The Essential Role of the church of england by Sean Ellis. At present, the church of england is under attack from several sides. http://www.secweb.org/asset.asp?AssetID=312 |
71. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Anglicanism A term used to denote the religious belief and position of members of the established church of england, and of the communicating churches in the British http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01498a.htm | |
72. St John's Church Of England Primary School, Ipswich, UK A coeducational school of approximately 200 children aged 5-11. Contains information for teachers, parents and pupils at the school. http://website.lineone.net/~stjohnsschool/ |
73. Church Of England Gazette Welcome to the church of england s Online Gazette. The Gazette Gazette updates. © The Archbishops Council of the church of england, 20002. http://www.gazette.cofe.anglican.org/ | |
74. Ruxley Methodist & St. Francis Churches Shared church building used by Methodist, CofE and Korean methodist. Includes activities, events, contacts, location and related links. http://www.ruxley-church.org.uk/ |
75. Porter Croft Frameset Singleform entry church primary school in the heart of Sheffield. http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/porter | |
76. Welcome To Brenchley & Matfield Church Of England (Aided) Primary School Brenchley Matfield church of england (Aided) Primary School Market Heath, Brenchley, Tonbridge, Kent TN12 7NY. Headmaster Mr R Hammerton, B.Ed. http://www.brenchley.kent.sch.uk/ | |
77. St Judes, Parish Of Rekendyke, South Shields church of england parish church on the corner of Laygate and Western Approach. Contact, service and activities information. http://www.durham.anglican.org/parishes/south-shields-sj/ | |
78. Bures CEVC School Bures School is a church of england Voluntary Controlled School which means A school set up by a voluntary body, usually a church body (generally Church of http://www.bures.suffolk.sch.uk/ | |
79. ROWELL: 'Making Church Of England Poetical': Ephraim And The Oxford Movement Making church of england Poetical Ephraim and the Oxford Movement. Geoffrey ROWELL Geoffrey.Rowell@dial.pipex.com Bishop of Basingstoke http://syrcom.cua.edu/Hugoye/Vol2No1/HV2N1Rowell.html | |
80. Highnam Primary School Voluntary controlled church of england school for ages 4 to 11. http://www.highnamschool.co.uk/ | |
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