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141. Answers To Tough Questions-Christianity Click here for a printable version of this question. Why are there so many Christiandenominations? Divisions in the church go back to the first century. http://www.gospelcom.net/rbc/questions/answer/christian/denominations/whydenom.x | |
142. Home Bristol. Methodist owned ecumenical centre of christian Education. Trains Methodist Ministers but has staff and students from other denominations. Courses and costs, library, teaching, accommodation and conference facilities, forthcoming events and magazine. http://www.wesley-college-bristol.ac.uk/ | |
143. Indian Christianity Details the history and theology of the Malankara church, with information about the other christian groups and denominations in India. http://www.orthodoxsyrianchurch.org/ | |
144. Bible Study - Free Booklet Offer! An independent christian group not affiliated with any denominations, who encourage others in their studies of the scriptures and to share peace and joy. http://www.biblestudents.com/ | |
145. Denominations Represented In The Stephen Series denominations Represented in the Stephen Series. Association Brethren in Christ CalvaryChapel Nondenominational Charismatic Episcopal christian Missionary http://www.stephenministries.org/Stephen_Series/Learn_More/denominations.cfm | |
146. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Nicene Creed As approved in amplified form at the Council of Constantinople (381), it is the profession of the christian Faith common to the Catholic Church, to all the Eastern Churches separated from Rome, and to most of the Protestant denominations. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/11049a.htm | |
147. Home Page Reformed, Bible believing institution that trains christian leaders in an atmosphere of devotion and scholarship. Established particularly to serve the Bible Presbyterian Church, but welcomes students from other denominations. http://www.wrs.edu/ | |
148. Christians In India Different denominations of Christians in India, photographs of churches, cemeteries and how they are treated today http://www.geocities.com/Athens/2960/glory.htm |
149. CrossDaily.com - Web Search christian search directory listing rating search engines, indices, resources, regional, language topical including Bible search, chat rooms, newsgroups, software, webmasters, apologetics, best http://awesome.crossdaily.com/ | |
150. Pray Ealing Home We are a group of Christians in Ealing looking to break down the barriers between the denominations; praying together as one body for our community. Virtual Prayer room and resource for prayer, associate of '247 Prayer' http://www.geocities.com/prayealing/ | |
151. Christians For Peace Christians from a variety of denominations in Davis working to build a culture of peace by praying, hosting events and classes, and taking action. Local events, forum, issues, articles, and information on Jesus' teachings about peace. http://www.christiansforpeace.org/ | |
152. Online Evangelism From Fish The Net Christians from various denominations joined together to help and encourage each other in taking the Gospel to the Internet. Including message boards, chat rooms, directories and instructional pages on web evangelism. http://www.onlineevangelism.com/OnlineEvangelism/ |
153. Evangelical Alliance UK - At The Heart Of A Movement For Change Represents1.2 million Christians in 40 denominations, promoting evangelical unity and representing evangelical concern to government and media. http://www.eauk.org/ | |
154. Other Christian And Religious Sites The Omnilist of christian Links. TruePath Free christian Web Hosting; TRUINSIGHTS;Tools to Open Scripture; Home Page For The Toronto Airport Vineyard; http://www.auburn.edu/~allenkc/christa.html | |
155. Bristol House, Ltd. Christian Curricula And Books. Sunday school curricula and church resources with a United Methodist perspective. Includes books, tapes, and gifts for Christians of all denominations. http://www.bristolhouseltd.com/ | |
156. St.Georges College Junior School Open to Roman Catholics and baptised Christians of other denominations. http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/sgcjs | |
157. Agapé Beacon Ministry Group of Christians from varied denominations provide a prayer board on which to post prayer requests, a chat area and inspirational messages. http://pages.cthome.net/agapebeacon/ |
158. Events 2k A group of Christians of varying denominations that meet on the university campus and in residences to discuss and learn about the relevance of Jesus' teachings. http://salfordcu.tripod.com/freshers/index.htm | |
159. Hymns Alive From PAVE Records Hymns Alive is a compilation of about 700 hymns on 33 compact discs, ninety eight percent of which are known and loved by Christians of all denominations. http://www.35hymns.org/ | |
160. AOL City Guide: Baltimore - What's Going On - Other Christian Denominations Find old friends and catch up with Classmates.com. Here are some other Christiandenominations in your area. Feel free to post messages on our boards below! http://www.digitalcity.com/baltimore/family/article.dci?aid=1190 |
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